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I'm sorry to dissappoint Benjamin, but that car is actually owned by a gardener.
Absolute uncertainties don't work that way - when you say ±15% it literally means ±15%.
That's a nice tautology you have there.
I do, every time I search for images of FBI agents in compromising positions.
Wow... an entire company devoted to misleading graphics? The top of Fusion Charts website is a 3D barchart. Bar charts compare one dimension (height), and use the second dimension to identify which value corresponds to which real-world measurement. The meaningless third dimension and perspective is just absolutely inexcusable. And even if it were a meaningful third dimension, part of the third dimension is inevitably hidden, and anyway psychometric studies show that people do not accurately compare areas and volumes to each other. Unbelievable. Maybe their graphs "look great" and make you "feel great," but they're not going to give you an accurate understanding of what's going on.
I could go on and on about the other charts on the main page (just the main page!), but I'll just leave this rant here.
Silly person. Everybody knows that charts and graphics are not for imparting information. They're for impressing people with in the scrabble for attention.
A certain manufacturing company of a particularly high-profile consumer product in a certain European nation ("that's the WTF, right thar, goldarn it") utilised our s/w for the purposes of generating their financial reports. And behold, verily I say unto thee that they didn't care about the numerical content of the reports anywhere near as much as they threw their fucking teddies out of the fucking pram when the round corners of the boxes weren't shaped quite right, and the background colours weren't quite what they wanted.
It's the story of industry the whole way through. As long as you've got a pretty picture to show the bosses, paymasters, shareholders, government officials, etc. etc. they'll carry on writing the cheques. To fuck with the numbers, they don't matter shit (and the bosses don't understand them anyway).
I'm glad I got out of there and into a sector of the industry whose raison d'etre consists of providing lots of lovely pretty pictures at minimal cost and maximum profit.
I'm surprised no one picked up on the title of the article: "A Sincere Farewall". Wtf is a "farewall", is that like a firewall but you have to pay bus-fare to use it?
Captcha 'saluto' - an italian sandwich consisting of salami & prosciutto
The frist submitter deliberately misspelled "spensor" so I would argue that actually, subtlely, someone did.
The fine picture looks like it's had a digit or 2 scratched or photoshopped off maybe?
Simple enough -- don't (potentially) contaminate the rest of the ice while collecting yours.
How to request this to become a featured comment?
0 fine. Just computer talk meaning: Not fine.
The '85' relates to the octane rating, which is a measure to the combustibility of the liquid.
It could very well be that this mixture is 70% ethanol and 30% something else, which amounts to an octane rating of 85.
So sorry, not a WTF :-)
No it does not: I wanted to link to the wikipedia article on E85, but after 20 times trying to make Akismet understand it was not a spam, I gave up: go see for yourself that you are wrong.
If it had been original, maybe. But I'm afraid it's at least 30 years old, probably considerably older. (The limerick, I mean, not the (blush) a$$.)
There ass more!
Regards, Martin
Alumin(i)um rock?
I took a look at Ass Tecnologia, and it turns out it's exactly what I was expecting. Shitty ERP software.
So that's who's been making rude gestures at our repository ...
A can-can performer from France Caused tremendous furore with her dance Interviewed by the papers Explaining her capers Said, "Must have forgotten my pants."
It's better than putting Ethanol in the driver!
Hi George W. Bush!
Sigh. Do we really need to explain the joke? This is like saying, "It's not funny that the man walked into a glass door. Glass is transparent, so he didn't see the door, and thus the accident was perfectly understandable." But of course, that's WHY it's funny. If the door was opaque and he had deliberately walked into it, we'd just ask why in the world he did that; it wouldn't be funny.
Personally, I laugh just as hard when English is poorly translated into a foreign (to me) language as I do when a foreign language is poorly translated into English. The difference is that in the first case someone has to explain it to me, and by then the humor may be lost.
I don't understand either reference. Which is probably good. Sometimes being naive and innocent saves you from being grossed out.
Are you implying that there's something wrong with my social and moral beliefs? That would be intolerant.
Obviously you transported through time to get to the 21st century and aren't yet familiar with the fact that it's wrong to judge people for the things that they do. Enlightened people nowadays aren't so cruel as to do that.
Do you know how hurtful it is to have someone tell me that something about me is just WRONG. It's like saying I shouldn't exist. How far away is the inquisition from that?
While people make fun of E85, it's growing in use among classic car enthusiasts with high-compression engines. Some cars were over 11:1 from the factory.
Compression ratios over 11:1 generally detonate on regular gas, and often owners would pick up leaded aviation fuel to run in their cars. However, with a properly configured carburetor and some new resistant rubber lines they can run much cheaper E85, and enjoy their cars more. Circle track racers have been running various alcohol blends for years, so parts are not as hard to come by as you might initially think.
Given the level of attention to details concerning his farewell, it's no wonder Adam left the Quality Assurance team.
I'm pretty sure I saw that ROOTKIT plate the other day...in Ottawa east end?
But you shouldn't. Sod the inquisition - just send a hit man in and be done with it. It wouldn't be murder, it would be perfectly legitimate extermination of vermin.
If you have to proclaim to have a kit to root with, the aforementioned kit must be fairly small.
Nothing wrong with the E85, 85% is the maximum ethanol content in the mix, which is the figure you want to know in the best interest of your car's engine. They chose to list also the minumum, problem?
E85 is "up to 85% Ethanol", but it's typically referred to as having 85% Ethanol for simplicity. Just like how wall power in the US is called 120VAC even though it might really be 110 or 115.
The "minumum" label is probably a legal thing because there can be a summer and winter blend with different mixtures.
Not really a WTF, just slightly confusing to people that don't get what E85 is.
.... and thus Error'd was born!