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Comment out of service
Thought I would be frist :(
I used to do drugs. I still do drugs. But I used to, too.
Dear senator,
I would like you to alter the statement you are to declare at congress to drop all charges, delete these charges from the records, and update the latest amendment to insert coins in the vending machines where I can select my beverages.
I would like to DECLARE that this UPDATE motivates me to DROP a comment. I usually INSERT a visit to SELECTed websites of politicians into my daily schedule, which I have to ALTER from time to time because some of those websites get DELETEd after I email them my opinion.
I hate turtlenecks. Wearing a turtleneck is like being strangled by a really weak guy. All day. If you wear a turtleneck and a backpack, it’s like a weak midget trying to bring you down.
I'm surprised no one was given the chance to enter a mixed state like 1/2 |m> + i√3/2 |w>.
There is no comments on this page.
[quote=TFA]I discovered that gender isn't merely a Male/Female/Other, but in fact is a binary proposition for each possible state[/quote]
Gender in the brain is much more complicated than the male/female dichotomy that most people understand. An easy analogy (if we gloss over the nature vs nurture debates) is to say that true gender is a color on the rainbow, and most people only see it through a black and white television.
Sociopaths often don't have a strong gender identity of their own. They simply mirror the one you would prefer to see.
Then of course there is chromosonal gender, of which science has identified 5 separate genders, not 2 (xx,xy,xxy,xyy,xxx).
Arrrrizona State Univerrrrsity forrrr Catgirrrrls
I imagine that Icelandair throws out survey results for people who answer "Agree" to the first question. Although usually those questions are deeper into the survey.
I guess Robert Tables is all grown up and a member of Congress now. His mom taught him well.
My first thought was "why is TRUNCATE not on that list?" I feel as a massive tool it would be my duty to emulate little bobby tables with a "truncate table staff" command or similar.
Or a political activist at least.
So what you're saying is that the application form should also have a 'Gender: Sociopath ()No ()Yes' question on it?
/* Testing. Who knows if this works. */ DROP TABLE all_wtfs
Didn't work. DELETE FROM all_comments WHERE author = 'BEN'
Dear user,
We were once vulnerable to SQL Injection attacks, but my sister's teenage son is clueless as to how to properly fix it. Therefore, we'll just filter out the most common keywords, while leaving the big gaping hole to anyone more advanced than "Hacker 101".
Please don't assrape my website.
Joe T Congesman.
Plus also xxxx, xxxy, xyyy, xxxxx, xxxxy, xxxyy and xyyyy.
Sounds like Gabriel Goldberg should move to 7Queens.
Not only leaving a gaping hole, but BROADCASTING it by explicitly saying "oh please please please don't use the words SELECT or DELETE" in your form input"...
My mom used to tell me a fable about a foolish man who buried something valuable and, to make doubly extra sure nobody found it, posted a sign on the spot that said "nothing is buried here".
Once upon a time I informed a company that they had an SQL injection flaw in their website. After they had been pretending not to hear me for a couple of months, they finally responded, that they didn't actually need to fix it, because they had a firewall.
Later I learned that on their webforum, it was impossible to discuss SQL, since writing any SQL keyword in a comment would trigger a message saying there was an invalid character in your message, though never saying which one it was.
Guess which of the pictures reminded me of that incident.
Not sure what's more ridiculous: the fact that they expect to avoid injection attacks on the honor system or that the reason sited for said honor system is a limitation of "Congressional technology"
I think "Congressional Technology" is an oxymoron.
"No Yes Clear answer"
but according to Alex. M's law school, there apparently is no clear answer to the question of gender.
What service do they want me to sign out of?
Re Congressman Peters' web site: Anyone taking bets on whether the site also rejects words like ALTERNATIVE, ALTERNATE, FALTER, HALTER, WALTER, SELECTIVE, SELECTION, SELECTED, PRESELECTED, DECLARED, EYEDROPPER, AIRDROP, GUMDROP, HYDROPONIC, RAINDROP, and so on?
Oh, and they missed OR, which I think might be used to good effect. (And, for the good of all OREGONIANS, let's hope they don't add OR to the list.)
Dear Congressman, I wish to speak with you about selective service...
I went to congressman Peters's website and I don't see that text: http://peters.house.gov/index.cfm?sectionid=3§iontree=3
Thankfully, the Wayback Machine has the site snapshotted from 2011 and, lo and behold, the text is in fact there: http://web.archive.org/web/20110721043303/http://peters.house.gov/index.cfm?sectionid=3§iontree=3
Despite there being more than 2 possible combinations of x and y chromosomes, there are only two chromosomal genders. 'Genetically female' is defined as 'no y chromosome', and 'genetically male' is defined as 'at least one y chromosome'.
Oh, Sametime. The cherry on top of the steaming pile that is Lotus Notes.
Its a law school, they know how people will sue at the drop of a hat and don't want to offend any hermaphrodites or neuters. Though if that is what they were asking they should have used the word 'sex'.
I mean, Down's Syndrome is a trisomy of chromosome 13 -- but such a condition is considered a chromosomal anomaly, not a seperate subspecies. Sex-chromosome anomalies are quite similar.
This is a law school after all, and they have to accommodate everyone no matter how weird.
What's missing in the "gender" answers is "none of your fucking business (unless you're hot and available)"
TRWTF is that someone with an ø in their name expects to use computers!
No SQL commands in the form input? No worries, just look at the next WTF - enter the commands as character entities!
I want to tell you something about words that I think is important. They're my work, they're my play, they're my passion. Words are all we have, really. We have thoughts but thoughts are fluid. Then we assign a word to a thought and we're stuck with that word for that thought, so be careful with words. I like to think that the same words that hurt can heal, it is a matter of how you pick them.
There are some people that are not into all the words. There are some that would have you not use certain words. There are 400,000 words in the English language and there are 7 of them you can't say when you email Congressman Peters. What a ratio that is. 399,993 to 7. They must really be bad. They'd have to be outrageous to be seperated from a group that large. All of you over here, you 7, Bad Words. That's what they told us they were, remember? "That's a bad word!" No bad words, bad thoughts, bad intentions, and words.
You know the 7, don't you, that you can't say when you email Congressman Peters? "ALTER DECLARE DELETE DROP INSERT SELECT UPDATE." Those are the heavy seven. Those are the ones that'll infect your soul, curve your spine, and keep the country from winning the war.
Well of course in this era of terrorism the fine Congressman would have security concerns. Consider...
SELECT Congressman Peters ALTER number of limbs DELETE the muthafucka DECLARE war on sloppy-web-development-ism
Words have gender. People have sex.
Just want to give credit where credit is due: http://gawker.com/gary-peters/
Actually we danes have enjoyed the use of our special characters 'æøå' for as long as personal computers have been arround.
I believe the reason was that once uppon a time someone with an 'ø' in his/her name sent an email on a university UNIX/VAX machine and included the offending 'ø' in the message, that was on some versions of UNIX or VAX back then tranaslated as the rebboot/halt command character and a lot of servers went down as the email filtered through the net as the servers managed to transmit the message to the next server before shutting down....
(It is possible that that story is an urban legend, but nonetheless us scandinavians hae been able to use our whole alphabeth for the last 30 years or so...)
Yours Yazeran
Plan: To go to Mars one day with a hammer
I think they forgot "EXEC" and "EXECUTE" EXEC 'dro'+'p table users'
I was born in 0regon so I think I'm OK. People from 0hio, and 0klahoma and aren't complaining. Same goes for 1daho, 1llinoise 1ndiana 10wa and 1ouisiana.
MArk B.
RE please don't use SQL injection on my site: These are the same people who insist that they must regulate all new technology, because people who are actually in the industry aren't competent to figure out how to do it right by themselves. After all, the best training to enable one to determine, say, how to design a safe automobile, or what energy resources are most worth developing, is four years of law school followed by a lifetime giving speeches.
Really, the standard Male/Female options on most forms are the real WTF. So many people actually refuse to accept that gender neutrals and hermaphrodites actually exist. And for trans genders what is reported may not match the physical gender.
Why do they need to know what is in your pants anyway?
In humans, like most mamals, gender is genetic, not chromosomal. Hence the possibility of xx males, xy females, etc. They are rare but they do happen.