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Is it a WTF or a TFW that you didn't arrange the dutch chocolate letters in the correct order? : )
Note from Alex: TRWTF is that I didn't even notice that they were letters! That's extra awesome.
I love the baby animals. I wonder what the FIRST one in the book is?
Curses! I should not have spent so long reading the article :-)
Classic Souvenir Potpourri, the shot of you with Irish Doll is just too beautiful for words!
Indeed, is there a wallpaper-sized version of that photo?
So, you let the inflatable blow out onto the ice, so risking the chance that some public-spirited type would call 911 for a rescue or retrieval, and the local emergency services would get to risk their lives?
Perhaps you should use handcuffs next time...
Those chocolate letters are in the wrong order...
cough Good thing I didn't read the first comment...
Oh, yeah. I'll be dropping by for a beer the next time I'm in Cleveland. Thanks for the tip!
Hey. I found this inflatable girl (wearing an Irish Girl T-shirt) the other day. Where do I send it?
I miss Irish girl already :(
grandma is dead? and you replace her with what?
I find that slightly disturbing...
Why so you all insist on spelling it St. Patty's Day? It's St. Paddy's Day!
A bit anal of me I know but I just can't help it!
With all that said, what Danny sent you was bloody funny, and posing for that pic was just hilarious!
Jeez... I knew the WTF HQ was close, but I guess I'll have to drop a note next time I'm picking up dry cleaning at Master Cleaners
LoL copyright?
Read more pages of "Grandma's Dead" here: http://browseinside.harpercollins.com/index.aspx?isbn13=9780061673764
Or maybe, after inspiring competition among the techically minded, he expects a fully functional andriod version to arise from all the one-ups-manship.
Ah, yes. Every Christmas, my mother would give myself, my older brother Tomas and my younger sister Freda chocolate letters.
Dammnit, now I'm jealous. I was just in Holland, and reading this article has made me realise I must have left my Speculaas at my grandmothers. Oh well, still got my chocolate letters.
Can't see it properly; but is that a strip of Ubuntu condoms in the image ?
I think they are stickers, but I'm pretty sure that's a Royal Palms Restaurant condom.
Reassuring to you that your underlings thought enough of you to save the potential bomb for your exclusive attention.
^ The spider is worth $10000
See: News
I would also like to note my long-held conviction that most Dutch is simply badly-spelled English:
Chocoladeletter = Chocolate letter Wit = White Melk = Milk Puur = Pure (i.e. dark chocolate)
Oh man, you should read "I always get my sin" or it's sequel, "We always get our sin too". I wonder if there's a version with most of the descriptive text in english, i'm sure that most wtf readers would love it. That book is to the english language what this site is to programming languages.
Just clarifying... i was referring to the post above me, who proposed that dutch might just be misspelled english. Truth be told, i agree. I can tell if someone's dutch by the grammar they use by now, even if they're doing their best to type in english.
Anyway, those books i mentioned are collections of commonly mistranslated sayings and proverbs used by dutch people trying (and failing) to speak english.
Yeah, because people that know what ubuntu is need condoms...
pics or it didn't happen ;)
So, in jail there was this guy who had a giant irish girl tattoo on his back... Whats that about?
just in case you didn't know, that "irish girl" is just a bustedtees.com model for that shirt, as she is for many others.
I must say, I am truly impressed with the blow-up doll with the t-shirt and face :) Alex's humor never lets us down.
I suppose Dutch lookslike badly spelled German to me but I remember reading years ago that untilrelatively recently the dialects of parts of the south-east of _ngland were close enough to DUTCH THAT THEY COULD TAL TO EACH OTHER faairly easily
Excuse caps
So blow up dolls have no feet. They were creepy before but now they are extra creepy... but, you do learn something every day...
My favorite one was a Dutch politician saying "There you say me something", a direct translation from "Daar zeg je me wat" which means something like: "You're right, I didn't think of that"
That's a crock o' shyte!
can you tell i'm dutch? ;)
I think I just threw up a little bit in my mouth.
Irish Girl has been replaced with Irish Guy. (http://www.bustedtees.com/irish)
I'm sorry. I just don't play that way. Irish Girl forever!
Good catch, RiF! I can now go back to being a good little boy, dreaming about the good things in life, like Irish girls in t-shirts and football in January.
God verdorrie! =] The letters are from Sinter Klaus (I'll let you wiki that) The difference between Dutch and flemish is the "hard G" or the death gurgle :) In Belgie they don't pronounce the g, hardly at all. up north (im in the middle) it's very pronounced.
Basically think Klingon. start to pronounce G, then hit yourself in the throat really hard, that's what a proper Dutch G is supposed to sound like. very hard for most allochtonen (of which i'm one. But i do know a little Klingon (he's so cute), and my G's are GOED!)
Dutch Grammar is an oxymoron. It simply doesn't exist. They sling sentences together somewhat haphazardly. At least that's how it seemed in taal les (language lessons). Whenever I asked questions I'd get "that is a goed question (Dat is een goede vraag)" and no actual answers.
TRWTF is that you let that shirt get away with the doll!
I for one approve of the Irish guy.. +!
Sweet! I'm always down to try new brew pubs.
TRWTF is- small breweries are the TRUE made in America brews!
also..my captcha appellatio, first glance I thought it was "fellatio"
Crazy Irish doll has my mind in the gutter!
I am belgian. And Flemish, the type of Dutch we speak in Belgium, is NOT French spoken with a Dutch accent. It's a language on its own, which was influenced by French, and in fact more a variation of Dutch (spoken in the Netherlands/Holland). People from Holland and Flemish people understand each other perfectly most of the time, the Flemish language being more of a dialect.