• name (unregistered)


    hi askimet

  • JamieC (unregistered)

    Wow, the number of sponsors is really slipping. Used to be, what, about 15.

  • (cs) in reply to JamieC
    Wow, the number of sponsors is really slipping. Used to be, what, about 15.

    Huh? Since I've been here, I never saw much more than those listed here.

  • Tim (unregistered)

    I just love the product name "GobSpark Armageddon". sure makes a bit of flint sound pretty exciting

  • SCB (unregistered) in reply to name

    hi askimet

    No. For technical reasons, every comment is Frist.

  • Jack (unregistered)

    Finally, someone software happen across this handy website so I can comment.

  • Weewee (unregistered) in reply to Jack
    Finally, someone software happen across this handy website so I can comment.


  • (cs)
    "I honestly can't think of what 'technical reasons' would cause this"
    Maybe the code looks something like the following:
    for(int i=0;i<numberOfQuestions;i++)
        <span style="color:#00AAAA;">Question question = Question.GetRandomQuestion();
        question.Number = 1;//TODO: This should be i + 1.  Pls fix it.
    //Issue 123456: frits- Changed it to this and committed it.
    m_Form.Heading[0] = "There are " + numberOfQuestions + 
    " in this assessment.  However, due to technical reasons each question is numbered as \"Question 1\"";
  • (cs)

    Black is just gray on steroids.

  • Migala (unregistered)

    Don't you guys read the fashion mags? Grey is the new black!

  • brodie (unregistered)

    TRWTF is going to a website dedicated to just firesteels, only to buy one firesteel (presumably having to sign up for the site and their newsletter in the process). Does the guy not have a camping store near him?

  • anon (unregistered)

    '"Finally, someone software that's written for my native, Canadian tounge," writes Randy.'

    Do you all speak with a Mancunian accent then?

  • Bronie (unregistered) in reply to brodie
    TRWTF is going to a website dedicated to just firesteels, only to buy one firesteel (presumably having to sign up for the site and their newsletter in the process). Does the guy not have a camping store near him?

    TRWTF is using firesteels to set up fire

  • (cs)

    Is 'developer incompetence' a technical reason for all questions being numbered 1?

  • (cs) in reply to anon
    Do you all speak with a Mancunian accent then?
    Eh? No.
  • (cs)

    I'm Canadian too, but I don't have a native tounge. Where can I get one please?

  • नागेश (unregistered) in reply to gramie
    I'm Canadian too, but I don't have a native tounge. Where can I get one please?
    In Hyderabad, there are plenty of native tongue to have.
  • Hortical (unregistered) in reply to frits
    "I honestly can't think of what 'technical reasons' would cause this"
    Maybe the code looks something like the following:
    for(int i=0;i<numberOfQuestions;i++)
        <span style="color:#00AAAA;">Question question = Question.GetRandomQuestion();
        question.Number = 1;//TODO: This should be i + 1.  Pls fix it.
    //Issue 123456: frits- Changed it to this and committed it.
    m_Form.Heading[0] = "There are " + numberOfQuestions + 
    " in this assessment.  However, due to technical reasons each question is numbered as \"Question 1\"";
    Why does your syntax highlighting make me hate you so much?

    Really. I'm not saying you deserve it at all, to the contrary, it's cool that you make your posts more readable, but for some reason it just really, really pisses me off.

    What's the deal? I don't know! I'm sure you're a great guy, but if you were sitting next to me right now, my stapler would be flying at your head.

    Sorry, man. Not trying to make you feel bad, but I'd love to shove you out of your chair and stomp on your face. Maybe rub it in some broken glass.

    I feel bad for even thinking about this, to be honest, but I can't shake it.

    DIE! DIE! DIE!

    ^Sorry about that. I didn't actually mean it. It's just some irrational impulse I don't understand - don't read anything into it.

    Oh, well, I'll try doing some work for once to take my mind off of it. Have a nice day!

  • Mick (unregistered)

    You need to add the original purchase, brining it up to an even $100,000. You cannot waive that $5 shipping fee on just any loose change purchase.

  • (cs) in reply to Hortical
    "I honestly can't think of what 'technical reasons' would cause this"
    Maybe the code looks something like the following:
    for(int i=0;i<numberOfQuestions;i++)
        <span style="color:#00AAAA;">Question question = Question.GetRandomQuestion();
        question.Number = 1;//TODO: This should be i + 1.  Pls fix it.
    //Issue 123456: frits- Changed it to this and committed it.
    m_Form.Heading[0] = "There are " + numberOfQuestions + 
    " in this assessment.  However, due to technical reasons each question is numbered as \"Question 1\"";
    Why does your syntax highlighting make me hate you so much?

    Really. I'm not saying you deserve it at all, to the contrary, it's cool that you make your posts more readable, but for some reason it just really, really pisses me off.

    What's the deal? I don't know! I'm sure you're a great guy, but if you were sitting next to me right now, my stapler would be flying at your head.

    Sorry, man. Not trying to make you feel bad, but I'd love to shove you out of your chair and stomp on your face. Maybe rub it in some broken glass.

    I feel bad for even thinking about this, to be honest, but I can't shake it.

    DIE! DIE! DIE!

    ^Sorry about that. I didn't actually mean it. It's just some irrational impulse I don't understand - don't read anything into it.

    Oh, well, I'll try doing some work for once to take my mind off of it. Have a nice day!


    I know what feature I'm going to be incorporating into my comments a lot more. rubs hands :P

  • Dazed (unregistered)

    The "technical reasons" are: (1) the numbering is in the code, and (1) the fix time for cosmetic problems is six months. The person entering the content has no access to the code and just has to do what he can.

    Been there, done that, got the headache.

  • Wait (unregistered)

    Isn't TRWTF in the "UTF-8 failure" the fact that they only reset passwords in person, by letter, or by SMS: definitely NOT by phone or email. You want a phone call?! Someone could be tapping your line! And, you know, emails are UNSECURE...can't you get SMS by email...?

  • F (unregistered)
    "You can have any black you want," notes Wendy, "so long as it's grey."
    I'll bet that if you took the trouble to click the dropdown, you'd see it also offers slate, charcoal and maybe even steel.
  • JamieC (unregistered) in reply to TheSHEEEP
    Wow, the number of sponsors is really slipping. Used to be, what, about 15.

    Huh? Since I've been here, I never saw much more than those listed here.

    First one on a search for "Sponsor Appreciation" comes back with 13 sponsors (http://thedailywtf.com/Articles/Sponsor-Appreciation,-Flushing-Logic,-Estmate-Problems,-and-More.aspx) I wasnt far out.

  • Dazed (unregistered) in reply to Wait
    Isn't TRWTF in the "UTF-8 failure" the fact that they only reset passwords in person, by letter, or by SMS: definitely NOT by phone or email. You want a phone call?! Someone could be tapping your line! And, you know, emails are UNSECURE...can't you get SMS by email...?
    If someone rings you up requesting a password change, how do you determine if the person is who he says he is?

    If someone asks you to send a new password to an arbitrary e-mail address, how do you determine if it is legitimate? (Or were you planning to send the password to the university mail address which the student can't log in to because he hasn't got the password?

  • (cs) in reply to Hortical
    "I honestly can't think of what 'technical reasons' would cause this"
    Maybe the code looks something like the following:
    for(int i=0;i<numberOfQuestions;i++)
        <span style="color:#00AAAA;">Question question = Question.GetRandomQuestion();
        question.Number = 1;//TODO: This should be i + 1.  Pls fix it.
    //Issue 123456: frits- Changed it to this and committed it.
    m_Form.Heading[0] = "There are " + numberOfQuestions + 
    " in this assessment.  However, due to technical reasons each question is numbered as \"Question 1\"";
    Why does your syntax highlighting make me hate you so much?

    Really. I'm not saying you deserve it at all, to the contrary, it's cool that you make your posts more readable, but for some reason it just really, really pisses me off.

    What's the deal? I don't know! I'm sure you're a great guy, but if you were sitting next to me right now, my stapler would be flying at your head.

    Sorry, man. Not trying to make you feel bad, but I'd love to shove you out of your chair and stomp on your face. Maybe rub it in some broken glass.

    I feel bad for even thinking about this, to be honest, but I can't shake it.

    DIE! DIE! DIE!

    ^Sorry about that. I didn't actually mean it. It's just some irrational impulse I don't understand - don't read anything into it.

    Oh, well, I'll try doing some work for once to take my mind off of it. Have a nice day!

    Oh you two, get a room!!!

    Also, there are meds that should take care of those uncontrollable impulses... In fact, I should be on mine now, but I have been feeding them to my dog for the past several weeks. Ah well, time to push someone in front of a subway because they looked at me funny.

  • me (unregistered) in reply to Dazed
    Isn't TRWTF in the "UTF-8 failure" the fact that they only reset passwords in person, by letter, or by SMS: definitely NOT by phone or email. You want a phone call?! Someone could be tapping your line! And, you know, emails are UNSECURE...can't you get SMS by email...?
    If someone rings you up requesting a password change, how do you determine if the person is who he says he is?

    If someone asks you to send a new password to an arbitrary e-mail address, how do you determine if it is legitimate? (Or were you planning to send the password to the university mail address which the student can't log in to because he hasn't got the password?

    I just happen to work on this sort of thing for a university, and we ask users for an alternate email address for just that purpose.

  • Hortical (unregistered) in reply to C-Octothorpe
    <Pretty, syntax-highlighted code>
    DIE! DIE! DIE!
    Oh you two, get a room!!!
    Ummmm, maybe you didn't read my comment very thoroughly, leaving us in a room together is not the best idea.
    Ah well, time to push someone in front of a subway because they looked at me funny.
    I call that 7:45 on a Monday morning.
  • anonymouse (unregistered)

    TRWTF is IE with a McAffee toolbar!

    CAPTCHA: inhibeo Obscure Shakesperean character who gets in everybody's way

  • (cs) in reply to Hortical
    <Pretty, syntax-highlighted code>
    DIE! DIE! DIE!
    Oh you two, get a room!!!
    Ummmm, maybe you didn't read my comment very thoroughly, leaving us in a room together is not the best idea.
    You're so right! Super-nerd-skinny or morbidly obese Hortical (whichever stereotype fits) would get all passive aggressive on my ass and not talk to me. The awkward silence would be almost too much to bear. *makes rolly eyes*
  • (cs) in reply to frits
    Hortical (not boog):
    *wakes up*

    Ehh, wha?

  • (cs) in reply to boog
    Hortical (not boog):
    *logs in as boog*

    Ehh, wha?

    FTFY ;-)

  • (cs) in reply to Tim
    I just love the product name "GobSpark Armageddon". sure makes a bit of flint sound pretty exciting
    I'm English, and for me "to gob" == "to spit", so it's the end of the world as it spits sparks, or something. Or maybe it's the noun sense of "gob", i.e. "mouth", so it's really a "MouthSpark Armageddon".

    My work is done here. Bye.

  • (cs) in reply to F
    "You can have any black you want," notes Wendy, "so long as it's grey."
    I'll bet that if you took the trouble to click the dropdown, you'd see it also offers slate, charcoal and maybe even steel.
    Don't forget white, which, after all, is just a really bright shade of black.
  • (cs) in reply to Steve The Cynic
    Steve The Cynic:
    I just love the product name "GobSpark Armageddon". sure makes a bit of flint sound pretty exciting
    I'm English, and for me "to gob" == "to spit", so it's the end of the world as it spits sparks, or something. Or maybe it's the noun sense of "gob", i.e. "mouth", so it's really a "MouthSpark Armageddon".

    My work is done here. Bye.

    Interesting that you consider that work...

  • (cs) in reply to C-Octothorpe
    Hortical (not boog):
    *logs in as boog*

    Ehh, wha?

    FTFY ;-)
    Um, no. Sorry to ruin your funny (I truly am), but I'm always logged in as boog. The only time I log out is when I post in response to a WTF I submitted, at which point I use my real name. I won't tell you my real name, but I will tell you it is not Hortical.

  • (cs) in reply to C-Octothorpe
    Steve The Cynic:
    I just love the product name "GobSpark Armageddon". sure makes a bit of flint sound pretty exciting
    I'm English, and for me "to gob" == "to spit", so it's the end of the world as it spits sparks, or something. Or maybe it's the noun sense of "gob", i.e. "mouth", so it's really a "MouthSpark Armageddon".

    My work is done here. Bye.

    Interesting that you consider that work...
    I take a special interest in filling people's heads with, um, unusual imagery.

  • (cs) in reply to boog
    Hortical (not boog):
    *logs in as boog*

    Ehh, wha?

    FTFY ;-)
    Um, no. Sorry to ruin your funny (I truly am), but I'm always logged in as boog. The only time I log out is when I post in response to a WTF I submitted, at which point I use my real name. I won't tell you my real name, but I will tell you it is not Hortical.
    I was making a joke about the characterization of you as an angry, angry man by stalker troll.

  • (cs) in reply to boog
    Hortical (not boog):
    *logs in as boog*

    Ehh, wha?

    FTFY ;-)
    Um, no. Sorry to ruin your funny (I truly am), but I'm always logged in as boog. The only time I log out is when I post in response to a WTF I submitted, at which point I use my real name. I won't tell you my real name, but I will tell you it is not Hortical.
    I know, I was just being a cheeky bastard. Not sure if I'm in a bad mood, or a good mood yet. Damn bipolar-paranoid-schizophrenia...

  • David (unregistered)
    You didn't $#@%&*#@(% change your password!

    Nice place. If this is how they treat the users I wonder how they treat the employees...

  • (cs) in reply to C-Octothorpe
    Not sure if I'm in a bad mood, or a good mood yet.
    I feel the same way; it's too early to tell.

    I mean, it's Friday. :)

    But I am at work. :(

  • (cs) in reply to frits
    Hortical (not boog):
    *logs in as boog*

    Ehh, wha?

    FTFY ;-)
    Um, no. Sorry to ruin your funny (I truly am), but I'm always logged in as boog. The only time I log out is when I post in response to a WTF I submitted, at which point I use my real name. I won't tell you my real name, but I will tell you it is not Hortical.
    I was making a joke about the characterization of you as an angry, angry man by stalker troll.

    I figured, and I appreciated the indirectness of it. That's why I just couldn't let C-Octopotamus respond so explicitly - I had to scold him. It's the only way he'll learn.
  • Bob (unregistered) in reply to C-Octothorpe
    Also, there are meds that should take care of those uncontrollable impulses... In fact, I should be on mine now, but I have been feeding them to my dog for the past several weeks. Ah well, time to push someone in front of a subway because they looked at me funny.
    Please try to show some sensitivity. I had a son who was funny, and let me assure you: it was no laughing matter.
  • (cs) in reply to Bob
    Also, there are meds that should take care of those uncontrollable impulses... In fact, I should be on mine now, but I have been feeding them to my dog for the past several weeks. Ah well, time to push someone in front of a subway because they looked at me funny.
    Please try to show some sensitivity. I had a son who was funny, and let me assure you: it was no laughing matter.
    Hmm. Seems a bit forced. Better luck next time.
  • (cs) in reply to Bob
    Please try to show some sensitivity. I had a son who was funny, and let me assure you: it was no laughing matter.
    Why do you assert that i am you son? That's just bullsh*t!

    This Bob and i, we are not related!

    I am not his son and he is not my uncle!

  • Otmane (unregistered)

    Read the letter with the UTF-8 failure, and try the find a grammatical error. Hint:Just read the second line or select from here "so we changed is for you" to here.

    PS: if that's not a grammatical error just keep in mind that I am not that good with English :)

  • lmm (unregistered) in reply to Otmane

    They changed is for you; it's now isn't

  • AshamedCanuck (unregistered) in reply to anon
    '"Finally, someone software that's written for my native, Canadian tounge," writes Randy.'

    Do you all speak with a Mancunian accent then?

    I'm Canadian, so if I see Randy today, I will be sure to slap him, and slap him hard.

  • justn (unregistered) in reply to Otmane
    Read the letter with the UTF-8 failure, and try the find a grammatical error. Hint:Just read the second line or select from here "so we changed is for you" to here.

    PS: if that's not a grammatical error just keep in mind that I am not that good with English :)

    I'm glad someone else saw that. Also, "...you haven't changed your password until now..." Ignoring the grammatical error, that line doesn't really make sense. Until now denotes that I have actually now changed my password...now. But is wasn't I who changed is, they changed is for me.

  • Jay (unregistered) in reply to JamieC
    Wow, the number of sponsors is really slipping. Used to be, what, about 15.

    Huh? Since I've been here, I never saw much more than those listed here.

    First one on a search for "Sponsor Appreciation" comes back with 13 sponsors (http://thedailywtf.com/Articles/Sponsor-Appreciation,-Flushing-Logic,-Estmate-Problems,-and-More.aspx) I wasnt far out.

    That doesn't necessarily mean that Alex has fewer sponsors. Just that he has fewer sponsors that he appreciates.

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