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you fucking assfuck assfuck is a VERB not a noun, and should be spelled ass-fuck. As such, it cannot fuck or be fucking, and neither person nor object can be a verb.
Also, improper grammar is not rude, you fucking assfuck. Your improper grammar is rude here: the sentence should read 'Also, improper grammar is not rude you fucking assfuck' unless we include the rules laid down in the above paragraph.
"...presence". Full stop INSDIDE the quotation marks, please.
Overall: Grade F
That was in response to this quote:
May I ofer my apologies for the inconvenience and idiocy on my part.
Can't we just argue about code indenting instead?
There is no "comprised of".
Correct usage:
Old, unused hardware comprised their main server.
Their main server consisted of old, unused hardware.
Their main server was composed of old, unused harware.
By 'POS', did the author mean 'point of sale' or 'piece of...' system? or both :)
And he didn't even mention the word "compose"^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H ... no, I'm sick of dealing with people who are either disingenuous or sophistic or (occasionally) plain ignorant.
It's your bastard mutation of a language, and you're welcome to it. Bye!
PS What was your point? Just curious.
White space of any description is the work of the devil (cf Corinthians 2:15).
I'm afraid I wasn't paying attention.
Not this shit again....
What kind of shit story is that? Where's the beef? The real WTF here is that the story's author and the site's editor couldn't write anything remotely coherent.
Do you have a, I think the modern term is, "blog" thingie?
I'm a big fan of coherence. It certainly beats random splatters of brain-dead trolling crap. Please post a link to your blog and take us all out of the pointless hell that is The Daily WTF ...
No. Try again. It has a slavic origin :)
Heh, something similar had just happened recently: we lost one phase in the office. Well, not completely, it simply became the average of two other phases, or about 60V in our case. All of the PC power supplies (in Dells, mostly) on that phase managed to generate auxiliary voltages, but would not power up when the "on" button was depressed. People were quire perplexed - fans were on, standby lights were on, but there was no way to power those babies up.
As the story's original author, WTF took a ton of literary freedom with this article I submitted. In fact, it actually borders on libel since it's now printed. They fucked the story up because instead of using the original article which was simple and had a nice flow to it, they decided to get artsy and fuck it up. The problem is that for the past 3 years, the company has been using a point of sale system which was pretty good but dropped sales data from time to time. There was no one on staff to take care of 35+ computers and keep them up-to-date with patches, antivirus, spyware removal etc... In fact, the company has been running database servers on 256MB ram with anywhere from 3-5 clients attached to the server. Needless to say the whole passive attitude toward technology for a multimillion dollar company has been getting ready to bite them in the ass for years. When they fucked with the original story, they axed the portion that stated clearly that preceeding this incident for about 3-4 weeks, the POS was locking up, not starting, or dumping data. Everyone was freaked out. The manager knew there was a power surge because it happened when the store was open for business a few hours earlier.
Anyway - they just royally fucked up a really funny story IMO.
I know that WTF has the right to edit a story but they fucked this one up so bad it is embarassing. Here is the original post as I had sent to them....
The company I work for during the day is a small but well established book chain of 10 stores here in the south. Being a family owned business, the IT budget is kind of slim and they use it where they see fit based on their current understanding of technology. Besides not having enough RAM in the computers (trying to run a server on 256mb ram), no spyware protection in place, or any type of computer maintenance policy, they only have really one "go to" guy when it comes to computer issues. That would be me.
Lately we have been having all kinds of POS issues at the stores with database connection problems and things of that nature. After digging around, I found that previous techs failed to install the good ole Slammer patch and we were being over-run with attacks. The fact that the free antivirus protection they did have has never had an update didn't help much.
Ok now that you know the type of panic mind-set our store employees have been in for the past few weeks you will appreciate the following even more. I walked into work yesterday morning and the following conversation took place.
After slowly turning around to find where the voice was coming from I replied "OK - How may I help you this fine morning?"
With great panic (considering that the POS system is the store lifeblood for sales), she anxiously states "WE HAD A POWER SURGE AND WE ARE DEAD IN THE WATER NOW - THE POS WILL NOT EVEN COME UP AT ALL ANYMORE."
Sensing that something could really be wrong as a result of the power surge (no real surge protection here), I had to rely on my 29 years of experience in the business and remain calm so they didn't freak out any more than their current mental state. I approached the checkout area and quickly evaluated all computers.
I leaned in and whispered to the manager "Turn the computers back on" and went to my office to read my daily WTF.
---- note to WTF ----
Stick to what you know which is having a decently managed website. A little editing is one thing but making a company sound worse than it really is could be considered libel by many lawyers.
OK, one more try: The WTF forum is well integrated with fertile markets.
Was it a grape?
Oh dear lord, was that picture taken at the "Book Bunker" on Lombard Street in San Francisco?
It looks SO dang familiar it's starting to scare me!
I've never seen a half-sober copy editor!
One thing I've learned from this thread: I'm using "comprised of" exclusively from now on, just to annoy the grammar nazis. I'll just point anyone who complains at Idiom 4, and be done with it.
That, and even the original story doesn't make any sense as written.
Ain't it the truth
I will fully admit my mistakes in the areas of spelling and grammar. I suck at both. I work for a Civil Engineering company, and my assistant got me a mug for christmas last year that reads "Your a Looser". Sad part is she had to explain it to me...I didn't get it at first.
Oops...wrong thread. That will teach me to multi-task.
Then the first rule of software troubleshooting must be "Have you tried turning it off and on again?"
You should tell the people of the Cambridge Dictionary that.
http://dictionary.cambridge.org/define.asp?key=15774&dict=CALD (Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)
Definition comprise Show phonetics verb [T; L only + noun; not continuous] FORMAL to have as parts or members, or to be those parts or members: The course comprises a class book, a practice book and an audio tape. The class is comprised mainly of Italian and French students. Italian students comprise 60% of the class
http://dictionary.cambridge.org/define.asp?key=comprise*1+0&dict=A (Cambridge Dictionary of American English)
comprise [Show phonetics] verb [L] to consist of or to be made up of The Pacific Rim comprises countries bordering the Pacific, including the US, Canada, Japan, China, and the Koreas. The ninth district is comprised of (= consists of) 15 cities and towns, including Boston.
The REAL WTF is WHYTF you run articles like this ! Truly WTF !
Although a point of contention, this usage is quite common. Just because you turn your nose up at it doesn't mean that it is an attempt to use "less common words." I am tempted to make a similar generalization regarding your comment, but I will restrain myself to intimation. (ZOMG! A less common word, I must be trying to sound more intelligent. Oh noes!)
So, you say the Reps are on the far right?