• BlueEagle (unregistered)

    The real wtf is that they still use this:<td height="30"><img src="images/spacer.gif" height="30"></td> to generate the layout. (or that I didn't read every post to see if someone had posted this already)

    Captcha: 'Bedtime' so good night.

  • BlueEagle (unregistered)

    The real wtf is that they still use this:&lt;td height="30">&lt;img src="images/spacer.gif" height="30">&lt;/td> to generate the layout. (or that I didn't read every post to see if someone had posted this already)

    Captcha: 'Clueless' which describes this forum software for not replacing < with &lt;

  • BlueEagle (unregistered)

    ...and for posting < as the string '<' and not the less than sign that is used to start html tags. Perhaps there's a

     metatag somwhere but lord if I know how to work it. 

  • Eric (unregistered)

    That most certainly looks like ASP.NET code, incorrectly done client-side instead of server-side.

    Captcha: 1337. 1337 indeed. "1337 do it Client-side"

  • (cs) in reply to BlueEagle
    ...and for posting < as the string '<' and not the less than sign that is used to start html tags. Perhaps there's a
     metatag somwhere but lord if I know how to work it. 

    It only does that if it thinks you're using a webbrowser it doesn't approve of. Convince it you're using Firefox or IE, and it should work fine. (Watch what happens when I quote you...)

  • foonly (unregistered) in reply to Sean
    Oh, I get it.  This is a stop-smoking campaign targeted at Firefox users.

    I think they don't want to be accused of marketing to minors again, and they figure the youngsters are using FF and all of the older crowd is probably using IE, so...
  • richter (unregistered)

    h i l a r i o u s

    IE users deserve cancer anyway... (ooh, harsh)!

  • (cs) in reply to seymore15074

    A person smokes out of stupidity?  ...And all this time I thought cigarettes were addictive!  Ha!

    To start smoking is an act of stupidity. To continue means either addiction or that the stupidity is permanent.

    Oh, some smokers will be offended by this posting. Trust me, this is nothing like trying to get the smoke out of my lungs and clothes every time I went to a bar or restaurant. If air pollution standards were enforced, smoking would be prohibited immediately in all public places.

  • DaveBrooks (unregistered) in reply to Jojosh_the_Pi

    Maybe the IT-Web department is smoking something other than tha standard factory product...smiles...

    OK...makes some bean dip!

    Dave Brooks

    BrookStone5 Communications

  • Willy Wankahr (Coming to ya live from Bangalore) (unregistered)

    From a JSP programmer too.  It figures.

  • insta (unregistered) in reply to seymore15074

    And isn't Firefox having an IE tab another WTF? I mean, Microsoft is listed as W3C contributer while they're using different standards, but Firefox building an addon to support them?

    Works great for testing web designs...

    So you guys know ... IETab occasionally renders differently than a regular IE window.  Odd, I know ... but sometimes it will.

    captcha: paste
  • benicillin (unregistered) in reply to mlathe

    i think this guy hit the nail on the head... they hired a techie to come up with the least compatible code out there so that no one would end up at the quit smoking page.. its brilliant

  • (cs) in reply to TeeSee
    (I'm STILL waiting for a way to change the displayed location without doing an actual redirect, which is another roundtrip).

    There's a very good reason you can't do that; to be able to do that would be to enable spoofing...

    Imagine this scenario:

    • Alice visits Bob's blog and sees a comment linking to a tinyurl, which redirects to http://example.net/nytimesexploit.html.
    • Now, nytimesexploit.html contains what appears to be a long article from the New York Times, in fact, it is a copy of the article from www.nytimes.com/theinternetisevil.html.
    • nytimesexploit.html changes the displayed location to "www.nytimes.com/theinternetisevil.html", and Alice believes that she's reading a NYTimes article.
    • She scrolls down, and the second screenful contains a large image of goatse*.

    Instead of the complex solution, why not simply send the domain-A page when you go to http://domain-B, and have all the links (or simply the "BASE HREF") point to http://domain-A/page? No extra roundtrip, and the user happily ends up on domain-A.

    <font size="-3" >* (If you don't know what goatse is, consider yourself lucky, and PLEASE do not search for it... I accept no responsibility for any eventualities if you do.)</font>

  • Pasa (unregistered)

    I'm with MSIE and too see just a blank page.

    Is that really news-worthy? I encountered a bunch of similar sites. Actually nowadays sites that fail to work if you have healthy security settings (mean activeX disabled, flash disabled, sctipting disabled) is the big majority.

    Fortunately the world is big enough and I can live with not visiting any of them. :) 

  • Sachin (unregistered)

    What are they trying to prove by using  Visual Studio .Net "<meta name="GENERATOR" Content="Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 7.1">" to generate a page just to redirect to a JSP page. From Microsoft(ASP.Net)  to Sun(JSP) :)

  • qbolec (unregistered) in reply to Anonymous

    Actually my first thought was also about crawlers...but cloaking is not only keeping your pagerank low - it forces it to stay at 0.

  • qbolec (unregistered) in reply to ZeuC

    run for your lives!
    they are everywhere!

    our lives are everywhere?

  • qbolec (unregistered)

    ..and click() function does very important thing - it clicks - probably that's the only way to produce this sound...(provided you've got IE, appropriate Windows' sound's settings, etc.)

  • (cs)

    funny thing is, the tartget of the redirection actually works very well on firefox.

    try it:



  • Harakiri (unregistered) in reply to NightDweller

    well, since i worked with the click event handler already i wish to share to the author of the marlboro page that it is indeed possible to make it work under all browsers

    function linkClick () { var executeAction = true; if (this.onclick) { executeAction = this.onclick({type: 'click'}); } if (executeAction) { open (this.href, this.target ? this.target : '_self'); } }

    function initLinkClick () {

    var agt=navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
    var is_ie     = ((agt.indexOf("msie") != -1) && (agt.indexOf("opera") == -1));
     if (! is_ie) {
       document.links[0].constructor.prototype.click = linkClick;


    put onLoad="initLinkClick()" wherever you like

  • Mike5 (unregistered)

    You know, we had it like that, but we had to change it exactly to calling the "click()" method (for IE only). The reason? If you set document.location in IE, the browser does not send HTTP referer to the server. Which is another WTF of its own :(


  • Jaap (unregistered) in reply to Raven


    a, a:visited { color:#f00; }

  • (cs) in reply to Mike5
    You know, we had it like that, but we had to change it exactly to calling the "click()" method (for IE only). The reason? If you set document.location in IE, the browser does not send HTTP referer to the server. Which is another WTF of its own :(


    I always preferred the <META http-equiv=...> myself
  • (cs) in reply to random_garbage
    (I'm STILL waiting for a way to change the displayed location without doing an actual redirect, which is another roundtrip).

    There's a very good reason you can't do that; to be able to do that would be to enable spoofing...


    • nytimesexploit.html changes the displayed location to "www.nytimes.com/theinternetisevil.html", and Alice believes that she's reading a NYTimes article.

    <font size="-3"></font>

    Not possible if you only allow it to set the location on the same server. Of course, this defeats the point of the article a little, but still.

    Though I suppose if it is on the same server, you should just use something server-side to fix it.
  • Mike5 (unregistered) in reply to Mike5
    You know, we had it like that, but we had to change it exactly to calling the "click()" method (for IE only). The reason? If you set document.location in IE, the browser does not send HTTP referer to the server. Which is another WTF of its own :(


    Oh, I forgot to explain: This wasn't for automatic redirect, this was for onClick event.

    Captcha: error

  • (cs) in reply to TeeSee
    That page is incredibly defective. The login form does things that a lot of browsers would do automatically...

    var bSubmitted = false;
    function CACLogin() {
    if (!bSubmitted)
    bSubmitted = true;

    function keyPressed()
    if (event.keyCode == 13)

    Except that a form should NOT submit when the Enter button has been pressed (in other words, auto-selecting the submit button and activating it). This can cause real annoyances if you accidentally and unknowingly deselect a textarea you're currently typing in and you fancy having a linebreak in your input.

    For that behaviour you have to look towards (you guessed it) Microsoft, who also came up with the superfluous "Go" button; except that everybody (even AOLers) already knew that pressing Enter after typing a URL in the location bar directed the browser to that location.

    So... what has happened here that the incorrect behaviour has been corrected. However, the WTF is that it has been reimplemented as a cack-handed way of preventing double submission.

    Due to the MOST POPULAR BROWSER having this crap behaviour, everybody now has to support it (note Google's helpful text on their home page; they even tell you to do it)
  • RichNFamous (unregistered) in reply to cooldudman


    Follow the example of the tobacco company. 

    Only allow your website to be viewed in the BEST BROWSER EVER!

    You're right! Now that Microsoft have invented Tabbed Browsing, the world is perfect.
  • (cs) in reply to Harakiri
    var agt=navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();

    Yes, because using navigator.userAgent is so reliable...
    On the other hand, it is the next thing people learn after proprietary coding, so why should they get a shortcut to correct code without traveling the same route everybody else did?
  • (cs) in reply to MrBester

    For that behaviour you have to look towards (you guessed it) Microsoft, who also came up with the superfluous "Go" button; except that everybody (even AOLers) already knew that pressing Enter after typing a URL in the location bar directed the browser to that location.

    That's one click/keypress to focus the location bar, plus another keypress to "Go" (maybe some browsers have a single keypress for that, but I don't know of it, and in any case it's not obvious), versus one click on the "Go" button (and no, this isn't the same as Reload/Refresh)? Doesn't seem superfluous to me.

  • Trevor (unregistered)

    OH MAN - I totally wanted to take down the cigarette website as a vigillante coder - i thought they had an sqlstring parameter exposed.

  • Harakiri (unregistered) in reply to MrBester
    var agt=navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();

    Yes, because using navigator.userAgent is so reliable...
    On the other hand, it is the next thing people learn after proprietary coding, so why should they get a shortcut to correct code without traveling the same route everybody else did?

    wow MrMoron - this was just an example that it does work for other browser and the navigator.userAgent is only needed to check if the browser is IE or not - anything else is not important and navigator.userAgent SURE does return Internet Explorer correctly

    now, begone you smartass

  • Hotta (unregistered) in reply to Anonymous
    This actually makes a lot of sense: Since most crawlers will not execute Javascript, they're effectively preventing automated crawler redirects. This may help keeping the google ranking low.

    Very insightful.

  • Hotta (unregistered) in reply to Miral
    Here is the code on Cingular.com:
    <form name="frmCingIdx" action="/index_b2b_orange" method="post">
    <input type="hidden" name="ClientIP" value="" />	
    </<span class="end-tag">form>
    document.frmCingIdx.ClientIP.value = "";
    </<span class="end-tag">script>
    It renders a similar blank page in FireFox.

    That's just retarded.  If they wanted the client's IP so badly, they could just look in their server logs, or in the information the server passes to any CGI or script as a matter of course.

    They're probably want your IP address inside NAT, not you public IP address.

  • amcorona (unregistered) in reply to Siebz

    That's just stooopid. (Just like smokers)*
    <font size="1">* Who can respect a person who lets a stupid substance have control over them?  Its a sign of weakness!</font>

    Grow the fuck up.  I love smoking.  You whack off.... that controls you right?
  • amcorona (unregistered) in reply to woodle

    I now always include "What is the difference between Response.Redirect and Server.Transfer?" as one of the first interview questions.  I reckon at least 25% of applicants can't give a satisfactory answer (and yes, it's very depressing).

    Dahhhh I don't get the second part of your question here.  The first part I would assume an apache directive like Redirect 303 foo.  I don't know what the heck you mean by server transfer through.
  • Claus (unregistered) in reply to little whipper snapper

    I think it's a pretty safe bet the IDE is exactly to blame:

    "Hmm how the hell am I going to get over there. I don't have that url at design time. I know I'll just drag this hyperlink onto my web form, and then I can load the url in an onload handler or something and then I can trigger the link click myself. Oh, I have to make sure i run events clientside."

  • Adhost Support (unregistered)

    The JavaScript code block is now visible on this page.  Apparently the dev team forgot to comment out the scipt tags.  If you have any more input or corrections please feel free to let us know.

    Adhost Support

  • (cs)

    Could they have done it to prevent spiders from following the link? I would doubt that a spider could be clever enough (unless it has an embedded instance of an actual browser or implements JS) to be able to follow this link (BTW, I have no knowledge about the state of today's spiders)... Still, it's a big WTF not to test something with Firefox prior to deployment.

  • Shana (unregistered)

    omg, I just said WTF out loud with this one! What the heck were they smoking?!? oO

    Captcha: zork!

  • (cs) in reply to little whipper snapper

    Now just *how* the author of the code arose at such a situation is left as an excercise for the reader.

    In my experience, these happen as follows:

    Coder doesn't know how to do it.

    Coder tries a few things, maybe googles a bit, maybe asks a cow-orker.

    Coder finally hits on something that works for them, in their browser.

    Coder stops there, no further testing. Hey, the problem is solved, right? And there are plenty more bugs to be fixed, and plenty more features on the list just waiting to be turned into bugs code.

  • (cs) in reply to DrCode

    "turned into bugs code" had strikethrough of "bugs" when I was editing it. Of course, we all know the real WTF is ....

  • Luke Markingham (unregistered)

    About 3000 people die every day

  • Luke Markingham (unregistered)

    About 3000 people die every day

  • Gilhad (unregistered)

    Just for record. Today they use another trick - there is A HREF with redirection, (If your browser does not redirect you momentarily, please click) but in div with style="display:none;" ... big improvement ...

  • sezer (unregistered)

    About Redirect to other web address // html code --


  • mike tuttle guyton ga 31312 (unregistered)

    me and my girlfriend have smoked marlboros for years and will not smoke nothing else but now theres a problem with your fsc on the packs the cigs dont taste the same it makes her (girlfriend) there awfull i dont know what yall are putting in there but please go back to regaler old times we are having to run all over town trying to find the ones without fsc on the pack SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO PLEASE GO BACK TO THE GOOD ONES WITHOUT FSC PLEASE SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSTOP PLEASE WE LOVE MARLBORO CIG NOT TRYING TO BE RUDE THANKS.........

  • mike tuttle guyton ga 31312 (unregistered)

    me and my girlfriend have smoked marlboros for years and will not smoke nothing else but now theres a problem with your fsc on the packs the cigs dont taste the same it makes her very sick (girlfriend) there awfull i dont know what yall are putting in there but please go back to regaler old times we are having to run all over town trying to find the ones without fsc on the pack SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO PLEASE GO BACK TO THE GOOD ONES WITHOUT FSC PLEASE SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSTOP PLEASE WE LOVE MARLBORO CIG NOT TRYING TO BE RUDE THANKS.........

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