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I'm surprised no one realized yet it was going to say Big Fat Donkey Dick but the programmer chickened out.
What, were people testing natural ingredients 200 years ago, that we can rely on their testing to be sure they're safe?
There's a tribe who, for centuries, have been eating the brains of their dead elders. They're not generally cannibals; it's done as part of a death ritual, and is to keep an essential part of the deceased within the living tribe. It doesn't kill them, so they keep doing it.
Or doesn't it? Actually, it does kill a lot of them, just not right away. There is a prion disease unique to this population, and it can only be communicated by eating the brain (or other central nervous system tissue) of someone who had it. It's a major cause of death in their society.
Likewise, people smoked tobacco for centuries before realizing that it was harmful, and treated many disease with mercury (including, famously, syphilis). It was modern science that revealed how poisonous mercury actually is; still want to trust that natural ingredients are inherently safer because they've been used longer? Remember, longer use doesn't mean longer testing -- it means it's grandfathered in and isn't legally required to undergo testing, and probably doesn't immediately kill very many people. (Also, don't assume that because there's a natural-sounding name it's not altered chemically, and don't assume that because it has a chemical name it's something synthetic. You really can't draw easy conclusions from lists like this.)
Titanium dioxide appears to be pretty safe. It's been used as a white pigment for a while, and by that logic might actually be considered "natural". (It's not synthetic, anyway; it's mined that way.) But it's true that another pigment used to be much more commonly used, going way back into antiquity. But be glad of the substitution to titanium dioxide -- the traditional alternative was lead carbonate!
I understand that, on your planet, men are not considered natural. That's because we colonized your planet a few thousand years ago. You are all our descendants, and you don't belong there at all. Go kill yourself, now, so your planet can be purely natural again.
I don't get it? What's your point? ;-)
Careful around that stuff. Ingested in large enough quantities, it's fatal -- also if inhaled in relatively small quantities, too.
The worst part is, the stuff is EVERYWHERE! You probably ingested some this morning.
But that's because you are fucking ignorant.
To put it bluntly.
We're a little low on planet right now - we know, we know, you gave us a whole planet just a few thousand years ago, and we should have budgeted better, but that's in the past now.
So anyway, we were hoping that we could move home for a bit? Just until we've saved enough for a less-depleted planet of our own, of course. We'd be happy to pay rent. I mean, once we find a job.
Nasty dangerous stuff. Keep away from it.
Yum! I'm ingesting some now!
I don't know if anyone has noticed but the RSM "dates" page seems to be doing some behind-the scenes "Date" conversion
"01-04" became "01-Apr" "05-09" became "05-Sept" "10-49" became "Oct-49"
The others weren't converted because they weren't in a valid "dd-mm" or "mm-yy" date format. That's the real WTF.
Excuse me, that's my fucking line. Fuck you, cuntshit.
That's nothing. My father thought I was a retard. He used to whine about it all the time. Never had the heart to put him right, it was far funnier to laugh at his stupid fat ass.
Yeeukh! I'm not drinking that. Fish fuck in it.
"behind-the scenes "Date" conversion"
Thanks for nothing Microsoft Excel.
When all you've got is a hammer, everything looks like a spreadsheet.
All of my GUIDs are the same length. Is yours related to the Donkey?
BS propoganda spread by peole who simply want to control others. Now excuse me while I go light up.
And is ironic synonymous with sarcastic? (dictionaries seem to think so)
I once read a Beetle Bailey Cartoon strip that really got irony “clear” to me :) I couldn’t find a link to the exact strip I have in mind, but here’s the gist:
Sarge (looking at Zero’s crumpled shirt): That’s we very well pressed shirt you have on there!
Zero, the company simpleton (looking at his shirt): Looks crumpled to me!
Sarge: You don’t understand irony do you??
Next panel has Zero busy ironing his shirt, saying “I’ll show how who doesn’t understand irony!”
I ran into this when I ported my old comic-book collection database from Appleworks (!) to Excel as a DIF file. Had to watch it when I had two issue numbers for the same date (as when DC was running two "Legion of Super-Heroes" series concurrently with independent numbering); the slash I was using to indicate a pair of numbers turned most of those into dates.
<homer>Mmmmm, electro-reacty.....[drools]</homer>
TRWTF is people who know how to spell, right? I mean, chemestry sounds so much better than chemistry, amirite?
Where does the Miss April and Miss September come from?
After power outage that killed our external system timer, we had a small problem with our host: Not only did it not restore console messages when the power came back on (so we could see the message we needed to see) but the message required that we press a key that hasn't existed on terminals for a generation.
It's like being on a PC and having it ask you to, "Press the Ω key to continue."
No, it's in that new calendar that has 7-week months, so that we can get everything done every month.
Ω is easy, it's a character in a contemporary language, you just need a Greek keyboard.
What you should have said was: It's like being on a PC and having it ask you to enter some character from the Futhark.
No you fool, Oct-49 means October 1949. Or 2049 if you think that's what it ought to be.
Kutta and Morasky
Heh. Kutta Srinivasan and Mike Morasky have no button for sending them an e-mail on Valve's official page. Looks like we need a different method of talking to them. ;)
[quote user="Matt Westwood"][quote user="Coyne"][quote user="Mcoder"]After power outage that killed our external system timer, we had a small problem with our host: Not only did it not restore console messages when the power came back on (so we could see the message we needed to see) but the message required that we press a key that hasn't existed on terminals for a generation.
It's like being on a PC and having it ask you to, "Press the Ω key to continue."[/quote]
Ω is easy, it's a character in a contemporary language, you just need a Greek keyboard.
What you should have said was: It's like being on a PC and having it ask you to enter some character from the Futhark.[/quote]
It's like a VHS tape I bought back around 1980 with an early form of copy protection. When I tried to convert it to DVD a couple of years ago, or even just watch it, the picture rolled despite the gizmo I use to defeat more recent types of antipiracy, whereupon I found the advice on the tape box "if the picture rolls, adjust the horizontal hold on your television set".
Do they even make sets with accessible horizontal hold controls any more?
Forget the titanium oxide, the poison in this one is the sugar and the palm oil.
The "This computer does not support this operating system" one was posted back in 2008: http://thedailywtf.com/Articles/THIS-is-a-Warning-Message!.aspx
TRWTF is Internet Explorer on the last picture, right?
TRWTF is installing a driver for a processor.
Kutta or Morasky at Tinagra
Well, even assuming your proposition stands, not everything is artificial. Consider rock vs. pop: All rock is pop music but not all pop is rock.
There clearly is no false choice as a sane person is able to deduce the meaning by context. Insane people are fucking crazy anyway.
The geeks don't care that the cookies are unhealthy per se (they're cookies after all) -- but they find it amusing that such a blatantly unhealthy ingredient list appears right under the tag line "For a Healthier You". It makes the cookies look like something you'd find for sale in the Aperture Research cafeteria.
Its like marijuana, it is natural, then it must be good for you.
Is it ironic that you're too tired to come up with something? I lose track.
... so we'll have to make it illegal.
Interestingly, the "Partially hydrogenated palm kernel 011" is currently a big topic under discussion in the UK. It has finally filtered through that foodstuffs are routinely being adulterated with a substance which has officially been classified (by the WHO, I believe) as "toxic". Parts of the US and Europe have banned it, but in the UK we still have to pay attention to the ingredients list very carefully so as to ensure we don't inadvertently poison ourselves.
I haven't noticed it being discussed, but then I'm terrible for, say, actually reading the news. I guess I might keep an eye out for it but I generally check the ingredients list out when I'm bored after a NOMNOMNOM. Actually, when I saw the list up there I thought that whatever was compiling the ingredients list had also managed to replace the word "oil" with "011". Shame that's not the case.
I'm sure somebody else probably mentioned this but presumably TRWTF is "processor driver"?
So you should be able to enter them some way (although I'm not sure any OSes support a Runic keyboard)
Now please don't start mixing cynism and cymbals up, either...