• (cs)

    Scheme with fold and unfold:

    (define (mul a b)
      (fold +
    	(unfold (lambda (x)
    		  (zero? (car x)))
    		(lambda (x) 
    		  (if (odd? (car x))
    		      (cdr x)
    		(lambda (x)
    		  (cons (quotient (car x) 2)
    			(+ (cdr x) (cdr x))))
    		(cons (abs a) 
    		      (if (negative? a) 
    			  (- b)
  • Maks Verver (unregistered) in reply to moltonel
    #!/bin/sh grep -q '^1\*' <<< $1 && echo $(( $1 )) || $0 "$(( $(sed 's/\*.*//' <<< $1)/2 ))*$(( $(sed 's/.*\*//;s/+.*//' <<< $1)*2 ))$(grep -oE '[13579]\*[0-9]+' <<< $1| sed 's/.*\*/+/')$(grep -o '\+.*' <<< $1)"
    I can't get this to work properly. With BSD sh it doesn't parse, with Bash it runs, but produces incorrect answers for the simplest arguments (and when the first argument is 1, it doesn't produce a result at all).

    Any explanation? Maybe some of the code got mangled while posting, or you're using yet a different shell?

  • Ingo (unregistered) in reply to lemon

    I can beat that...

    int RussianPeasantMultiplyFor18And23( ) { return 414; }

    OMG.. my code is fastest?

  • (cs) in reply to Maks Verver
    Maks Verver:
    #!/bin/sh grep -q '^1\*' <<< $1 && echo $(( $1 )) || $0 "$(( $(sed 's/\*.*//' <<< $1)/2 ))*$(( $(sed 's/.*\*//;s/+.*//' <<< $1)*2 ))$(grep -oE '[13579]\*[0-9]+' <<< $1| sed 's/.*\*/+/')$(grep -o '\+.*' <<< $1)"
    I can't get this to work properly. With BSD sh it doesn't parse, with Bash it runs, but produces incorrect answers for the simplest arguments (and when the first argument is 1, it doesn't produce a result at all).

    Any explanation? Maybe some of the code got mangled while posting, or you're using yet a different shell?

    Yes, bash, sorry. You'll have to give it two numbers, without space, and the multiplication sign must be an actual '*'.

    eg: $ ./russian.sh 1929 551 $ ./russian.sh 1823 414

  • newlisp.org (unregistered) in reply to newlisp.org

    improvement for some problems starting with even number:

    (define (rmul x y , (s 0))
      (until (= x 1)
        (unless (zero? (% x 2))
          (inc s y))
        (setq x (>> x) y (<< y)))
      (+ y s)
  • MG (unregistered)

    Why recurse when you can use a linked list?

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    struct rus_row {
        long left;
        long right;
        struct rus_row *next;
    int main(int, char **);
    long rus_multiply(long, long, int);
    struct rus_row *make_row(long, long, struct rus_row *);
    void rus_freemem(struct rus_row *);
    int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
        if (argc != 3) {
            printf("Usage: %s <num> <num>\n", argv[0]);
        long a = atol(argv[1]);
        long b = atol(argv[2]);
        long result = rus_multiply(a, b, 1);
        return 0;
    long rus_multiply(long a, long b, int print) {
        long total = 0;
        struct rus_row *head = make_row(a, b, NULL);
        struct rus_row *tail = head;
        while(tail->left > 1) {
            struct rus_row *new_row = make_row(tail->left / 2, tail->right * 2, NULL);
            tail->next = new_row;
            tail = tail->next;
        struct rus_row *curr = head;
        while (curr) {
            if (curr->left & 1) {
                // odd
                if (print) {
                    printf ("%ld\t%ld\t+ %ld\n", curr->left, curr->right, curr->right);
                total = total + curr->right;
            } else {
                // even
                if (print) {
                    printf ("%ld\t%ld\n", curr->left, curr->right);
            curr = curr->next;
        if (print) {
            printf ("\t\t-----\n\t\t= %ld\n", total);
        return total;
    struct rus_row *make_row(long left, long right, struct rus_row *next) {
        struct rus_row *row = (struct rus_row *) malloc(sizeof(struct rus_row));  //todo:  check for malloc failure
        row->left = left;
        row->right = right;
        row->next = next;
        return row;
    void rus_freemem(struct rus_row *head) {
        struct rus_row *next = head;
        while (next) {
            struct rus_row *curr = next;
            next = curr->next;
  • Will (unregistered)

    Nice callback to the futility closet article from last week. It is interesting to see how many different languages / methods people found for executing this procedure.

  • blueberry (unregistered)

    Here is my solution in C#:

            static int PeasantMult(int x, int y)
                switch (x)
                    case -1: return -y;
                    case 0: return 0;
                    case 1: return y;
                    default: return PeasantMult(x % 2, y) + PeasantMult(x / 2, y + y);

    -Works with negative values on any or both operands -No multiplication

  • Alan Woodland (unregistered) in reply to MG
    Why recurse when you can use a linked list?

    You could always recurse over linked lists and get the best of both worlds :P

  • Osno (unregistered)

    I think everybody misrepresented my comment on using multiplication/division instead of bitshifting being fail as a performance comment. What I was aiming at is that if you're defining multiplication, multiplying is kind of lame. Then, I changed my mind and started using ( left & 1 ) * right, but that was just a shortcut :). Also, bitshifting was closer to the original demonstration in the "spec".

    I agree with all that multiplying here is safer and probably close in performance. I doubt most of the compilers present (python, java, c#, vb.net, javascript, etc) will optimize it to the same thing, but who cares? (btw, I do think C, C++, Delphi, Scheme, Haskell and a few others may optimize).

  • Osno (unregistered)

    Google Search (by far the most commonly used programming language):


  • VirtualBlackFox (unregistered)

    C#, just for fun :

    namespace Test
        using System;
        using System.Collections.Generic;
        using System.Linq;
        class Program
            class Elem
                public int Left { get; set; }
                public int Right { get; set; }
            static IEnumerable<Elem> DivideUntilOneOnLeft(Elem e)
                while (e.Left != 1)
                    e = new Elem() { Left = e.Left / 2, Right = e.Right * 2 };
                    yield return e;
            static int Mutiply(int left, int right)
                return DivideUntilOneOnLeft(new Elem() { Left = left, Right = right })
                    .Where(e => e.Left % 2 != 0)
                    .Aggregate(0, (accum, e) => accum + e.Right);
            static void Main(string[] args)
                Console.WriteLine(Mutiply(18, 23));
  • nine (unregistered)

    C# Recursive solution. Handles edge cases (negative integers, 0). Focus is on readability/clarity and not performance:

    public static int RussianMultiply(int x, int y)
    	if (x < 0) return RussianMultiply(-x, -y);
    	else if (x == 0) return 0;
    	else if (x == 1) return y;
    	else if (x % 2 == 1) return y + RussianMultiply(x/2, y*2);
    	else return RussianMultiply(x/2, y*2);
  • Scott (unregistered)

    Here is an interesting javascript version

    function russia(a,b){ return new (function(){

    The reason for the anonymous function is because of a variable scope issue that occurs when the function is called multiple times.

  • darkscout (unregistered)
    function [c] = rpm(a,b)
    while (a(end)~=1)
  • ikorb (unregistered)

    Yet another Haskell version. Distinguishing features: No indented lines, overly verbose

    peasant_step :: (Int, Int) -> (Int, Int) peasant_step (x,y) = (div x 2, y + y)

    first_is_positive :: (Int, Int) -> Bool first_is_positive (x,y) = x > 0

    peasant_list :: (Int, Int) -> [(Int, Int)] peasant_list args = takeWhile first_is_positive $ iterate peasant_step args

    first_is_odd :: (Int, Int) -> Bool first_is_odd (x,y) = (mod x 2) == 1

    peasant_filter :: [(Int, Int)] -> [(Int, Int)] peasant_filter = filter first_is_odd

    accumulate_second :: (Int, Int) -> Int -> Int accumulate_second (x,y) a = y + a

    peasant_sum :: [(Int, Int)] -> Int peasant_sum = foldr accumulate_second 0

    peasant_multiply :: Int -> Int -> Int peasant_multiply x y = peasant_sum $ peasant_filter $ peasant_list (x,y)

  • treyb (unregistered)

    In excel:

    Column A: A1: number_1 A2: =rounddown(A1/2,0) A3: =rounddown(A2/2,0) A4: and so on

    Column B: B1: number_2 B2: =if(A2,B12,0) B3: =if(A3,B22,0) B4: and so on

    Column C: C1: =if(mod(A1,2)=0,0,1) C2: =if(mod(A2,2)=0,0,1) C3: and so on

    Column D: D1: =sumproduct(B:B,C:C)

  • iMalc (unregistered)

    Anyone done is using a .BAT script yet?

  • TNProgrammer (unregistered)

    //C# public static void Go() { Console.WriteLine(PraxisMultiply(18, 23).ToString()); }

    public static int PraxisMultiply(int number1, int number2)
    	List<PraxisPair> pairs = new List<PraxisPair>();
    	pairs.Add(new PraxisPair(number1, number2));
    	while(number1 > 1)
    		number1 = number1 / 2;			
    		number2 = number2 * 2;
    		pairs.Add(new PraxisPair(number1, number2));
    	int result = 0;
    	foreach(PraxisPair p in pairs)
    		if(p.Left % 2 == 0)
    			p.Right = 0;				
    		result += p.Right;
    	return result;		
    public class PraxisPair
    	public PraxisPair(int left, int right)
    		Left = left;
    		Right = right;
    	public int Left{ get; set; }
    	public int Right{ get; set; }
  • Josue Chi (unregistered)

    Short as can be

    public static int russian(int multiplier1, int multiplier2) { int result = 0; while (multiplier1 >= 1) { result += (multiplier1 % 2 == 1)? multiplier2: 0; multiplier2 *= 2; multiplier1 /= 2; } return result; }

  • SoaperGEM (unregistered)

    I'm not going to read through all the 400+ comments to see if this exact version's been done yet, but here's an implementation in Python:

    def multtwo(one, two):
        result = 0
        while (one >= 1):
            if (one & 1):
                result += two
            one >>= 1
            two <<= 1
        return result

    I did scan through the code a little bit though, and seeing so many people using division and modulo operators made me sad. Don't they teach kids anything about bitwise operators anymore?

  • blueberry (unregistered) in reply to SoaperGEM
    I did scan through the code a little bit though, and seeing so many people using division and modulo operators made me sad. Don't they teach kids anything about bitwise operators anymore?

    See post #278250 Maybe it's time to go back to school :P

  • asdfghj (unregistered)

    recursive scheme solution:

    (define (russian_m a b) (if (= b 1) a (russian a b) ) )

    (define (russian a b) (if (= a 1) b (+ (if (= (remainder a 2) 0) 0 b) (russian (/ a 2) (* b 2)) ) ) )

    not tested

  • Josue Chi (unregistered) in reply to blueberry
    I did scan through the code a little bit though, and seeing so many people using division and modulo operators made me sad. Don't they teach kids anything about bitwise operators anymore?

    See post #278250 Maybe it's time to go back to school :P

    As long as we don't multiply directly A * B, we are not violating any of the "original requirements". Of course using bit shifting can give you points, if we were at school (and may give you points here too :), but if it is not part of the requirements, I don't think we should feel forced to use it.

    Cheers and good luck (I want my Sticker!)

  • Alvie (unregistered) in reply to Matthew Verleger

    You win so far :) As long as that works, obviously.

  • guille_ (unregistered)
    (defun rmul (x y)
               (let ((l (truncate x 2))
    		 (r (* y 2)))
    	     (reduce '+ (do ((sums '())
    			     (l l (truncate l 2))
    			     (r r (* r 2)))
    			    ((< l 1) sums)
    			  (when (oddp l)
    			    (push r sums))))))
  • ZzzZZZz (unregistered)

    Recursive Python. Pretty disappointed with my work after seeing some of the others!

    def peasant(x, y): 
      n = 1 
      m = n 
      while (n < y): 
        m = n 
        n = n * 2 
      out = m * x 
      d = y - m 
      if (d == 0): 
        return out 
        return peasant(x, d) + out
  • Beat by the system (unregistered)

    anyone done this in javascript? function multiply (x, y, total) { (x == 0) ? alert(total) : multiply (Math.floor(x/2),Math.floor(y*2),(x % 2 == 0) ? total : total+y); }

  • (cs)

    In spite of being epic late, here's mine:

    #include <stdio.h>
    int main() {
      int a;
      int b;
      int c;
      printf("A = ");
      scanf("%d", &a);
      printf("B = ");
      scanf("%d", &b);
        "movl $0, %%ecx\n\t"
        "shrl $1, %%eax\n\t"    // divide left side by 2
        "jnc skip_add\n\t"      // carry is set if eax was odd
        "addl %%ebx, %%ecx\n\t" // accumulate right side
        "shll $1, %%ebx\n\t"    // multiply right side by 2
        "cmpl $0, %%eax\n\t"
        "jne loop"              // equal if left side was 1
        : "=c" (c)              // out: ecx - result
        : "a" (a), "b" (b)      // in: eax - left side, ebx - right side
      printf("A * B = %d\n", c);
      return 0;
  • Dave Havlicek (unregistered)

    how about PL/pgSQL?

      tmp1 INTEGER;
      tmp2 INTEGER;
      CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE tmp_columns ( "left_col" INTEGER NOT NULL, "right_col" INTEGER NOT NULL );
      tmp1 := $1;
      tmp2 := $2;
      INSERT INTO tmp_columns (left_col, right_col) VALUES (tmp1, tmp2);
      WHILE tmp1 != 1 LOOP
          tmp1 := tmp1 / 2;
          tmp2 := tmp2 + tmp2;
          INSERT INTO tmp_columns (left_col, right_col) VALUES (tmp1, tmp2);
      END LOOP;
      return ( SELECT SUM(right_col) FROM tmp_columns WHERE (left_col % 2) = 1 );
  • (cs)
            private static int CalculateLikeRussianPeasant(int a, int b, List<int[]> lines)
                if (lines == null)
                    lines = new List<int[]>();
                    int[] lr = new int[2];
                    lr[0] = a;
                    lr[1] = b;
                    CalculateLikeRussianPeasant(-1, -1, lines);
                int[] lastLr = lines[lines.Count - 1];
                if (lastLr[0] != 1)
                    int[] lr = new int[2];
                    lr[0] = lastLr[0] / 2;
                    lr[1] = lastLr[1] * 2;
                    if (lr[0] != 1)
                        CalculateLikeRussianPeasant(-1, -1, lines);
                int result = 0;
                lines.ForEach(delegate(int[] lr)
                    if (lr[0] % 2 != 0)
                        result += lr[1];
                return result;

    call into it with CalculateLikeRussianPeasant(101, 202, null);

  • AshG (unregistered)

    I'm at the end of the third page of comments and have yet to see an Objective C solution.

    What, no Apple/iPhone developers here? WTF?

  • The Answer + 2 (unregistered) in reply to Josh Bohde

    C# (assumes a,b,c are defined and assigned elsewhere)


    44 characters

  • Rob Hulswit (unregistered)

    Arrgh, some challenges are just too challenging... 35 characters, freestanding, no need to declare and assign delegates ;-)

    C++, supports negative (at least the C++ dialect of Borland C++ Builder 5, the sign of (negative number % another number) is implementation defined in C++... sigh). int r=0;for(;b;r+=b%2c;b/=2;c=2;}

    Or a recursive version in 42 characters: int a(b,c){return b?a(b/2,c*2)+(b%2)*c:0;}

    C++ template meta programming: template <int b, int c> struct r { static const int s = b?r<b/2,c2>::s+b%2c:0; };

    Javascript 35 characters (works in firefox 3.0.11 and IE6). Damn, difficult to do integer division by 2 that also works good for negative numbers. for(r=0;b/=2;b-=d=b%1,r+=d*(c*=2));

  • Rob Hulswit (unregistered) in reply to Rob Hulswit

    Oops, copy-paste for the fail.

    Real C++ version: int r=0;for(;b;r+=b%2c,b/=2,c=2);

  • Unlabeled Meat (unregistered)

    Shifty recursive Scala

    def rusMult(x: Int, y: Int): Int =
        rusMult(x, y, 0)
    def rusMult(x: Int, y: Int, sum: Int): Int = 
        if ((x == 0) || (y == 0)) 0
            x match {
                case 1 =>
                    sum + y
                case _ =>
                    rusMult(x >> 1, y << 1, (if (x % 2 == 0) sum else sum + y))
  • Talks Funny (unregistered) in reply to newlisp.org
    improvement for some problems starting with even number:
    (define (rmul x y , (s 0))
      (until (= x 1)
        (unless (zero? (% x 2))
          (inc s y))
        (setq x (>> x) y (<< y)))
      (+ y s)

    If you're gonna do it in good LISP, don't use setq so much.

  • Anti-Ruski (unregistered)

    Hell with them, just do:

    Function mult (a,b) mult = a*b end

    Screw the Russians

  • Roger (unregistered)

    Free format RPGLE

      SOURCE FILE . . . . . . .  QRPGLESRC
      MEMBER  . . . . . . . . .  RUSPEASANT
      SEQNBR*...+... 1 ...+... 2 ...+... 3 ...+... 4 ...+... 5 ...+... 6 ...+... 7 ...+... 8
        100       * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
        200      H DEBUG OPTION(*SRCSTMT:*NODEBUGIO) DFTACTGRP(*NO)                         
        300       * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
        400      Fqsysprt   O    F   85        printer OFLIND(*INOF)                        
        500       * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
        600      D A               S             10I 0                                     
        700      D B               S             10I 0                                     
        800      D DIV             S             10I 0                                     
        900      D REM             S             10I 0                                     
       1000      D RESULT          S             10I 0                                     
       1100       * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
       1200      D  RUSPEASANT     PR                                                      
       1300      D    IN_A                       15P 5                                     
       1400      D    IN_B                       15P 5                                     
       1500      D  RUSPEASANT     PI                                                      
       1600      D    IN_A                       15P 5                                     
       1700      D    IN_B                       15P 5                                     
       1800       * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
       1900       /FREE                                                                    
       2000          A = IN_A                                                              ;
       2100          B = IN_B                                                              ;
       2200          RESULT = A * B                                                        ;
       2300          except head                                                           ;
       2400          except detail1                                                        ;
       2500          dow A > 1                                                             ;
       2600              A = %div(A:2)                                                     ;
       2700              REM = %REM(A:2)                                                   ;
       2800              B = B * 2                                                         ;
       2900              if rem > 0                                                        ;
       3000                    RESULT += B                                                 ;
       3100              endif                                                             ;
       3200              except detail2                                                    ;
       3300              if *INOF                                                          ;
       3400                    except head                                                 ;
       3500              endif                                                             ;
       3600          enddo                                                                 ;
       3700          except total                                                          ;
       3800          *INLR = *on                                                           ;
       3900          return                                                                ;
       4000       /END-FREE                                                                 
       4100      Oqsysprt   E            head           1  1                                
       4200      O                                           20 'Russian Peasant '          
       4300      O                                           34 'Multiplication'            
       4400      O          E            detail1        1                                   
       4500      O                       A             Z     15                             
       4600      O                                           20 '*'                         
       4700      O                       B             Z     35                             
       4800      O                                           40 '='                         
       4900      O                       RESULT        ZB    55                             
       5000      O          E            detail2        1                                   
       5100      O                       A             Z     15                             
       5200      O                       B             Z     35                             
       5300      O          E            total          1                                   
       5400      O                       RESULT        Z     55                
                                      * * * *  E N D  O F  S O U R C E  * * * *
  • bluebearr (unregistered) in reply to SoaperGEM
    I did scan through the code a little bit though, and seeing so many people using division and modulo operators made me sad.
    Alex Papadimoulis:
    Your challenge: write a function that multiplies two numbers using the Russian peasant algorithm.

    I didn't see anything in the original article about the peasants using bit shifting. I did see information about the peasants multiplying by two, and dividing by two and dropping the remainder.

    But hey, maybe I missed something.

  • hornet (unregistered)

    Threaded solution for maximum performance on a multicore system - not yet capable of negative or zero first multiplicand:

    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Text;
    using System.ComponentModel;
    using System.Threading;
    namespace RussianMultiply
        struct Multiplicands
            public ManualResetEvent waitHandle;
            public int a;
            public int b;
        class RussianMultiplyData
            public volatile int result;
            public RussianMultiplyData()
                result = 0;
            public void PartialCalculateMultiplication(object o, DoWorkEventArgs dwea)
                Multiplicands mp = (Multiplicands)dwea.Argument;
                if ((mp.a % 2) == 1) result += mp.b;
        class Program
            static int MultiplyMultiCore(int a, int b)
                List<BackgroundWorker> multiplicationWorkers = new List<BackgroundWorker>();
                List<ManualResetEvent> threadCompletedEvents = new List<ManualResetEvent>();
                RussianMultiplyData rmd = new RussianMultiplyData();
                while (a > 0)
                    BackgroundWorker bw = new BackgroundWorker();
                    Multiplicands mps;
                    mps.waitHandle = new ManualResetEvent(false);
                    mps.a = a;
                    mps.b = b;
                    bw.DoWork += rmd.PartialCalculateMultiplication;
                    a >>= 1;
                    b <<= 1;
                return rmd.result;
            static void Main(string[] args)
                Console.WriteLine(MultiplyMultiCore(18, 23));
  • (cs)

    I happened to be in SQL server at the the time so...

    DECLARE @factor1 INT, @factor2 INT SET @factor1 =18 SET @factor2 = 23
    SELECT	SUM(rightCol)
    		FROM	(SELECT	@factor1/POWER(2,N) AS leftCol, @factor2*POWER(2,N) AS rightCol
    				FROM	Tally
    				WHERE	N < cast(log10(@factor1)/log10(2) as int) +1) таблица
    		WHERE leftCol%2=1

    This does require that you have a Tally table with the integers 0 to x where x is big enough to do any calculation that won't overflow.

  • (cs)

    A solution in C that must be given the input as English transliterations of Russian numbers, in case voice input is used [a must for all future programs]. e.g. 18x23 is

    ./russianmultiply AdeenDva TriVosyem
    It outputs in a similar form, as well as digits.

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    /* Must be 1+7 (not 8 or 7+1) */
    #define MAGIC_LEN 1+7
    const char* numerals[] = 
    char* intToRussian(unsigned int num)
        char b[11];
        /* Allocate enough for longest string int and one terminating character */
        char* russian = calloc(MAGIC_LEN * 10, sizeof(char));
        for (int i = 0; i < 10 && b[i]; ++i)
            strcat(russian, numerals[b[i] - '0']);
        return russian;
    unsigned int russianToInt(const char *russian)
        int i,j,num;
        num = j - j;
        for (i = num ; i < strlen(russian); ++i)
            for (j = i - i; j < 0x0A; ++j)
                if ((j - j) == strncmp(russian + i, numerals[j], strlen(numerals[j])))
                    num *= 10;
                    num += j;
        return num;
    char *multiply(const char* a, const char* b)
        unsigned int a1 = russianToInt(a);
        unsigned int b1 = russianToInt(b);
        unsigned int answer = 0;
        while (a1 > 0)
            a1 = a1 >> 1;
            b1 = b1 << 1;
            if (a1 & 0x01)
                answer += b1;
        return intToRussian(answer);
    int main (int argc, const char * argv[]) {
        char *answer = multiply(argv[1], argv[2]);
        printf("%s\n", answer);
        printf("%lu\n", russianToInt(answer));
        return 0;
  • (cs) in reply to Beat by the system
    Beat by the system:
    anyone done this in javascript? function multiply (x, y, total) { (x == 0) ? alert(total) : multiply (Math.floor(x/2),Math.floor(y*2),(x % 2 == 0) ? total : total+y); }


    Also an inefficiency I had was not using shift for multiply by two. I added the y to itself. Also I coulda removed one comparison. Hey we want ultimate efficiency.

    I still wonder if this algorithm is what is used for doing multiplication internally in the processor. Seems a WHOLE lot more efficient than doing addition a whole lota times, or even doing times tables or whatever... Those brilliant russian peasents :)

    function rpmult(x, y){
      if (x === 0) {
        return 0;
      if (x === 1) {
        return y;
      var flip = false;
      if (x < 0) { 
        x = -x;
        flip = true;
      var added = (((0x1 & num) === 0x1) ? 0 : y);
      var recurse = rpmult(x >> 1, y << 1);
      return flip ? - (added + recurse) : added + recurse;
  • Ted Walther, newLISP fan (unregistered)

    Unlike the perl one-liner, this newlisp one-liner is actually readable!

    (define (rmul x y) (if (= x 1) y (+ (if (zero? (% x 2)) 0 y) (rmul (>> x) (<< y)))))

  • Jeb Walter Strate (unregistered)

    My javascript version uses no multiplication, division, nor bit-shifting. Handles decimals, but negatives are left as an exercise for the reader.

    <html><head><title>Multiply WFT</title><script>
    function halveRow(row){
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decimala="row.cells[0].firstChild.firstChild.firstChild.cells.length-i;" break}}="" var="" decimalb="0;" for(var="" i="0;i<row.cells[2].firstChild.firstChild.firstChild.cells.length;i++){" if(row.cells[2].firstchild.firstchild.firstchild.cells[i].innerhtml="='.'){" decimalb="row.cells[2].firstChild.firstChild.firstChild.cells.length-i;" break}}="" var="" r="row.cells[2].firstChild.firstChild.lastChild;" while(r="r.previousSibling){" var="" newrow="tb.insertBefore(r.cloneNode(true),tb.firstChild);" if(tb.firstchild.style.textdecoration){="" tb.firstchild.style.visibility="hidden" ;}="" if(decimala="" &&="" decimalb){="" var="" dec="newRow.removeChild(newRow.cells[newRow.cells.length-decimalb]);" newrow.insertbefore(dec,="" newrow.cells[newrow.cells.length-decimalb-decimala+2]);}="" if(decimala="" &&="" !decimalb){="" var="" dec="document.createElement('td');" dec.innerhtml="." ;="" newrow.insertbefore(dec,="" newrow.cells[newrow.cells.length-decimala+1]);}}="" var="" carry="0;" for(var="" i="tb.rows[0].cells.length;i;){" --i;="" var="" t="carry*1;" carry="0;" for(var="" j="0;j<tb.rows.length-1;j++){" if(tb.rows[j].style.visibility="='hidden')" continue;="" if(tb.rows[j].cells[i].innerhtml="='.'){" carry="t;" t="." ;="" break;}="" t+="parseInt(tb.rows[j].cells[i].innerHTML);}" if(t="">9){
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    <input name=inta><br/>
    <input name=intb><br/>
    <input type=submit value=multiply><br/>
    <table cellspacing="5"><tbody><tr><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td></tr></tbody></table>
  • Roger (unregistered) in reply to Roger

    The program listed above produces this output

    Russian Peasant Multiplication                     
             18    *             23    =            414
              9                  46                    
              4                  92                    
              2                 184                    
              1                 368                    
  • WTF! (unregistered)

    My WTF is that I'd just create a huge times-table in MS Access and use DAO calls to read it back.

  • Tom Medley - www.tommedley.com (unregistered)

    This problem is trivial in ML (4 lines):

    fun peasant (1,r,q) = sum(r::q) | peasant (l,r,q) = if(l mod 2 = 1) then peasant((l div 2),(r2),(r::q)) else peasant((l div 2),(r2),q);

    ...a wrapper function to make it nice:

    fun russian(x,y) = peasant(x,y,[]);

    ...and in case you need a sum function (most ml versions come with standard functions such as sum):

    fun sum [] = 0 | sum (x::xs) = x + sum(xs);

  • Rob H (unregistered)

    In C, C++, C#, taking zeros and negative numbers into account:

    Recursive (not tested):

    INT Multiply(INT a, INT B)
      INT c, PosNeg = 1;
      // first, deal with zeros
      if ((a == 0) || (b == 0))
        return 0;
      // now, deal with negative numbers
      if (a < 0)
        a = -a;
        PosNeg = -PosNeg;
      if (b < 0)
        b = -b;
        PosNeg = -PosNeg;
      // now, the meat of the problem
      if (a == 1)
        return b;
        return (b * (a & 1) + Multiply(a / 2, b * 2)) * PosNeg;
    Alternatively, if you use the following as the last line, you accomplish this using only one multiplication (the one dealing with +/-) and one division per step:
        return ((a & 1) ? b : 0) + Multiply(a / 2, b + b)) *

    Non-recursive (also not tested):

    INT Multiply(INT a, INT B)
      INT c = 0, PosNeg = 1;
      // first, deal with zeros
      if ((a == 0) || (b == 0))
        return 0;
      // now, deal with negative numbers
      if (a < 0)
        a = -a;
        PosNeg = -PosNeg;
      if (b < 0)
        b = -b;
        PosNeg = -PosNeg;
      // now, the meat of the problem
      while (a > 0)
        if (a & 1)
          c += b;
        a /= 2;
        b *= 2; // or b += b; if you want to get rid of a multiplication
      return c * PosNeg;

    (Of course, in C++ and C#, you would probably move the declarations for c and PosNeg down closer to where they're actually used.)

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