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I am in awe, but for true wtfery he should have done it in wireworld '-)
Boo! This is not a true WTF!
He should at the very least implement division using the other operations instead of the lame
float DoDiv(float op1, float op2, int *isErr) { *isErr = 0; if(op2 == 0) { *isErr = 1; } return op1/op2; }
Not first!!!
Captcha: xevious - say what again???
This submission is one of those that is cool to play around with. The concept of implementing a virtual circuit in code is really interesting.
It's practical applications though are none which makes this a WTF. At least it would if someone actually did this in the workplace.
Finally, clever code. This is one of only two or three of the finalists that I consider actually took the aim of the competition to heart ("first and foremost, Clever and, if desired, Buggy").
I can kind of see emulators doing this sort of gate-level simulation. Especially when there's unintended ripple through all the combinatorial logic.
Really the other thing is that this is an ideal design where results only appear when they're ready.
I'd really like to have seen an outer Update( ) loop with a magic number of iterations needed to produce the output, and then somewhere have "accidentally" given it one less iteration.
The biggest WTF is Windows Calculator itself: although it's a very powerful calculator with a very powerful infinite precision engine, it still doesn't have a sqrt button in the scientific view, a problem that has existed for God knows how many Windows versions, and still exists in Vista. :P
No square root button? Hmm. Maybe a square root isn't the Inverse of x^2 after all then...
True dat. Also, i find it quite hard to predict what it will do when you press enter, but maybe that's just me.. I much prefer the google (or, in a pinch, excel) way of just entering an expression as a line..
(side note) Interesting article about improvements in Windows Calculator that nobody noticed:
Did you read the documentation in the ZIP file? Since it is a documented feature, I would not consider it being lame.
It's interesting that we didn't yet see any entry in the finals which is implemented for unix. Does it mean that they can't write wtfy code?
I noticed. The real WTF is that they didn't write their own floating point software in the first place. If you're writing a calculator, the general public expects: 1.0 - .2 - .2 - .2 -.2 - .2 = 0
If you use IEEE, you will get (using C++)
It's water under the bridge now and Windows calc is a great program with great accuracy but anytime you're going to write a commercial calculator, you have to be aware of those things.
The Real WTF is that he didn't take the time to implement a Virtual Wooden Table (VWT).
Performant isn't a word.
First, for those with browser that don't highlight <sarcasm> tags: this a great piece of software. So great that I do not find it a WTF.
As for the division, the classic "subtract till done" algorithm should be enough and more consistent with the premise.
Uhm... seriously... unit test? Thats a wtf for me.
You can prove the precision thing by doing 1/3 - 0.333333333 (as many threes as you can fit on the display). The result is going to be 3.3e-10. It should be 3.333333333e-10, in fact if you keep subtracting what you see on-screen then you should never get to an end (1/3 being infinitely repeating and all), but you will likely only see a couple of digits beyond what was originally displayed.
Did you fuckwit read the conditions of the contest? No self-respecting Unix programmer would join a contest under these conditons.
Try inv x^2
Then I guess the 150 or so entries that were written for unix were just a mirage. Or are you saying that those programmers have no self respect?
There is no reason why that subtraction sequence above should not be exactly zero. A normal user is not wrong just because IEEE 754 can't represent a perfectly normal decimal number exactly.
Notice the size of the archive: 66.6
In my defense, I had planned to implement division, along with a whole lot more. Alas, I didn't have enough time. :(
Does that mean I sold my soul to win the contest? I'm not sure my soul is worth a new laptop. :)
Wy not use those shiny multycore cpu's? Give each transistor it's own thread.
I doubt this entry will win. If the entrant had created a VHDL engine and entered something with a circuit implemented using that, it would be a different story. (VHDL for a contest like this would be highly WTF-rated in an Enterprisey way!)
HAhahaah, that's funny, and clearly you've never worked at any Unix site that does, in fact, create massive WTFs.
Not sure if this was exactly what we envisaged - but this is soooooo cool. you, er, da man
or even [INV] [x^2] ...
Did anyone try PowerToy Calc by MS? Powerful thing.
The pan-ultimate in NIH. The hardware wasn't invented here so we must create new hardware in software. Would be useful for unit testing your circuit boards before building them. While reading it, I couldn't help but think about how it integrated into a game, and actually felt like I was looking at portions of some game code I've been privy to peruse.
The old NanoData QM-1 machine could emulate hardware at a pretty low level...using code (a 2-level microcode scheme). It was vertically and horizontally microprogrammable at the user level and designed to be an emulation machine.
I kinda liked this one. While obviously a wtf for a calculator it sounds like something you'd tinker with on your spare time just for the perverse fun of it
LoL. It took someone pointing out this entry was from Nashville for me to notice who submitted it. I would have wished you GL Randolfo, but its already over. In case your wondering we used to work together.
Uhm... Sure it is. Or are you implying that English is a stagnant language?
This is my winner. Very elegant and I really wish I'd thought if this myself.
Now I've expressed my professional judgment, clearly it's time to pick some really divisive geek issue to fuel a flame war, you know... just to make the day go by.
you windows weenies dont even know power
man bc
If I understand correctly, this wouldn't be vulnerable to any e.g. FPU bugs?