• Yeah Really (unregistered) in reply to Really?
    The casual mysogyny of some of the commenters here is pathetic. The irony that, on a site that exists to make fun of people's broken code, your broken personality is the real WTF.
    I don't hate all women, just the ones who think three nights in bed is worth a lifetime of slavery.

    So, yeah, pretty much all of them.

  • Tud (unregistered) in reply to Really?
    The irony that, on a site that exists to make fun of people's broken code, your broken personality is the real WTF.
    I am curious to know if you've ever been to the TDWTF forums (the "side bar WTF" you see on the left).
  • dignissim (unregistered) in reply to PedanticCurmudgeon
    Would you prefer that we pretended that men and women were exactly alike?
    The real irony is people think it is wrong when we think of anyone as anything other than equals. [...]

    I really need to make an animated .gif of that scarecrow from Zelda OoT/MM dancing.

  • Jim (unregistered) in reply to Captcha:tego
    Oh, great, there's the usual forever alone creeps exhibiting their usual misogynistic MRA douchebaggery. What a refreshing change. "Waaah waaah waaah women are all evil scheming horrible bitches why don't they like me?"
    I know that feel. I suggest you keep away from certain 4chan boards.
    You forgot to change your name back to Nagesh!
  • Some Guy (unregistered) in reply to Really?
    Perhaps you're right. Perhaps I misinterpreted all those comments about strippers, prostitutes and all women being money-grabbing shrews controlled by their menstrual cycle as a subtle reminder of the differences between the sexes.

    Or perhaps you're just trying to distract attention from the mysogyny above by changing the subject.

    This is the point where you start taking about political correctness run amok. Go on.

    And yet you continue to read and respond....interesting.

    Oh look, there goes the Sea Shepherd!!!

  • (cs) in reply to KattMan
    ..als, we are complimentary..

    The intended word is "complementary", completing something, vs spelled with an "i" the word means praising or approving.

  • Friedrice the Great (unregistered) in reply to KattMan
    The casual mysogyny of some of the commenters here is pathetic. The irony that, on a site that exists to make fun of people's broken code, your broken personality is the real WTF.
    The real irony is people think it is wrong when we think of anyone as anything other than equals. Nobody is equal and being equal is not the point, having equal opportunity is. There are leaders, there are followers, some people are stronger, some people are smarter, etc.

    We are NOT equals, we are complimentary, and what is more complimentary then the non-equality of men and women. Give equal opportunity for each to thrive in thier strengths but do not try to make everyone equally the same.

    "Equality" not same as "Identical"

  • Really? (unregistered) in reply to Some Guy

    Car crashes are always interesting. And some of the posters here are walking car crashes.

    Probably not walking that fast though.

  • Roman (unregistered)
    ..., but the promise of an easy $100 tempted her to take a chance.
    Ah, nothing like the promise of some easy bucks - the worst kind of reasons to do anything - ever.
  • ColdHeart (unregistered)

    An interesting story ruined in the comments by idiots. There really is no need for sexist comments here (or anywhere really). While yes, men and women are different, that still does not excuse the types of things said here. If you cannot see why they are bad, start using that brain of yours. Yes, men can do that too ;-)

  • Nagesh (unregistered) in reply to Jim
    Oh, great, there's the usual forever alone creeps exhibiting their usual misogynistic MRA douchebaggery. What a refreshing change. "Waaah waaah waaah women are all evil scheming horrible bitches why don't they like me?"
    I know that feel. I suggest you keep away from certain 4chan boards.
    You forgot to change your name back to Nagesh!
    I am not being understanding what you are >implying.
  • Roman (unregistered) in reply to ColdHeart
    An interesting story ruined in the comments by idiots. There really is no need for sexist comments here (or anywhere really). While yes, men and women are different, that still does not excuse the types of things said here. If you cannot see why they are bad, start using that brain of yours. Yes, men can do that too ;-)
    You must be new around here. Almost every story is ruined by the comments.
  • (cs) in reply to Roman
    You must be new around here. Almost every story is ruined by the comments.

    Which is kind of redundant in light of what the editors do to them.

  • Nagesh (unregistered) in reply to ColdHeart
    An interesting story ruined in the comments by idiots. There really is no need for sexist comments here (or anywhere really). While yes, men and women are different, that still does not excuse the types of things said here. If you cannot see why they are bad, start using that brain of yours. Yes, men can do that too ;-)
    Kama Sutra clear ilustrate diference between woman and men.
  • (cs)

    Lee S is clever sales person, trying to milk cow again and again. So now she already get 100 US dollars, she wants more.

    So she is making lot of suggestion to Robbie and hoping he will put more work on her plate which will result in more dollars for her.

  • cousteau (unregistered)

    I once was googling how to encrypt strings on Python and actually found a suggestion of using bzip2 on a forum. Oh, and rot13 too.

  • Lost (unregistered)

    Looks an awfull lot like the "Automated" Password-reset-form at a bank I once worked :)

    No matter what we said, we wherent allowed to fix it, because "it works doesnt it?"

  • Nagesh (unregistered) in reply to Nagesh
    Lee S is clever sales person, trying to milk cow again and again. So now she already get 100 US dollars, she wants more.

    So she is making lot of suggestion to Robbie and hoping he will put more work on her plate which will result in more dollars for her.


  • Jay (unregistered) in reply to ColdHeart
    An interesting story ruined in the comments by idiots. There really is no need for sexist comments here (or anywhere really). While yes, men and women are different, that still does not excuse the types of things said here. If you cannot see why they are bad, start using that brain of yours. Yes, men can do that too ;-)

    I don't understand. What sexist comments have been made on this thread? I understand "sexism" to mean discriminating against or demeaning another person on the basis of their sex.

    There have certainly been other threads on this forum where men made denigrating comments about women, but I don't recall any on this thread.

    There have been posts here that claim that men and women are different. You agree that this is true.

    There have been posts that say that some women will engage in sexual relations in exchange for very small amounts of money or other consideration from a man. You can't seriously tell me that you doubt that this is true.

    There have been posts that say that divorce is very expensive. If you doubt this, do some research on lawyers' fees, divorce settlement laws, alimony and child support.

    There was my post attempting to whimsically illustrate that in modern America, anyway, women no longer promise much when they enter a marriage, while they make large demands from men. If you don't believe that is true, please tell me exactly what a woman promises today when she gets married. Consider both what she is legally bound to do, as well as things that are not legally binding but which would subject her to social stigma if she failed to fulfill. Compare those to the commitments a man makes when he gets married.

    What was said here that is not, (a) obviously and provably true? and (b) insulting to women?

  • (cs) in reply to Jay
    What was said here that is not, (a) obviously and provably true? and (b) insulting to women?

    In support of the point you seem to be trying to make, you may wish to re-examine this question.

  • (cs) in reply to Jay
    What was said here that is not, (a) obviously and provably true? and (b) insulting to women?
    I understand what you're trying to do, but frankly you'd have better luck reasoning with one of the Nageshes.
  • (cs) in reply to PedanticCurmudgeon
    I understand what you're trying to do, but frankly you'd have better luck reasoning with one of the Nageshes.

    Unless you're trying to tell me something about Jay's personality in particular, you may have missed his error as well.

  • (cs) in reply to oheso
    I understand what you're trying to do, but frankly you'd have better luck reasoning with one of the Nageshes.

    Unless you're trying to tell me something about Jay's personality in particular, you may have missed his error as well.

    I did in fact miss his error, but it doesn't matter. Jay's trying to reason with people who can't be reasoned with.

  • other (unregistered)

    I was disturbed by the raw bytes FTP handling (See RETR "retrieve" command). This guy had an e-mail account on disk somewhere, and read that via FTP to his processor.

    Doesn't anyone else think this is a credit card fraudster?

  • (cs) in reply to PedanticCurmudgeon
    What was said here that is not, (a) obviously and provably true? and (b) insulting to women?
    I understand what you're trying to do, but frankly you'd have better luck reasoning with one of the Nageshes.

    Sorry... The nageshes have started trying to reason with each other. God Help us all.

    Lee S is clever sales person, trying to milk cow again and again. So now she already get 100 US dollars, she wants more.

    So she is making lot of suggestion to Robbie and hoping he will put more work on her plate which will result in more dollars for her.


  • A Nagesh (unregistered) in reply to PedanticCurmudgeon
    The post you're responding to could very well be a thoroughly indoctrinated male. They don't have times of the month. For them, it's 24/7/365.
    I did in fact miss his error, but it doesn't matter. Jay's trying to reason with people who can't be reasoned with.

    I don't give a shit about the sexist or non-sexist comments, but your arrogance is downright annoying.

  • (cs) in reply to A Nagesh
    A Nagesh:
    I don't give a shit about the sexist or non-sexist comments, but your arrogance is downright annoying.
    Annoying enough for you to leave and take the rest of the Nageshes with you?
  • (cs) in reply to D-Coder
    Matt Westwood:
    Don Juan:
    So now we know how to phish "Lee S." -- and get her to meet up for "coffee" -- just promise $100 if she'll run this innocent bit of code.

    Somehow, based on everything I've read, I thought it would be a lot more difficult to meet girls.

    Observe and learn, my young friend. Girls will do amazing things for very small rewards. A string of beads costs less than $5. Even a single dollar bill can get you a little sumpn at the strip club.

    It's the totally free ride that they resist with so much vigor.

    Careful though, it only costs hundreds to get them. It costs tens of thousand to make them go away.

    Hah! Maybe for you losers ...
    I'm sure we all understand that you can make women go away for free, Matt.
    I make money on it. For a modest sum (a few grand a year) I will pretend to be your friend. The woman you want to go away will consequently leave of her own accord, and may indeed pay you to allow her the privilege. Nice work if you can get it. Let me lick your ear.

  • (cs) in reply to ColdHeart
    An interesting story ruined in the comments by idiots. There really is no need for sexist comments here (or anywhere really). While yes, men and women are different, that still does not excuse the types of things said here. If you cannot see why they are bad, start using that brain of yours. Yes, men can do that too ;-)
    Oh dear me, another cunt on the blob.
  • (cs) in reply to KattMan
    Wow, all that and you are going to complain about the transposition of an I and an E.

    Pendentic asshat.

    Substitution, not transposition, yielding an essentially homophonic but unrelated word. More simply put: an error.

    And, if you're going to allege pedantry, at least spell it correctly -- asshat. <EG>

  • Nagesh (unregistered)

    What Alex thinks of these comments, since you're basically shitting all over his living room floor.

    I wonder what his sponsors think.

  • (cs)

    I am tired of all these unregistered fakes, who are besmirching my good name.

    be·smirch/biˈsmərCH/ Verb: Damage the reputation of (someone or something) in the opinion of others: "he had besmirched the good name of his family". Make (something) dirty or discolored.

  • Conditional (unregistered)

    if personintext.isMale(){ writeToPage.frist writeToPage.trwtf writeToPage.nageshmeme writeToPage.complainsVB writeToPage.complainsMS ... } else { if personintext.isFemale(){ writeToPage.misogyny writeToPage.complainsWomen writeToPage.nageshmeme writeToPage.jealousy writeToPage.payforsexisalwaysbetter ... } else { // gender is unknown, questionable, non-existant, ... } }

  • (cs) in reply to Really?
    Perhaps you're right. Perhaps I misinterpreted all those comments about strippers, prostitutes and all women being money-grabbing shrews controlled by their menstrual cycle as a subtle reminder of the differences between the sexes.

    Or perhaps you're just trying to distract attention from the misogyny above by changing the subject.

    This is the point where you start taking about political correctness run amok. Go on.

    Not at all. I agree with every word you wrote.

  • Meep (unregistered) in reply to Really?
    The casual mysogyny of some of the commenters here is pathetic. The irony that, on a site that exists to make fun of people's broken code, your broken personality is the real WTF.

    It's no worse than how men are routinely portrayed in prime-time television and in many commercials. In any case, there are actual problems that these comments are alluding to, and the real fallout of the political correctness is that because men aren't allowed to voice their grievances in public, society hasn't addressed these problems.

    Women are supposed to be the listening, diplomatic ones, and they have utterly failed at that role. They just wonder why it's so hard to find decent men and conclude that we're fundamentally awful, and meanwhile since they won't listen and we can lose our jobs if we raise our voices, we've simply decided the hell with marriage.

  • x (unregistered) in reply to Meep

    These are from the comments above.

    These are the statements you're defending.

    Why are you doing that, Meep?

    "I don't hate all women, just the ones who think three nights in bed is worth a lifetime of slavery. So, yeah, pretty much all of them."

    "Usually about a half hour after I consume those quasi-legal mail-order pharmaceuticals, my girlfriend starts to choke."

    "Ignore her, it must be the time of the month."

    "Oh dear me, another cunt on the blob"

  • Can't be bothered to log in from home (unregistered) in reply to x
    These are from the comments above.

    These are the statements you're defending.

    Why are you doing that, Meep?

    "Oh dear me, another cunt on the blob"

    The last one should really count. Matt Westwood pretty much hates everyone. He's an equal opportunity hater.

  • Can't be bothered to log in from home (unregistered) in reply to Can't be bothered to log in from home
    Can't be bothered to log in from home:
    These are from the comments above.

    These are the statements you're defending.

    Why are you doing that, Meep?

    "Oh dear me, another cunt on the blob"

    The last one should really count. Matt Westwood pretty much hates everyone. He's an equal opportunity hater.
    I meant "shouldn't really count." (Maybe I should have logged in after all.)

  • Foo (unregistered) in reply to Matt Westwood
    Matt Westwood:
    The casual mysogyny of some of the commenters here is pathetic. The irony that, on a site that exists to make fun of people's broken code, your broken personality is the real WTF.
    The real irony is people think it is wrong when we think of anyone as anything other than equals. Nobody is equal and being equal is not the point, having equal opportunity is. There are leaders, there are followers, some people are stronger, some people are smarter, etc.

    We are NOT equals, we are complimentary, and what is more complimentary then the non-equality of men and women. Give equal opportunity for each to thrive in thier strengths but do not try to make everyone equally the same.

    The word is "complementary". Go away and learn.

    My marriage is both complementary and complimentary :)

  • neminem (unregistered) in reply to Jay
    I don't understand. What sexist comments have been made on this thread?
    The ones on the first page implying that marriage is defined to be the man going out and working and giving money to his freeloader wife in exchange for the promise of food and sex. I'd argue that's pretty sexist, though about equally to -both- parties involved... since on the male side, generally speaking, these days people marry because they love each other, not because the girl wants the guy's money and the guy wants sex. If that's the way you think about marriage, it's probably best if you stay single. On the flip side, these days, I hear there are females who actually have jobs and things. My girlfriend actually makes (a little) more than I do, so if we were hypothetically to get married, my economic status would actually -improve- as a result of it. (Or at least, it would if we weren't screwed by that crazy beast, the marriage penalty. Which I haven't done that much research on, given that marriage is not exactly happening right away, but that is not my point, anyway.)

    These days, I imagine generally speaking if one party in the marriage isn't working, it's probably to take care of the kids, in which case I ask: how much would a 24/7 babysitter who is never going to quit or go on vacation cost?

  • Sayer (unregistered) in reply to PedanticCurmudgeon
    Oh, great, there's the usual forever alone creeps exhibiting their usual misogynistic MRA douchebaggery. What a refreshing change. "Waaah waaah waaah women are all evil scheming horrible bitches why don't they like me?"
    Would you prefer that we pretended that men and women were exactly alike?

    I'd rather you acknowledge that both men and women have an equal chance of either being awesome or being fucktards.

  • (cs) in reply to Sayer
    I'd rather you acknowledge that both men and women have an equal chance of either being awesome or being fucktards.
    I'm not even sure if that's true; the fact that there are clearly more of the latter than of the former (and this is true for both genders) seems to count as evidence against.
  • AN AMAZING CODER (unregistered) in reply to PedanticCurmudgeon
    I'd rather you acknowledge that both men and women have an equal chance of either being awesome or being fucktards.
    I'm not even sure if that's true; the fact that there are clearly more of the latter than of the former (and this is true for both genders) seems to count as evidence against.

    I'm not sure you understood what "equal chance" means in the context of the original question.

    Captcha: Usitas -- objectified latinas.

  • (cs) in reply to AN AMAZING CODER
    I'd rather you acknowledge that both men and women have an equal chance of either being awesome or being fucktards.
    I'm not even sure if that's true; the fact that there are clearly more of the latter than of the former (and this is true for both genders) seems to count as evidence against.

    I'm not sure you understood what "equal chance" means in the context of the original question.

    Captcha: Usitas -- objectified latinas.

    I'm sure you didn't understand my objection.

  • (cs) in reply to KattMan
    Wow, all that and you are going to complain about the transposition of an I and an E.

    Pendentic asshat.

    Ever heard of "Two's Compliment" - I think it was a US 70's sitcom....

  • Pharmd792 (unregistered)

    Hello! dbbdkef interesting dbbdkef site! I'm really like it! Very, very dbbdkef good!

  • chozang (unregistered) in reply to Matt Westwood

    If you think a man doesn't have to be complimentary to women, I think you don't know women very well.

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