• Al (unregistered) in reply to GoatCheez

    Years ago I worked on a product where most of the code was written in fortran.  While fortran does support recursion, it had a compiler option (-static or something like that) which would make all functions static and prevent you from writing recursive code.  Someone had used that option for reasons that no one could remember any more, but no one would change it for fear of breaking something.  At least it was a compile time error.

  • (cs) in reply to Jeff S
    Jeff S:
    Bus Raker:

    OMG - when will they start teaching recursion?

    Does Visual Basic even support recursion?

    Ahhh .. the vb 6.0 days relived


    Dim mintLevel as Integer

    Function RecursiveFunction()

    Select Case mintLevel

    Case 3,4: Exit Function

    Case Else

    mintLevel = mintLevel + 1


    End Select

    End Function


    He's obviously payed by the line.  And if that's his 'latest and greatest; .. hmmmm

    WTF?  Are you joking around or are you claiming this is the way "recursion" is done in VB?   I sure hope this isn't some "proof" that "VB is the WTF".

    Fixed it for ya .. free of charge.

  • JoeBloggs (unregistered) in reply to GoatCheez

    OMG - when will they start teaching recursion?

    Does Visual Basic even support recursion?

    Better question would be what DOESN'T support recursion. Recursion isn't a language feature, it's a programming method. If a language has what we all call functions, then you can recurse.
    Any compiler or interpreter that doesn't support function reentrancy doesn't support recursion in any form. It's not very common these days, but I know that some versions of Basic and Fortran don't support it, and some high-level languages require you to explicitly declare that a function can be recursive.

    Yes, from a pure computer-science perspective, any language that supports functions supports recursion, but real-world implementations may vary from this ideal.

  • Gnictigezoink (unregistered)

    OBviously, this would be better handled with a loop:

        Sub Main()
            Console.WriteLine("Public Function GetNestingLevel(objNode As Node)")
            Console.WriteLine("   If Not objNode.Parent Is Nothing Then")
            Console.WriteLine("      GetNestingLevel = 0")
            For i As Integer = 1 To 59
                Console.Write("   ElseIf ObjNode.parent")
                For j As Integer = 1 To i
                Console.Write(" is nothing then " & vbNewLine)
                If i = 4 Then
                    Console.WriteLine("      If objNode.NodeId = 3382 Then")
                    Console.WriteLine("         GetNestingLevel = 3")
                    Console.WriteLine("      Else")
                    Console.WriteLine("         GetNestingLevel = 4")
                    Console.WriteLine("      End If")
                Console.WriteLine("      getNestingLevel = " & i)
                End If
            Console.WriteLine("   GetNestingLevel = 60")
            Console.WriteLine("End If")
        End Sub

  • (cs) in reply to GoatCheez

    OMG - when will they start teaching recursion?

    Does Visual Basic even support recursion?

    Better question would be what DOESN'T support recursion. Recursion isn't a language feature, it's a programming method. If a language has what we all call functions, then you can recurse.

    Most languages don't implement tail-recursion optimizations though, which makes them extremely unfit for higly recursive stuff because you blow the stack every time.

    Not always. A C compiler I use on a PIC does not allow recursion, or reentrant functions in general. I'd assume this means it is not making use of the stack for any local variables.

    Still, a recursive solution to this problem would be dumb in most cases.

    Some languages work only by recursion, and are amazingly good at it.


    So, yeah, you're right, recursion's not really a feature, per se, but it *is* artifically limited in some high level languages.

    Limitation is usually not artificially limited, it's just the language/computer running out of stack space and displaying an error instead of completely blowing your stack.

  • (cs) in reply to steve
    OMG - when will they start teaching recursion?

    In my diploma program, they deliberately omitted it.  Given the time constraints, I might well have done the same.  I have used recursion a couple of times, but have not found it that useful for what I do.  Obviously, YMMV.

    At least, they did not teach with that stupid factorial example.


    Gene Wirchenko

  • Bub Bobble (unregistered) in reply to Xocomil
    No recursion is necessary to make this work. I'll edit this function to make it
    do what the code shows:

    Function GetNestingLevel(objNode As Node)

    If Not objNode.Parent Is Nothing Then
    GetNestingLevel = 0
    GetNestingLevel = 60
    End If

    Much smaller and all that extra fluff is gone. I guess if I got paid to code
    per line I might leave it in....

    Actually, that solution looks like it will fix the null pointer exception that will be thrown when a root node hits the first else if too.
  • Sam (unregistered) in reply to masklinn

    Sadly, Greg will very soon have to live with these programmers looking down at him for his "lack of technical ability".


    captcha:  clueless

  • LizardFoot (unregistered)

    Scene 1, Friday, 1:30 PM at Initech
    Sr. Dev #1: Hey you, what's your name?
    FNG: Freddie Noogeye.
    Sr. Dev #1: Yeah, I knew that.  Listen, ya know that GetNestingLevel method you wrote?  Well, the customer needs to add 500 more levels of nodes. 
    FNG: But that code took me all week to figure out.  It's Friday!
    Sr. Dev #1: Yeah, I know that.  But the customer needs it by the end of the day.  Get right on that will ya?
    FNG: Um... okay.  <tap, tap tappity,tap>

    Scene 2, Friday, 5:00 PM at Initech
    FNG: <tap, tap tappity,tap>
    Sr. Dev #2: What's the FNG doing?
    Sr. Dev #1: Heh... he's tap tap tappity tapping away, ain't he?
    FNG: <tap, tap tappity,tap>!!!
    Sr. Dev #2: You got him that GetNestingLevel update?  I thought you were going to show him how to do it right.
    Sr. Dev #1: Yeah, but this is much more fun to watch. 
    Sr. Dev #2: You're a bastard, dude. 
    Sr. Dev #1: Yeah, wanna stop for a beer on the way home?
    Sr. Dev #2: Okay.  You buying?
    FNG: <tap, tap tappity,tap>!!!!!


  • (cs) in reply to V.
    Actually you can recurse with every language.

    Nope, still wrong. I've coded in a language that had no recursion abilities.

    Think of a language with no stack at all, so it can't stack return addresses. No local variables, either - everything is global. And yet, not only did it have function calls, it had multi-tasking.

    Oh, and this was an assembler, one that had a single bit accumulator ... no, you've not programmed until you've done PLC work.

  • Andrey (unregistered) in reply to Bus Raker
    Bus Raker:

    Take note: This is what happens when an employer advertises for "CS degree or equivalent". If someone doesn't have a CS degree, they better be able to show you an outstanding portfolio of past work.

    Well, if they have a CS degree, they should be hired and paid 6 figures without looking at anything.

    It used be the case in the 90s.  Anyone who knew how to turn a computer on could walk into any company and get hired on the spot.  Now, a CS degree is nearly worthless without relevant work exp in the field.
  • twistypigeon (unregistered)

    Will this method get past the first If check?
    Whether objNode is 1 level down, or 20 levels down, the first If check is that objNode.Parent is NOT Nothing, which will be true regardless of level.
    All other Ifs are checks for Nothing. But they are ElseIfs and so will not get run once the top If equates to True.

  • recurse-recurse-recurse-recurse-... (unregistered) in reply to OneMHz

    A recursive or iteritave method wouldn't work. I think Alex accidentally snipped out the cases where the nesting level was non-numeric. Anyone who didn't realize the cases were there is just dumb.

    You mean that nesting level might be something like 'FILE-NOT-FOUND'??? Brillant!

    Captcha = genius - love it

  • dpb (unregistered) in reply to V.
    Actually you can recurse with every language.
    In basic a recursion is a selective statement that jumps back || further in the code.

    The verb is actually "to recur," not "to recurse." As my CS prof always said, "To recur is to reexecute the same logic; to recurse is to curse again."

    //CAPTCHA = craptastic

  • (cs) in reply to janoc


    Actually an interative solution is better because it won't cause a stack overflow when there are a million parent objects.  Those of you who thought of using recursion, consider yourself WTF-enabled.

    Educate yourself about the benefits of tail recursion and how to convert iteration to recursion and back (they are equivalent, surprise!). Then you wouldn't be WTF-enabled yourself.

    The problem with that is that the NodeId = 3382 special case needs to be done at the end, so we'd need a separate recursive function to be called by this one if we want to use recursion.  Now, you may want to argue that you were discussing the general case and not this specific function, but even without the special case, we'd need a separate function, since we'd have to pass in the current level.

    So, to sum up, you are advocating a method, which

    1. is more complex than the alternate.
    2. requires a optimizing compiler to merely match the simplier alternate.
    3. doesn't actually solve the problem presented.

    IOW, yes, you are the one who's "WTF-enabled."

  • Tail (unregistered) in reply to joe bruin

    Anyone hear of tail recursion?

  • (cs)

    <FONT face=Arial>The real WTF here is that:</FONT>

       <FONT face=Arial>The real WTF here is that:</FONT>

          <FONT face=Arial>The real WTF here is that:</FONT>

             <FONT face=Arial>The real WTF here is that:</FONT>

                <FONT face=Arial>The real WTF here is that:</FONT>

                   <FONT face=Arial>The real WTF here is that:</FONT>

                      <FONT face=Arial>The real WTF here is that:</FONT>

                         <FONT face=Arial>The real WTF here is that:</FONT>

                            <FONT face=Arial>The real WTF here is that:</FONT>

    <FONT face=Arial>RECURSION ERROR!!!</FONT>

    <FONT face=Arial></FONT> 

  • adwadwawda (unregistered) in reply to Andrey
    Bus Raker:

    Take note: This is what happens when an employer advertises for "CS degree or equivalent". If someone doesn't have a CS degree, they better be able to show you an outstanding portfolio of past work.

    Well, if they have a CS degree, they should be hired and paid 6 figures without looking at anything.

    It used be the case in the 90s.  Anyone who knew how to turn a computer on could walk into any company and get hired on the spot.  Now, a CS degree is nearly worthless without relevant work exp in the field.
    I used to sell my assignments to other CS students.  They'd come up to me, actually crying, because they couldn't understand programming at even the most fundamental level.
    Paid my tuition that way.
  • (cs)
    Alex Papadimoulis:

        If Not objNode.Parent Is Nothing Then
        GetNestingLevel = 0
      ElseIf objNode.Parent.Parent Is Nothing Then
        GetNestingLevel = 1
        GetNestingLevel = 60
      End If

    If the first test fails, then objNode.Parent is Nothing, and there isn't going to be any objNode.Parent.Parent or objNode.Parent.Parent.Parent and on etc.  The nesting level will either be 0 (the first test is true) or else it will default to the last one and become 60.

    Xocomil nailed it.

  • recurse-recurse-recurse-recurse-... (unregistered) in reply to dpb

    Actually you can recurse with every language.
    In basic a recursion is a selective statement that jumps back || further in the code.
    The verb is actually "to recur," not "to recurse." As my CS prof always said, "To recur is to reexecute the same logic; to recurse is to curse again."

    //CAPTCHA = craptastic

    Truthfully, if you had discovered this code in soething you had to maintain, might you not be cursing again?

  • (cs) in reply to dpb
    Actually you can recurse with every language.
    In basic a recursion is a selective statement that jumps back || further in the code.

    The verb is actually "to recur," not "to recurse." As my CS prof always said, "To recur is to reexecute the same logic; to recurse is to curse again."

    //CAPTCHA = craptastic

    Not saying that dictionary.com is the definitive english language source, but they define it as a computer term meaning " To perform recursion" .... of course, now we're just being picky ;-P

  • (cs) in reply to FredSaw
    Alex Papadimoulis:

        If Not objNode.Parent Is Nothing Then
        GetNestingLevel = 0
      ElseIf objNode.Parent.Parent Is Nothing Then
        GetNestingLevel = 1
        GetNestingLevel = 60
      End If

    The nesting level will either be 0 (the first test is true) or else it will default to the last one and become 60.

    On taking a longer look... I wonder how VB would deal with the parent of a null object?  Would it throw an error, or return the null object's parent as null also?  In the latter case the possibilities would be either 0 or 1..

  • (cs)
    Alex Papadimoulis:

    A few weeks ago, Greg moved one step closer to becoming "the man" and took a management job at a small software development company. Things were a bit of a mess (to put it nicely) and Greg thought a good place to start would be to get an idea of his subordinates' skill levels. He asked the team submit what they felt were the latest and greatest code they've written and thought he'd share with us what was the best of their best: the code had proper casing, it was indented, it not only had a "serious" sounding name (unlike eyeEyeCaptain()) but actually did what the function said it would, and only had a single case of undocumented and out-of-place mystery business logic, and so on, ...

    Public Function GetNestingLevel(objNode As Node)

    If Not objNode.Parent Is Nothing Then GetNestingLevel = 0 ElseIf objNode.Parent.Parent Is Nothing Then GetNestingLevel = 1 ElseIf objNode.Parent.Parent.Parent Is Nothing Then GetNestingLevel = 2 ElseIf objNode.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent Is Nothing Then GetNestingLevel = 3 ElseIf objNode.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent Is Nothing Then If objNode.NodeId = 3382 Then GetNestingLevel = 3 Else GetNestingLevel = 4 End If ElseIf objNode.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent. _ Parent Is Nothing Then GetNestingLevel = 5 ElseIf objNode.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent. _ Parent.Parent Is Nothing Then GetNestingLevel = 6 ' -- snip -- ' ElseIf objNode.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent. _ Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent. _ Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent. _ Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent. _ Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent. _ Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent. _ Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent. _ Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent. _ Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent. _ Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent Is Nothing Then GetNestingLevel = 59 Else GetNestingLevel = 60 End If

    End Function

    <FONT face=Georgia color=#800080 size=4>I think this is pretty good code coming from the janitor and sales team!</FONT>

    <FONT face=Georgia color=#800080 size=4>What?  You mean this small software company actually has real developers on the payroll?  Where are they?  And when does Greg get to manage them, too?  And how will he prioritize between these developers, the sales team, and the janitor?</FONT>

    <FONT face=Georgia color=#800080 size=4>Now I'm confused. <FONT color=#ff0000>;-P</FONT></FONT>

    <FONT face="Courier New" size=2><FONT color=#0000ff>If</FONT> objNode <FONT color=#0000ff>Is Nothing Then</FONT>
       GetNestingLevel = 0 <FONT color=#008000>' "I'm my own Grandpa!!"
    </FONT><FONT style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #0000ff"><FONT style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffff" color=#0000ff>End If</FONT>

  • (cs) in reply to Tail
    Anyone hear of tail recursion?

    Anyone read the comments before posting?
  • John Hensley (unregistered) in reply to Bus Raker
    Bus Raker:
    Well, if they have a CS degree, they should be hired and paid 6 figures without looking at anything.

  • An apprentice (unregistered) in reply to Gene Wirchenko
    Gene Wirchenko:
    OMG - when will they start teaching recursion?

    In my diploma program, they deliberately omitted it.  Given the time constraints, I might well have done the same. I have used recursion a couple of times, but have not found it that useful for what I do.  Obviously, YMMV.

    At least, they did not teach with that stupid factorial example.


    Gene Wirchenko

    Please tell us then what method did they use for tree traversal??? (Yes, I know it can be done iteratively - it just shouldn't).

    Captcha: paula :)

  • oompa (unregistered) in reply to TomCo

      What a great manager! Your "subordinates" submit what they think is their best work and you throw it out here to be ridiculed. You must be a great person to work for/with.

  • Ranma64 (unregistered) in reply to r3jjs

    OMG - when will they start teaching recursion?

    Does Visual Basic even support recursion?

    Better question would be what DOESN'T support recursion. Recursion isn't a language feature, it's a programming method. If a language has what we all call functions, then you can recurse.

    Ancient versions of Basic?

    20 GOTO 20

  • (cs) in reply to Bus Raker

    If we're working with XML (and the API supports XPath calls), we can just say:

    NestingLevel = objNode.selectNodes("ancestor::*").length + 1

  • (cs) in reply to janoc
    ...  how to convert iteration to recursion and back (they are equivalent, surprise!). Then you wouldn't be WTF-enabled yourself.
    Saying that something is computationally equivalent (i.e. produces the same result) to something else is very different from saying it's operationally equivalent (i.e. runs the same way).

    And by that definition, iteration and recursion are only theoretically equivalent, if we exclude the theoretical case of an infinite (well, to the boundary conditions) nesting where recursion should overflow the stack at some arbitrary point, and iteration might throw an increment overflow exception if you're very lucky.

    As for this particular WTF, well, I guess it's just a good thing nobody here has worked with a language which allows "circular parentage" (in the manner of circular linked lists).  Of course, the example application excludes such things so at least it doesn't have to worry about the consequences.
  • Anonymouse (unregistered) in reply to oompa

    Dude, that was absolutely awful, and that was what he thought was the best of what his subordinates submitted. Frankly, it's such a WTF that I'm tempted to buy flowers for his next of kin and send my condolences in advance.

  • Anonymous Coward (unregistered) in reply to Zlodo


    Recursion and iteration are essentially the same thing. And any compiler able to distinguish his ass from a hole in the ground will optimize a tail-call recursion into a loop anyway.

    Relying upon the compiler to do the tail recursion optimization is a bad idea. If optimizations get turned off for any reason, nasty things will start happening.

    "Frank, the program works fine in release mode, but whenever I try to debug it, BOOM!"


  • Bruce Hoult (unregistered) in reply to joe bruin

    Consider getting yourself a compiler that does tail-call elimination. There are lots to choose from. Including gcc, btw.

    And there is nothing simple about iteration.

  • (cs) in reply to Ranma64

    20 GOTO 20

    110 LET L=10
    120 GOSUB 200
    140 END
    200 LET L=L-1
    210 IF L>0 THEN GOSUB 200
    220 RETURN
  • Tetsujin (unregistered)

    int GetNestingLevel(Node theNode) {
        // StupidEnterpriseyLookup should probably be class scoped, static, readonly, but...
        HashMap<int,int> <int,int> StupidEnterpriseyLookup = LoadLookupList();

        if (StupidEnterpriseyLookup.Keys.Contains(theNode.NodeId))
        return StupidEnterpriseyLookup[theNode.NodeId];

        Node node = theNode;
        int depth = 0;
        while (node.Parent != null)
        return depth;

    // okay, so a sparse array would be describe this better. oh well.
    private HashMap <int,int> <int,int> LoadLookupList()
        HashMap <int,int> result = new HashMap<int,int>();
        result[3382] = 3;
        // add other 'business logic specials' here.
        return result;

  • Brendan (unregistered) in reply to steve

    OMG - when will they start teaching recursion?

    ... they will start teaching recursion when they start teaching recursion.
  • Joey JoeJoe Shabadoo Jr. (unregistered) in reply to Ranma64

    OMG - when will they start teaching recursion?

    Does Visual Basic even support recursion?

    Better question would be what DOESN'T support recursion. Recursion isn't a language feature, it's a programming method. If a language has what we all call functions, then you can recurse.

    Ancient versions of Basic?

    20 GOTO 20

    This is from Wikipedia.

    "Newcomers to recursion are often bewildered by its apparent circularity, until they learn to appreciate that a termination condition is key."

    So that isn't recursive, bcause there is no termination.

    Captcha = null

  • (cs) in reply to An apprentice
    Gene Wirchenko:
    OMG - when will they start teaching recursion?

    In my diploma program, they deliberately omitted it.  Given the time constraints, I might well have done the same. I have used recursion a couple of times, but have not found it that useful for what I do.  Obviously, YMMV.

    At least, they did not teach with that stupid factorial example.

    Please tell us then what method did they use for tree traversal??? (Yes, I know it can be done iteratively - it just shouldn't).

    We did not do any of that.  It was a two year program with a decided business slant.

    I do not see that that the iterative approach is so bad.  If you were tight for space and did not need local variables, allocating a pointer might have less overhead than a subroutine call.  (Yes, the recursive code is easier to read.)

    Captcha: paula :)

    You can keep her.


    Gene Wirchenko

  • Gaylord Fokker (unregistered)

    I find it hard to believe Alex didn't name this thread "Meet the Parents"

    CAPTCHA can't spell: mustache

  • (cs) in reply to Anonymouse
    Dude, that was absolutely awful, and that was what he thought was the best of what his subordinates submitted. Frankly, it's such a WTF that I'm tempted to buy flowers for his next of kin and send my condolences in advance.

    Aside from the issue of expense, why not to the next of kin of the subordinates?


    Gene Wirchenko

  • (cs) in reply to Joey JoeJoe Shabadoo Jr.


    <FONT size=1>



    So that isn't recursive, bcause there is no termination.

    Captcha = cAPTCHA

  • (cs) in reply to ammoQ

    110 LET L=10
    120 GOSUB 200
    140 END
    200 LET L=L-1
    210 IF L>0 THEN GOSUB 200
    220 RETURN

    To allow for negative values:
    200 L=L-SGN(L)
    210 IF L<>0 THEN GOSUB 200

    The handling of floats is left as an exercise to the student.


    Gene Wirchenko

  • Still coding in C++ (unregistered) in reply to Suffer

    Quote from Suffer:

    Okay, Java version, with strange undocumented case handled...

    public int getNestingLevel( Node objNode) {
        int level = 0;
        Node currentNode = objNode;
        while ( currentNode.parent() != null ) {
           currentNode= currentNode.parent();
        if (level==4 && objNode.id()==3382) {
           level = 3;
        return level;



    I'm not sure that the logic is quite right here.

    This is how I'd do it:

    int ReturnNestingLevel ( )


      NestingLevel = -1;

      While (ObjNode.Parent != NULL)


         if(ObjNode.NodeID == 3382 & NestingLevel==2)


               NestingLevel = 3;

               Return NestingLevel;


          else if(ObjNode.NodeID != 3382 & NestingLevel==2)


                Nesting Level == 4;

               ObjNode.Parent = ObjNode.Parent.Parent;


      //all other cases where NestingLevel != 2  



                Nesting Level ++;

                ObjNode.Parent = ObjNode.Parent.Parent;



      return NestingLevel;


    -- JT


  • Still coding in C++ (unregistered) in reply to Still coding in C++


    Meant to initialize NestingLevel as 0, not -1.

    - JT

  • Gnictigezoink (unregistered) in reply to ammoQ

    110 LET L=10
    120 GOSUB 200
    140 END
    200 LET L=L-1
    210 IF L>0 THEN GOSUB 200
    220 RETURN

    Most inefficient? What about this:

    200 LET L=L/2

  • (cs) in reply to Gnictigezoink
    110 LET L=10
    120 GOSUB 200
    140 END
    200 LET L=L-1
    210 IF L>0 THEN GOSUB 200
    220 RETURN

    Most inefficient? What about this:

    200 LET L=L/2

    200 L=RND(0)
    or 1 or whatever the parm should be.  This varies between dialects.


    Gene Wirchenko

  • xix (unregistered) in reply to Gene Wirchenko

    More stupid recursion tricks.

    Friend and I went to the University of Waterloo, that's in Canada... the big thing tucked away up there.  Anyway, we were in an introduction to CS course (cs130 is what it was called back in the day).  During our written midterm, there was a question asking how to get this robot object (which exposed certain methods to make it move and do stuff) to do something in a pattern.

    Anyway, most people did it iteratively.  Friend of mine used recursion, and it would have worked fine too.  But the TA's gave him a 0 on it.  On appeal to the prof, still, 0.  Why?  "You aren't supposed to know about recursion yet"

    Though he did note in the next term's class, the question was changed to add this at the beginning, "Without using recursion, do the following..."


  • Still coding in C++ (unregistered) in reply to Still coding in C++

    And oops again, the test should have been against NestingLevel ==3, not 2.  But I think the logic is correct and it handles the weird case OK.

    - JT

  • (cs) in reply to xix
    More stupid recursion tricks.

    Friend and I went to the University of Waterloo, that's in Canada... the big thing tucked away up there.  Anyway, we were in an introduction to CS course (cs130 is what it was called back in the day).  During our written midterm, there was a question asking how to get this robot object (which exposed certain methods to make it move and do stuff) to do something in a pattern.

    Anyway, most people did it iteratively.  Friend of mine used recursion, and it would have worked fine too.  But the TA's gave him a 0 on it.  On appeal to the prof, still, 0.  Why?  "You aren't supposed to know about recursion yet"

    Oooooh, forbidden knowledge!

    I would have then taken it up with the department chair.  I did that in one course.  Said department head said to give me the mark.

    Though he did note in the next term's class, the question was changed to add this at the beginning, "Without using recursion, do the following..."

    I had one instructor that I put a certain amount of fear into.  When I challenged him on deducting marks because I did not validate a name by checking that it was not numeric, he challenged me to come up with a case of a numeric name.  I came up with two.


    Gene Wirchenko

  • Hartmut (unregistered) in reply to GoatCheez
    Better question would be what DOESN'T support recursion. Recursion isn't a language feature, it's a programming method. If a language has what we all call functions, then you can recurse.

    There are languages where recursion doesn't work by design as all their local variables are implicitly static, PEARL (not PERL) comes to mind ...

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