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The field comment must be a number that is greater than and less than .
Integrating the mouse with full nerve wiring and pain detection must have been the most interesting part of the OUCH!! system.
UserID = <> Password = <>
Thanks, now everyone knows my login credentials. :-(
Captcha: Minim - The length of this uid/pwd combo.
Looks like the OUCH is an "Apple Hardware Test"... :)
In fact, "Ouch" is the buzzword for the new version of "Ook". Check my new Hello World program :
Ouch. Ouch? Ouch!
HEY! Those are mine too. You must have seen them on the postit note on my monitor.
"Claim yours now!"
Claim your ass, or claim your pay phrase? This is important.
I'm not a number, I'm a free man!
There are quite a few programs out there telling me "Your computer has to be rebooted before our 'copy . c:\program files\newprogram' will take effect'" and then only offer me an OK button.
Is it, or isn't it going to reboot? I rebooted a production server like this once, unannounced...
Computer: "You should reboot! [Finish]" Me: "Ok, I'll schedule it" clicks Finish Computer: "brb"
An oversized ass? Is that an American toy store?
Last night I saw a truncated forum comment title which read, unfortunately, "...mounting block with the braided ho". Hmm...
Yep: Toys'reass
Sounds like you were the WTF that day...
Oh, I get it now. You don't have a QA system. Which is another way of saying you don't have a production system, for the reasons you just so magnificently illustrated.
Well, at least they're a step above those programs that do "rebooting in 60 seconds", "59", "58", ... with no "cancel" capability.
Dear Ankur,
How do I get the 15% discount on my email? I am sick and tired of paying 42 cents for every email I send, and 21 cents for every incoming SPAM!!
For those who didn't know, ASIO4ALL are drivers for sound cards that don't support ASIO high-performance audio drivers. The "Offline settings" option allows you to tweak the ASIO driver settings if you have an external sound card and it is not currently connected. No Error'd here.
What's cute was the popup was even recorded into my movie!
I hate Windows. And that is only one of about ten thousand reasons.
I know you MS lovers think Unix people are stuck up elitist snobs who walk around with our noses in the air smug in the knowledge that our system is better. But did you ever consider... we know your system very well. It is impossible to avoid. But you don't know our system very well. If you did, you'd join the smug snobs too.
I had a quick look at the javescript to see why this error would have occurred on that site. Didn't really dig too deep, but noticed:
so I wondered what item was numeric but couldn't be parsed as a float. I'm no JS guy, so I took a stab at e and e.
I wasn't surprised that I didn't get the error. I was surprised to be welcomed to my account however...
(Don't worry, it doesn't appear to be an active account...)
... Yeah, I saw it two seconds after posting my message. Triple-duh. :-P (Hi Ken!)
I guess that's what happens when you install Samsungs "odd firmware"
Hai guiz wat's going on in hurr? <_<
Damn Canadian error messages
Why would you want 15% off of the discount, anyway? I don't want 15% off the discount, I want the full discount. Or do they mean 15% off after the e-mail discount?
Maybe it's just me, but that isn't how I would print a message about a discount delivered via e-mail for 15% off of certain products (something more like: "EMAIL DISCOUNT: 15% OFF", or "EMAIL HAS 15% DISCOUNT").
Captcha: aptent - the desire to use a program for installing software which doesn't require rebooting your operating system.
Isn't the name of this article someone's ridiculous handle?
About the last one, well it was Samsung's ODD Firmware liveupdate. So you could've expected anything.
On the username and password one, recently I registered to a site, and I entered a password using my usual password-generator (SuperGenPass), and despite the fact that the generated password only contained letters and numbers, the site responded back with an error message telling me that my password contained illegal characters. Which puzzled me and intrigued me. After a few tries I found out that using the capital letter "A" anywhere in the password, the registration would fail. It has since been fixed, but it was a bit weird to be sure.
I assume they use some WTF-worthy code to check whether the password truly only exists of letters and numbers.
The ASIO4ALL installer isn't a WTF if you have a bit more context. ASIO4ALL is a free implementation of Steinberg's Audio Stream Input/Output protocol. It's got a standalone installer but it's often bundled with Windows-based music production software as it is a much better (lower latency) way to access audio hardware than DirectSound.
Once installed, ASIO4ALL can be configured in two different ways - either the software host exposes the ASIO4ALL control panel to allow it to be configured directly in the application on a per-app basis (eg. FL Studio / Ableton), or the software exposes nothing and the configuration is taken from the "offline settings" panel (eg. Winamp / Foobar2000).
So, if ASIO4ALL is installed alongside a piece of fully-featured music production software, that software will be responsible for managing ASIO4ALL settings directly and any changes made in the offline settings panel will not be honoured. This means that the offline settings panel could cause confusion if the user thinks it is global and will affect the settings in their music production software. As such, the installer explicitly notes that the offline settings panel is "useless".
You could argue that the installer should disallow the "offline settings" feature when installing alongside a piece of software that exposes the ASIO4ALL control panel itself, but then you wouldn't be able to change the settings if you decided to use ASIO4ALL with Winamp or similar. As such, the option needs to be there but it also needs to tell you that it's useless for your fully-featured music production software.
I can't believe I wrote so much in a "not a WTF" post - sorry about that, hope I haven't wasted too much of your time.
The comment is completed. If you don't see Ankur, an oversized ass could be occurred. The system is FILE_NOT_FOUND
pnieuwkamp: That's why i always leave these messages open until i close everything else, just in case... B-)
People seriously fail at comments these days. Taking a few words from the WTF and being "original" by inserting them into a nearly identical statement has grown wearisome.
TRWTFs are the comments.
To prove my point.. CAPTCHA: illum = "Ill them (with dumb comments)".
Depends on what you are updating. Some system components will require a reboot on any os.
Yeah, it's almost as wearisome as posting a boring comment about how dumb the comments are. Why don't you just read the article and skip the comments if you don't like them?
Almost, but not quite.
Some days I'd almost rather skip the article and move to the comments.
It's not as if I'm suggesting all comments are bad. Today however seemed particularly painful. Especially all of the personal bashing unrelated to the article itself.
PS - since my comment was so boring and almost wearisome, I hope your equally predictable and uninspired response to it gave you some momentary amusement. :)
Thanks for playing though, please try again later.
Okay, I guess there wasn't all that much personal bashing. And I'm also in a grumpy mood. So take that.
Captcha = feugiat. Nuff said.