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The lazy mailadmin strikes again
looks like he found the chink in McAfee's armor.
Just be 1337. Spell it G00kin. He might think you've got a sticky shift key, but thats better than not hearing from you at all.
I ran into a similar problem a couple of years ago. A content filter wouldn't let me use the phrase "one group" because the last 2 letters of the first word and the first 3 letters of the next word combine to spell "negro".
I not sure which is worse. Using a stupid content filter or being the person who decided that "negro" is somehow offensive.
This is like the lady who's emails were being bounced from her ISP because her first name was "Gay". At least her ISP fixed that problem from what I remember from the article.
The funny part? She's actually a lesbian.
Will this post get bounced? :)
There is an IRC channel out there with an auto-kick bot that kicks on "offensive words". However, since it uses a pretty naive regex like this mail filter, it kicks more-or-less randomly on various typoes and perfectly innocent words like "snigger".
Anyone offended by words should be reminded of the phrase "Sticks and stones may break my bones but names can never hurt me", except it's probably not politically correct to teach that any more
You punny racist! :p
"Just be 1337. Spell it G00kin. He might think you've got a sticky shift key, but thats better than not hearing from you at all. "
I'm pretty sure email addresses have to be spelt kinda exact! Unless Mr Gookin's mailadmins have set up [email protected] to go to him as well
Names could hurt your self-esteem so bad all your code would be great submissions to this site.
Of course, it really is this fixation on not hurting someone's self-esteem that hurts in the long run, because people grow up thinking they should be praised for what ever pile of Paula Beans they produce
Whatever happened to goatcheez?
With a last name of Bass, I'm constantly running into problems with filtering problems, which is stupid because there are several legitimate and non-obscene defitions of the word in any English dictionary.
About as stupid as the politician who got in trouble for properly using the word niggardly to describe someone as miserly and the individual just happened to be black. The media went ballistic because some ignorant people might have misunderstood.
My last name is Homolka. Fairly common in Czech republic where my great grandparents were from, though here the only famous Homolka's are a bit actor (Oscar) and a serial killer from Canada (Karla Teale, nee Homolka).
So besides all the homo jokes when i was a kid (yes, my porn name is Dick Homo and i didn't even need to try hard) i've been kicked out a few things, including using rhomolka as my login for DSL.
Seems to be known as the Scunthorpe Problem:
Entertaining that an entire town can drop out of the online world!
Back in the late 80's, a friend of mine tried logging into a BBS (long distance) for hardware support. The word filter wouldn't let him create an account because of profanity in his last name. He also couldn't get support unless he logged in using his real name.
His last name? Ball.
This is clbuttic.
Greek omicron or cyrillic o may be used. They both look like "o".
I can't say "goodnight" on one forum because it contains "nig"... Hence I say "goodn*ght" now.
It may be enough to send me to the CAPTCHA: sanitarium.
Filtering engines won't be happy until they are able to filter all free speech, rendering the internet quiet.
Or more poetically...
The filters have struck There are no longer safe words The web is silent
Hey wait a minute!
Is this WTF actually an anonymized version of this sites name change?
That must be it!
One of my favorite irc quotes ever: http://bash.org/?178890
captcha: burned :D
We have an art director at our company whos name is "Dick."
Our administrators can't have the highest level on the spam filter because of him.
As I recall, one of his coworkers did file a complaint, and the media did a fairly even-handed job of pointing out that the words merely sounded similar.
I think they just need to clean up their filters, so they're all spic and span.
I wonder if Dick Head, a VP at a large-ish regional bank, is suddenly incommunicado?
p.s. He insisted he be called that instead of the given name of Richard.
Richard Cranium I remember him!
I'd have thought the Confederate States of America would be a little less picky about such things...
At my last job I had a similar problem with the word, Saturday.
<ALERT> This post has been replaced by this disclaimer due to a complaint received by someones pet dog in the middle of <ALERT> The preceding has been replaced by this disclaimer because it appeared to have innuendos of a se<ALERT> The previous text has simply been replaced. Have a nice day.
I wonder if the filters catch waterbuffalo?
Or someone needs to get a cluebat and give them a nice wop on the head.
I hear people at Matsushita also often have trouble sending emails.
My email story has to do with a facility manager where I work who sent out a pest control request to his workers that kept getting kicked back. He pulled me into his office to help as quite a few people were crowded around his PC trying to figure out what it was.
I looked at it for around a minute before answering "Oh, cockroach is one word".
I guess everyone has at least one story like that.
Makes a certain amount of sense. Better they call him that to his face than behind his back - he's a VP, so they will anyway.
We had an employee in Japan named Takashi Taniyama. His email alias was takashit. No kidding.
The CEO of a very large company I used to work for was Dick Brown. It was much funnier listed in the Corporate Directory as Brown, Dick.
They really should have gotten on that faster and nipped this thing in the bud.
The funny thing is- if Mr. Gookin's email ever did make it through, it would probably be lost in the stream of thousands of v!agr@, c1al1s and p3n1s extension emails.
I think they just need to clean up their filters, so they're all spic and span.
Yes, but if they do proper testing, they could nip it in the bud
Ah... One size fits all. Whenever you see something like this you can simply interpret it like yay:
"You are incapable of exercising judgement. No better than all the other pissant peurile salt mine employees here, you are. How's it feel, bitch?"
At least that's the impression management gives me upon implementing web site filtering software that constantly blocks sites with "hack" in the content.
Can somebody tell me what's wrong with "Dustin" -- I've had two systems reject this as a login name for being a bad word (one being Clearwire -- which I don't recommend, especially if you play WoW).
I have no idea what the offense is.
Politically correct? I gave up on "politically correct" when they told me someone's feelings were more important than honesty and integrity.
Beauty is only skin deep, but stupidity goes to the bone.
This highlights just how WTF the filter is! An outgoing "filth" filter should read the text Subject: & body sections. Leave the From: & To: address lines to Mr. Gookin's incoming SPAM filters.
To complete the circle of stupid, someone needs to tell Mr. Gookin this story and have him mis-understand and think he's being called a racist, then sue the agency for defamation.
It would, frankly, be funny as all get out.
There was a poor guy that worked on a miserable product at Oracle that was never officially released (it was sold to one of our clients anyway, go figure.) We called to get support for this product and the only guy left at the company who worked on the product (did I mention that the product was truly miserable?), had the unfortunate name of Rockshit...
Homo Polka?
"Boy" was a term used by Jim Crow supporters to referr to blacks. Guess we have to ban that. "Grand" and "Wizard" are right out too. And dare I say that I feel sorry for anyone named "Leroy". "Oreo" is very offensive. "Wet" and "back" can't be allowed. "Red" and "Neck" need to be thrown out. And the people of the sub continent of India will have to remain nameless lest we offend Native Americans. Let the ridiculous, Politically Correct, Anally retentive sensorship continue.
So let's not share any speeches or quotes by Martin Luther King, lest we offend someone by the use of "Negro". Let's not talk about certain rivers in South America lest we use a slave term. Latin, Spanish and other names describing something black are right out.
The funny thing is that a similar incident was in the Australian newspapers just today where the person's name was "Gay Hamilton".