• BootSectorGeneral (unregistered) in reply to J Cooper

    I know the capacity of a 1GB drive, but a 1G drive? I'm guessing... $1000? :)

  • (cs)

    Actually the blackjack thing makes sense

    interactive - bit of a rubbish card came otherwise. sharing photos - custom picture on the back of the cards. posting your résumé - hopefully it has a player profile page. categorised links - hearts, spades, diamonds, clubs!

    I fail to see how this is a WTF.

  • NeoMojo (unregistered) in reply to VisualD
    LOL, as they say. I must congratulate you on your witty social commentary on the poor litaracy skills of chavs. Their tendancy to over generalise naming conventions for supermarkets often tickles my funny bone. For, as any observant Briton knowns, Tesco has only one s.
  • NeoMojo (unregistered) in reply to NeoMojo

    why can I never get my post right. damnit.


  • Mog_X (unregistered)

    I'm pretty sure the 'Enterprise Directory' one is from Accenture - I don't remember it asking to close the browser, just Outlook.

    Then again, my five years working for them may have damaged my memory as well as my sanity......

  • Doug (unregistered)

    The point of the 1GB zen stone contest is not to be difficult, but to be so easy that you don't think about surrendering your email address to their spam bot in your rush to claim your prize*.

    • Note: prize not included, only 10 will win, millions who find this easy, easy contest will enter.
  • SpamBot (unregistered)

    The correct answer to what is the hard drive capacity of a Zen stone is "void".

  • luke (unregistered) in reply to dave

    A binary GB is 1,073,741,824 (1024x1024x1024).

  • Hamstray (unregistered) in reply to BootSectorGeneral
    I know the capacity of a 1GB drive, but a 1G drive? I'm guessing... $1000? :)

    1G is roughly about 6.67428*10^-11 N m^2 kg^-2

  • (cs) in reply to NeoMojo
    why can I never get my post right. damnit.


    What, only one "n"?

    Tendancy is also chavilly spelled with two "e"s...

  • maeghith (unregistered) in reply to aidan
    Actually, that's a safe assumption. A 'hard drive' (shortened for hard disk drive) is defined as a disk drive that reads media such as a hard magnetic or optical disc as opposed to a soft magnetic disc, such as a floppy. (you can look it up if you dont believe me)

    A device that emulates a hard drive using flash memory is called a SSD (solid-state drive). flash memory does not employ disks or discs to store data, as such, should not be called a 'hard disk drive' or 'hard drive'

    Yup, I knew that but anyways, it's hard and it's driven, it feels safe to say so.

    OTOH, We can leave it as if 'hard' and 'solid' were synonyms. I'm pretty sure that a hard disk drive is pretty solid, and that a solid-state drive is quite hard, aren't they? XDDDDD

    Damn, Why am I trying to justify stupid marketing people?, I hate them! (well most of them,... OK, quite a few but... no-no-no darling, not you,... wait don't throw me that... OUCH!!).

  • Boxer Ma (unregistered) in reply to real_aardvark

    Huh? Did you mean tendency?

  • (cs) in reply to Boxer Ma
    Boxer Ma:
    Huh? Did you mean tendency?
    Not really, because "tendency" is already spelled with two "e"s. Check the post to which I replied.

    If I can just get finished watching this paint dry, I'll get around to checking your Google reference. Hope it hasn't got stale in the meantime.

  • Alex (unregistered) in reply to dave

    Wrong. 1 GB is equal to 1,073,741,824 bytes, or 2^30.

  • Nikki (unregistered) in reply to Hamstray
    I know the capacity of a 1GB drive, but a 1G drive? I'm guessing... $1000? :)

    1G is roughly about 6.67428*10^-11 N m^2 kg^-2

    If you're going to be all SI pedantic, that should be 66.7428 * 10^-12

  • OmnipotentEntity (unregistered) in reply to dave

    Actually no, 1 GiB is 1,073,741,824 bytes, 2^30, 1 GB is 1,000,000,000 bytes, and 1,024,000,000 bytes is your imagination.

  • Ruudjah (unregistered)

    All failed about the ZEN! Yes, it does use a flash drive. So there is no hard drive capacity. Yes, a GB is Giga bytes, which is a billion bytes which is exactly (EU) bytes! But: the answer can be.... not 1GB! but only... 1G. one G of what? 1G of beers? Bytes? Preferring the first, i think its the second while still erronous.

  • D-mented Kitty (unregistered)

    I think the "close all browsers" message means you close all OTHER browsers first before proceeding with changing your password, as by accessing secure sites might prompt you to enter this password, and when you leave those sites open in a browser while changing the browser might not recognize your changed password.

    Maybe they should change the warning message to make it much clearer to the user.

  • doogie (unregistered)


  • Anonymous (unregistered) in reply to J Cooper

    Laden or unladen with MP3s?

  • Jacob Lewis (unregistered)

    Hi, Are you still in business? I found a few errors on your site. Would you like me to send over a screenshot of those errors?

    Regards Jacob (714) 500-7363

  • Joe Celine (unregistered)

    Hi, Are you still in business? I found a few errors on your site. Would you like me to send over a screenshot of those errors?

    Regards Joe (714) 908-9255

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