• Sgt. Preston (unregistered) in reply to coward
    When did 'protip' become a fucking word ?
    I had to look this one up. Of course it's not in any standard dictionary, so I looked at Urban Dictionary. Unfortunately, it's written by any dork who wants to contribute a definition. Here's the entry for "protip":
    1. proptip n. to distill important knowledge about a subject and share it with those new to said subject.
    So, apparently it's a noun whose meaning starts with "to". *Sigh* My guess is that it means something like "tip from a professional". Is that right? Does anyone know where it came from?
  • (cs)

    What if I REALLY don't know that it is true huh?

  • protip (unregistered) in reply to FredSaw

    Ah, She still remembers me.

  • (cs) in reply to coward
    When did 'protip' become a fucking word ?

    When did your vocabulary become so juvenile?

    When did you stop attending your anger management workshop? You obviously have a tendency to get much too worked up over meaningless, trivial things.

    Seriously, thanks for helping reduce the work safety of this site.

  • heffo (unregistered) in reply to BA

    "In the annals of lazy game journalism, little stacks up to GamePro magazine's "pro tip" for conquering Doom's baddest foe: "To defeat the Cyberdemon, shoot at it until it dies." Ridiculous, yes — almost tautological — but the pro tip neatly encapsulates Doom's appeal. When faced with a twenty foot tall, cybernetic minotaur that has a rocket launcher for an arm, what else are you going to do but keep shooting, and shooting, and shooting, until it finally friggin' dies?" From http://thephoenix.com/article_ektid24888.aspx

  • Boxer (unregistered) in reply to jmays2007
    Eternal Density:
    Inspector Clue-Sou:
    Colin McGuigan:
    Old joke:

    Man comes home from work early, walks into his bedroom to find his wife in bed with another man. In disbelief, he shouts, "What in God's name are you doing?"

    Wife turns to the other man and says, "See? I told you he was clueless."

    I don't get it...

    purge is clueless too...

    I like how comments to jokes that are comments to other jokes are oftentimes funnier than the jokes themselves. :)

    And stating the obvious (coward) dimishes the effect of the joke.

    Is this a joke or not? I can't tell.

    Three clueless guy...

    And please stfu about captcha, it's not funny.

    When did 'captcha' become a fucking word ?

    captcha: paint

    since your mom...

    We like the quote boxes eh?

    Yup... i wonder how big they can get...

  • Quote (unregistered) in reply to Boxer

    Insert quote here.

  • (cs) in reply to Boxer
    Eternal Density:
    Inspector Clue-Sou:
    Colin McGuigan:
    Old joke:

    Man comes home from work early, walks into his bedroom to find his wife in bed with another man. In disbelief, he shouts, "What in God's name are you doing?"

    Wife turns to the other man and says, "See? I told you he was clueless."

    I don't get it...

    purge is clueless too...

    I like how comments to jokes that are comments to other jokes are oftentimes funnier than the jokes themselves. :)

    And stating the obvious (coward) dimishes the effect of the joke.

    Is this a joke or not? I can't tell.

    Three clueless guy...

    And please stfu about captcha, it's not funny.

    When did 'captcha' become a fucking word ?

    captcha: paint

    since your mom...

    We like the quote boxes eh?

    Yup... i wonder how big they can get...

    It's like the infinite cat project. Can we keep getting deeper?

  • Sgt. Preston (unregistered) in reply to real_aardvark
    I've always wondered why that isn't "Objection! Irrelevance!"

    Is it that hugely overpaid and even more hugely ignorant lawyers in the US don't understand boolean logic? Or is it just hugely overpaid and even more hugely ignorant TV executives in the US?

    Either way, I blame the educational system. And the Devil. And probably WTF.

    I mean, you can pick either one of the three, and you hardly ever see "Relevance."

    I suppose that this rather terse short-hand doesn't mean "I object to the irrelevance of this line of inquiry," but rather means "I wish to raise an objection in the category of relevance," or perhaps, "I object. What is the relevance of this line of questioning?" Still, I agree that "Irrelevance" or even better "Irrelevant" would be clearer.

  • nerdierthanu (unregistered) in reply to Quote

    Insert quote here.


  • Nobody (unregistered) in reply to nerdierthanu

    Insert quote here.



  • (cs) in reply to heffo
    "When faced with a twenty foot tall, cybernetic minotaur that has a rocket launcher for an arm, what else are you going to do but keep shooting, and shooting, and shooting, until it finally friggin' dies?"
    I often found "Die, myself" to be a valid alternative.
  • (cs) in reply to KattMan
    Eternal Density:
    Inspector Clue-Sou:
    Colin McGuigan:
    Old joke:

    Man comes home from work early, walks into his bedroom to find his wife in bed with another man. In disbelief, he shouts, "What in God's name are you doing?"

    Wife turns to the other man and says, "See? I told you he was clueless."

    I don't get it...

    purge is clueless too...

    I like how comments to jokes that are comments to other jokes are oftentimes funnier than the jokes themselves. :)

    And stating the obvious (coward) dimishes the effect of the joke.

    Is this a joke or not? I can't tell.

    Three clueless guy...

    And please stfu about captcha, it's not funny.

    When did 'captcha' become a fucking word ?

    captcha: paint

    since your mom...

    We like the quote boxes eh?

    Yup... i wonder how big they can get...

    It's like the infinite cat project. Can we keep getting deeper?

    Look, someone threw that old joke down the well.
  • JG (unregistered) in reply to real_aardvark
    Freddy Bob:
    When did 'protip' become a fucking word ?
    When my girlfriend started yelling it during the throes of passion.

    Tell me, o master, how you can get her to do that with just the tip.

    If you know what you're doing, you can do that with just about anything.

    Ah, yes, the Jedi Master answer to the question. "These are not the throes of passion you are looking for."

    Probably followed by some incomprehensible scrabble-bag grab/T3PO quote, like "jskryurrk2*gzd--tip (beep)."

    Now, that's passion, throed or otherwise.

    There's nothing WTF about that first one multiple choice screenshot.
    The Real WTF is that many people think multiple choice tests prove anything much. Especially on computers. Especially especially on the 'net.
    Well, I'd take issue with "multiple" being "two." Especially when the second member of the multiple isn't even "None of the above." I agree with your underlying sentiment, but in fact the Real WTF is the WTF (or, indeed, Error'd). As stated.

    A slightly less real, but still quite important, WTF is that (as documented by a poster above, and coming soon to a "university/college/school" near you), multiple choice is still considered a sensible way of grading students in "typical" tertiary education.

    (a) O Tempora (b) O Mores (c) FILE_NOT_FOUND

    Somewhere between these probabilistic quantum waves of WTFery lies my personal bete-noir, the "personality test," whereby one checks tick-boxes against a list of adjectives (or it might be children's pictures) to affirm which ones apply to you, in your view.

    Then you turn over the page and are faced with precisely the same list of adjectives (or it might be children's pictures) and are asked to affirm which ones other people think apply to you, in your view.

    Then there's "graphology."

    Something like five million jobs a year in the UK are partly apportioned on this basis, according to a scary article I read a couple of years ago. I can stop voting now. It's unnecessary. Adjectives, children's pictures, and whether your 't' slopes aggressively whilst you write "protip" with a roller-ball pen, lead us all to a better judgement of future performance.

    I was going to reply to the guy with the detailed bell curve thing, discussing his points rationally, mentioning tailing curves, power series, gaussian distribution, Taleb and the black swan, and the grotesque and self-serving fallacy that is "grading to the curve" -- which underlines all this multiple-choice thing, btw -- but I've somehow lost heart.

    Res ipsa loquitur.

    Tycho, is that you?

  • (cs)

    @the first: I wish we had questions like that on our Cisco exams...

  • (cs) in reply to taodude
    Eternal Density:
    Inspector Clue-Sou:
    Colin McGuigan:
    Old joke:

    Man comes home from work early, walks into his bedroom to find his wife in bed with another man. In disbelief, he shouts, "What in God's name are you doing?"

    Wife turns to the other man and says, "See? I told you he was clueless."

    I don't get it...

    purge is clueless too...

    I like how comments to jokes that are comments to other jokes are oftentimes funnier than the jokes themselves. :)

    And stating the obvious (coward) dimishes the effect of the joke.

    Is this a joke or not? I can't tell.

    Three clueless guy...

    And please stfu about captcha, it's not funny.

    When did 'captcha' become a fucking word ?

    captcha: paint

    since your mom...

    We like the quote boxes eh?

    Yup... i wonder how big they can get...

    It's like the infinite cat project. Can we keep getting deeper?

    Look, someone threw that old joke down the well.

    A square well?

  • (cs) in reply to dkf
    There's nothing WTF about that first one multiple choice screenshot.
    The Real WTF is that many people think multiple choice tests prove anything much. Especially on computers. Especially especially on the 'net.

    Back when I was a student (my second time around) I was taking a first year Intro to Anthropology course. I had to take it in order to get third year Skeletal Biology which was the pre-req for fourth year Forensic Anthropology (and to be honest, the first year intro course had squat for prepping students for the third year course). While Skeletal and Forensic were considered science courses, the intro course was an arts. My major (math and comp sci) were kind of in the half and half, but more geared towards science. And my school had a very bad reputation for the monkey arts courses.

    After my first mid-term exam (which consisted of 100 multiple choice questions over 2 hours) I was one of the first sitting out on the hall waiting for it to finish so we could do the rest of the class (it was a night class, one evening a week for three hours, so the mid-term took half a class). An middle-aged lady came out after the prof did and exclaimed "That was the most difficult test I'd ever taken!"

    I was very close to asking her if she'd ever taken any real courses.... ones that make you think instead of being able to have a vague idea of what's going on because you skimmed the textbook and just had to pick the right answer out of a set of four.

    I've done difficult multiple choice tests before, but those are few and far between... and also usually highly applicable to the material being tested. Sadly, too many universities rely on them when they shouldn't and they're doing their students a disservice.

    -- Seejay

  • (cs) in reply to Boxer
    Eternal Density:
    Inspector Clue-Sou:
    Colin McGuigan:
    Old joke:

    Man comes home from work early, walks into his bedroom to find his wife in bed with another man. In disbelief, he shouts, "What in God's name are you doing?"

    Wife turns to the other man and says, "See? I told you he was clueless."

    I don't get it...

    purge is clueless too...

    I like how comments to jokes that are comments to other jokes are oftentimes funnier than the jokes themselves. :)

    And stating the obvious (coward) dimishes the effect of the joke.

    Is this a joke or not? I can't tell.

    Three clueless guy...

    And please stfu about captcha, it's not funny.

    When did 'captcha' become a fucking word ?

    captcha: paint

    since your mom...

    We like the quote boxes eh?

    Yup... i wonder how big they can get...

    The quote box thing has already been attempted... Take a look at the "YouTube 0.1" sidebar topic: http://forums.worsethanfailure.com/forums/3/124666/ShowThread.aspx

  • (cs) in reply to Daniel15
    The quote box thing has already been attempted... Take a look at the "YouTube 0.1" sidebar topic: http://forums.worsethanfailure.com/forums/3/124666/ShowThread.aspx

    That link made IE take a fart and die on me. Go figure.

    And just to be different, I took out the quote boxes. Nyah!

    -- Seejay

  • (cs) in reply to jspenguin
    Another WTF chip programmer is the Cypress USB Starter Kit. The utility is a 16-bit real-mode Windows program - Windows has to run it under NTVDM.
    Windows has to run every Win16 program under NTVDM. That doesn't mean it is a "real mode" program. Windows 3.x programs were all designed to run in protected mode (well, virual 8086 mode in practice) under Windows 3.x. Real mode wasn't even an option in Windows 3.1.
  • 0wn3d (unregistered)

    The real WTF is relying on MS technology (Windows, IIS, ASP) to build a webserver.

    Captcha: stinky. How appropriate!

  • Foo</h1><script>alert("foo")</script> (unregistered)
  • (cs) in reply to seejay
    There's nothing WTF about that first one multiple choice screenshot.
    The Real WTF is that many people think multiple choice tests prove anything much. Especially on computers. Especially especially on the 'net.

    Back when I was a student (my second time around) I was taking a first year Intro to Anthropology course. I had to take it in order to get third year Skeletal Biology which was the pre-req for fourth year Forensic Anthropology (and to be honest, the first year intro course had squat for prepping students for the third year course). While Skeletal and Forensic were considered science courses, the intro course was an arts. My major (math and comp sci) were kind of in the half and half, but more geared towards science. And my school had a very bad reputation for the monkey arts courses.

    After my first mid-term exam (which consisted of 100 multiple choice questions over 2 hours) I was one of the first sitting out on the hall waiting for it to finish so we could do the rest of the class (it was a night class, one evening a week for three hours, so the mid-term took half a class). An middle-aged lady came out after the prof did and exclaimed "That was the most difficult test I'd ever taken!"

    I was very close to asking her if she'd ever taken any real courses.... ones that make you think instead of being able to have a vague idea of what's going on because you skimmed the textbook and just had to pick the right answer out of a set of four.

    I've done difficult multiple choice tests before, but those are few and far between... and also usually highly applicable to the material being tested. Sadly, too many universities rely on them when they shouldn't and they're doing their students a disservice.

    -- Seejay

    I feel your pain.

    As I pointed out previously (and I don't think that this is contentious, outside colleges that promote the "monkey arts courses," and that's just head-count and money, money, money), there is no justification for multiple choice in tertiary education. None.

    But the weird thing is: as a History "Major" (1st Class, Oxford), I can't even imagine a "monkey arts course" that incorporates multiple choice. I mean, what would be the point? A proper liberal arts course, at any level, encourages you to think for yourself, and to express those thoughts in a useful way. Multiple choice is antithetical to this; at least past the age of puberty.

    Multiple choice in a mathematical framework, however, can be seen as a "helpful" short-cut. Quick: pick the values for x and y given a pair of simultaneous equations. Yes, you could do this via multiple choice (and you can have an arbitrarily large number of choices), but in the end it's just a matter of making it easier to grade the test. Were I a teacher (or examiner), I would far rather look at the intermediate steps to get to that result. None of which are remotely visible with multiple choice.

    I say: Death to multiple choice!

    Mind you, I still think the OP is hysterically funny; on an entirely different semantic level.

  • TMU (unregistered)

    Control my spaces, will you? I'll control your the!

    captcha: tastey

  • (cs) in reply to real_aardvark
    Multiple choice in a mathematical framework, however, can be seen as a "helpful" short-cut. Quick: pick the values for x and y given a pair of simultaneous equations. Yes, you could do this via multiple choice (and you can have an arbitrarily large number of choices), but in the end it's just a matter of making it easier to grade the test. Were I a teacher (or examiner), I would far rather look at the intermediate steps to get to that result. None of which are remotely visible with multiple choice.

    I think you nailed it here when you said that it's a short-cut.

    Many of the first year intro courses get piles of students that don't know what they want to do or take. The university I went to had a lot of extraneous courses you wound up taking that had nothing to do with your degree. For example, my first year comp sci requirements was "Intro to Computer Programming I" (first semester), "Intro to Computer Programming II" (second semester), and "Discrete Math I" (first semester). If you were taking a BSc (instead of the BA) you had to add on "Calculus I" and Calculus II" and "Algebra I". So for the BA you had 3 out of your 8 courses as math/compsci and the BSc had 6/8. The rest you filled out with whatever else was required for your degree... X number of social sciences, X number of science, X number of arts.

    My first attempt at university was in the BA and I had my three courses, plus a bunch of other arts courses including intro to Psych, Intro to Sociology, and four Music courses. When I went back for my secnod time, the school had implemented a BCosc (Bachelor of Comp Sci) which had more comp sci courses and some flexibility, which allowed me to take the Anthropology courses I wanted as well as an Intro to Law course (I did a minor in various aspects of law and forensics, some of which didn't have anything to do with computers, although my fourth year thesis was a combination of Comp Sci and Forensic Anthropology... I wrote a program to do graphical analysis of bone cells to try to develop a formula to determine age at death).

    My point (after rambling off on a tangent or three) was that many of the first year Intro courses had piles of students that weren't even in that program because they had all these strange requirements or didn't know what they wanted to go into. My Intro to Anthro class had 150 students in it, and it was only one of three that was running at the time. I couldn't imagine being the prof running that course and having to grade 150 papers.

    Although on the flip side, my Intro to Law course seemed to have a pretty large number of students as well, yet our final exam consisted of 20 short answer questions (pick 18 to answer), 3 middle length questions (pick two), and one final essay question. That was only one of two exams I did in three years that took the entire 3 hours to complete and I write very fast. I'll take essay questions that make you think instead of multiple choice any day.

    -- Seejay

  • Charlie (unregistered) in reply to liquidsnk

    Captcha isnt a fucking word... it's a fucking acronym. Completely Automatic Public Turing Test to Tell Computers and Humans Apart. GG bitches, now if you'll excuse me I have to enter this CAPTCHA image so submit this comment.... bitches.

  • (cs) in reply to real_aardvark
    Multiple choice in a mathematical framework, however, can be seen as a "helpful" short-cut. Quick: pick the values for x and y given a pair of simultaneous equations. Yes, you could do this via multiple choice (and you can have an arbitrarily large number of choices), but in the end it's just a matter of making it easier to grade the test. Were I a teacher (or examiner), I would far rather look at the intermediate steps to get to that result. None of which are remotely visible with multiple choice.

    You've got a good point here. Several math classes I had in college gave tests that featured multiple choice questions, but that also required the student to explain how he arrived at the answer he'd selected.

    I think this offers a nice compromise, if the grader actually grades it properly, since she can mark many of the incorrect ones very easily, but still require the student to prove his knowledge. It is also beneficial to the student in situations where he has the process leading to the answer almost correct, sees that his answer is not among the given choices, and is then forced to review his work to find the error.

  • (cs) in reply to seejay
    ...many of the first year Intro courses had piles of students that weren't even in that program because they had all these strange requirements
    My BS in CS was like that. For one of the sciences I chose a class dealing with the physics of the solar system, which turned out to be an astonishingly boring recitation of memorized statistics about mass, diameter, etc. The prof told us that he would give four tests, including the final exam. To determine a student's semester grade he would discard the worst test score and average the other three.

    On the day we got our third test back, I received my third A. After class, I went up to the prof and asked him, "Did I correctly understand that you're going to grade for the semester based on the three best test scores?" He affirmed.

    "This is my third A," I said.

    "Then you've got an A for the semester," he replied. Then after a pause, he added, "I would hope that you'd want to continue to attend..."


  • (cs) in reply to FredSaw
    ...many of the first year Intro courses had piles of students that weren't even in that program because they had all these strange requirements
    My BS in CS was like that. For one of the sciences I chose a class dealing with the physics of the solar system, which turned out to be an astonishingly boring recitation of memorized statistics about mass, diameter, etc. The prof told us that he would give four tests, including the final exam. To determine a student's semester grade he would discard the worst test score and average the other three.

    On the day we got our third test back, I received my third A. After class, I went up to the prof and asked him, "Did I correctly understand that you're going to grade for the semester based on the three best test scores?" He affirmed.

    "This is my third A," I said.

    "Then you've got an A for the semester," he replied. Then after a pause, he added, "I would hope that you'd want to continue to attend..."


    Almost but not entirely unrelated testing wtf: It is now required for further education students in the UK to study "key skills", basically remedial classes in English, Maths and IT^H^H ICT. These are streamed in levels 1,2,3 3 being the most advanced.

    I took an initial assessment for "Application of Number" (because if we call it Maths people might freak out) to determine my level. I was studying A-Level maths and had a B at GCSE so I asked if I could just skip AoN, but no, I had to do the assessment.

    After the test, I was told I'd placed in level 3, but hardly anyone did, so there wasn't a level 3 class, and I didn't have to take AoN.

    Also, initial assessment tests weren't multiple choice. But the final test for the Communications [English] key skills was.

  • Paul (unregistered) in reply to KattMan
    Eternal Density:
    Inspector Clue-Sou:
    Colin McGuigan:
    Old joke:

    Man comes home from work early, walks into his bedroom to find his wife in bed with another man. In disbelief, he shouts, "What in God's name are you doing?"

    Wife turns to the other man and says, "See? I told you he was clueless."

    I don't get it...

    purge is clueless too...

    I like how comments to jokes that are comments to other jokes are oftentimes funnier than the jokes themselves. :)

    And stating the obvious (coward) dimishes the effect of the joke.

    Is this a joke or not? I can't tell.

    Three clueless guy...

    And please stfu about captcha, it's not funny.

    When did 'captcha' become a fucking word ?

    captcha: paint

    since your mom...

    We like the quote boxes eh?

    Yup... i wonder how big they can get...

    It's like the infinite cat project.

    Can we keep getting deeper?

    That's what his wife said...

  • (cs) in reply to coward
    When did 'protip' become a fucking word ?

    I think it's one of those words that should contain a space...

  • Gabriel Cesario (unregistered) in reply to Paul
    Eternal Density:
    Inspector Clue-Sou:
    Colin McGuigan:
    Old joke:

    Man comes home from work early, walks into his bedroom to find his wife in bed with another man. In disbelief, he shouts, "What in God's name are you doing?"

    Wife turns to the other man and says, "See? I told you he was clueless."

    I don't get it...

    purge is clueless too...

    I like how comments to jokes that are comments to other jokes are oftentimes funnier than the jokes themselves. :)

    And stating the obvious (coward) dimishes the effect of the joke.

    Is this a joke or not? I can't tell.

    Three clueless guy...

    And please stfu about captcha, it's not funny.

    When did 'captcha' become a fucking word ?

    captcha: paint

    since your mom...

    We like the quote boxes eh?

    Yup... i wonder how big they can get...

    It's like the infinite cat project.

    Can we keep getting deeper?

    That's what his wife said...

    Didn't know we could get so many quote boxes

  • (cs) in reply to misha
    Almost but not entirely unrelated testing wtf: It is now required for further education students in the UK to study "key skills", basically remedial classes in English, Maths and IT^H^H ICT. These are streamed in levels 1,2,3 3 being the most advanced.

    I took an initial assessment for "Application of Number" (because if we call it Maths people might freak out) to determine my level. I was studying A-Level maths and had a B at GCSE so I asked if I could just skip AoN, but no, I had to do the assessment.

    After the test, I was told I'd placed in level 3, but hardly anyone did, so there wasn't a level 3 class, and I didn't have to take AoN.

    Also, initial assessment tests weren't multiple choice. But the final test for the Communications [English] key skills was.

    Ouchie, ouchie, ouchie.

    I knew I was in a seriously up-fucked country, but this is possibly more than I can take. This year's hot job: muchos dineros for "teaching" "remedial" classes in things we already knew our piss-poor educational system didn't "teach" in the first place. But there is no level 3. Why? Because we either can't find sufficient candidates at level 3, or (more likely) we can't find sufficiently qualified teachers at level 3.

    Ouchie. This place is fucked.

    "Application of Number" is an interesting concept. Most interesting of all is that the educationalists in charge think that this is somehow less scary than "application of maths," which in turn is usually down-cast to "application of mental arithmetic." I mean, very few people in England would consider "application of vector mechanics" to be part of "appllication of maths," which may or may not explain the standard of driving around here.


    "Number" is a difficult and intractable concept, involving Godel and numerical analysis and the investigation of infinity and God knows what else. I doubt that the mythical "level 3" teachers would understand this, let alone the concrete (-skulled) level 1 teachers.

    I also have this nasty picture in my head of a surgical theatre:

    Doctor: Nurse, apply the number! Nurse: Which number? Doctor: I don't know. Pick any appropriate number between one and ten. Nurse: OK, here goes with seven. Doctor: Are you insane? That only works for goitres ...

    Except that doctors don't seem to be that numerate these days.

    And what's wrong with "Application of taking your shoes and socks off?"

    Multiple choice for "Communications [English]" makes sense to me. After all:

    In the (d) (b) the (a), and the (a) (b) with (c), and the (a) (b) (c)...

    as Nun of the Above and St John would have it.

  • (cs) in reply to KattMan
    It's like the infinite cat project. Can we keep getting deeper?
    There's an infinite cat project?

    Tell me about it. I need to contribute.

    All my cats keep dying on me.

    (Mind you, perhaps I should stop giving them low-esteem names like "Poochie" or "Ontwaine" or "WTF?" I can't help it. Winding up the neighbours is one of the few pleasures left in life to me, after OJ turned out to be a murderous twat.)

  • (cs) in reply to real_aardvark
    OJ turned out to be a murderous twat.)
    Wrong orifice.
  • (cs) in reply to FredSaw
    OJ turned out to be a murderous twat.)
    Wrong orifice.
    I should point out that my all-time favourite runnning back hero is Walter Payton, and will always remain so. (Although if anybody has a link to John Riggins promoting beer via break-dancing on a flat-bed truck, please feel free to forward it.)

    The ongoing OJ car-crash story, though, just deeply depresses me. I was in a court-house in the Peninsula (nothing sinister, just opposing a child abduction case) when the OJ verdict came through. As is not untypical in the waiting rooms of court-houses in the area -- for reasons that need not detain us here -- those congregated were predominantly black. A huge cheer went up.

    I went through about half-a-dozen conflicting emotions in a second or so, and I'm not sure which one depressed me the most. Probably that these guys saw OJ as their version of "the little man" standing up against "the system." Which is about three depressing things in itself.

    Where's James Stewart when you need him?

  • HELOO (unregistered)


  • HELOO (unregistered) in reply to HELOO

    [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote user="HELOO"]WTF[/quote][quote user="HELOO"]WTF[/quote][quote user="HELOO"]WTF[/quote][quote user="HELOO"]WTF[/quote][quote user="HELOO"]WTF[/quote][quote user="HELOO"]WTF[/quote][quote user="HELOO"]WTF[/quote][quote user="HELOO"]WTF[/quote][quote user="HELOO"]WTF[/quote][quote user="HELOO"]WTF[/quote][quote user="HELOO"]WTF[/quote][quote 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  • David (unregistered) in reply to HELOO

    [quote user="HELOO"][quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote [quote user="HELOO"]WTF[/quote][quote user="HELOO"]WTF[/quote][quote user="HELOO"]WTF[/quote][quote user="HELOO"]WTF[/quote][quote user="HELOO"]WTF[/quote][quote user="HELOO"]WTF[/quote][quote user="HELOO"]WTF[/quote][quote user="HELOO"]WTF[/quote][quote user="HELOO"]WTF[/quote][quote user="HELOO"]WTF[/quote][quote 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    captcha: digdug

  • anonymous (unregistered) in reply to FredSaw
    ...many of the first year Intro courses had piles of students that weren't even in that program because they had all these strange requirements
    My BS in CS was like that. For one of the sciences I chose a class dealing with the physics of the solar system, which turned out to be an astonishingly boring recitation of memorized statistics about mass, diameter, etc. The prof told us that he would give four tests, including the final exam. To determine a student's semester grade he would discard the worst test score and average the other three.

    On the day we got our third test back, I received my third A. After class, I went up to the prof and asked him, "Did I correctly understand that you're going to grade for the semester based on the three best test scores?" He affirmed.

    "This is my third A," I said.

    "Then you've got an A for the semester," he replied. Then after a pause, he added, "I would hope that you'd want to continue to attend..."


    When I was in High School, my biology teacher announced that he would disregard the lowest score in determining the grade. Near the end of the semester, when my average was about 98%, I decided to test his resolve.

    I purposely tried to get (and succeeded!) a zero on a TRUE/FALSE quiz.

    He wasn't amused, but did indeed disregard the score. I've always wondered if he ever realized that a zero was as hard as a perfect score.

  • saeed (unregistered) in reply to purge



    1. How many hours are life preservers subject to leakage testing?

      a. 2 b. 4 c. 6 d. 8

    2. How many patches are allowed on the cell of a LPU-10/P life preserver?

      a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4

    3. How many inches of patch overlap is required when making repairs on life preservers?

      a. 1-1/2 b. 3 c. 4 d. 5

    4. What is the AFTO form used as a life preserver inspection record?

      a. AFTO Form 330 b. AFTO Form 335 c. AFTO Form 455 d. AFTO Form 466

    5. How are CO2 cylinders installed on life preservers?

      a. By hand b. With pliers c. By cotter pins d. With a wrench

    6. What is used to inflate a life preserver during a functional test?

      a. Air hose b. Oral inflation c. CO2 cylinder d. Vacuum cleaner

    7. What is done to a life preserver that requires more than 2 patches?

      a. Repair b. Re-issue c. Condemn d. Re-service

    8. What is done with underweight life preserver cylinders?

      a. Use as is b. Recharge c. Condemn d. Mark "For Test Only"

    9. What is used to fasten the life preserver cell to the container?

      a. Silk cord b. White cord c. Cotton cord d. Braided nylon cord

    10. What is the type of thread used to safety tie the inflation valve on a LPU life preserver?

      a. A-nylon b. A-cotton c. E-cotton d. AA-nylon

    11. How often is a leakage test performed on LPU-10/P life preservers?

      a. Every 90 days b. Every 110 days c. Every 160 days d. Every 365 days

    12. What are the two basic types of inspections performed on life preservers?

      a. Monthly and yearly b. Quarterly and yearly c. General and monthly d. Pre-flight and periodic

    13. What color of wash proof ink is used for markings on all life preservers?

      a. Blue b. Black c. Green d. Yellow

    14. What color of CO2 cylinders is used to perform a leakage test on a life preserver?

      a. Red b. Blue c. Green d. Yellow

    15. What type of solution is used to locate air leaks in a life preserver?

      a. MEK and water b. Soap and water c. MEK and solvent d. Soap and toluene

    16. What is the part number of the cement used to repair life preservers?

      a. P-D-600 b. P-D-680 c. MIL-A-133 d. MIL-A-5540

    17. Which of the listed model numbers is considered an underarm life preserver?

      a. F-2B b. MD-1 c. MK-2 d. LPU-10/P

    18. What is the type of scale used to weigh CO2 life preserver cylinders?

      a. CO2 b. Gram c. Ounce d. Pound

    19. What is the closing sequence for the LPU-10/P life preserver?

      a. Bottom, top, front, rear b. Top, bottom, rear, front c. Rear, bottom, top, front d. Back, left side, right side, top

    20. What is used to clean a damaged area on a life preserver before repairing it?

      a. MEK b. PS-680 c. Toluene d. Paint thinner

  • saeed (unregistered) in reply to purge



    1. How many hours are life preservers subject to leakage testing?

      a. 2 b. 4 c. 6 d. 8

    2. How many patches are allowed on the cell of a LPU-10/P life preserver?

      a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4

    3. How many inches of patch overlap is required when making repairs on life preservers?

      a. 1-1/2 b. 3 c. 4 d. 5

    4. What is the AFTO form used as a life preserver inspection record?

      a. AFTO Form 330 b. AFTO Form 335 c. AFTO Form 455 d. AFTO Form 466

    5. How are CO2 cylinders installed on life preservers?

      a. By hand b. With pliers c. By cotter pins d. With a wrench

    6. What is used to inflate a life preserver during a functional test?

      a. Air hose b. Oral inflation c. CO2 cylinder d. Vacuum cleaner

    7. What is done to a life preserver that requires more than 2 patches?

      a. Repair b. Re-issue c. Condemn d. Re-service

    8. What is done with underweight life preserver cylinders?

      a. Use as is b. Recharge c. Condemn d. Mark "For Test Only"

    9. What is used to fasten the life preserver cell to the container?

      a. Silk cord b. White cord c. Cotton cord d. Braided nylon cord

    10. What is the type of thread used to safety tie the inflation valve on a LPU life preserver?

      a. A-nylon b. A-cotton c. E-cotton d. AA-nylon

    11. How often is a leakage test performed on LPU-10/P life preservers?

      a. Every 90 days b. Every 110 days c. Every 160 days d. Every 365 days

    12. What are the two basic types of inspections performed on life preservers?

      a. Monthly and yearly b. Quarterly and yearly c. General and monthly d. Pre-flight and periodic

    13. What color of wash proof ink is used for markings on all life preservers?

      a. Blue b. Black c. Green d. Yellow

    14. What color of CO2 cylinders is used to perform a leakage test on a life preserver?

      a. Red b. Blue c. Green d. Yellow

    15. What type of solution is used to locate air leaks in a life preserver?

      a. MEK and water b. Soap and water c. MEK and solvent d. Soap and toluene

    16. What is the part number of the cement used to repair life preservers?

      a. P-D-600 b. P-D-680 c. MIL-A-133 d. MIL-A-5540

    17. Which of the listed model numbers is considered an underarm life preserver?

      a. F-2B b. MD-1 c. MK-2 d. LPU-10/P

    18. What is the type of scale used to weigh CO2 life preserver cylinders?

      a. CO2 b. Gram c. Ounce d. Pound

    19. What is the closing sequence for the LPU-10/P life preserver?

      a. Bottom, top, front, rear b. Top, bottom, rear, front c. Rear, bottom, top, front d. Back, left side, right side, top

    20. What is used to clean a damaged area on a life preserver before repairing it?

      a. MEK b. PS-680 c. Toluene d. Paint thinner

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