• (cs) in reply to Youssef

    ?????????? -- Devnagari script (Hindi/Marathi/Sanskrit) 0123456789 -- Roman script (English)

  • underdownunder (unregistered) in reply to Lee
    Water droplets it extremely high altitude do not freeze, but remain as water [...], as soon as the super cold water hits them [the aircraft, ed.] it freezes instantly. [...] In simple terms, for water to freeze at about 0.0C it needs impurities like dust particles around which ice crystals can readily form.
    Or other forms of disturbance.

    For example, if you knock gently on a tube used for triple point calibrations of thermometers (that is cooled down, of course), you can see the water crystalize from that point on through the whole water column. It's like a really cool special effect in a movie but in real life :-) (and a bit costly, considering the evacuated glass tube and highly pure water needed...)

  • sol (unregistered) in reply to European
    Another post about that Europe place. If they don't speak English then how do you expect them to understand the correct usage of commas and decimal points. I do understand that those Europe people probably need the comma between the dollars and the cents because they probably need a small pause between the dollars and the cents to sing a few lines from "The Final Countdown".

    You, Moron!! The same way you don't fucking use the bloody metrical system (inches... measured from a King's hand... ha!) we use diverse decimal separators. And also use something different from you: the BRAIN!

    BTW, start mocking other nations when yours get something like a decent history... At least, our forefathers weren't outcasts come from England's jails ¬¬

    (captcha: darwin.... and guys like this not being at darwinawards.com ¬¬)

    yeah, to bad you europe folks have to run get us to save you every time there is a war or get your butt handed to you if you fight us

    maybe you should try to walk the walk once in awhile instead of just talking the talk... oh wait you would need an american to help you do it huh

    so here is some history "we kicked your pampered ass"

    captcha "gotcha"

  • Thomas (unregistered) in reply to Scottford
    Infact there are simply no technical reasons not to use the metric system - it makes just too much sense. Only ecominical and political ones.

    True, but the economic reasons are substantial. Houses are built out of standard-length 2x4s, 8' wallboard, etc. Homeowners are not screaming for 2.4384 meter ceilings.

    .. but in Norway we are 'screaming' for 2.4 meters? What is your point?

  • Thomas (unregistered) in reply to triso
    ...Unfortunately for them, the firmware was written half in assembly, and all the function names were in French! HA HA!...
    I'll bet the comments, test-plans and documentation were in French also.

    The French being French, the union probably made this policy, and wisely so.

  • Thomas (unregistered) in reply to JL
    < SNIP >

    Everybody has twelve finger now or what ?

    I find it amusing that metric system proponents are so enthusiastic when discussing length, volume, or weight but are decidedly quiet when it comes to discussing time measurements. Metric countries use the same hours, minutes, and seconds that the Imperial countries use -- no powers of ten! Why not? It would be so much easier to convert between units if, say, a minute were 10 seconds, an hour were 1000 seconds and a day were 10 hours. It's only logical! ("We don't have 60 or 24 fingers!")

    When you ask a metric proponent why they do not use a metric scheme for time, you get exactly the same arguments that you get from an Imperial proponent on why they do not use the metric system:

    • It's always been done this way.
    • It would cost too much to change.
    • It's a natural measurement.
    • 60/12/24 are easy to divide by 2, 3, or 4.
    • You don't need to convert between units that often.

    In reality, none of these arguments are especially persuasive. The truth is that people will use the system to which they are most accustomed, regardless of how "logical" it is.

    Well, the definiton of time is really not dependant on the earths rotation, is it? So comparing the 60/60/24 to the metric system is not logical.

    Worry about the PM/AM thing first. In scandinavia we hate them (KISS).

  • Thomas (unregistered) in reply to sol
    Another post about that Europe place. If they don't speak English then how do you expect them to understand the correct usage of commas and decimal points. I do understand that those Europe people probably need the comma between the dollars and the cents because they probably need a small pause between the dollars and the cents to sing a few lines from "The Final Countdown".

    You, Moron!! The same way you don't fucking use the bloody metrical system (inches... measured from a King's hand... ha!) we use diverse decimal separators. And also use something different from you: the BRAIN!

    BTW, start mocking other nations when yours get something like a decent history... At least, our forefathers weren't outcasts come from England's jails ¬¬

    (captcha: darwin.... and guys like this not being at darwinawards.com ¬¬)

    yeah, to bad you europe folks have to run get us to save you every time there is a war or get your butt handed to you if you fight us

    maybe you should try to walk the walk once in awhile instead of just talking the talk... oh wait you would need an american to help you do it huh

    so here is some history "we kicked your pampered ass"

    Iraq: We told you so.

    And what 'every' time? As far as I remember, the Russians primarily won the second world war for us, not the US.

  • sol (unregistered) in reply to Thomas
    Another post about that Europe place. If they don't speak English then how do you expect them to understand the correct usage of commas and decimal points. I do understand that those Europe people probably need the comma between the dollars and the cents because they probably need a small pause between the dollars and the cents to sing a few lines from "The Final Countdown".

    You, Moron!! The same way you don't fucking use the bloody metrical system (inches... measured from a King's hand... ha!) we use diverse decimal separators. And also use something different from you: the BRAIN!

    BTW, start mocking other nations when yours get something like a decent history... At least, our forefathers weren't outcasts come from England's jails ¬¬

    (captcha: darwin.... and guys like this not being at darwinawards.com ¬¬)

    yeah, to bad you europe folks have to run get us to save you every time there is a war or get your butt handed to you if you fight us

    maybe you should try to walk the walk once in awhile instead of just talking the talk... oh wait you would need an american to help you do it huh

    so here is some history "we kicked your pampered ass"

    Iraq: We told you so.

    And what 'every' time? As far as I remember, the Russians primarily won the second world war for us, not the US.

    you mean the russian soil was so harsh it killed more men than any european....

  • Trilly (unregistered)

    To however wrote the string of comments culminating in "you mean the russian soil...":

    You are an ignorant fool, and you represent one of the reasons the world has grown a dislike of Americans.

    Get your information from sources other than CNN and Hollywood films.

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