• Jay (unregistered) in reply to the beholder
    the beholder:
    I saw an app once that didn't allow secret answers of less than five characters. And one of their possible questions was which year did your parents married.

    So you should type, "Three years after the great Johnstown flood" or whatever year it was. Or maybe, "A year before I was born, I assure you!"

  • Jay (unregistered)

    The problem with companies selling Null furniture is that it makes comparison shopping so difficult. Every time I try to compare it against some other brand of furniture, I get a null pointer exception.

  • Jay (unregistered)

    I particularly like the security question, "What is your favorite color?" Any hacker with an ounce of intelligence could try "red", "green", "blue", "yellow", maybe a half dozen other possibilities and he'd be likely to quickly hit it.

    Well, I suppose that problem only applies to men. Women know many colors that men never heard of, like "chartreuse" and "henna" and "summer rain".

  • (cs) in reply to Cbuttius
    My childhood best friend in such a situation is usually something like I58an3fwX

    Mine was : Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right AB Select Start

  • Jay (unregistered) in reply to codeman38
    Mister Zimbu:
    The website my apartment uses to do all the maintenance requests and online billing has only two choices for the "Secret Question".
    • What color is your car?

    You mean that thing that's right outside my apartment? No one could possibly guess that!

    And if you don't drive a car... well, you're just out of luck, I guess..

    - What state were you born in?

    Neglecting to mention the limited domain of possible answers for this question, not to mention that it's not even applicable if you're not born in the US. A security question for a website whose members will all be part of a local community? Seriously?

    Also fun if you were born in the same state you're currently living in-- which will probably be every hacker's first guess.

    That's only slightly less dumb than "What high school did you graduate from?" If I was trying to hack into the account of someone at Smithtown National Bank, my first guess for a customer's high school would be "Smithtown High". If that didn't work, I'd check the names of some surrounding towns and try those. Sure, he might have moved here from far away, but there are surely a fair number of customers who grew up in the area.

    "Speak 'friend' and enter" -- Lord of the Rings

  • DonutKing (unregistered) in reply to Luke

    This is exactly why the secret questions are secure:

    What is your favorite food? BEARCLAWS

    Don't you mean FRITTERS? Y/N

  • Dan (unregistered) in reply to Jay
    That's only slightly less dumb than "What high school did you graduate from?" If I was trying to hack into the account of someone at Smithtown National Bank, my first guess for a customer's high school would be "Smithtown High". If that didn't work, I'd check the names of some surrounding towns and try those. Sure, he might have moved here from far away, but there are surely a fair number of customers who grew up in the area.

    Or skip the guesswork and check classmates.com, especially since even moderate sized cities can have a dozen or so high schools.

    The other WTF about security questions (which has also bitten me) is you can't always remember the exact answer you gave, for instance if the question is about favorites and your preferences have changed since then.

  • The Bridge (unregistered) in reply to Dan
    That's only slightly less dumb than "What high school did you graduate from?" If I was trying to hack into the account of someone at Smithtown National Bank, my first guess for a customer's high school would be "Smithtown High". If that didn't work, I'd check the names of some surrounding towns and try those. Sure, he might have moved here from far away, but there are surely a fair number of customers who grew up in the area.

    Or skip the guesswork and check classmates.com, especially since even moderate sized cities can have a dozen or so high schools.

    The other WTF about security questions (which has also bitten me) is you can't always remember the exact answer you gave, for instance if the question is about favorites and your preferences have changed since then.

    What is your favourite colour? Red, no blue!

  • bricon (unregistered)
    I can haz secrit ansir?
    No! LOL
  • sheldon (unregistered) in reply to anon
    the vast majority of sites do not let you log in simply by answering the security question. Most sites, and particularly banking sites, will simply email you a password reset link, so unless your email account has also been compromised, it's a non issue.
    So what's the point in having a security question in the first place? Why not just email the password reset link right away?
  • Mr. Kind (unregistered) in reply to JJ


  • sheldon (unregistered) in reply to Anonymous
    Sure, you can argue that a forgotten password question does not compromise a system if implemented correctly - but not all implementations will be correct (I've seen dozens of examples whereby an attacker could get a password simply by knowing the secret question - no e-mail hack required).
    That's a weird argument. I've seen dozens of examples where password authentication was implemented incorrectly. By your reasoning, it would mean that any password-based authentication bastardizes security, because surely not all implementations will be correct. And the same goes for any kind of physical authentication as well, because not all of these are implemented properly...
  • Larry (unregistered) in reply to sheldon
    Sure, you can argue that a forgotten password question does not compromise a system if implemented correctly - but not all implementations will be correct (I've seen dozens of examples whereby an attacker could get a password simply by knowing the secret question - no e-mail hack required).
    That's a weird argument. I've seen dozens of examples where password authentication was implemented incorrectly. By your reasoning, it would mean that any password-based authentication bastardizes security, because surely not all implementations will be correct. And the same goes for any kind of physical authentication as well, because not all of these are implemented properly...
    TRWTF are doors that you can't unlock if you don't have your keys.
  • Sir Launcelot (unregistered) in reply to The Bridge
    The Bridge:
    That's only slightly less dumb than "What high school did you graduate from?" If I was trying to hack into the account of someone at Smithtown National Bank, my first guess for a customer's high school would be "Smithtown High". If that didn't work, I'd check the names of some surrounding towns and try those. Sure, he might have moved here from far away, but there are surely a fair number of customers who grew up in the area.

    Or skip the guesswork and check classmates.com, especially since even moderate sized cities can have a dozen or so high schools.

    The other WTF about security questions (which has also bitten me) is you can't always remember the exact answer you gave, for instance if the question is about favorites and your preferences have changed since then.

    What is your favourite colour? Red, no blue!


  • Oninoshiko (unregistered) in reply to Borken
    Once again: an Error'd with no Linux WTFs. We're on a pretty good run here.

    That's because Linux has no WTFs. Amirite?

    None. But yes, I know what you're getting at.

    To true, linux has to WTF, it IS the WTF!

    iusto: previously did "iusto think that way too!"

  • (cs) in reply to the beholder
    the beholder:
    I saw an app once that didn't allow secret answers of less than five characters. And one of their possible questions was which year did your parents married.

    A question that, even without the field-length WTF, is discriminatory against the illegitimate.

  • Oninoshiko (unregistered) in reply to da Doctah
    da Doctah:
    the beholder:
    I saw an app once that didn't allow secret answers of less than five characters. And one of their possible questions was which year did your parents married.

    A question that, even without the field-length WTF, is discriminatory against the illegitimate.

    no it's not, "never" is 5 letters

  • neminem (unregistered) in reply to Jay
    Well, I suppose that problem only applies to men. Women know many colors that men never heard of, like "chartreuse" and "henna" and "summer rain".
    On the other hand, men also know many colors women have never heard of, like "Penis", "Gay" and "WTF". (See: http://blog.xkcd.com/2010/05/03/color-survey-results)

    Incidentally, it's generally considered that this is the reason so few sites let you type in your own question/answer pair, because they might conceivably require you to answer the question over the phone, and the guy hired on the other end really doesn't need to hear the answer to the question "how big is my dick?"

  • John Muller (unregistered) in reply to Hunter
    TRWTF is "secret" questions that are MUCH more insecure than passwords.

    Cool! I noticed that if I type my password, TDWTF masks it. Watch: ***********

    let me try...



    Dude, I can see your password!

    Oddly enough, I use the same password myself. What are the odds?

    Unreasonably high.

    Back in middle school I found a classmate also used BBS's, so I got the number for one that he used.

    I used my usual login/password of "James Bond" and ">007<"...

    which was already in the system, even though I had never called that BBS before.

    and it was the username/password of that same classmate.

    Since then, I've always used better passwords.

  • (cs) in reply to neminem
    Incidentally, it's generally considered that this is the reason so few sites let you type in your own question/answer pair, because they might conceivably require you to answer the question over the phone, and the guy hired on the other end *really* doesn't need to hear the answer to the question "how big is my dick?"
    Reminds me of a story where somebody set their question to "What are you wearing?" - when he was asked the answer to this while on a phone call in a crowded office, he had to say "nothing but a cock ring".

    HR have decreed that our new HR portal will implement "wish it was two factor" - we always have to answer the question "what is your date of birth?" and the second is either favourite animal or father's first name. Most users of this system won't be sophisticated enough to use fake answers so will answer truthfully, and the answers will be trivially easy to obtain or guess. If anybody ever needed Glanstroning, it's them.

  • Mike (unregistered) in reply to Bo
    All my life I've been wondering why nobody would be my friend. Thank you for explaining it.

    If this was Facebook I would "like" you.

  • (cs) in reply to upsidedowncreature
    Incidentally, it's generally considered that this is the reason so few sites let you type in your own question/answer pair, because they might conceivably require you to answer the question over the phone, and the guy hired on the other end *really* doesn't need to hear the answer to the question "how big is my dick?"
    Reminds me of a story where somebody set their question to "What are you wearing?" - when he was asked the answer to this while on a phone call in a crowded office, he had to say "nothing but a cock ring".

    HR have decreed that our new HR portal will implement "wish it was two factor" - we always have to answer the question "what is your date of birth?" and the second is either favourite animal or father's first name. Most users of this system won't be sophisticated enough to use fake answers so will answer truthfully, and the answers will be trivially easy to obtain or guess. If anybody ever needed Glanstroning, it's them.

    Dear HR,

    In case you can’t tell, this is a grown-up... oh who gives a rat's ass. (It's not like HR listens to anyone.)

  • (cs)

    Where it says answer is too short, that is because you didn't type in their last name!

    And the JNLP file, I sometimes use it even though my browser won't understand JNLP files. I will just read it manually instead, and install it manually using some of the steps listed there, and omit any steps I do not want, and make some things differently if I do not like the way it is, and so on.

  • Brendan (unregistered) in reply to nasch


    There shouldn't be a select box. You should type in your secret question, and then type in your secret answer. It's difficult or impossibe to come up with questions that are both secure and not too hard to remember for everyone, so the questions aren't very secure.

    I'm not a clueless idiot (and I know how to create strong passwords, secret questions and secret answers), but systems like this end up losing the fight against apathy. I've used the secret question "Is this stupid?" on 2 different web-sites in the last 2 months.


  • Sylwester (unregistered)

    credential thingy: Most of my friends has a last name and it said it is minimum 5 characters, but it didn't say it didn't take space. not a WTF unless space is not allowed.

    V stuff Storage: Text is correct. The real WTF here is that there is no way they can supply infinite storage. I probably would have gone to great lengths to test out that product.

  • anonymous (unregistered)

    'haps it's some sort of locale thing. "Go ahead and log on in!"

  • Michishige Kaito (unregistered)

    While creating a windows live account the other day, I picked the "Mother's Birthplace" question, because the others didn't really make sense to me. Unfortunately, she being from Köln, I'll have to ask her to go get born somewhere else so I can create my damn windows live account.

  • Veldan (unregistered) in reply to sheldon
    the vast majority of sites do not let you log in simply by answering the security question. Most sites, and particularly banking sites, will simply email you a password reset link, so unless your email account has also been compromised, it's a non issue.
    So what's the point in having a security question in the first place? Why not just email the password reset link right away?

    Yeah, because your email account doesn't have a secret question route to access it either. cough

  • jcd (unregistered) in reply to Hunter
    TRWTF is "secret" questions that are MUCH more insecure than passwords.

    Cool! I noticed that if I type my password, TDWTF masks it. Watch: ***********

    let me try...



    Dude, I can see your password!

    Oddly enough, I use the same password myself. What are the odds?

    My password is bionicman.

    CAPTCHA: decet - I detected decet in my superiors and proceeded to nuke their underground bunker and kill their leader, starting a new dark age.

  • Anone (unregistered) in reply to Michishige Kaito
    Michishige Kaito:
    While creating a windows live account the other day, I picked the "Mother's Birthplace" question, because the others didn't really make sense to me. Unfortunately, she being from Köln, I'll have to ask her to go get born somewhere else so I can create my damn windows live account.

    Use Koeln then. Or follow previous suggestions and append areas of greater granularity to it (e.g. "Köln, Alaska").

  • (cs) in reply to Anone
    Michishige Kaito:
    While creating a windows live account the other day, I picked the "Mother's Birthplace" question, because the others didn't really make sense to me. Unfortunately, she being from Köln, I'll have to ask her to go get born somewhere else so I can create my damn windows live account.

    Use Koeln then. Or follow previous suggestions and append areas of greater granularity to it (e.g. "Köln, Alaska").

    Better yet, remember that the name in English of the city of Köln, Germany is Cologne...

  • Val (unregistered) in reply to Anonymous
    I see what you're getting at but you seem to be forgetting one thing - this will only work on the average high-school student, who will have no money in his account anyway. Ask a rich guy what his favourite food is and it sure as hell won't be pizza. It would take a hacker quite some time to stumble on "Pig's Head Terrine with Celeriac Purée".

    It's still a LOT easier to do a dictionary (or social engineering/social networking) attack against such a "security" question than against a password that has to be 8 characters long, has to include at least 2 upper- and 2 lowercase letters, 2 numbers and 2 punctuation characters.

  • Ouch! (unregistered) in reply to Steve The Cynic
    Steve The Cynic:
    Michishige Kaito:
    While creating a windows live account the other day, I picked the "Mother's Birthplace" question, because the others didn't really make sense to me. Unfortunately, she being from Köln, I'll have to ask her to go get born somewhere else so I can create my damn windows live account.

    Use Koeln then. Or follow previous suggestions and append areas of greater granularity to it (e.g. "Köln, Alaska").

    Better yet, remember that the name in English of the city of Köln, Germany is Cologne...

    And before the Germans bastardised the name, it was Colonia Agrippina. Long enough, all ASCII, perfect.
  • (cs) in reply to frits
    Ikea does deliver minimalism to the masses.
    ...and you can't get much more minimal (minimaler?) than that!
  • Anonymous Cow (unregistered)

    What if I use more downloads than my package? ********** If you use more downloads than what's included in your broadband package, we'll reduce your download speed for the rest of that month **********. The next month, your service will simply go back to the normal speed. And of course, we won't charge you for any extra downloads you use. Plus, unlike some other providers, we won't swap you to a higher download package unless you ask us to.

    (emphasis mine) from the "what's right for me" page

  • Bi That (unregistered) in reply to Jaime
    The length doesn't really matter, because there is usually exactly one correct answer.
    Um...what now? A 'secret question' (or password) is not secure, because there is usually exactly one correct answer? That does not make any sense at all.
  • RandalBycle (unregistered)

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