• Mayhem (unregistered) in reply to Svenson
    Punkin Pie:
    When you write objects to map to the strings found in the XML produced by outside vendors, there is literally no way to determine beforehand what string values will be.

    I thought XML was self-documenting...

    With making it up as you go along, its usually more self-destructive

  • C (unregistered) in reply to A C# Guy

    You can't databind to fields - any C# dev who has spent hours smacking their head against a desk trying to figure that one out generally tends to always use properties (or auto-properties) and stays away from fields, even if there is good reason not to.

  • m (unregistered) in reply to chrismcb
    …Well we don't know what the string is used for, perhaps it is the value that is being displayed to the user. A string seems slightly better than an enum in that case.

    So the article just highlights a Steelman-8F-fail-WTF of the programming language?

  • Mark Fugate (unregistered)

    I can appreciate the "Quality" and "Best Practices" 'issue'. I once had to work with an idiot that repeatedly mixed new, malloc, delete and free interchangibly and justified it by claiming that new ultimately called malloc so free worked fine. Additionally, this enlightened genius would mutex threads with global variables and spin-waits, set freed objects to NULL after freeing them, and many more acts of horror and total ignorance. Now if the above is not enough, this enlightened one became a CTO!

  • Pyrexkidd (unregistered) in reply to boog
    That's got to be the most succinct WTF I've seen in a while. I love the longer stories but the short ones leave the rest to your imagination.
    Reading comprehension fail. While you might be forgiven for not realizing their's a category called "Representative Line," your not forgiven for failing to read that fact stated implicitly in the story.

    Homonym fail.
    While you're forgiven for using a contraction, you're not forgiven for using the incorrect homonym.

    You said that the category "representative Line" belongs to they (a 3rd person plural pronoun), what you really meant to say is "There is a category called 'representative line' " (also used as a pronoun.)

  • Pyrexkidd (unregistered) in reply to Polar Bear
    Polar Bear:
    That's got to be the most succinct WTF I've seen in a while. I love the longer stories but the short ones leave the rest to your imagination.
    Reading comprehension fail. While you might be forgiven for not realizing their's a category called "Representative Line," your not forgiven for failing to read that fact stated implicitly in the story.

    And you're not forgiven for you incorrect use of the word "your".

    Captcha: Ingenium...perhaps your use of the word was "ingenium".


    I can't believe I missed this... Peer Review Fail!!!

  • Santa Claus (unregistered)

    What? No new WTF today? I know one website owner who is getting nothing but coal in his stocking.

  • Pyrexkidd (unregistered) in reply to pauly
    Polar Bear:
    That's got to be the most succinct WTF I've seen in a while. I love the longer stories but the short ones leave the rest to your imagination.
    Reading comprehension fail. While you might be forgiven for not realizing their's a category called "Representative Line," your not forgiven for failing to read that fact stated implicitly in the story.

    And you're not forgiven for you incorrect use of the word "your".

    Captcha: Ingenium...perhaps your use of the word was "ingenium".

    Muphrey's Law... Every fuck time! It almost never fails.

    PS: How can I make something bold in this forum???

    use the ] [ quotes.

  • airdrik (unregistered)

    Their's a problem with triing to correct peoples comments after they've already posted them - dispite any actual errors they might have. Ounce the comment has been posted it's content cannot be changed (excepting registered users for a limited amount of time after posting, if I understand correctly).
    Therefore we minus well accept that some people don't chose to double-check there spelling and grammer when posting comments and not make ourselves a foul for pointing it out for everyone to see (It is better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt - Mark Twain).

    At the very least, it keeps the comments clean of meaningless "you said its wrong" comments.

    P.S. If this gets deleted along with all of the bad spelling and grammar comments, good riddance!

  • (cs) in reply to Santa Claus
    Santa Claus:
    What? No new WTF today? I know one website owner who is getting nothing but coal in his stocking.

    Airing of Grievances ^^^.

  • владимир (unregistered)

    i can haz new wtf?

  • владимир (unregistered) in reply to airdrik
    Their's a problem with triing to correct peoples comments after they've already posted them - dispite any actual errors they might have. Ounce the comment has been posted it's content cannot be changed (excepting registered users for a limited amount of time after posting, if I understand correctly). Therefore we minus well accept that some people don't chose to double-check there spelling and grammer when posting comments and not make ourselves a foul for pointing it out for everyone to see (It is better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt - Mark Twain).

    At the very least, it keeps the comments clean of meaningless "you said its wrong" comments.

    P.S. If this gets deleted along with all of the bad spelling and grammar comments, good riddance!

    Fuck you troll.

  • Pyrexkidd (unregistered) in reply to Mark Fugate
    Mark Fugate:
    I can appreciate the "Quality" and "Best Practices" 'issue'. I once had to work with an idiot that repeatedly mixed new, malloc, delete and free interchangibly and justified it by claiming that new ultimately called malloc so free worked fine. Additionally, this enlightened genius would mutex threads with global variables and spin-waits, set freed objects to NULL after freeing them, and many more acts of horror and total ignorance. Now if the above is not enough, this enlightened one became a CTO!

    Sounds like the CTO at my company...

  • (cs) in reply to airdrik
    Their's a problem with triing to correct peoples comments after they've already posted them - dispite any actual errors they might have. Ounce the comment has been posted it's content cannot be changed (excepting registered users for a limited amount of time after posting, if I understand correctly). Therefore we minus well accept that some people don't chose to double-check there spelling and grammer when posting comments and not make ourselves a foul for pointing it out for everyone to see (It is better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt - Mark Twain).

    At the very least, it keeps the comments clean of meaningless "you said its wrong" comments.

    P.S. If this gets deleted along with all of the bad spelling and grammar comments, good riddance!

    minus well?

  • (cs) in reply to ContraCorners
    Their's a problem with triing to correct peoples comments after they've already posted them - dispite any actual errors they might have. Ounce the comment has been posted it's content cannot be changed (excepting registered users for a limited amount of time after posting, if I understand correctly). Therefore we minus well accept that some people don't chose to double-check there spelling and grammer when posting comments and not make ourselves a foul for pointing it out for everyone to see (It is better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt - Mark Twain).

    At the very least, it keeps the comments clean of meaningless "you said its wrong" comments.

    P.S. If this gets deleted along with all of the bad spelling and grammar comments, good riddance!

    minus well?

    I'm pretty shore he meant "midas well".

  • Pyrexkidd (unregistered) in reply to airdrik
    Their's a problem with triing to correct peoples comments after they've already posted them - dispite any actual errors they might have. Ounce the comment has been posted it's content cannot be changed (excepting registered users for a limited amount of time after posting, if I understand correctly). Therefore we minus well accept that some people don't chose to double-check there spelling and grammer when posting comments and not make ourselves a foul for pointing it out for everyone to see (It is better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt - Mark Twain).

    At the very least, it keeps the comments clean of meaningless "you said its wrong" comments.

    P.S. If this gets deleted along with all of the bad spelling and grammar comments, good riddance!

    +1 (When you're arguing with a fool, make sure he isn't doing the same thing. Anonymous citation)

    But... I'm bored at work (I mean who takes the time to read all the comments...) and it is my belevedness[sic] that the comments picking each other apart are in jest... I mean really, are youz guyz[sic] that pent up?

    Has anyone seen the preview button?

    BTW: I am a registered forum member, my comments still show up as unregistered and I am unable to edit my comments once posted. although it is entirely possible that PEBCK...

    CAPTCHA: ideo -- someone else who isn't proofreading they're comments because there idiots over their.

  • Ouch! (unregistered) in reply to Pyrexkidd

    BTW: I am a registered forum member, my comments still show up as unregistered and I am unable to edit my comments once posted. although it is entirely possible that PEBCKcomments because there idiots over their.

    Sign in before you post? That's what I do when I care.

  • josefx (unregistered)

    reminds me of the java enum type.

    enum Status {none, active, finished}
    //Status (none, active, finished - default value is null)
    Status status;
  • Polar Bear (unregistered) in reply to frits
    Santa Claus:
    What? No new WTF today? I know one website owner who is getting nothing but coal in his stocking.

    Airing of Grievances ^^^.


  • My Name (unregistered)

    Where is the Christmas Story so we can bitch on Christmas Day as well?

  • Anaxi (unregistered) in reply to Punkin Pie
    Punkin Pie:
    so he made the status a string. Probably not the best option
    Sounds like you don't have much real-world experience (well, not experience with J2EE, anyway). ... When you write objects to map to the strings found in the XML ... you later just convert back to XML ...

    Sounds like you don't have much real-world experience (well, not experience with XSLT, anyway)

  • caper (unregistered)

    I say bring back Pascal.

  • AnonymousuomynonA (unregistered) in reply to Mark Fugate
    Mark Fugate:
    I can appreciate the "Quality" and "Best Practices" 'issue'. I once had to work with an idiot that repeatedly mixed new, malloc, delete and free interchangibly and justified it by claiming that new ultimately called malloc so free worked fine. Additionally, this enlightened genius would mutex threads with global variables and spin-waits, set freed objects to NULL after freeing them, and many more acts of horror and total ignorance. Now if the above is not enough, this enlightened one became a CTO!

    Eh, that's usually how it goes: promote the idiot to a point where they can do no real damage; usually this means upper management. Sad for the rest of us honest, hard workers: we break our backs, and get to watch everyone else succeed.

    captcha: aliquam - aliquam I gotta be so bitter?

  • Jeremy (unregistered) in reply to airdrik
    Their's a problem with triing to correct peoples comments after they've already posted them - dispite any actual errors they might have. Ounce the comment has been posted it's content cannot be changed (excepting registered users for a limited amount of time after posting, if I understand correctly). Therefore we minus well accept that some people don't chose to double-check there spelling and grammer when posting comments and not make ourselves a foul for pointing it out for everyone to see (It is better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt - Mark Twain).

    At the very least, it keeps the comments clean of meaningless "you said its wrong" comments.

    P.S. If this gets deleted along with all of the bad spelling and grammar comments, good riddance!

    J dqiqiy cbd'f indetsrtasats akk yjis cuxx andoyt spemmand aid hravvwt. Bidkjten qo peksle"!"

  • Billy Bob Programmer (unregistered) in reply to Jeremy

    Funny. I just started working 6 months ago at a logistics company with a very interesting code base. Apps that have been hobbled together over 10 years and seem barely functional. I searched through my codebase for this just to make sure we didn't somehow work together. :)

  • (cs) in reply to ContraCorners
    Will no one mention Boog's mis-use of "their?"
    But I didn't mis-use th-

    Ohhh... you meant him.

  • Ebenezer Scrooge (unregistered)

    Lazy slackers! Just because it's Christmas doesn't give you the right not to post a Daily WTF. Some of us still have to come into the office, you know!

  • neminem (unregistered) in reply to Ebenezer Scrooge
    Ebenezer Scrooge:
    Lazy slackers! Just because it's Christmas doesn't give you the right not to post a Daily WTF. Some of us still have to come into the office, you know!
    It's no longer Christmas, either, so now there's really no excuse.

    If you had to go into the office on Christmas day, or even the Sunday after Christmas, or even really Sundays in general... sucks to be you. But now it's a non-holiday Monday, so how about that WTF?

  • Wyrd (unregistered) in reply to boog
    Okay, so he made the status a string. Probably not the best option; I'd have used an enum or something. Also, it being a string with (I'd expect) a finite range of possible values, making it public probably isn't a good choice either. Words like "best practice" and "quality" certainly don't come to mind here. But I suppose it'll work, as long as no one abuses the unneeded flexibility of a public string.

    I can appreciate that the comment lists the range of possible values for status (probably the only "best practice" shown), although my prior observations leave me doubtful of the comment's accuracy. So at this point, unless I'm missing something obvious I'd almost say that it's "not really a WTF".

    Except then I examine the following bit:

    default value is false
    Someone please find this code's author and shoot him.

    Yeah, exactly. I think that's the company ethos the wtf submitter was trying to convey. :-)

    Really, the more you stare at those lines, the worse it gets. It's kind of like meditating on a figurative candle flame of wtf-ness. I think it might even be T-shirt worthy.

    -- Furry cows moo and decompress.

  • anonymous (unregistered)


    no dailywtf for 5 days =(

  • boog (unregistered) in reply to anonymous

    no dailywtf for 5 days =(

    That's because Remy is busy doing unspeakable things with "unicorns."

  • Woops (unregistered) in reply to airdrik
    Their's a problem with triing to correct peoples comments after they've already posted them - dispite any actual errors they might've. Ounce the comment has been posted it's content cannot be changed (accepting registered users for a limited amount of time after posting, if I understand correctly). Therefore we minus well except that some people don't chose too double-check there spelling and grammer when posting comments and not make ourselves a foul fore pointing it out four everyone two see (It is better to keep you're mouth shut and be thawed a fool then to open it and remove all doubt - Mirk "McGyver" Twigglestick III).

    At the very least, it keeps the comments clean of meaningless "you said its wrong" comments.

    P.S. If this gets deleted along with all of the bad spelling and grammar comments, good riddance!

    FTFY. You missed some golden opportunities there.

  • Bill (unregistered) in reply to boog

    With a rusty nailgun so suffering a slow death from tetnus

  • TST (unregistered)

    It's a very politically correct way of defining a datatype.

    String for those who want total freedom. Enum for people who want to find order in chaos. And finally a shot of boolean to add that special taste.


  • persto (unregistered) in reply to caper
    I say bring back Pascal.
    Oh, yes. Definitely. We all miss fixed-length arrays and insane operator precedence.
  • Design Pattern (unregistered) in reply to m
    …Well we don't know what the string is used for, perhaps it is the value that is being displayed to the user. A string seems slightly better than an enum in that case.

    So the article just highlights a http://www.dwheeler.com/steelman/steelman.htm#8 -fail-WTF of the programming language?

    As the programming language in question almost certainly is Java, the answer is no: http://download.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/api/java/lang/Enum.html#name%28%29 http://download.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/api/java/lang/Enum.html#toString%28%29 http://java.sun.com/developer/technicalArticles/Intl/ResourceBundles/

    UhOh. Akismet WTF, it does not even accept the URLs as simple text. Maybe adding some more blabla helps!

    Akismet needs to be shot!

  • Timo (unregistered) in reply to The Nerve
    The Nerve:
    //Status (none, active, finished - default value is none)
    public String status;

    //Status (none, active, finished - default value is gone)

  • mara (unregistered)

    twice, just to make sure

  • group buy seo tools (unregistered)

    The when I just read a blog, I’m hoping that this doesnt disappoint me approximately this one. Get real, Yes, it was my method to read, but When i thought youd have something interesting to state. All I hear is a number of whining about something that you could fix should you werent too busy trying to find attention.group buy seo tools

  • (nodebb)


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