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I always understood that in C an assignment returned the value assigned, not whether the assignment was successful or not.
eg. if (a=b)
This evaluates to the value of b. essentially, if b is non zero then do something.
This if ((a = b) == 0) as suggested by another poster, wouldn't assign and test for success because the assignment would return the value of b, not a true/false. In fact, (a=b)==0 iff b==0.
This is the basis of C style string manipulation, where strings are null (ie, zero) terminated. I'd probably expect a warning from any decent compiler but it's perfectly valid and useful.
By the way, FBI traced your IP ( "hackers" the movie style, you know, like ) and is coming at your house.
When you use recursive operations there is a stack depth you can not exceed and it varies from computer to computer.
Stack overflow in this example would be caused by strings somewhere around 2000-10000 chars in length.
This isn't a bug with .Net hehe
Justin www.AboutJustin.com
c++ do have replace function in the standard string class.
Oh right, you don't actually know that.
Would that work?
Btw, it's amazing how many of the versions posted here don't work.
K, this is the final one.
I lied.
God, I'm glad I know regular expressions :)
VB6 does have a replace function, it is VB5 that had poor in-built string manipulation functions
myvariable = REPLACE (myvariable, " ", "")
COBOL. I want an implmentation in Cobol. That should be cool.
Both this, and the original 'reference implementation' suffer from the same fault: they use pointer arithmetic. Relatively harmless in this particular case, but dangerous and inefficient in general.
Once you start modifying pointers you defeat the commpiler's optimiser. I know that K&R, and most programming courses, say to do it this way, but your code will run faster if you use two integer subscripts to index from[] and to[]. Let the compiler convert this to pointer arithmetic: it will do it much more efficiently than you can.
As for safety, if you use a subscript you have something you can debug; if all you have is a pointer, who knows what are valid pointer values and what are not?
Ick, strlen for no good reason.
Last one from me, this is the C++ Enterprise Version.
he used NULL instead of 0 hence it definately is C not C++
It looks like VB code to me, so I tried to do this the hard way:
Sub RemoveSpaces() Dim MyStr As String MyStr = Replace(MyStr, " ", "", 1) End Sub
Oneliner ... :-)
You do compile with warnings on don't you?
Dude, C++ is the superset of C, therefore any C program is also a C++ program...
For the next challenge. Two representations of this routine, one in Brainfuck & one in Whitespace, in the same file, with the programs interleaved. Split both of them up in such a way that the comments - you do comment, don't you? - make sense for both programs.
Now call despace_in_place(NULL);
It's VB.NET, the end.
In .Net, the preferred way to return a value from a method (or Function in VB.Net) is actually NOT to assign to [FunctionName], but to use "return [value]", as is the case with C# or most other "C"-ish languages.
I suppose backward compatibility brings out the worst in some programmers, though...
Also, a void method is declared as a "Sub" in VB. A "Function" always returns a value, and if no type is specified, "System.Object" is assumed.
Not all languages are compiled. It's still a useful habit imho.
Obfuscators of the world, unite:
Forgot to account for null:
Not tight, but fun :)
For those few of you that don't read Befunge-93 fluently: the 6-line block in the middle is the main function, which takes a null-terminated string off the stack, and pushes a new string on the stack, without spaces. The first and last lines are a wrapper for testing (the first line puts a string on the stack and jumps to the function; the last line prints the string currently on the stack and terminates).
Tested with http://www.quirkster.com/befunge/befunge.html.
Wrong. If you do not specify the return type, it defaults to "object".
If Option Strict is on, you are required to specify the return type.
I agree... .NET is an amazing platform to develop on. In my experience, while VB.NET shouldn't be considered a "toy language", those who develop on it are "toy developers"... Oh, I'm sure there are very good developers that choose to use VB.NET--many of us here just haven't met them yet. =)
Well sure, but who ever looks at those???
You left out the sarcasm tags. In any event, this is not how VB.NET works. The callee sees a copy of the string when it uses the passed variable.
templates, the other way round ;)
You have it backwards. If a string is passed ByRef, a REFERENCE is passed -- essentially a pointer to the original.
With ByVal, the VALUE (a copy of the value of a variable) is passed, and you cannot change the original.
With every language, one needs to learn how to use it before attempting.
I get undefinedundefinedundefinedundefined... as the result no matter what I put in. Windows XP/IE7.
CynicalTyler is a genius. :-)
Speaking of O(n) algorithms, why not generate every subset of the string (in the original order) and return the one that is the longest but doesn't contain any spaces?
Damn, I guess IE7 can save us from WOPR too. My PC's power is toasted, couldn't test :'(
( and, indeed, insert anti-microsoft sarcasm here )
Here's a Python version that is more dedicated to the subject of this site ;-)
How about in MUF?
: do-strip explode 1 swap 1 for pop swap strcat repeat ;
: main "this is a string" " " do-strip ;
This is how I would've done it, only tested in bash: (usage: var=
removeSpaces "string here"
)(captcha: pinball - what this thread is playing with my brain as the ball)
This was also true in FORTRAN77 FUNCTION subprograms. It's an old idea. Here's a not-quite right F77 version, but it's in the spirt of the exercise. Oddly, it's not as bad a the VB one!
Maybe the INSPECT verb will work?!? COBOL has formatting built-ins to normalise records.
Unicode doesn't have characters, it has codepoints. Unicode encodings have bytes that represent codepoints.
If that was an old version of VB, then that would be the most condensed version, as there is no way to actually remove spaces from a string in one line, to my knowledge.
I know!
string& RemoveSpace(string &s) { return while(fork()); }
Uh, well, okay...
The string in this case is in memory. The function thus takes two extra lines [one to get the argument, one to return the result], but still gets the job done. The rest of the code shown is the standard stuff that has to be in any Perl program, if one is not to be taken to task by the Perly monks.
In all fairness, though, the the regex used has quite a bit of C code under the hood. The advantage in this case is that the underlying code only had to be written once, and the result functionality is available readily, without re-inventing that wheel.
Coolness. You inspired me. Pascal was the first language I learned--on paper. I never had a chance to use it, though, except under the hood in C++[?] Builder.
I now have another browser window open at: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=2174 and as soon as I get to the coffee shop where I have access to a high-speed connection, I will download and intall it, for the sake of nostalgia.