• Kristoffer (unregistered) in reply to Iznogoud

    This is actually what I was thinking... But it doesn't make a lot of sense because the only reason to generate it with php would be if you had a dynamic range of numbers...who knows, though, maybe they liked php better than javascript :P

  • Bob Crankypants (unregistered) in reply to Raggles
    ...I'm not a programmer.

    And that's the REAL WTF.

    captcha: stinky (yes, I am)

  • Jasper Mantooth (unregistered)

    Thats not nearly enterprisey enough. Wheres the AJAX?

    (On another note, why has nobody suggested using an input array like name="j00rL0aNnmbur[]" then loop through that?)

  • Bob Crankypants (unregistered) in reply to seejay
    Look at me! I'm on the internets!:
    You may be correct, but I can't wave my e-penis around by posting:

    <input type="text" name="loanNum" size="10">

    I don't have an e-penis. :( What can I wave around instead??

    -- Seejay

    You should shake your e-boobies. captcha: sanitarium - I think they shake everything there.

  • (cs)

    sans Wooden Table. Brillant!

  • (cs)

    I suppose it could be worse. You could be required to select your loan number from a dropdown list!

  • Al (unregistered)

    Has anyone else tried going past the initial screen? There is an authorisation which requires a username and password after that. Of course, they don't require an SSL certificate and all this HTTPS rubbish ... they just encode the password in js before sending it to the server ... brillant!

  • Marc (unregistered)

    WTF (Why The F***) can I scroll right if there is nothing. Duh.

  • (cs)

    Just tried on the website and it seems that if you fill all the boxes with spaces, it won't complain about them not being a number

  • Zygo (unregistered) in reply to seejay
    Look at me! I'm on the internets!:
    You may be correct, but I can't wave my e-penis around by posting:

    <input type="text" name="loanNum" size="10">

    I don't have an e-penis. :( What can I wave around instead??

    -- Seejay

    Everyone, regardless of gender, has an e-penis.

  • Zygo (unregistered) in reply to SomeCoder
    That must have been a fun project to manage. Snippet from the daily Scrum: Programmer: "I wrapped up the code for text boxes seven and eight yesterday. Started on #9 this morning and hope to have #10 partially implemented before lunch." (sounds of hand-slaps and cheering from the rest of the retards on this project)

    As someone who participates in daily stand ups for Scrum for my work... this comment made coffee shoot out of my nose :)

    Project manager: "Unfortunately QA has filed a bug report about a regression in box three that showed up in last night's build."

  • (cs) in reply to Look at me! I'm on the internets!
    Look at me! I'm on the internets!:
    I come across this type of validation code all the time at work. - once one that validated 150 multiple choice test questions to see that each one had been answered.

    Then another batch to mark the test, question by question and update a score.

    Over 1000 lines of javascript which I replaced with about 30.

    I trust your 30 lines didn't get replaced with 1000 lines again the next time they autogenerated the validation code from the form definitions...? ;)

  • Stefan W. (unregistered)

    for n in $(seq 1 9); do s=$((n-1)); for j in $(seq 1 $((s))); do echo Haha, block $n is allmost a repition of block $j, how stupid is that.; done; done ; Haha, block 2 is allmost a repition of block 1, how stupid is that. Haha, block 3 is allmost a repition of block 1, how stupid is that. Haha, block 3 is allmost a repition of block 2, how stupid is that. Haha, block 4 is allmost a repition of block 1, how stupid is that. Haha, block 4 is allmost a repition of block 2, how stupid is that. Haha, block 4 is allmost a repition of block 3, how stupid is that. Haha, block 5 is allmost a repition of block 1, how stupid is that. Haha, block 5 is allmost a repition of block 2, how stupid is that. Haha, block 5 is allmost a repition of block 3, how stupid is that. Haha, block 5 is allmost a repition of block 4, how stupid is that. Haha, block 6 is allmost a repition of block 1, how stupid is that. Haha, block 6 is allmost a repition of block 2, how stupid is that. Haha, block 6 is allmost a repition of block 3, how stupid is that. Haha, block 6 is allmost a repition of block 4, how stupid is that. Haha, block 6 is allmost a repition of block 5, how stupid is that. Haha, block 7 is allmost a repition of block 1, how stupid is that. Haha, block 7 is allmost a repition of block 2, how stupid is that. Haha, block 7 is allmost a repition of block 3, how stupid is that. Haha, block 7 is allmost a repition of block 4, how stupid is that. Haha, block 7 is allmost a repition of block 5, how stupid is that. Haha, block 7 is allmost a repition of block 6, how stupid is that. Haha, block 8 is allmost a repition of block 1, how stupid is that. Haha, block 8 is allmost a repition of block 2, how stupid is that. Haha, block 8 is allmost a repition of block 3, how stupid is that. Haha, block 8 is allmost a repition of block 4, how stupid is that. Haha, block 8 is allmost a repition of block 5, how stupid is that. Haha, block 8 is allmost a repition of block 6, how stupid is that. Haha, block 8 is allmost a repition of block 7, how stupid is that. Haha, block 9 is allmost a repition of block 1, how stupid is that. Haha, block 9 is allmost a repition of block 2, how stupid is that. Haha, block 9 is allmost a repition of block 3, how stupid is that. Haha, block 9 is allmost a repition of block 4, how stupid is that. Haha, block 9 is allmost a repition of block 5, how stupid is that. Haha, block 9 is allmost a repition of block 6, how stupid is that. Haha, block 9 is allmost a repition of block 7, how stupid is that. Haha, block 9 is allmost a repition of block 8, how stupid is that.

  • (cs) in reply to SomeCoder

    ROTFL. It's the first time I see a online banking website which open only on working hours ...

    My university's website is only available from like 7:00 AM - 10:00 PM. Then they take it completely offline to perform database back ups.

    That entire website is one giant WTF. Yes, I go to WTFU.

    I was about to post something like that. My undergrad place wasn't that bad, but almost all (non-static) services (the CMS we used for some classes, library catalog, account management, maybe not webmail) went offline from 3am to 7am daily.

  • Operagost (unregistered) in reply to joan
    The best part of this super cool interface, is the code behind it.

    Not only is it a WTF, but the developer appears quite proud of his/her designs... check out this meta tag in the source.

    <meta name="generator" content="hand coded in notepad">

    a.) hand coded - thats fine, be prowd b.) in notepad - OMG, please tell me this is not the case

    Real programmers use

    copy con program.exe

    (and are too "prowd" to use spellcheckers)

  • Operagost (unregistered) in reply to Mogden

    Clearly, the rest of the world is big enough to have a limitless supply of ignorant trolls like you (Eastern includes Canada as well).

  • Zero1 (unregistered) in reply to T $

    More likely that they dont know how to validate more than one character at a time per field...

  • (cs) in reply to ParkinT
    I suppose it could be worse. You could be required to select your loan number from a dropdown list!
    In which case one would really hope that they did use one field per digit.
  • kastein (unregistered) in reply to Cyrus

    seriously. there is an empty anchor tag around the text right after the link in the story, and it's making firefox wig the fuck out every time I mouse over it. Even includes the image.

  • foobar (unregistered) in reply to ssanchez

    Looking for a job?

  • Someone (unregistered)

    Do I see this correctly, and is this code requesting the user to type 12 numbers, only to check whether the user typed "3" or "0" in the first one, calling "OpenOLBWindow()" or "doOpen2()"?

  • Nelle (unregistered) in reply to Kristoffer

    As I have gathered from the code, he does something special with the third number if it is 0 or 3 ... Opens a popup ...

  • Jon (unregistered)

    It could have been worse: [image]

  • brendan (unregistered)

    Here's a better solution to the the WTF

    function intToWords(num){
    	var ret = "";
    	var th = ['', 'thousand','million','billion', 'trillion'];
    	var dg = ['zero', 'first', 'second', 'third', 'fourth', 'fifth', 'sixth', 'seventh', 'eightth', 'nineth', 'tenth','eleventh', 'twelveth', 'thirteenth', 'fourteenth', 'fifteenth', 'sixteenth', 'sevemteenth', 'eigthteenth', 'nineteenth'];
    	var tw = ['twenty', 'thirty', 'forty', 'fifty', 'sixty', 'seventy', 'eighty', 'ninety'];
    	// parse 10s
    	var tmp = num % 100;
    	num =  Number(num /100);
    	if (tmp < 20)
    		ret =  dg[tmp] + ret;
    		ret = tw[(Number(tmp/10)) - 2] + ret;
    	// I could net be bothered doing the rest, So I'll leave it to the reader to fill in
    	return ret;
    function fnGetNames(){
    	var curr =1;
    	var field;
    		field = document.getElementsByName("l"+(curr));
    		if (field.length == 0)
    		if (isNaN(field[0].value)) {
    			alert("The " +  intToWords(curr) + " box should contain a number. Please try it again...")
    			return false;
    	if((document.amo.l1.value=="3") || (document.amo.l1.value=="0"))
    	return true;
  • (cs) in reply to Look at me! I'm on the internets!
    Look at me! I'm on the internets!:
    ...my e-penis... ...size="10"...
    Ah, the virtual world, where nothing is what it is represented to be.
  • (cs)

    You're all missing the point. He unrolled the loop to optimize the code. </sarcasm>

  • (cs) in reply to ehartwell
    Nonsense! This is clearly a classic, top-down, flowchart and keypunch shop. You can be sure this programmer consistently earns a bonus for the outstanding number of Lines Of Code produced per day.

    You were almost there. In fact the programmer is paid by the lines of code he produces.

  • Ton (unregistered)

    It gets better, this website has actual office hours. While playing with the input boxes, I was suddenly greeted by the following popup:


    Of course, I am trying between 6am and midnight, but obviously not in the same time zone as this server.

  • hh (unregistered) in reply to Marc
    WTF (Why The F***) can I scroll right if there is nothing. Duh.

    On the same line of the brace closing the 15th IsNaN block, there are 30+ invisible tabs before end-of-line. Since this is in a

     block, they are expanded to 8 spaces each, and browsers dutifully render it. The problematic are the KHTML/Webkit browsers, who do not overflow properly for some reason and have an iframe-type scroll bar, breaking the layout on the rest of the page (extra-wide page) for those browsers. Alex, please fix this.

  • Smizzy (unregistered)

    I'm just impressed that the guy managed to name the variables First - Second - Third - Fourth ... but decided that this just wouldn't work for '8th', and just put Eight and then proceeded to spell '9th' as Nineth

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