• Frist time poster, frist time frister (unregistered)


    and now to read this spensor related article

  • Art (unregistered)

    TRWTF is that the farewell message does not include the mandatory phrase "we wish him well in his future endeavors". This, as everyone knows, is H.R. approved code for "he wasn't fired".

  • Art (unregistered)

    They just didn't stir it very well. Sometimes it is 70% ethanol, sometimes 100%, but it averages out to 85%.

  • Al Gore (unregistered)

    Oh I get it: the WTF is putting Ethanol in your car!

  • A. R. (unregistered)

    The spanish translation of the ice machine is kind of a wtf too.

  • grandma (unregistered)

    The E85 is not a surprise. It's the legal minimum to be considered E85 (and also the most common percentage).

  • grandma (unregistered) in reply to grandma
    The E85 is not a surprise. It's the legal minimum to be considered E85 (and also the most common percentage).

    And the E70 is what is typically used in the colder months of the year.... Known as the "Winter Blend".

  • Wino Larry (unregistered)

    In these tough economic times, E85 is a preferred source of eco-friendly hooch.

  • Wiley (unregistered)

    Are these the sponsors for yesterday's article?

  • King D. (unregistered) in reply to grandma
    The E85 is not a surprise. It's the legal minimum to be considered E85 (and also the most common percentage).

    And the E70 is what is typically used in the colder months of the year.... Known as the "Winter Blend".

    What was it like to be on the holiday site?

  • (cs) in reply to Al Gore
    Al Gore:
    Oh I get it: the WTF is putting Ethanol in your car!
    I completely agree. Nothing like a fuel that gives you less power, can potentially eat through gaskets in older vehicles, and costs more to produce than what it sells for. Brilliant.
  • nullified (unregistered)

    "Ass Technologia"... The only standards company that practices truth in advertising!

    captcha: fugueiat - Beethoven's car

  • YOU JACKWAGON! (unregistered) in reply to Wiley
    Are these the sponsors for yesterday's article?
    Yes. I know I wouldn't be bothered to click on them.
  • (cs)

    The car wash Neil went through uses a revolutionary new process in which your car is scoured clean with ice pellets fired out ot an air cannon at close range.

  • The Corrector (unregistered) in reply to Joel B
    Joel B:
    Al Gore:
    Oh I get it: the WTF is putting Ethanol in your car!
    I completely agree. Nothing like a fuel that gives you less power, can potentially eat through gaskets in older vehicles, and costs more to produce than what it sells for. Brillant.
    FTFY. Welcome to TDWTF. HAND.
  • Nagesh (unregistered)

    Previous employer being Ass tecnologia!!!!!

    No longer to be working there as I finding to be work without my liking and benefits substandard. Also I was to being fired for not speling second 's' on multipal ocasions. :(

  • Art (unregistered)

    I got the first two posts with something relevant to say about today's WTFs, and nobody is replying to them. I feel alone and unloved.

    BTW my son is alone and unloved, and let me tell you it is no laughing matter.

  • OneMist8k (unregistered)

    Please do not touch the BS shoveler when posting a comment.

  • (cs) in reply to Art
    I got the first two posts with something relevant to say about today's WTFs, and nobody is replying to them. I feel alone and unloved.

    BTW my son is alone and unloved, and let me tell you it is no laughing matter.

    Sorry. Relevance has no relevance here.

  • MrBob (unregistered)

    We all loved working with Joshua! We still talk about those heady days.

    Oh, and screw Adam. He was a putz.

  • Macho (unregistered)

    Obviously, they want Adam to know that Joshua contributed to company more than him.

    Captcha: ingenium

  • someguy (unregistered)

    maybe Joshua did all of Adam's work. then the letter makes sense...

  • (cs)

    I'm no stand-alone ice maker technician, but I'd be willing to bet the "ice shovel" is the device that pushes the newly made ice into the storage area. I'd also be willing to bet Dan Houlihan knows this.

  • (cs)
    Tim Gustafson:
    "My first thought was that's odd; why would they post Latin text above an exhibit in California?"
    Because of all the Latinos there, duh.
  • "Them" (unregistered) in reply to King D.
    King D.:
    What was it like to be on the holiday site?
  • Jens (unregistered)

    So... not all companies in the world with 6500 or so languages check their name and abbreviations to comply with English usage? Shocking insight.

  • (cs)

    I interpreted the "ice shovel" as being the automatic device which transfers the freshly-made ice into the dispensing bucket. You usually don't want to touch machinery when it's doing machiney sort of things, and if there's a warning to that effect, idiots who poke their fingers into the gubbins can't sue the company when they get them mangled.

    As for "rootkit", it could just be that he's into bestiality with felines.

  • (cs) in reply to frits
    I'm no stand-alone ice maker technician, but I'd be willing to bet the "ice shovel" is the device that pushes the newly made ice into the storage area. I'd also be willing to bet Dan Houlihan knows this.

    Damn, someone beat me to it.

  • (cs) in reply to Matt Westwood
    Matt Westwood:
    As for "rootkit", it could just be that he's into bestiality with felines.
    Or less-than-attractive Canadian heavy metal girls.
  • (cs)

    And don't forget, "ass" is rude only in America. To the rest of the world it means "donkey".

    Er, which itself actually means something rude in certain slang contexts in the UK.

    I suppose you could always use the word "moke", but then that's an insulting term in Hawaii for a redneck.

    Must be tough being a donkey, I mean ass, I mean moke.

    There was a young girl from Madras Who had a magnificent ass Not pretty and pink As some of you think It was grey, had long ears, and ate grass

  • (cs) in reply to frits
    Matt Westwood:
    As for "rootkit", it could just be that he's into bestiality with felines.
    Or less-than-attractive Canadian heavy metal girls.
    Nope, sorry, over my head. Post a link?
  • (cs) in reply to Matt Westwood
    Matt Westwood:
    Matt Westwood:
    As for "rootkit", it could just be that he's into bestiality with felines.
    Or less-than-attractive Canadian heavy metal girls.
    Nope, sorry, over my head. Post a link?
  • airdrummer (unregistered)

    illustates the difference between a bmw & a porcupine: a porc's pricks are on the_outside_;-)

  • (cs) in reply to cconroy
    Tim Gustafson:
    "My first thought was that's odd; why would they post Latin text above an exhibit in California?"

    Is there some other location where you'd expect to see Latin?

  • The king of pope town (unregistered) in reply to shadowman
    Tim Gustafson:
    "My first thought was that's odd; why would they post Latin text above an exhibit in California?"

    Is there some other location where you'd expect to see Latin?

    The Vatican.

  • a nitpicking rubyist (unregistered)

    Ruby on Rails is web platform; Ruby itself isn't. (Ruby to Rails is like C# is to ASP.NET.)

  • (cs)

    Now that's precision! 85% ethanol, ±20%!

  • (cs) in reply to frits
    I got the first two posts with something relevant to say about today's WTFs, and nobody is replying to them. I feel alone and unloved.

    BTW my son is alone and unloved, and let me tell you it is no laughing matter.

    Sorry. Relevance has no relevance here.

    So this is irrelevant relevance? Or is it relevant irrelevance?

  • Star Wars N3rd (unregistered)

    That car wash thing is no WTF if Neil is the same Neil who was responsible for tying up Han Solo's Taun Taun in Episode V on Hoth.

  • anonymouser (unregistered) in reply to Coyne
    Now that's precision! 85% ethanol, ±20%!

    Yes, because 85 - 70 is 20 and 105% is possible.

  • (cs) in reply to Coyne
    I got the first two posts with something relevant to say about today's WTFs, and nobody is replying to them. I feel alone and unloved.

    BTW my son is alone and unloved, and let me tell you it is no laughing matter.

    Sorry. Relevance has no relevance here.

    So this is irrelevant relevance? Or is it relevant irrelevance?


  • (cs) in reply to anonymouser
    Now that's precision! 85% ethanol, ±20%!

    Yes, because 85 - 70 is 20 and 105% is possible.

    Okay, so I rounded a bit. I was in a hurry. Try ±17.6471%, and remember that the ± is relative to the desired 85%, not to 100%. That is, you multiply by 1±.176471; instead of adding.

  • (cs)

    ahhh how lovely, the Spanish translation on the ice machine is a total WTF itself.. a missing space and grammatical errors... don't you love Google translator?? and how nice, you shouldn't be touching the ice when you try to get it off the machine... If you can't touch it, then you can't eat either?

  • (cs) in reply to frits

    Okay, I'll buy that. We do get pretty abstract in here sometimes.

  • Shachar (unregistered)

    Why are you so certain that the "rootkit guy" is a guy? Can't it be a girl?

  • (cs) in reply to Shachar
    Why are you so certain that the "rootkit guy" is a guy? Can't it be a girl?
    Girls don't exist on the internet. It's only dudes (except children...FBI... bla bla bla).

    This rule extends to people pictured on the internet as well. Think about that next time you're surfing pr0n.

  • z00n3$!$ (unregistered) in reply to frits
    Girls don't exist on the internet. It's only dudes (except children...FBI... bla bla bla).

    This rule extends to people pictured on the internet as well. Think about that next time you're surfing pr0n.

    I'm sorry, but are you implying there's something wrong with that?

  • Gunslinger (unregistered) in reply to A. R.
    A. R.:
    The spanish translation of the ice machine is kind of a wtf too.

    Koreans can't translate to Spanish any better than they can to English.

  • (cs) in reply to z00n3$!$
    Girls don't exist on the internet. It's only dudes (except children...FBI... bla bla bla).

    This rule extends to people pictured on the internet as well. Think about that next time you're surfing pr0n.

    I'm sorry, but are you implying there's something wrong with that?
    Different strokes for different folks.

  • (cs) in reply to frits

    Thx, I now feel eddycated.

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