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What's so funny? Shouldn't database developers be familiar with store procedure?
Or are you fine with them taking the forklift for a joyride every Friday afternoon?
So what happens if your email bounces?
ORM has pretty much obviated the need to write a stored procedure. Only old FUDDY DUDDY's are writing them.
Are you sure it doesn't have something to do with the absence of a file system? Seems to me there was a discussion on here about that not too long ago....
maybe for you, ducky.
So? Do you actually have to consult with the VP (as opposed to technically evaluate my statements own your own)? I'm amused, but not that much surprised. Tell your VP I'm mildly honored that he thinks I'm partially right. I guess since he's a VP of tech dev his opinion should count for something on these internet forums realms :P
-- and by the way --
I've been working with ORMs and SQL-mappers for a while now (a long while). Hibernate, iBatis, in-house developed, you name it. I know for experience what you can and cannot do. I still have to see an application with high volume of RDMB traffic being able to use a ORM without having to add extra layers of L1/L2 application caching, making the whole thing a big, fat lasagna architecture.
Complexity for the sake of just using yet a new flashing toy is not engineering.
And if you live in the United States, then you would be wrong. There are only a few set things that are protected, such as Age and Gender. Otherwise you can discriminate on just about anything.
Ok. Let's review:
My thoughts exactly. A job interview can be very nervewracking, and mistakes like that are easy to make if you are the type of person who tends to get nervous in those situations.
I met him on a coffee break. We have coffee breaks four times a day. We don't actually drink coffee, since the canteen boy doesn't always deliver coffee on time. We talk about IT trends.
Data incoherency is never your friend - in real-time systems or otherwise.
Wow, that's a can of worms, right there. I wouldn't get the job after that question, for sure.
Captcha: damnum - indeed!
Some HR departments here require that an assistant review any resumes that come in and remove potential discrimination issues - photographs and dates on degrees, mostly- before anyone actually evaluates them. Typically, membership in something like the AARP or NAACP would be removed, since it's not relevant, but something like an officer position in one of those groups or membership in a professional organization (which might include "Gay Firefighters of America" or something) would be left, since they would be career-related.
This makes sense to me, even if you remove the lawsuit issue. Why do you want to clutter up your resume with irrelevancies like a photograph?
They work great if you are looking for a lecturer.
If you are looking for a person capable of writing high-quality code, you should probably try to find out what kind of problem-solving skills they have and not what they have memorized from DB101.
There is practically no difference between writing, say, a Perl script, and a stored procedure. Any experienced programmer will need one good example of a stored procedure, and maybe a list of dos and dont's, and they'll be writing there own in like 5 minutes.
Discrimination for the 2nd Liz may be totally valid. In some countries, this practice is illegal, and if this company was based in one of those countries or had customers there; hiring Liz would jeopardize that relationship and possibly her personal safety.
It's how they store porn photos in C data structs, I do believe.
Discrimination because someone is a former porn photographer? Lame.
It's not like they used to be a lawyer or something.
Hey man, I was writing stored procedures before stored procedures were cool!
Looks like the troll is winning
If you were Leader of the Troll Intelligence Service, then you'd have a point.
If someone's reciting stuff they memorized in class, that would count as "talking themself out of a job". If you can't speak coherently about a topic for a minute or two, it's pretty clear you don't understand it. It might be different if you're interviewing with Nicholas Parsons, but that's kettle of fish of a different color.
Embedded systems sometimes do not have higher-level concurrency structures available. In this case, atomic operations are commonly used to build them. At its core, a mutex/semaphore/etc. is a lock-free structure built on atomic ops.
In my day job, we do have higher-level concurrency structures, but running on a platform without any useful atomic operations (i.e., only read/write are atomic; there's nothing that can make decisions like compare-and-exchange).
incassum I'm wrongum, pleaseum ignore-em
Because the question wasn't "what was the most interesting job you've ever had", it was "what is the most interesting thing you've ever worked on". I think your phrase - "not remotely relevant" is the right one.
The fail wasn't necessarily in mentioning the job, it was in misunderstanding the question.
My photo is attached to the application, and I understand it is non-returnable: True False File not Found
One of the errors I see people defending stored procedures make all of the time is to make easily falsifiable claims. Simply claiming that stored procedures are faster is not good enough. There are plenty of ways to tweak ad-hoc SQL to get within 0.01% of the performance of stored procedures, especially if the server isn't CPU-bound, which most aren't.
I get (maybe) that misunderstanding a question might cut the candidate out of the running for the job. But that in itself doesn't justify firing the recruitment company! Is taking pictures of naked people really that offensive? (assuming this happened in a country where the adult industry is legal - otherwise mentioning it is absolutely a wtf)
Fair enough - there are some interviews where I wouldn't bring it up, but there's nothing inherently wrong with it.
As a matter of tactics, it's something you'd want to deploy only if you had a very good reason to think it was the right thing to talk about at that moment, and if you thought you could get away with it. When someone asks the interviewer how the interview went, you want them to be saying "Man, the guy knows his stuff, and he's done all kinds of interesting stuff too" not "It was a little weird, I asked him about what sort of work he'd done and he started going on about taking porn pictures".
It's all a rich tapestry.
Nagesh, if you're going to troll, do try to make it interesting, eh? See the David Thorne bit someone posted earlier. Now there's a man who knows how to troll. (Learn more from Thorne at 27b/6.)
It's shadows in a vacuum, man. Shadows in a vacuum.
Now, this is an counter-argument with some thought. Thank you. I don't necessarily defend stored procedures from the point of view of speed (or criticize ORM's from the point of view of slow-downs.) In fact, if someone is using stored procedures to squeeze functionally necessary speed, chances are there is something wrong with the whole architecture. BTW, my preferred usage of stored procedures has been in terms of security (security in depth), not speed. Not something that is generally applicable, though.
My take against Nagesh's POV is that he hasn't explained why ORMs are the way of the future (something debatable) or why stored procedures are a thing of the past (something 100% falsifiable.) I really have to disagree with you that Nagesh is 99.99% right... he hasn't made a technical point at all.
In fact, Nagesh's argument that ORMs made stored procedures irrelevant does not make any sense. The ORM layer separates application from SQL access, and SQL can include legitimate access to stored procedures (a form of vendor specific construct supported by that vendor's implementation of SQL.) A legitimate existence of a stored procedure is (typically) independent of the usage (or not usage) of a ORM. Furthermore, correct usage of a ORM typically depends on A) good knowledge of SQL, and B) appropriate knowledge of the client's database characteristics (good or bad).
From an application view, the ORM is all there is. But for whoever implements and maintains the specific ORM mappings, he/she better know his SQL and his client's db well (including stored procedures if they exist.) So Nagesh's argument makes no sense technically speaking.
Very few people actually know how to use a ORM (sadly). As a consultant, I've been asked a couple of times to do review systems that are seriously deteriorated (in terms of speed and/or memory/connection usage). Many a time is the misapplication or misuse of ORMS (Hibernate in particular)... that in combination with other factors obviously.
Most people know ORMs (and SQL) just superficially, and they are unwilling (or incapable) of doing an objective trade-off analysis.
Sometimes, the best (or most appropriate) solution is to simply operate on a result set (as opposed to an object graph build either manually or with a ORM). But that doesn't look as good in a resume as, say using Hibernate. And you see that all the time, systems glued together with ORMs, JMS, ESB and whatever new shiny toy around the block... in cases where they didn't need most (if any of it) at all.
That's not engineering, that's just playing games at the employer's expense for the purpose of padding one's resume. That's unethical.
Sorry for the long rant, I just don't see Nagesh having made any valid technical point at all.
Agree with you 100% - more if that were possible. As a consultant you don't always get to dictate the environment. Several years ago at a company that produces adult beverages (no fear in mentioning that job, right?) - the environment had NO application code, it was all ran through stored procedures.
Right or wrong, the job was to go in and modify those. All business logic was in stored procs - such as, 3000+ line long procs that are themselves candidates for WTF-ness.
My point is, flexibility is key - ORM's are useful, but not the be-all and end-all. Stored proc knowledge is a must, just like "knowing about databases" is a must.
Here's another argument for stored procs. IF you keep code in a stored proc, then an update can be made by pushing that proc to production. No code change/deployment needed. Depending on the environment, this might be an easier thing to push through all the gate-keepers - dba's, data center, etc. - involved in a "production fix".
As someone who has interviewed candidates for SQL Server database developer positions, I find it difficult to respond to this in any other way than pointing and laughing.
Re: Shadows in a Vacuum.
Dark in the Vacuum
If your concern is privacy, the photos on the resume seem reasonable. If your worry is that black/latino people won't get an interview, it seems like forbidding them is a legit idea.
Then clearly you failed to send a non-returnable photograph, and you won't get the job.
Unless, of course, you count the Turks.
I am not able to open this website. Our company filters have blocked it. Are you trying to get me fired?
The non-returnable picture is probably just a cut & paste that didn't get fully updated from the days when they handled paper resumes.