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I have an idea as to why you didn't understand the article up to a point. Frankly, I'm surprised you understood it at all.
I'll try your way: Even up as really been far as even article up even as really to the understand article even IT the reboot up to go the want to do.
Yeah, I know of a few companies that fit the
description but somehow only have a couple of employees; some even have 1.Admin
I always get a laugh at business owners or executives who expect employees to put in 16 hours a day for weeks on end and are just amazed and disappointed when the employees rebel against this. "Don't you want the company to succeed?" he asks, baffled. "We're all in this together."
Except, sorry, we're not. I understand why the owner is willing to work 16-hour days. If the company succeeds, he could become a millionaire, and if it fails, he could go broke. But for the average employee, if the company succeeds, he, what? gets to keep his job, maybe gets a small raise. If it fails he loses his job and has to look for another one. Sure, I'd rather that the company succeed, and I'll put in some effort to make that happen, but the stakes are nowhere near as high for the employee as for the owner. If he wants to offer me a partnership, then my level of commitment will go up.
Furthermore, for the owner of a small business or the top executives of a big one, this is their baby. Not only do they have a lot of money invested in success, but they have a lot of their own egos invested. If the owner or executive succeeds, it was HIS plan that succeeded. But for the average employee, there is usually no such investment. In most companies, the employees have no say in how the company is run. I have had many, many jobs where employees, myself and others, have made suggestions to management on better ways to run the company, and these suggestions are almost always brushed off -- sometimes with an abrupt "no we're not going to do that", more often with polite noises about how management will "consider this idea", etc, but nothing ever happens. Then, after they've told the employees to shut up and do as their told, they wonder why these employees have little feeling of being "part of the team". Then they start calling in consultants to investigate why morale is so low.
Because in the US the company has all the power and your options are usually "Take it or leave it", that's why. Forced to work 60 hour weeks? Suck it up or quit. Not given lunch breaks? Starve until dinner or quit. Boss doesn't like you for no reason at all? Get fired or forced into quitting.
That's bullshit. I'm no fan of government intervention in anything, but I'd much rather have how it works in Europe over this "right to work" shit we have in America where you can be fired for any reason or no reason. Employees have barely any rights, while corporations have the lion's share of rights.
Company of roughly 1000 users. Not really "small" and probably a touch more than 8 people can adequately support, I think.
Condescending dick who doesn't read the article! Harhar
The real WTF is that the quoted comment is better than the posted story.
Sounded like they were months if not weeks away from insolvency. That would explain not expanding headcount for the necessary support coverage. Being the CFO, the guy would know exactly where the profit loss trend is.
I agree!
I'm no fan of government intervention either (not sure you're telling the truth, there). I'm also not a crybaby. If you don't like your job, leave. You have a right to not work there, and he has a right to not pay your sorry ass. Don't cry to the government to make the big mean boss give you a job you want on the terms you like -- go get it yourself.
And if you can't get a job you want on the terms you like, maybe you aren't actually that good at what you do.
I put up with working extra and getting underpaid until I found something better -- enough, at least, to stop looking for awhile. I'll admit I did complain, but not to my Congressman. That guy sucks anyway.
Subby missed a golden opportunity there, to explain to Frank about reality. Not having any ties to the company, instead of walking out he could have engaged Frank in a discussion of HOW.THINGS.WORK. Raw. Laid in on the line. "You're an idiot, Fred, if you expect people to regularly work 60 hours a week for salary, and don't deserve the position of CFO if you can't understand basic economics. Do you want me to explain to you how to obtain and retain an IT staff, or are you happy living in ignorance?"
The change in tone would either impress Francine, or get you kicked out. If you could engage Fritz in a discussion, I bet you could have worked yourself into a management position. If you had wanted one.
BTW the first step would be to give Sandy a $5000 retention bonus. That day.
On the other hand, your country's economy makes the US in its current state look good. Yes, this is directly related.
The best solution to this problem is to have a nice little minimal set of regulations (because there is such a thing as monopsony exploitation in the labor market because it's not a perfectly efficient market due to the very high transaction costs), and a thriving economy where the workers can find a job where they're valued.
Should have included the dot in the CFO . Too easy to spot otherwise!
But force is actually what you prefer. You want to force the employer to keep paying you even though you aren't willing to provide what they want to buy at the price they want to buy it.
Suppose your grocery store went to the government and said "I want you to force ObiWayneKenobi to keep buying $100 worth of groceries from us every week, even though we have stopped carrying the brand of diapers he prefers to wipe his nose from all his whining." After all, the store's employees are depending on you for their livelihood. We can't allow that to be threatened, can we?
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
wow,someone didn't get laid this decade.
Say, have you considered a tour of Pakistan? Or for that matter *.any-istan? They could use your skillz over there, and you could put some proof behind your hollow claims.
Careful. You're shitting fury all over the ratty old office chair in your parents' den, and they're going to smell it when they get home. They'll say "Who pooped in here?" and the answer will be "Publius, because he thought he could transmit it over the Internet."
Fortunately, you're highly trained in pooping, grunting, chest-beating, and various other tactics favored by gorillas.
There is a power imbalance here.
I'm aware people have differing opinions, and you're entitled to your feeling of entitlement to the job which you have negotiated with your employer. I would like to demonstrate that it is not minimal. Go to a right-to-work state in the US and find a job and negotiate an employment agreement, and then say "I'd like for you to insert a clause where you're prohibited from firing me without cause, and where I can sue you for compensation and reinstatement to my position if you do." Then they'll say no, because that's actually a very big deal. QED. And then people wonder why Kansas City, Kansas has a quasifunctional economic recovery while the adjacent Kansas City, Missouri (the bigger part of the city) is still in life support.
In fact, aside from tax rates that's probably the biggest single drag on the economy in the member states of the EU and the primary reason that youth unemployment is stuck over 20%. Of course, some places are worse than others (45% in Spain, 38% in Greece); moreover I believe I recall reading that the politically-correct diversity quotas in small-to-medium businesses in Greece essentially cost the average Greek something like ten thousand dollars a year in foregone wages...
The US, at its best, in right-to-work states, operates on the principles of ownership and freedom. Someone owns the business and its associated property (e.g. factories) and they are free to decide whether or not to hire you or keep you working. You are free to decide whether or not to work there, or whether to work somewhere else, or stay home and grow vegetables.
Substantially-nobody in the US is forced to work for free. You can be required to work stupid hours if you want to get additional money from your employer, certainly. But you can also just walk out the door. Of course, walking out the door is a big deal, more so when you're in a recession, and staying home and growing vegetables isn't the most attractive option... all the more reason to build a functioning economy where employers are willing to hire people. Which is the only solution that really works well in the long run.
Have you heard of combinatorial explosion? It's what my fist will do to your face, tough guy. You wanna be a tough guy? YEAH I BET YOU'RE REAL TOUGH HIDING BEHIND YOUR COMPUTER SCREEN NERD-O.
Captcha: genitus
Because reality simply doesn't work like that. And while you might claim that you have the strength of will to say "no", not everyone has the ability to stand up to the force that the company uses against them. And not everyone can afford to be unemployed, even for a short time.
Failing to recognize that there are other people in the world besides you, and they are in different situations shows that you have no idea what you're talking about, and your views on the situation should be completely ignored.
The hell it is. Germany has a good economy, as does France. They both have strong worker protections. So does most of Scandinavia.
This idea that you can either have a good economy or an environment where workers are not abused and treated like cattle is fucking retarded, and people espousing it need to die off as soon as possible, so we can get some actual progress here.
And you're a fucking idiot if you think the ability to leave a job is anywhere near the power a company holds over you with the threat of firing you.
Again, your drivel sounds good IN THEORY. But the fact of the matter is, it doesn't happen like that in REALITY. For the vast majority of situations, a person losing their ability to support themselves is far, far, far more debilitating that a company losing an employee.
Hey buddy, just thought I'd let you know that I reported this post to the police who are on the case of finding out the admin and shutting it down, I spent an hour with the internet's customer service department, and I've also emailed every major and local radio/news/media corporation today and am awaiting response. I'm more than confident that through my contacts and sources I will find your name, address and then publicly humiliate you and out you for the incredibly mentally disturb person I have seen in a long time. I hope the choice you made to make this immature post was worth the hassel your about to get. I understand you like the aggressive comments so instead I decided to be practical. I believe you are a very sad, immature person, and thus made a controversial post on the internet to get some attention and thus feel like you have a purpose. I hope you mature, find someone, and realize that your not only upsetting everyone else, but you are actually the one who is lonely and upset and needs to find some peace within thereself, otherwise you will have a very lonely time on earth my friend.
Do I look bothered? Woke up this morning 5:30 sharp with a blowjob from two bitches, one was trying to fit my humongous 3 pound balls in her mouth while the other was choking halfway on my 18 and 3\8 inch dick. Must have came about a quart of sperm. They wanted more, cockslapped them unconcious, I had to hit the gym. Frontflipped from my 14th floor loft into my valet parked 2012 Ferrari (I got connexions) and gave the valet 3000$ in loose change. Pushed my shit to about 4 hundo (mph, mind you) and I was at the gym in no time. When I entered, the room scent suddently changed from sweat to wet pussy. That;s just the effect I have on hoes. Did my usual relax routine, 6000 push-ups, 8500 crunches, bench pressed 30 plates, etc. etc. you know the drill. After doing my shit in 16 minutes, my super strong senses got in action, I was smelling pussy. I looked up, and sure enough this fly honey was coming towards me. When i say fly, I mean that bitch was fine as a fucking umbrella. 18 years old, 44DD titties on a tight fucking frame. I mean a real skinny bitch, the type you losers jack off to, she didnt weigh more than 5 pounds. Took out my trouser monster and she started to squirt hard, she was convulsing and having 6 orgasms at the same time. Then I gave it to her while all the guys were giving me high fives and all the hoes were on the floor squirting like motherfucking fountains. Made the slut beg for my cum, but I didnt give it to her to prove a point, I still came but only compressed air came out, imagine your best orgasm, then multiply it by 35. Didnt say nothing, hopped back in the Lambo and went back home. Now I'm sitting here, drinking 15 000$ champagne and eating gold plated sushis made by the 2 bitches from earlier. Its only 6:30 and I did more in 1 hour than you faggots will do your whole life. Enjoy jacking off to stupid code snippets.
Peace out nerds.
It's always funny to see people take copypasta seriously. Publius' post is one transplanted from many years and many forums away, usually posted to highlight the absurdity of someone posing as an internet tough guy in an internet slapfight over some stupid political/religious discussion.
Some people didn't understand the "has really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like" reference either.
These memes are treasured nuggets of internet culture. It's so strange that so many IT folk are unaware of that culture.
Ok really? You think you can just freely say the n word without thinking about how others feel about it? What the hell is wrong with you? It may be the internet, but that doesnt mean you should take on the liberty of acting like a total asshole.
Why don't you ever consider acting normal towards people of different races? You are very disrespectful and I find this very distasteful. You should get off your computer and stand in a corner for five minutes to think about what you have just done.
This goes for the rest of you assholes thinking that you can just throw the n word like that so freely. And honestly, I don't care if you're gonna start calling me the n word too. It will just prove my point that you are all just a bunch of selfish, racist, flaming pigs. Seriously, people these days need to act more mature for once instead of believing that they can say or do anything they want, whether or not it pisses other people off.
Akismet thought that link was spam, cause spammers are linking to urbandictionary all the time, apparently. (Bet it doesn't anymore, though.)
hehehe lolol its okay i hate any kind of drinkings or alchohol or mariwanna needles bc i hate fun but u seem like a pretty cool dude.... i no we just met but i rele liek to put mens peepees in my mouth............d o you think i could drink ur peepee? i aldo like wen old men tak a dump on my chesst..... am i makeing u hot yet??
Heh, that's okay man, thanks for appreciating my art. I almost feel bad for saying [image]
Wow! Fuck me rigid! Brilliant! Can I borrow your style? Mine is getting a bit limp. I love you and I want you to bear my offspring.
Yeah, quitting an abusive job could never hurt your employer, they are just soooo powerful and you are totally helpless and impotent, that's why we never hear stories about how people got mad and left and taught the jerks a lesson... hey wait! What was today's WTF about again? Oh that's right, gorilla warfare.