• Jason Mauss (unregistered)

    If this doesn't deserve a WTF I don't know what does.

    Whoever built this should go do work for the Department of Defense....it would be the most secure system ever b/c nobody but the creator would ever be able to understand it.

  • Jason (unregistered)

    One thing you can say for that db:
    It <i>is</i> consistent. ;)

  • Phil Scott (unregistered)

    I don't see anything wrong with this database. Maybe this is the a support database to number munchers (extreme counting edition). Do any of you bitches have the spec?

    (if that sounded sarcastic, that's because it was).

  • Ron (unregistered)

    That's hot!

  • Kennedy (unregistered)

    This table is probably just a mapping of "Cn" records to corresponding entries in the various Cn_xxx tables. Sure there should have been foreign key relationships but the technique in general is of course very common.

    And often times when you populate a new db from scratch the mapping looks a lot like the identity map (i.e. f(x) = x), because the tables are starting out empty, and then as the items get inserted, the ids run 1, 2, 3, ...
    for each table.


  • Eric Hodel (unregistered)

    Hey! don't knock Javascript, its a damn cool language. Its got very nice Prototype-based OO, and closures. Javascript allows you to write some very nice functional code too.

  • Jason Barnabe (unregistered)

    "Javascript sucks!" says the VB programmer.

  • Jason Mauss (unregistered)

    I've programmed in VB for a long time and appreciate JavaScript very much. JavaScript is very, very cool and is fully OO too. Don't knock JS until you try it.

  • foxyshadis (unregistered)

    I suppose you'd both be saying C/C++/etc is a very cool langauge with lots of awesome features and speed, if the cousin had used that, again utterly missing the point. ^_~

  • Alex Papadimoulis (unregistered)

    I don't believe Jakeypoo meant Javascript was a bad language, instead that Javascript (used as it is used 99.9% of the time, in client-side HTML pages) would be a bad platform to develop a full-blown application.

  • Jason Mauss (unregistered)

    Gmail anybody? Outpost?

    most awesome uses of client-side javascript + XMLHTTPRequest ever. I'm not really arguing that Jakeypoo meant it was a bad language. I'm arguing w/ anybody that says JavaScript isn't a very good language. That's pure FUD.

  • Ilya Haykinson (unregistered)

    I would say that it's not that Javascript is a bad language, it's just that maintaining large projects that were created in Javascript is often headache-inducing.

  • Phil Scott (unregistered)

    I would have never been able to put that clock that follows the mouse cursor around if it weren't for JavaScript either :)

    All kidding aside, JavaScript can do some awesome stuff ala XMLHTTPRequest like Jason pointed out. My big problem (and I believe the point of comment made in the post) is that there doesn't seem to be any good editors or anything close to an IDE. I have a nice HTML/CSS app (TopStyle), VS.NET and then I just use one or the other (or Notepad) for JavaScript and neither does a great job in terms of ease of use.

    So what's the killer app for JavaScript development?

  • Jake Vinson (unregistered)

    I was arguing against using JS where it's inappropriate.

    Take our calendar system at work... please (ha ha!)! It manipulates record sets and draws a table with all the calendar entries all in client-side Javascript.

  • Kyle Miller (unregistered)

    Instead of that crazy table, just use SQL to get the same results. Modify to your db vendor's syntax.

    select (Hundreds.Digit * 100) + (Tens.Digit * 10) + Ones.Digit as CdINKey
    ,(Hundreds.Digit * 100) + (Tens.Digit * 10) + Ones.Digit as CnBio_LINK
    -- , and on and on...
    (select 0 Digit union all select 1 union all select 2 union all select 3 union all select 4 union all
    select 5 union all select 6 union all select 7 union all select 8 union all select 9) Ones
    cross join
    (select 0 Digit union all select 1 union all select 2 union all select 3 union all select 4 union all
    select 5 union all select 6 union all select 7 union all select 8 union all select 9) Tens
    cross join
    (select 0 Digit union all select 1 union all select 2 union all select 3 union all select 4 union all
    select 5 union all select 6 union all select 7 union all select 8 union all select 9) Hundreds
    order by 1

  • Jussi Kukkonen (unregistered)

    Phil, The killer app for ecma/javascript development is definitely Venkman, a powerful js debugger. Believe me, it's great (and it's also a good example of the power of javascript: the interface is fully written in js and XUL).


  • Alex Papadimoulis (unregistered)

    Kyle Miller: +5, Creative!

  • Phil Scott (unregistered)

    Jussi: Mozilla? Well, I was really hoping to write IE specific javaScript. Seriously, that looks very cool, and anything named after a ghostbuster's character is worth checking out.

  • Steve Wallis (unregistered)

    Thats not the only Mozilla Ghostbusters tribute.
    You remember the line 'there is no Dana, only Zool'?

    That turned into 'there is no data, only XUL'.
    (XUL is pronounced zool).

    Infact, the XUL namespace URI is:


  • Ray S (unregistered)

    I don't see anything wrong with this. It seems to me to just be a form of data redundancy. In fact, with each number being duplicated several times over, you probably don't even have to make backups. Never lose that number 56 again!

    Sheer genius I tell ya!

  • Keith Gaughan (unregistered)

    All the arguments that have been made against JS so far are better considered arguments against inappropriate use of client-side scripting rather than the language itself.

    JS is a bit misunderstood. It's a bloody powerful language, but because of its origins, and because it's still closely associated with client-side scripting.

    I mean, any language with prototype-based OO, and closures (especially closures) has to rock.

  • Paul D. Murphy (unregistered)

    he prolly comes from a mysql background.

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