• (cs)

    I'd be curious to see how Andy wrote an app like that in just 800 bytes.

    I know when I was doing x86 assembly in school, it was quite a few bytes just to get "hello world" going.

  • Bim Job (unregistered) in reply to ullamcorper
    Bib Job: Thanks, you rock, and read my mind. Reading the requirements probably is the silver bullet. Of course, then, I wouldn't have any coworkers.

    I vote for "plummet" of WTFs, and the person who said "dolly-sliding" gets undying adoration.

    Oh crap, no insults. I can wait.

    Obviously, it's a "whither" or WTFs...

  • Andy Herrman (unregistered) in reply to ullamcorper
    For what it's worth, finding the fewest-move solution to the general NxN problem is NP-complete. That means that, even if it's not a new problem, anyone who can solve DIFFICULT and whose code generalizes to beyond 3x3 should immediately: 1. Patent algorithm. 3. Profit!

    Solving the difficult problem would not be worthy of anything special, as solving NP Complete problems isn't really that hard.

    What's hard is solving NP Complete problems efficiently. If you can create a polynomial-time algorithm to solve this THAT would be worth a lot. But just writing an algorithm that finds the optimal solution isn't that big a deal.

  • Bim Job (unregistered) in reply to Andy Herrman
    Andy Herrman:
    For what it's worth, finding the fewest-move solution to the general NxN problem is NP-complete. That means that, even if it's not a new problem, anyone who can solve DIFFICULT and whose code generalizes to beyond 3x3 should immediately: 1. Patent algorithm. 3. Profit!

    Solving the difficult problem would not be worthy of anything special, as solving NP Complete problems isn't really that hard.

    What's hard is solving NP Complete problems efficiently. If you can create a polynomial-time algorithm to solve this THAT would be worth a lot. But just writing an algorithm that finds the optimal solution isn't that big a deal.

    Rubric (OP): "Difficult - an algorithm that solves using the most efficient path possible."

    Qualifier (ullamcorper): "finding the fewest-move solution to the general NxN problem is NP-complete."

    Not sure what your distinction between "optimal" and "efficient" might be, but if you can write an algorithm to find the optimal solution for any NP-complete problem you care to pick, I'd be deeply impressed. Particularly if you can somehow manage to make it execute in non-polynomial time.

    And particularly if, by "optimal," you mean either "most efficient path" or "fewest-move."

  • (cs) in reply to Alex Papadimoulis
    Alex Papadimoulis:
    While I'm sure I would fail CS101 with this code, this solves in miliseconds on my machine (takes a few hundred thousand iterations, though).
    static int[] solvePuzzle(int[] puzzleNumbers)
            Random rand = new Random();
            while (true)
                // Solved Yet?
                bool solved = true;
                for (int i = 0; i < puzzleNumbers.Length; i++)
                    if (puzzleNumbers[i] != i && puzzleNumbers[i] > 0) return false;

    I don't believe you. Why don't you copy-paste your actual code rather than submit something which doesn't compile?

  • Bim Job (unregistered) in reply to Andy Herrman
    Andy Herrman:
    For what it's worth, finding the fewest-move solution to the general NxN problem is NP-complete. That means that, even if it's not a new problem, anyone who can solve DIFFICULT and whose code generalizes to beyond 3x3 should immediately: 1. Patent algorithm. 3. Profit!

    Solving the difficult problem would not be worthy of anything special, as solving NP Complete problems isn't really that hard.

    What's hard is solving NP Complete problems efficiently. If you can create a polynomial-time algorithm to solve this THAT would be worth a lot. But just writing an algorithm that finds the optimal solution isn't that big a deal.

    Oops, I see you're using "algorithm" in the mathematical sense, rather than in the computer science sense. My apologies ... but it's a bit of a quibble, isn't it? I mean, in real life, you want a polynomial-time algorithm ... even if you're not actually aware that you want a polynomial-time algorithm.

    In other words, for computers, polynomial-time is assumed.

    Even if it's not in the rubric ... ;}

  • Anonymous (unregistered)

    Hilarious Perl code to find an optimal solution: http://pastebin.com/m5e2bfac0

  • Roger Wolff (unregistered) in reply to ullamcorper

    ... NP Complete ...

    Are you sure? The way I always solve the puzzle (in hardware and mushware: i.e. puzzle fysically present and by brain power), I think I use an order-of-n algorithm to get the 1 in the correct position, and then the two etc etc. So I'd say this can be solved in N^3 time.

    This may not be optimum, but it's fast. (not O(x^n) or something).

    This is weird because such "can always be solved in N^3 time" is non-typical for NP-complete problems. It could still be that the test: "can it be done in X moves?" where X < O(N^3) is NP-complete.

  • Zapp Brannigan (unregistered) in reply to Kris
    How many almost-identical versions of the "12345678" "solution" are we going to see before people realise it's not that funny?
    I don't know, but I'm working on a C routine that will compute the answer using a brute force method.
  • bored (unregistered)

    NP 3N 1xyz, dang I understand 0^10 of this today.

  • yeah whateva (unregistered) in reply to WhiskeyJack
    I'd be curious to see how Andy wrote an app like that in just 800 bytes.

    I know when I was doing x86 assembly in school, it was quite a few bytes just to get "hello world" going.

    my guess would be lots and lots of calls to the system bios, with even some blind calls to the middle of routines because they have the necessary sequence of instructions before a return.

    That and 68K assembly acts like a high-level low-level language (memory to memory moves).

  • Hmmmm (unregistered)

    For all these people talking about the non-existence of efficent/optimal/whatever solutions to an NP-complete problem:

    True, it is not possible to find a polynomial-time algorithm to solve an NP-complete problem (on a non-quantum computer, etc)

    But you can and people (like Google, for example) regularly do develop "efficient" or "best" solutions to NP-complete problems.

    If your client asks you to write some code to efficiently solve a problem like this one, or the Travelling Salesman, or giving directions on a map, you don't say "I'm sorry, there is no efficient solution!" You write something, maybe using A* that does it as optimally as possible.

    If you write it using BFS or random trial and error, you then go and research it and find that so far A* is about the most efficient, optimal algorithm.

    Then, for extra credit, you develop a better algorithm, publish your research and win Nobel dog prize at Crufts.

  • Jay (unregistered) in reply to whereiseljefe
    Yeah, we did this recently in my AI class.

    And looking through the timestamps in my old assignments, by recently I mean almost exactly a year ago...

    When you pass 30, a year ago is "recently".

    When you pass 50, you find yourself saying, "Yeah, that just happened a few days ago ... oh, wait, it was 1973."

  • Hmmmm (unregistered)

    For all these people talking about the non-existence of efficent/optimal/whatever solutions to an NP-complete problem:

    True, it is not possible to find a polynomial-time algorithm to solve an NP-complete problem (on a non-quantum computer, etc)

    But you can and people (like Google, for example) regularly do develop "efficient" or "best" solutions to NP-complete problems.

    If your client asks you to write some code to efficiently solve a problem like this one, or the Travelling Salesman, or giving directions on a map, you don't say "I'm sorry, there is no efficient solution!" You write something, maybe using A* that does it as optimally as possible.

    If you write it using BFS or random trial and error, you then go and research it and find that so far A* is about the most efficient, optimal algorithm.

    Then, for extra credit, you develop a better algorithm, publish your research and win Nobel dog prize at Crufts.

  • ullamcorper (unregistered) in reply to Roger Wolff

    BTW, for those now quibbling about "efficient" versus "solution" to the general NxN problem, I posted a brief (but probably overlooked) clarification to my post, indicating that the word "efficient" needed to be inserted to make it valid. My apologies for introducing confusion on that point.

    Roger Wolff:
    ... NP Complete ... Are you sure? The way I always solve the puzzle (in hardware and mushware: i.e. puzzle fysically present and by brain power), I think I use an order-of-n algorithm to get

    In this case, there is an algorithm that can find SOME solution that operates in efficient time, as you suggest. However, the "difficult" option in the problem description requires, not just any solution, but the most "path effective" or "fewest move" solution.

    This is a case of a problem that's easy (polynomial) if you don't care about the number of moves to solve, and only difficult if you you do.

    Compare to the Traveling Salesman: if you don't care about how long your trip is, it's usual trivial to find a way to visit every city. It's only when you say "is there a route less than X long?" that things become icky.

    Roger Wolff:
    It could still be that the test: "can it be done in X moves?" where X < O(N^3) is NP-complete.

    To sum up, yes, that's exactly what is NP-complete.

  • Anon (unregistered) in reply to Anon
    Apparently nobody can tell what the OP's language is. I'd really like to know, so that I can avoid it in my professional life.

    No, just nobody cares about your flamebaiting. I assume you're talking about the first post which is clearly C#. Maybe you should go back to Visual Basic if you find it too confusing for you?

  • Anon (unregistered) in reply to Anon
    Apparently nobody can tell what the OP's language is. I'd really like to know, so that I can avoid it in my professional life.

    No, just nobody cares about your flamebaiting. I assume you're talking about the first post which is clearly C#. Maybe you should go back to Visual Basic if you find it too confusing for you?

    Why so hostile, o' Internet Warrior? What is your problem? I asked a simple question and you act like a spoiled little bitch.

    Now, I don't know you (fortunately), but you act like you're frustrated in your life. I condone stupidity, but not bad behavior.

    Now, run along.

  • (cs)

    I wrote another little quick and dirty python script for this. I really hate making copies of lists of lists, but oh well.

    import random
    def is_solved(puzzle):
    	for r in range(0,3):
    		for c in range(0,3):
    				if(count!=9 or puzzle[r][c] != ' '):
    					return False
    	return True
    def is_valid_move(puzzle,sr,sc,er,ec):
    	#make sure both positions are valid
    	if(not(sr>=0 and sr<3 and \
    		sc>=0 and sc<3 and \
    		er>=0 and er<3 and \
    		ec>=0 and ec<3)):
    		return False
    	#make sure destination is empty
    	if(puzzle[er][ec]!=' '):
    		return False
    	#make sure the transition is only 1 up, 1 down, 1 left, or 1 right
    	for move in moves:
    		if(sr+move[0]==er and sc+move[1]==ec):
    			return True
    	return False
    def pick_move(puzzle):
    	while(not is_valid_move(puzzle,sr,sc,er,ec)):
    	return (sr,sc,er,ec)
    def solve_puzzle(puzzle):
    	#complecated foo in the line below is used to 
    	#make a copy of the puzzle so we can keep track 
    	#of our sexy moves
    	board_list.append(list(row[:] for row in puzzle));
    	while(not is_solved(puzzle)):
    		#pick a valid move
    		#update moves list
    		#swap tiles
    		#update move count and board_list
    		#complicated foo strikes again
    		board_list.append(list(row[:] for row in puzzle))
    	return (moves,moves_list,board_list)
    (moves,moves_list,board_list)=solve_puzzle([[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,' ',8]])
    print board_list
  • maddog (unregistered) in reply to ullamcorper

    Just because a problem is NP-complete doesn't mean you can't solve DIFFICULT and generalize the code beyond 3x3. It just means you can't do it in polynomial time. Unless, or course, P=NP, which it does. Been meaning to publish that...

  • Brad Gilbert (unregistered)

    I would cross post this on Stack Overflow ( Wikified, of course ).

  • anon (unregistered) in reply to Bim Job
    Bim Job:
    Bib Job: Thanks, you rock, and read my mind. Reading the requirements probably is the silver bullet. Of course, then, I wouldn't have any coworkers.

    I vote for "plummet" of WTFs, and the person who said "dolly-sliding" gets undying adoration.

    Oh crap, no insults. I can wait.

    Obviously, it's a "whither" or WTFs...

    I reckon the collective noun for WTFs should be a 'project'. Everyone knows what you mean if you tell them you've got a 'project of WTFs'

  • Harrow (unregistered) in reply to SR
    ...what is the collective noun for WTFs?...


  • Bim Job (unregistered) in reply to Hmmmm
    For all these people talking about the non-existence of efficent/optimal/whatever solutions to an NP-complete problem:

    True, it is not possible to find a polynomial-time algorithm to solve an NP-complete problem (on a non-quantum computer, etc)

    But you can and people (like Google, for example) regularly do develop "efficient" or "best" solutions to NP-complete problems.

    If your client asks you to write some code to efficiently solve a problem like this one, or the Travelling Salesman, or giving directions on a map, you don't say "I'm sorry, there is no efficient solution!" You write something, maybe using A* that does it as optimally as possible.

    If you write it using BFS or random trial and error, you then go and research it and find that so far A* is about the most efficient, optimal algorithm.

    Then, for extra credit, you develop a better algorithm, publish your research and win Nobel dog prize at Crufts.

    Well, that's what you get when you use a natural language to approximate a mathematical description. What is optimal? What is efficient? Where is Waldo?

    'Course, though, you're absolutely right. (Which is why I find Programming Pragmata such a waste of time.) If a client asks for "optimal" or "efficient", then you don't piss around with comments about NP-complete.

    Optimal, for a client, is however you fit their problem space into their solution space, via their cost space. Intellectually, you'd like to provide a solution that scales with the problem space. Practically, you just code the thing, pick up the big bag o'money, and get out of there.

    I freely admit that my crass inability with maths lets me down here. However, I'm not sure that A* is a mathematically optimal solution (either along the dimension of size or that of accuracy) for the entire taxonomy of NP-complete problems. I mean, it can be proved to be admissible and computationally optional (it says here, and I agree) -- but that's just terminology.

    Is it better than the Christofides algorithm for the Travelling Salesman Problem (triangle inequality, subdivision)? Is it better all the way up and down the taxonomy? If not, at which point does a polynomial transformation between a particular optimal approximation for one NP-complete problem and another NP-complete problem become worthwhile, rather than just relying on A*?

    See, these are the sort of things they never taught me at Cambridge. These are the sort of practical solutions I need to be able to track down.

    Not some bleedin' crap about sliding plastic squares around in a grid. Particularly when, half the time, there's no solution anyway.

  • (cs) in reply to Harrow
    ...what is the collective noun for WTFs?...


    It should be a Mud of WTF's.

    As support i cite my reference as such: http://www.laputan.org/mud/

    So yes, it is a Mud of WTF's

  • (cs)

    In the 9-square variant, there are only 362880 possible states, and at most 3 useful state transitions. Doing a breadth-first search within that state space is relatively trivial, and if you want to be really fancy you can keep track of which states you've already been to (in a hash or set or whatever) as a simple optimization.

    The 16-square variant, however, is a bit more complex, with 1307674368000 possible states (but still at most only 3 useful transitions).

  • Bim Job (unregistered) in reply to maddog
    Just because a problem is NP-complete doesn't mean you can't solve DIFFICULT and generalize the code beyond 3x3. It just means you can't do it in polynomial time. Unless, or course, P=NP, which it does. Been meaning to publish that...
    It's about time Alex built longer margins into this damn blog.
  • IV (unregistered) in reply to Jay
    When you pass 50, you find yourself saying, "Yeah, that just happened a few days ago ... oh, wait, it was 1973."

    Oh, I hope not. Mostly because I wasn't born until the mid 80's. If I start remembering things from 1973, I will have problems.

  • Worf (unregistered)

    I'm guessing the output shouldn't be a solved puzzle, but rather a series of steps to get to the solved state?

    And in x86, it should be possible to get a "hello world" app done pretty quickly - set up the registers, call the BIOS function to output to screen, call MS-DOS function to exit.

    Even in Win32, setting up a call to MessageBox shouldn't be too difficult, followed by ExitProcess. Now if you wanted to do a message loop, that'll take some effort!

    Still, 800 bytes is impressive, but it's mostly calling Mac Toolbox functions and I'm guessing there's a lot of infrastructure already done for you, so 800 bytes for the guts may not be terribly hard.

  • Worf (unregistered)

    I'm guessing the output shouldn't be a solved puzzle, but rather a series of steps to get to the solved state?

    And in x86, it should be possible to get a "hello world" app done pretty quickly - set up the registers, call the BIOS function to output to screen, call MS-DOS function to exit.

    Even in Win32, setting up a call to MessageBox shouldn't be too difficult, followed by ExitProcess. Now if you wanted to do a message loop, that'll take some effort!

    Still, 800 bytes is impressive, but it's mostly calling Mac Toolbox functions and I'm guessing there's a lot of infrastructure already done for you, so 800 bytes for the guts may not be terribly hard.

  • Mogri (unregistered) in reply to Anon
    Apparently nobody can tell what the OP's language is. I'd really like to know, so that I can avoid it in my professional life.

    Pretty sure it's C. Stick to Visual Basic and you'll be fine.

  • methinks (unregistered) in reply to SR
    • what is the collective noun for WTFs?



  • Mogri (unregistered) in reply to Mogri

    Actually... never mind. I didn't look at it that closely.

    int swapIdx = avaiableMoves[rand.Next(0, avaiableMoves.Length)];

    I really don't know anymore. (Never mind the misspellings.)

  • EngleBart (unregistered) in reply to Bim Job
    Bim Job:
    ... Particularly when, half the time, there's no solution anyway.
    That is why the problem that should have been given before this one would have been to scramble the squares in such a way as to require the maximum number of moves to unscramble the squares. Forward scrambling from the ending position removes the "no solution" cases. (Do not include unnecessary for loops or large memory allocations so you can _optimize_ the code later)

    Bonus 1: What IS the maximum number/depth of scrambles? Bonus 2: How many different starting positions exist at this depth?

    If you can not proove it mathematically (I can't!), try graphing depth vs. number of positions and see where it leads. At depth 1 there are 2 possible positions. You can keep a back-trace to ensure that you don't repeat a position. Once you try to repeat a position, you can stop that search vector. This is a small enough problem space that you could create a database of every possible starting position with the shortest moves to take it back to the original position. (Requirement: The solution DB must be stored in a single, enterprisey XML file. The id attribute of the position element must be specified for every possible position.)

    It seems like there should be some minimum energy-state related solution to this problem where a given position should naturally decay into the next position closest to the solution. I see difficulty in modeling the blank square with this approach. Maybe if it is a roving black hole...

    P.S. Don't use double quotes(_) in your postings! It will Preview, but not Submit!

  • (cs) in reply to Everett
    Reading lisp always makes me feel like someone kicked me in the back of the head.

    Yeah really... that was hard core. I was going to do this in SQL though... but I have better things to do.

  • Anon (unregistered) in reply to Anon
    Apparently nobody can tell what the OP's language is. I'd really like to know, so that I can avoid it in my professional life.

    No, just nobody cares about your flamebaiting. I assume you're talking about the first post which is clearly C#. Maybe you should go back to Visual Basic if you find it too confusing for you?

    Why so hostile, o' Internet Warrior? What is your problem? I asked a simple question and you act like a spoiled little bitch.

    Now, I don't know you (fortunately), but you act like you're frustrated in your life. I condone stupidity, but not bad behavior.

    Now, run along.

    Let's go back to your original post:

    What is that horrible language the OP has posted? Looks a bit like Java, but isn't. C# maybe?

    Don't act like you're not flamebaiting here. Either that or you've never used C,C++ or Java which all have very similar syntax. If you find that "horrible" then maybe you should stick to (very simple) scripting and avoid any real programming.

  • JAVA 6 (unregistered)
    import java.util.Deque;
    import java.util.HashSet;
    import java.util.LinkedList;
    import java.util.Set;
    public class SlidingPuzzle 
    	public static final String NL = System.getProperty("line.separator");  
    	public final static class PuzzleState
    		int state[];
    		int moves[];
    		int move  = 0;
    		int blank = 0;
    		PuzzleState parent;
    		public PuzzleState(PuzzleState parent, int state[], int from, int to)
    			this.parent = parent;
    			this.state = state;
    			this.blank = to;
    			case 0: 
    				this.moves = new int[] { 1, 3 };
    			case 1: 
    				this.moves = new int[] { 0, 2, 4 };
    			case 2: 
    				this.moves = new int[] { 1, 5 };
    			case 3: 
    				this.moves = new int[] { 0, 4, 6 };
    			case 4:
    				this.moves = new int[] { 1, 3, 5, 7 };
    			case 5: 
    				this.moves = new int[] { 2, 4, 8};
    			case 6: 
    				this.moves = new int[] { 3, 7 };
    			case 7: 
    				this.moves = new int[] { 4, 6, 8 };
    			case 8:
    				this.moves = new int[] { 5, 7 };
    			if (from >= 0)
    				int tmpMoves[] = new int[this.moves.length - 1];
    				int i = 0, j = 0;
    				for (; i < this.moves.length; i++)
    					if (this.moves[i] != from)
    						tmpMoves[j++] = this.moves[i];
    				this.moves = tmpMoves;
    		public boolean solved()
    			for (int i = 0; i < this.state.length - 1; i++)
    				if (state[i] != i + 1)
    					return false;
    			return state[this.state.length - 1] == 0;
    		public PuzzleState nextState()
    			if (this.move >= this.moves.length)
    				return null;
    			int newState[] = this.state.clone();
    			int tmp = newState[this.moves[this.move]];
    			newState[this.moves[this.move]] = 0;
    			newState[this.blank] = tmp;
    			return new PuzzleState(this, newState, this.blank, this.moves[this.move++]);
    		public boolean equals(Object obj)
    			if (!(obj instanceof PuzzleState))
    				return false;
    			PuzzleState p = (PuzzleState)obj;
    			for (int i = 0; i < this.state.length; i++)
    				if (this.state[i] != p.state[i])
    					return false;
    			return true;				
    		public int hashCode()
    			int hash   = 0;
    			int offset = 0;
    			for (int i = 0; i < this.state.length; i++)
    				if (this.state[i] == 0)
    				hash |= this.state[i] << offset;
    				offset += 4;
    			return hash;
    		public boolean solvable()
    			int parity = 0;
    			for (int i = 0; i < this.state.length - 1; i++)
    				if (this.state[i] <= 1)
    				int count = 0;
    				for (int j = i + 1; j < this.state.length; j++)
    					if (this.state[j] > 0 && this.state[j] < this.state[i])
    				parity += count;
    			return (parity & 1) == 0;
    		public Deque<PuzzleState> getStepList()
    			return this.getStepList(new LinkedList<PuzzleState>());
    		private Deque<PuzzleState> getStepList(Deque<PuzzleState> dequeue)
    			if (this.parent != null)
    			return dequeue;
    		public String toString()
    			int c = 0;
    			StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(32);
    			for (int i = 0; i < this.state.length - 1; i++)
    				if (++c < 3)
    					sb.append(" ");
    					c = 0;
    			sb.append(this.state[this.state.length - 1]);			
    			return sb.toString();
    	public static void main(String ... args)
    		Set<Integer> numbers = new HashSet<Integer>(9);
    		if (args.length != 9)
    			System.out.println("usage example: 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0");
    		int start = 0;
    		int count = 0;
    		int puzzle[] = new int[9];
    		for (String arg : args)
    			int number = Integer.parseInt(arg);
    			if (number < 0 || number > 8)
    				System.err.println("Number: " + number + " is out of range");
    			if (numbers.contains(number))
    				System.err.println("Number: " + number + " occurs multiple times");
    			if (number == 0)
    				start = count;
    			puzzle[count++] = number;
    		Set<PuzzleState> visited = new HashSet<PuzzleState>(1024);
    		Deque<PuzzleState> queue = new LinkedList<PuzzleState>();
    		PuzzleState ps = new PuzzleState(null, puzzle, -1, start);
    		if (!ps.solvable())
    			System.err.printf("Configuration is not solvable%n%n%s%n", ps);
    			PuzzleState a, b;
    			a = queue.removeFirst();
    			if (a.solved())
    				int step = 0;
    				for (PuzzleState p : a.getStepList())
    							"Step: %d%n%s%n%s%n%n",
    				b = a.nextState();
    				if (b != null && !visited.contains(b))
    			} while (b != null);			
  • Shredder (unregistered)

    Once again, this problem had crappy requirements, the mother of WTFs. By the way what is this "Bring your own code"? I was sue that it was called Programming Praxis before.

    captcha: imanidiot

  • Bim Job (unregistered) in reply to Mogri
    Actually... never mind. I didn't look at it that closely.
    int swapIdx = avaiableMoves[rand.Next(0, avaiableMoves.Length)];

    I really don't know anymore. (Never mind the misspellings.)

    Tangential, but a point of interest.

    At any given time for NxN, there is only one empty space. Where r1 < rn < rN, and c1 < cm < cN, and the empty space is (rn, cm), the only possible pieces to move are (rn,cm+1), (rn+1,cm), (rn,cm-1) and (rn-1,cm). Removing candidates in edge cases is trivial.

    What, precisely, is the point of using rand()? What next? Regexps? XML?

    I could be wrong about these things. Perhaps they're an improved version of "How do you move Mount Fuji?"

    (1) Did you read the question? No? Goodbye. (2) Have you considered using recursion? No? Well, we'll wait a while. (3) Can you explain why your solution requires floating-point arithmetic/random numbers/a database/SOAP/regular expressions?

    The choice of language here is immaterial.

    (2a) Is there a possibility of partitioning the problem?

    Off-hand, I can't do that, but I'd like to hear a candidate burble about it.

    (4) So your solution takes more than twenty-four hours on an eight-core server. How would you go about fixing that?

    Getting it right isn't the issue. Coming up with fatuous partial solutions is.

  • randy (unregistered)

    I don't think anybody pointed out this WTF: The first poster thinks he's leet because he knows about xot swap!

    4th attempt

  • RBoy (unregistered) in reply to Shredder
    By the way what is this "Bring your own code"? I was sue that it was called Programming Praxis before.

    Well, now you are Shredder, not Sue, and it's called Bring Your Own Code, not Programming Praxis.

  • Bim Job (unregistered) in reply to RBoy
    By the way what is this "Bring your own code"? I was sue that it was called Programming Praxis before.

    Well, now you are Shredder, not Sue, and it's called Bring Your Own Code, not Programming Praxis.

    Good point.
    Once again, this problem had crappy requirements, the mother of WTFs. By the way what is this "Bring your own code"? I was sue that it was called Programming Praxis before.

    captcha: imanidiot

    I'm sure "Sue" will agree. Then again, it's only decent to quote the main point. (I'm not a captcha-quoting fan, but I could hardly avoid it under the circumstances.)

    Requirements, requirements, requirements.

    Then: Death March.

    There's probably a Wilfred Owen quote around here, but I can't quite reach it through the mud...

  • Snarf (unregistered)

    A similar C# solution as the original post (trial and error):

            static int[] SolvePuzzle(int[] board)
                int    hole = 0;
                Random RNG  = new Random();
                for (int x = 0; x < board.Length; x++)
                    if (board[x] == 0) { hole = x; break; }
                while (true)
                    bool done = true;
                    for (int x = 0; x < board.Length; x++)
                        if (board[x] != ((x + 1) % board.Length)) { done = false; break; }
                    if (done) { return board; }
                    int swap = hole;
                    while ((swap == hole) || ((swap != (hole - 3)) && (swap != (hole + 3)) && ((swap / 3) != (hole / 3))))
                        swap = RNG.Next(board.Length);
                    board[hole] ^= board[swap];
                    board[swap] ^= board[hole];
                    board[hole] ^= board[swap];
                    hole = swap;

    Note that it does not detect impossible starting configurations, and would simply run forever trying to find a solution.

  • Zapp Brannigan (unregistered) in reply to immitto
    what is the collective noun for WTFs? I'll open the bidding with a PHB of WTFs.

    I'll go with a horror or a plummet. I'm trying to get a word that get's across that dolly-zoom feeling when you realize what's happening. Any ideas?

    I vote for a murder of WTFs, in the same spirit as a murder of crows. Because, with lots and lots of WTFs you are in essence murdering the code. (Kindof akin to creating a zombie. Your creation hobbles along, sure, but... yeah...)

    My vote is for cluster. A cluster of WTFs sounds right to me.

  • John Winters (unregistered)

    Note - there are impossible starting configurations. Exactly half of the possible starting points can be rearranged to:

    123 456 78

    and the other half can't. Swapping any two pieces (as in, lifting them out and swapping them over - not sliding them) will convert a solvable problem into an unsolvable one, and vice versa.

    There's a classic slidey puzzle which when solved reads:


    and the trick is to show it to someone, and then jumble it up, quietly putting the second R into the top left corner of the puzzle. Typically the solver will leave it there and try to fit everything else in, but it can't be done. Because the two Rs have been swapped, you're now dealing with an impossible problem.

  • ping floyd (unregistered) in reply to Kris
    How many almost-identical versions of the "12345678" "solution" are we going to see before people realise it's not that funny?

    My guess is 12345678.

  • Keith Brawner (unregistered)

    Puh-lease, this was a one-week assignment in grad school. I happen to have the code kickin' around... It ain't pretty, it's on time!

    Here you go, A* implementation of the problem using priority queues, with cross-checking for solvability done up front.

    //============================================================================ // Name : main.cpp // Author : Keith Brawner // Version : // Copyright : Keith Brawner // Description : A grid-based maze solver using the A* algorithm //============================================================================

    #include <iostream> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <vector> #include <stdlib.h> #include <queue> #include <functional> #include <cstdlib> using namespace std;

    // Define a struct to hold each point. struct Point { unsigned int x; // x coordinate unsigned int y; // y coordinate };

    class Node { public: Point m_Position; unsigned int m_uiYLength; unsigned int m_uiXLength; unsigned int m_uiPriority; std::vector<std::vector<char> > m_Track; std::vector< Point > m_PointsVisited;

    	m_Position.x = 0;
    	m_Position.y = 0;
    	m_uiYLength = 0;
    	m_uiXLength = 0;
    	//stdArray = NULL;
    	m_uiPriority = UINT_MAX;
    Node(const Point & Position, 
    	const unsigned int & uiYLength, const unsigned int & uiXLength, 
    	const unsigned int & uiPriority, std::vector<std::vector<char> > Track,  
    	std::vector< Point > PointsVisited)
    	m_Position.x = Position.x;
    	m_Position.y = Position.y;
    	m_uiYLength = uiYLength;
    	m_uiXLength = uiXLength;
    	m_uiPriority = uiPriority;
    	m_Track = Track;
    	m_PointsVisited = PointsVisited;


    struct NodeOperatorLesser : public std::binary_function<Node*, Node*, bool> { bool operator()(Node* a, Node* b) const { return a->m_uiPriority < b->m_uiPriority; } };

    struct NodeOperatorGreater : public std::binary_function<Node*, Node*, bool> { bool operator()(Node* a, Node* b) const { return a->m_uiPriority > b->m_uiPriority; } };

    typedef std::priority_queue< Node*, vector<Node*>, NodeOperatorGreater > my_priority_queue;

    void PrintMap(const std::vector<std::vector<char> > & stdMapToPrint, const unsigned int &uiYLength, const unsigned int &uiXLength);

    void CopyArray(const std::vector<std::vector<int> > & stdArray, std::vector<std::vector<int> > & stdArrayCopy, const unsigned int & iNumRows, const unsigned int & iNumCols);

    bool MoveLeft(const unsigned int & uiYLength, const unsigned int & uiXLength, Node * node); bool MoveRight(const unsigned int & uiYLength, const unsigned int & uiXLength, Node * node); bool MoveDown(const unsigned int & uiYLength, const unsigned int & uiXLength, Node * node); bool MoveUp(const unsigned int & uiYLength, const unsigned int & uiXLength, Node * node);

    bool ExistsInQueue(Node *node, my_priority_queue & queueOfNodes);

    bool IsSame(Node * NodeOne, Node * NodeTwo);

    unsigned int ManhattanDistance(const Point & pntStartPoint, const Point & pntEndPoint);

    int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { char cChar; unsigned int uiYLength=0, uiXLength=0; Point pntStart, pntEnd; cout << "\n\n~~~~~ A* Search for Gridded Mazes by Keith Brawner ~~~~~\n\n";

    	cout << "Error: gridded map file not specified\n\n\n";
    	return EXIT_SUCCESS;
    FILE *fp;
    if ((fp = fopen(argv[1], "r")) == NULL)
    	cout << argv[1] << " not found" << endl;
    	return EXIT_FAILURE;
    fscanf(fp, "%i\n", &uiYLength);
    fscanf(fp, "%i	\n", &uiXLength);
    std::vector<std::vector<char> > stdMapArray(uiYLength, std::vector<char>(uiXLength));
    // read in the initial map
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < uiYLength; i++)
    	for(unsigned int j = 0; j < uiXLength; j++)
    		fscanf(fp, "%c ", &cChar);		//read in the characters
    		if(cChar == 's')
    			pntStart.x = j;
    			pntStart.y = i;				//tag the start or endpoint
    		else if(cChar == 'g')
    			pntEnd.x = j;
    			pntEnd.y = i;
    		stdMapArray[i][j] = cChar;		//copy the map
    cout << "The given map was:" << endl;
    PrintMap(stdMapArray, uiYLength, uiXLength);
    cout << "s is at " << pntStart.x << " " << pntStart.y << endl;
    cout << "g is at " << pntEnd.x << " " << pntEnd.y << endl;
    my_priority_queue queueOpenNodes, queueClosedNodes;
    unsigned int uiPriority = ManhattanDistance(pntStart, pntEnd);
    std::vector<Point> stdPointsVisited(0);
    //kick off the program by adding the start to the ofirst potential solution map
    queueOpenNodes.push(new Node( pntStart, uiYLength, uiXLength, uiPriority, stdMapArray, stdPointsVisited));
    Point nextPoint;
    std::vector<std::vector<char> > stdTmpArray(uiYLength, std::vector<char>(uiXLength));
    bool bFoundSolution = false;
    while(!queueOpenNodes.empty() && !bFoundSolution)	//while the goal hasn't been found
    	queueClosedNodes.push(queueOpenNodes.top());	//close this node by moving

    // PrintMap(queueOpenNodes.top()->m_Track, uiYLength, uiXLength);

    	//grab the top node so that it doesn't muck with anything else while things are beeing added to the queue
    	Node *currentTopNode = new Node(
    	stdTmpArray = currentTopNode->m_Track;	//make a copy of the array to add
    	if( MoveLeft(uiYLength, uiXLength, currentTopNode) )

    // cout << "Left possible" << endl; nextPoint.x = currentTopNode->m_Position.x-1; nextPoint.y = currentTopNode->m_Position.y; uiPriority = ManhattanDistance(nextPoint, pntEnd);

    		Node *newNode = new Node(
    		//mark the position that you are adding to the queue
    		newNode->m_Track[nextPoint.y][nextPoint.x] = 'O';
    		//don't consider this solution if it have been previously considered
    		bool bTemp1 = ExistsInQueue( newNode, queueOpenNodes);
    		bool bTemp2 = ExistsInQueue( newNode, queueClosedNodes);
    		if(!bTemp1 && !bTemp2)
    			//add the solution if it is novel
    			//otherwise, delete it
    			delete newNode;
    			newNode = NULL;
    	stdTmpArray = currentTopNode->m_Track;
    	if( MoveRight(uiYLength, uiXLength, currentTopNode) )

    // cout << "Right possible" << endl; nextPoint.x = currentTopNode->m_Position.x+1; nextPoint.y = currentTopNode->m_Position.y; uiPriority = ManhattanDistance(nextPoint, pntEnd);

    		Node *newNode = new Node(
    		newNode->m_Track[nextPoint.y][nextPoint.x] = 'O';
    		bool bTemp1 = ExistsInQueue( newNode, queueOpenNodes);
    		bool bTemp2 = ExistsInQueue( newNode, queueClosedNodes);
    		if(!bTemp1 && !bTemp2)
    			delete newNode;
    			newNode = NULL;
    	stdTmpArray = currentTopNode->m_Track;
    	if( MoveUp(uiYLength, uiXLength, currentTopNode) )

    // cout << "Up possible" << endl; nextPoint.x = currentTopNode->m_Position.x; nextPoint.y = currentTopNode->m_Position.y-1; uiPriority = ManhattanDistance(nextPoint, pntEnd);

    		Node *newNode = new Node(
    		newNode->m_Track[nextPoint.y][nextPoint.x] = 'O';
    		bool bTemp1 = ExistsInQueue( newNode, queueOpenNodes);
    		bool bTemp2 = ExistsInQueue( newNode, queueClosedNodes);
    		if(!bTemp1 && !bTemp2)
    			delete newNode;
    			newNode = NULL;
    	stdTmpArray = currentTopNode->m_Track;
    	if( MoveDown(uiYLength, uiXLength, currentTopNode) )

    // cout << "Down possible" << endl; nextPoint.x = currentTopNode->m_Position.x; nextPoint.y = currentTopNode->m_Position.y+1; uiPriority = ManhattanDistance(nextPoint, pntEnd);

    		Node *newNode = new Node(
    		newNode->m_Track[nextPoint.y][nextPoint.x] = 'O';
    		bool bTemp1 = ExistsInQueue( newNode, queueOpenNodes);
    		bool bTemp2 = ExistsInQueue( newNode, queueClosedNodes);
    		if(!bTemp1 && !bTemp2)
    			delete newNode;
    			newNode = NULL;
    	//if we have found a solution, it will be on the top of the queue with a 0 manhattan distance
    	if(queueOpenNodes.top()->m_uiPriority == 0)
    		cout << "A solution has been found" << endl;
    		//sio stop looping
    		bFoundSolution = true;
    	cout << "\n\n\n ~~~~~The winning solution is:~~~~~ \n\n";
    	PrintMap(queueOpenNodes.top()->m_Track, uiYLength, uiXLength);
    	cout << "\n\n With instruction set:\n";
    	for(unsigned int ui = 0; ui < queueOpenNodes.top()->m_PointsVisited.size(); ui++)
    		cout << queueOpenNodes.top()->m_PointsVisited[ui].x << " ";
    		cout << queueOpenNodes.top()->m_PointsVisited[ui].y << "\n";
    cout << endl << endl;
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;		//optimism?


    /** prints the map */ void PrintMap(const std::vector<std::vector<char> > & stdMapToPrint, const unsigned int &uiYLength, const unsigned int &uiXLength) { for(unsigned int i = 0; i < uiYLength; i++) { for(unsigned int j = 0; j < uiXLength; j++) { cout << stdMapToPrint[i][j] << " "; } cout << "\n"; } cout << "\n"; }


    • Take in a node and the queue, and checks whether the node already exists in the queue */

    bool ExistsInQueue(Node *node, my_priority_queue & queueOfNodes) { bool bReturnValue = false; my_priority_queue queueOfVisittedNodes; while(!queueOfNodes.empty()) { if(bReturnValue==true) { queueOfVisittedNodes.push(queueOfNodes.top()); queueOfNodes.pop(); } else { bool bTemp = IsSame(node, queueOfNodes.top()); if( bTemp == true ) { bReturnValue = true; queueOfVisittedNodes.push(queueOfNodes.top()); queueOfNodes.pop(); } else { queueOfVisittedNodes.push(queueOfNodes.top()); queueOfNodes.pop(); } } } queueOfNodes = queueOfVisittedNodes; return bReturnValue; }


    • Determines whether 2 nodes are the same
    • 2 node are the same if they represent the same position */ bool IsSame(Node * NodeOne, Node * NodeTwo) { if(NodeOne->m_Position.x == NodeTwo->m_Position.x && NodeOne->m_Position.y == NodeTwo->m_Position.y) return true; else return false; }


    • Copies one array to a second array and returns the second array */ void CopyArray(const std::vector<std::vector<int> > & stdArray, std::vector<std::vector<int> > & stdArrayCopy, const unsigned int & iNumRows, const unsigned int & iNumCols) { for(unsigned int i = 0; i < iNumRows; i++) { for(unsigned int j = 0; j < iNumCols; j++) { stdArrayCopy[i][j] = stdArray[i][j]; } } }


    • Manhattan distance between 2 points

    • (absolute value of the sum of the distances) */ unsigned int ManhattanDistance(const Point & pntStartPoint, const Point & pntEndPoint) { unsigned int uiXDistance = abs((int)pntStartPoint.x - (int)pntEndPoint.x); unsigned int uiYDistance = abs((int)pntStartPoint.y - (int)pntEndPoint.y);

      return uiXDistance + uiYDistance; }


    • Checks to see whether a left move is possible
    • a left move is possible if the left spot is a non-obstacle that isn't on the edge
    • The following code is a copy-paste, with differing positional reference */ bool MoveLeft(const unsigned int & uiYLength, const unsigned int & uiXLength, Node * node) { if( (int)(node->m_Position.x-1) < 0 ) { return false; } else if(node->m_Track[node->m_Position.y ][node->m_Position.x -1 ] == 'x' || node->m_Track[node->m_Position.y ][node->m_Position.x -1 ] == 'O') { return false; } else { return true; } }

    bool MoveRight(const unsigned int & uiYLength, const unsigned int & uiXLength, Node * node) { if( node->m_Position.x+1 >= uiXLength ) { return false; } else if(node->m_Track[node->m_Position.y ][node->m_Position.x + 1 ] == 'x' || node->m_Track[node->m_Position.y ][node->m_Position.x + 1 ] == 'O') { return false; } else { return true; } }

    bool MoveUp(const unsigned int & uiYLength, const unsigned int & uiXLength, Node * node) { if( (int)(node->m_Position.y-1) < 0 ) { return false; } else if(node->m_Track[node->m_Position.y - 1 ][node->m_Position.x ] == 'x' || node->m_Track[node->m_Position.y - 1 ][node->m_Position.x ] == 'O') { return false; } else { return true; } }

    bool MoveDown(const unsigned int & uiYLength, const unsigned int & uiXLength, Node * node) { if( node->m_Position.y+1 >= uiYLength ) { return false; } else if(node->m_Track[node->m_Position.y + 1 ][node->m_Position.x ] == 'x' || node->m_Track[node->m_Position.y + 1 ][node->m_Position.x ] == 'O') { return false; } else { return true; } }

                  • -Input- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    11 9

    _ _ _ _ g _ _ _ _

    x x x _ s _ x x x

    _ _ _ x _ x _ _ _ _ _ x _ _ _ x _ _ _ x _ _ _ _ _ x _ x _ _ _ _ _ _ _ x

  • anonymous (unregistered)

    wheres the beef? I come here for wtf and get homework instead? borring

  • Keith Brawner (unregistered)

    OOOPPPPSSSS. Sorry about that, that was A* used to solve a maze...

    Here is BestFirst (A*) to solve the 8-puzzle

    //============================================================================ // Name : IterativeDeepening.cpp // Author : Keith Brawner // Version : // Copyright : Keith Brawner // Description : Hello World in C++, Ansi-style //============================================================================

    #include <iostream> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <vector> #include <stdlib.h> #include <queue> #include <functional> using namespace std;

    #define FILENAME "config.txt"

    class Node { public: int m_iNumRows; int m_iNumCols; std::vector<std::vector<int> > m_stdArray; int m_iPriority; int m_iLevel; std::string m_strAllPreviousMoves;

    	m_iNumRows = -1;
    	m_iNumCols = -1;
    	//stdArray = NULL;
    	m_iPriority = 999;
    	m_iLevel = 1;
    	m_strAllPreviousMoves = "";
    Node(int i, int j, std::vector<std::vector<int> > array, int p, int l, std::string apm) 
    	m_iNumRows = i;
    	m_iNumCols = j;
    	m_stdArray = array;
    	m_iPriority = p;
    	m_iLevel = l;
    	m_strAllPreviousMoves = apm;


    struct NodeOperatorGreater : public std::binary_function<Node*, Node*, bool> { bool operator()(Node* a, Node* b) const { return a->m_iPriority > b->m_iPriority; } };

    typedef std::priority_queue< Node*, vector<Node*>, NodeOperatorGreater > my_priority_queue; /typedef std::priority_queue< Node, std::vector<Node*>, compare_node_pointers > my_priority_queue ; // use object(s) of type my_priority_queue where r*/

    int IsSolution(const std::vector<std::vector<int> > & stdArray, const std::vector<std::vector<int> > & stdAnswerArray, const unsigned int & iNumRows, const unsigned int & iNumCols);

    bool IsSame(const std::vector<std::vector<int> > & stdArray, const std::vector<std::vector<int> > & stdAnswerArray, const unsigned int & iNumRows, const unsigned int & iNumCols);

    void FindPosition(const std::vector<std::vector<int> > & stdArray, int iNumberToFind, int & iReturni, int & iReturnj, const unsigned int & iNumRows, const unsigned int & iNumCols);

    bool MoveUp(std::vector<std::vector<int> > & stdArray, const unsigned int & iNumRows, const unsigned int & iNumCols, const unsigned int & iX, const unsigned int & iY, const unsigned int & iLevel);

    bool MoveDown(std::vector<std::vector<int> > & stdArray, const unsigned int & iNumRows, const unsigned int & iNumCols, const unsigned int & iX, const unsigned int & iY, const unsigned int & iLevel);

    bool MoveLeft(std::vector<std::vector<int> > & stdArray, const unsigned int & iNumRows, const unsigned int & iNumCols, const unsigned int & iX, const unsigned int & iY, const unsigned int & iLevel);

    bool MoveRight(std::vector<std::vector<int> > & stdArray, const unsigned int & iNumRows, const unsigned int & iNumCols, const unsigned int & iX, const unsigned int & iY, const unsigned int & iLevel);

    void PrintArray(const std::vector<std::vector<int> > & stdArrayToPrint, const unsigned int & iNumRows, const unsigned int & iNumCols);

    void CopyArray(const std::vector<std::vector<int> > & stdArray, std::vector<std::vector<int> > & stdArrayCopy, const unsigned int & iNumRows, const unsigned int & iNumCols);

    bool IsSolvable(const std::vector<std::vector<int> > & stdArray, const std::vector<std::vector<int> > & stdAnswerArray, const unsigned int & iNumRows, const unsigned int & iNumCols);

    int InversionAmount(const std::vector<int> & stdStartVector, const std::vector<int> & stdAnswerVector, const unsigned int & iSize, const int & iNumber, const unsigned int & iNumberPos);

    bool ExistsInQueue(Node *node, my_priority_queue & queueOfNodes);

    int main() { unsigned int iNumRows=0, iNumCols=0; // cout << "Iterative Deepening by Keith Brawner \n\n";

    FILE *fp;
    int iValue = -1, iValue2 = -1;
    if ((fp = fopen(FILENAME, "r")) == NULL)
    	cout << FILENAME << " not found" << endl;
    	return EXIT_FAILURE;
    fscanf(fp, "(%i", &iNumRows);
    fscanf(fp, "%i)\n", &iNumCols);
    std::vector<std::vector<int> > stdStartArray(iNumRows, std::vector<int>(iNumCols));
    std::vector<std::vector<int> > stdEndArray(iNumRows, std::vector<int>(iNumCols));
    //read in the initial array
    fscanf(fp, "(");
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < iNumRows; i++)
    	fscanf(fp, "(");
    	for(unsigned int j = 0; j < iNumCols; j++)
    		fscanf(fp, "%i", &iValue);
    		if(iValue == iValue2)
    			stdStartArray[i][j] = -1;
    			fscanf(fp, "*");
    			iValue2 = iValue;
    			stdStartArray[i][j] = iValue;

    // cout << iValue; } fscanf(fp, ") "); } fscanf(fp, ")\n");

    //read in the final array
    fscanf(fp, "(");
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < iNumRows; i++)
    	fscanf(fp, "(");
    	for(unsigned int j = 0; j < iNumCols; j++)
    		fscanf(fp, "%i", &iValue);
    		if(iValue == iValue2)
    			stdEndArray[i][j] = -1;
    			fscanf(fp, "*");
    			iValue2 = iValue;
    			stdEndArray[i][j] = iValue;

    // cout << iValue; } fscanf(fp, ") "); } fscanf(fp, ")\n");

    // cout << "\nThe initial array is:\n"; // for(unsigned int i = 0; i < iNumRows; i++) // { // for(unsigned int j = 0; j < iNumCols; j++) // { // cout << stdStartArray[i][j] << " "; // } // cout << "\n"; // } // // cout << "\nThe final array is:\n"; // for(unsigned int i = 0; i < iNumRows; i++) // { // for(unsigned int j = 0; j < iNumCols; j++) // { // cout << stdEndArray[i][j] << " "; // } // cout << "\n"; // }

    // if( IsSolution(stdStartArray, stdEndArray, iNumRows, iNumCols) == 0 ) // { // cout << "The goal and end are the same\n"; // cout << "(PATH-TO-GOAL (NONE))\n"; // }

    // Create the priority queues
    /*priority_queue<Node, vector<Node>, greater<Node> > queueOpenNodes;
    priority_queue<Node, vector<Node>, greater<Node> > queueClosedNodes;*/
    my_priority_queue queueOpenNodes, queueClosedNodes;
    //Add them both to the open nodes
    int iPriority = IsSolution(stdStartArray, stdEndArray, iNumRows, iNumCols);
    queueOpenNodes.push(new Node(iNumRows, iNumCols, stdStartArray, iPriority, 0, ""));

    // if(iPriority == 0) // { // cout << "HOORAY, the goal and the start are the same... Save me a lot of work, really\n\n"; // return EXIT_SUCCESS; // }

    if(!IsSolvable(stdStartArray, stdEndArray, iNumRows, iNumCols))
    	cout << "This problem is not solvable\n\n\n";
    	return EXIT_SUCCESS;
    iPriority = IsSolution(stdEndArray, stdEndArray, iNumRows, iNumCols);
    queueOpenNodes.push(Node(iNumRows, iNumCols, stdStartArray, iPriority,""));
    cout << "End has priority " <<  iPriority << "\n";
    std::vector<std::vector<int> > stdTempArray(iNumRows, std::vector<int>(iNumCols));
    stdTempArray = stdStartArray;
    MoveUp(stdTempArray, iNumRows, iNumCols, 2, 2, 0);
    MoveUp(stdTempArray, iNumRows, iNumCols, 1, 1, 0);
    iPriority = IsSolution(stdTempArray, stdEndArray, iNumRows, iNumCols);
    cout << "Temp has priority " <<  iPriority << "\n";
    if(ExistsInQueue( Node(iNumRows, iNumCols, stdTempArray, iPriority,""), queueOpenNodes) )
    	cout << "Already in queue1\n";
    queueOpenNodes.push(Node(iNumRows, iNumCols, stdTempArray, iPriority,""));
    if(ExistsInQueue( Node(iNumRows, iNumCols, stdTempArray, iPriority,""), queueOpenNodes) )
    	cout << "Already in queue2\n";
    unsigned int iX=0, iY=0;
    std::vector<std::vector<int> > stdArrayToMove(iNumRows, std::vector<int>(iNumCols));
    	//look at the top node array
    	Node *CurrentTopNode = new Node(iNumRows, 
    	stdArrayToMove = CurrentTopNode->m_stdArray;
    	//find where the '*' is
    	for(unsigned int i = 0; i < iNumRows; i++)
    		for(unsigned int j = 0; j < iNumCols; j++)
    			if(stdArrayToMove[i][j] == -1)
    				iX = i;
    				iY = j;
    	stdArrayToMove = CurrentTopNode->m_stdArray;
    	if(MoveUp(stdArrayToMove, iNumRows, iNumCols, iX, iY, CurrentTopNode->m_iLevel+1))
    		//moving up was possible, and we have the moved up array, calculate priority
    		iPriority = IsSolution(stdArrayToMove, stdEndArray, iNumRows, iNumCols);
    		if(iPriority == 0)
    			cout << "(PATH-TO-GOAL (" + CurrentTopNode->m_strAllPreviousMoves + "UP))\n";
    			return EXIT_SUCCESS;
    			iPriority += CurrentTopNode->m_iLevel + 1;
    		Node *MoveUP = new Node(iNumRows, iNumCols, stdArrayToMove, iPriority, 
    				CurrentTopNode->m_iLevel + 1,
    				CurrentTopNode->m_strAllPreviousMoves + "UP ");
    		bool bTemp1 = ExistsInQueue( MoveUP, queueOpenNodes);
    		bool bTemp2 = ExistsInQueue( MoveUP, queueClosedNodes);
    		if(!bTemp1 && !bTemp2)
    			//if it doesn't exist in closed or open nodes, then add it to open

    // cout << "Push: " << MoveUP->m_strAllPreviousMoves << "\n"; // PrintArray(stdArrayToMove, iNumRows, iNumCols); } else { delete MoveUP; MoveUP = NULL; } }

    	stdArrayToMove = CurrentTopNode->m_stdArray;
    	if(MoveDown(stdArrayToMove, iNumRows, iNumCols, iX, iY, CurrentTopNode->m_iLevel+1))
    		//moving up was possible, and we have the moved up array, calculate priority
    		iPriority = IsSolution(stdArrayToMove, stdEndArray, iNumRows, iNumCols);
    		if(iPriority == 0)
    			cout << "(PATH-TO-GOAL (" + CurrentTopNode->m_strAllPreviousMoves + "DOWN))\n";
    			return EXIT_SUCCESS;
    			iPriority += CurrentTopNode->m_iLevel + 1;
    		Node *MoveDOWN = new Node(iNumRows, iNumCols, stdArrayToMove, iPriority, 
    				CurrentTopNode->m_iLevel + 1,
    				CurrentTopNode->m_strAllPreviousMoves + "DOWN ");
    		bool bTemp1 = ExistsInQueue( MoveDOWN, queueOpenNodes);
    		bool bTemp2 = ExistsInQueue( MoveDOWN, queueClosedNodes);
    		if(!bTemp1 && !bTemp2)
    			//if it doesn't exist in closed or open nodes, then add it to open

    // cout << "Push: " << MoveDOWN->m_strAllPreviousMoves << "\n"; // PrintArray(stdArrayToMove, iNumRows, iNumCols); } else { delete MoveDOWN; MoveDOWN = NULL; } }

    	stdArrayToMove = CurrentTopNode->m_stdArray;
    	if(MoveLeft(stdArrayToMove, iNumRows, iNumCols, iX, iY, CurrentTopNode->m_iLevel+1))
    		//moving up was possible, and we have the moved up array, calculate priority
    		iPriority = IsSolution(stdArrayToMove, stdEndArray, iNumRows, iNumCols);
    		if(iPriority == 0)
    			cout << "(PATH-TO-GOAL (" + CurrentTopNode->m_strAllPreviousMoves + "LEFT))\n";
    			return EXIT_SUCCESS;
    			iPriority += CurrentTopNode->m_iLevel + 1;
    		Node *MoveLEFT = new Node(iNumRows, iNumCols, stdArrayToMove, iPriority, 
    				CurrentTopNode->m_iLevel + 1,
    				CurrentTopNode->m_strAllPreviousMoves + "LEFT ");
    		bool bTemp1 = ExistsInQueue( MoveLEFT, queueOpenNodes);
    		bool bTemp2 = ExistsInQueue( MoveLEFT, queueClosedNodes);
    		if(!bTemp1 && !bTemp2)
    			//if it doesn't exist in closed or open nodes, then add it to open

    // cout << "Push: " << MoveLEFT->m_strAllPreviousMoves << "\n"; // PrintArray(stdArrayToMove, iNumRows, iNumCols); } else { delete MoveLEFT; MoveLEFT = NULL; } }

    	stdArrayToMove = CurrentTopNode->m_stdArray;
    	if(MoveRight(stdArrayToMove, iNumRows, iNumCols, iX, iY, CurrentTopNode->m_iLevel+1))
    		//moving up was possible, and we have the moved up array, calculate priority
    		iPriority = IsSolution(stdArrayToMove, stdEndArray, iNumRows, iNumCols);
    		if(iPriority == 0)
    			cout << "(PATH-TO-GOAL (" + CurrentTopNode->m_strAllPreviousMoves + "RIGHT))\n";
    			return EXIT_SUCCESS;
    			iPriority += CurrentTopNode->m_iLevel + 1;
    		Node *MoveRIGHT = new Node(iNumRows, iNumCols, stdArrayToMove, iPriority, 
    				CurrentTopNode->m_iLevel + 1,
    				CurrentTopNode->m_strAllPreviousMoves + "RIGHT ");
    		bool bTemp1 = ExistsInQueue( MoveRIGHT, queueOpenNodes);
    		bool bTemp2 = ExistsInQueue( MoveRIGHT, queueClosedNodes); 
    		if(!bTemp1 && !bTemp2)
    			//if it doesn't exist in closed or open nodes, then add it to open

    // cout << "Push: " << MoveRIGHT->m_strAllPreviousMoves << "\n"; // PrintArray(stdArrayToMove, iNumRows, iNumCols); } else { delete MoveRIGHT; MoveRIGHT = NULL; } }

    	delete CurrentTopNode;
    	CurrentTopNode = NULL;
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;		//optimism?


    /** returns the heuristic manhattan distance between stdArray and stdAnswerArray */ int IsSolution(const std::vector<std::vector<int> > & stdArray, const std::vector<std::vector<int> > & stdAnswerArray, const unsigned int & iNumRows, const unsigned int & iNumCols) { int iReturnValue = 0; int iDistanceI = -1; int iDistanceJ = -1; for(unsigned int i = 0; i < iNumRows; i++) { for(unsigned int j = 0; j < iNumCols; j++) { FindPosition(stdAnswerArray, stdArray[i][j], iDistanceI, iDistanceJ, iNumRows, iNumCols);

    		iReturnValue += abs((int)i - iDistanceI) + abs((int)j - iDistanceJ); 
    cout << "(Check)\n";

    // cout << "\n\n"; // PrintArray(stdArray, iNumRows, iNumCols); // PrintArray(stdAnswerArray, iNumRows, iNumCols); // cout << "Heuristic is: " << iReturnValue << "\n\n";

    return iReturnValue;


    bool IsSame(const std::vector<std::vector<int> > & stdArray, const std::vector<std::vector<int> > & stdAnswerArray, const unsigned int & iNumRows, const unsigned int & iNumCols) { for(unsigned int i = 0; i < iNumRows; i++) { for(unsigned int j = 0; j < iNumCols; j++) { if(stdArray[i][j] != stdAnswerArray[i][j]) { return false; } } } return true; }

    void FindPosition(const std::vector<std::vector<int> > & stdArray, int iNumberToFind, int & iReturni, int & iReturnj, const unsigned int & iNumRows, const unsigned int & iNumCols) { iReturni = -1; iReturnj = -1; for(unsigned int i = 0; i < iNumRows; i++) { for(unsigned int j = 0; j < iNumCols; j++) { if(stdArray[i][j] == iNumberToFind) { iReturni = i; iReturnj = j; return; } } } }


    • Returns True if moving the '*' Up by one results in a possible move

    • and modifies the array to reflect an upward move */ bool MoveUp(std::vector<std::vector<int> > & stdArray, const unsigned int & iNumRows, const unsigned int & iNumCols, const unsigned int & iX, const unsigned int & iY, const unsigned int & iLevel) { if(iX != 0) { cout << '(' << iLevel << " UP)\n";

       stdArray[iX][iY] = stdArray[iX-1][iY];
       stdArray[iX-1][iY] = -1;
       return true;

      } else return false; }


    • Returns True if moving the '*' Down by one results in a possible move
    • and modifies the array to reflect an downward move */ bool MoveDown(std::vector<std::vector<int> > & stdArray, const unsigned int & iNumRows, const unsigned int & iNumCols, const unsigned int & iX, const unsigned int & iY, const unsigned int & iLevel) { if(iX+1 < iNumRows) { cout << '(' << iLevel << " DOWN)\n"; stdArray[iX][iY] = stdArray[iX+1][iY]; stdArray[iX+1][iY] = -1; return true; } else return false; }


    • Returns True if moving the '*' Leftby one results in a possible move
    • and modifies the array to reflect an leftward move */ bool MoveLeft(std::vector<std::vector<int> > & stdArray, const unsigned int & iNumRows, const unsigned int & iNumCols, const unsigned int & iX, const unsigned int & iY, const unsigned int & iLevel) { if(iY != 0) { cout << '(' << iLevel << " LEFT)\n"; stdArray[iX][iY] = stdArray[iX][iY-1]; stdArray[iX][iY-1] = -1; return true; } else return false; }


    • Returns True if moving the '*' Right by one results in a possible move
    • and modifies the array to reflect an rightward move */ bool MoveRight(std::vector<std::vector<int> > & stdArray, const unsigned int & iNumRows, const unsigned int & iNumCols, const unsigned int & iX, const unsigned int & iY, const unsigned int & iLevel) { if(iY+1 < iNumRows) { cout << '(' << iLevel << " RIGHT)\n"; stdArray[iX][iY] = stdArray[iX][iY+1]; stdArray[iX][iY+1] = -1; return true; } else return false; }

    /** prints the array */ void PrintArray(const std::vector<std::vector<int> > & stdArrayToPrint, const unsigned int & iNumRows, const unsigned int & iNumCols) { for(unsigned int i = 0; i < iNumRows; i++) { for(unsigned int j = 0; j < iNumCols; j++) { cout << stdArrayToPrint[i][j] << " "; } cout << "\n"; } cout << "\n"; }

    bool ExistsInQueue(Node *node, my_priority_queue & queueOfNodes) { bool bReturnValue = false; my_priority_queue queueOfVisittedNodes; while(!queueOfNodes.empty()) { if(bReturnValue==true) { queueOfVisittedNodes.push(queueOfNodes.top()); queueOfNodes.pop(); } else { bool bTemp = IsSame(node->m_stdArray, queueOfNodes.top()->m_stdArray, node->m_iNumRows, node->m_iNumCols); if( bTemp == true ) { bReturnValue = true; queueOfVisittedNodes.push(queueOfNodes.top()); queueOfNodes.pop(); } else { queueOfVisittedNodes.push(queueOfNodes.top()); queueOfNodes.pop(); } } } queueOfNodes = queueOfVisittedNodes; return bReturnValue; }

    void CopyArray(const std::vector<std::vector<int> > & stdArray, std::vector<std::vector<int> > & stdArrayCopy, const unsigned int & iNumRows, const unsigned int & iNumCols) { for(unsigned int i = 0; i < iNumRows; i++) { for(unsigned int j = 0; j < iNumCols; j++) { stdArrayCopy[i][j] = stdArray[i][j]; } } }

    bool IsSolvable(const std::vector<std::vector<int> > & stdStartArray, const std::vector<std::vector<int> > & stdAnswerArray, const unsigned int & iNumRows, const unsigned int & iNumCols) { int iNumberOfInversions = 0; int iStartPositionI = -1, iStartPositionJ = -1, iAnswerPositionI = -1, iAnswerPositionJ = -1;

    FindPosition(stdStartArray, -1, iStartPositionI, iStartPositionJ, iNumRows, iNumCols);
    FindPosition(stdAnswerArray, -1, iAnswerPositionI, iAnswerPositionJ, iNumRows, iNumCols);
    std::vector<int> stdStartVector(iNumRows*iNumCols);
    std::vector<int> stdEndVector(iNumRows*iNumCols);
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < iNumRows; i++)
    	for(unsigned int j = 0; j < iNumCols; j++)
    		stdStartVector[(iNumCols*i)+j] = stdStartArray[i][j];
    		stdEndVector[(iNumCols*i)+j] = stdAnswerArray[i][j];
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < iNumRows*iNumCols; i++)
    	//for each number in the start array
    	if(stdStartVector[i] != -1)
    		iNumberOfInversions += InversionAmount(stdStartVector, stdEndVector, 
    			iNumRows*iNumCols, stdStartVector[i], i);

    // cout << "Inversions: " << iNumberOfInversions << "\n"; // cout << "StartPosition: " << iStartPositionI << " " << iStartPositionJ << "\n"; // cout << "EndPosition: " << iAnswerPositionI << " " << iAnswerPositionJ << "\n";

     * Distance in the J direction has a unit of one?
     * Distance in the I direction has a unit of two?
    if(iNumberOfInversions%2 == 0)
    	return true;
    else return false;


    //returns the how many numbers as supposed to come before iNumber (in start) // but instead come after iNumber (in End) int InversionAmount(const std::vector<int> & stdStartVector, const std::vector<int> & stdAnswerVector, const unsigned int & iSize, const int & iNumber, const unsigned int & iNumberPosInStartArray) { int iReturnValue = 0; int iNumberPosInEndArray = 0;

    //find where this number is in the final array
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < iSize; i++)
    	if(stdAnswerVector[i] == iNumber)
    		iNumberPosInEndArray = i;
    //find every number that comes before it in the start array
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < iNumberPosInStartArray; i++)
    	// Does this number come before it in the start array
    	// and after in the answer array?, if so, ++
    	//Each stdStartVector[i] comes before in the start array
    	//Find every number that comes after it in the end array
    	for(unsigned int j = iNumberPosInEndArray+1; j < iSize; j++)
    		if(stdStartVector[i] == stdAnswerVector[j] && stdAnswerVector[j] != -1
    				&& stdStartVector[i] != -1)
    //cout << "The " << iNumber << " gives " << iReturnValue << " inversions\n";

    // cout << "#inversions return" << iReturnValue << "\n"; return iReturnValue; } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------INPUT---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (3 3) ((1 2 3) (4 7 5) (6 8 *)) ((1 2 3) (4 5 6) (7 8 *))

  • Herby (unregistered) in reply to WhiskeyJack
    I'd be curious to see how Andy wrote an app like that in just 800 bytes.

    I know when I was doing x86 assembly in school, it was quite a few bytes just to get "hello world" going.

    It was "easy" (relative term) because: 1) He was using a Mac, with good "toolbox" routines. 2) It was a reasonable processor (a 68k), not some Intel POS. 3) It wasn't a Microsoft operating system.


  • Buddy (unregistered) in reply to Herby
    I'd be curious to see how Andy wrote an app like that in just 800 bytes.

    I know when I was doing x86 assembly in school, it was quite a few bytes just to get "hello world" going.

    It was "easy" (relative term) because: 1) He was using a Mac, with good "toolbox" routines. 2) It was a reasonable processor (a 68k), not some Intel POS. 3) It wasn't a Microsoft operating system.


    4) ??? 5) Profit!!!

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