• (cs) in reply to rodoke
    è == Alt + 130

    But how does that help spell cliché? (Compose + e + ' on real operating systems :-þ) [/pedantry]

    Addendum (2007-03-13 06:33): (Or Alt + 0233 in Windows)

    Or alt + 138. Or ' and then e, if your keyboard layout is United States International.

  • Jim (unregistered) in reply to rjnewton
    What am I missing here? Last time I ran across Winamp, it rode in with Netscape. I have not seen the silly little app since I stopped abandoned Netscape in favor of Firefox.

    So has M$ now taken over Winamp?

    Actually Winamp only rode in with Netscape after they'd both been bought by AOL (who then just seemed to empty out their desk drawers and bundle everything they could find in with Netscape).

    Winamp's best days were over by that point. I'm still happily using Winamp 2.something as my main music player at home, does everything I need and almost nothing that I don't. Haven't ever found a more perfectly formed music player.

  • Kiss me, I'm Polish (unregistered) in reply to RiX0R

    Cliché, not clichè (or clichê or cliche). The direction of the accent is important, it affects the pronunciation. Same goes for fiancé and café. Captcha: dóóm

  • koffie@fatalerror.be (unregistered) in reply to strictnein
    At least he's got taste - I love Berlin! The 80's will never die.
    /me plays Duran Duran Duran - I hate the 80's

    Breakcore \o/


    Ah, another person who likes Aphex twin

    Actually, that's the first artist I thought of when I read that. And yes, I do like Aphex Twin. Windowlicker is great!

    Hmm the first guy I thought of was Venetian Snares. Aphex Twin is hardly breakcore. But yeah - Windowlicker is great indeed (and so is most of his work).

    Shouldn't that be noizecore/noisegrind?

    As a weird coincidence, Venetian Snares + Speedranch - pay me for sex is what was in my winamp when I read this

    Hehe - my ipod was playing 'all the children are dead' just a few min's ago :D

  • JTK (unregistered) in reply to bob the dingo
    bob the dingo:
    Track 1.mp3
    Track 2.mp3
    Captcha: ninjas

    ... and the last line is almost certainly invalid on any system you try it on.

    i would pay good money for a system that can play music based on that line. i'm pretty sure it would be the most awesomest music that man has ever heard.

    Dig out your old TI-99/4A from your parents' basement. Stream the file in via serial port. Dump it to cassette. Play the cassette in your tape deck.

  • lusis (unregistered) in reply to ShawnD

    My wife would be impressed. Another Fru-head ;)

    CAPTCHA: tacos (mmmmmmmm. tacos. gurgle)

  • (cs)

    Very Enterprisey! Web 1.0 (HTML)

  • AndrewB (unregistered)

    The real WTF here is the use of the <center> tag.

  • Pinguis (forgot login whatever) (unregistered) in reply to AndrewB

    Fiction imitates reality


  • Dave C. (unregistered)

    Ha, ha. Reminds me of the good old days programming the original Macintosh. There was no memory protection of any kind and the video and audio were DMA in main memory. Start writing to that uninitialized pointer (something I did often as a C++ newbie) and you could potentially overwrite both buffers. The speaker would make a sort-of machine gun noise and the screen would look like the horizontal hold had gone out.

  • (cs)

    I've always been more of a fan of running random binary files through /dev/dsp. I hear fluxbox compiled for ppc is particularly classy.

  • D.D. (unregistered) in reply to lydgate
    Or maybe it's Lou Reed's Berlin, in which case he's got better taste. Though I love the 80's too.

    Congratulations lydgate!! Finally, someone guessed it right! I was trying to play Lou Reed's Berlin.

  • Popy (unregistered) in reply to nobody

    70% of spam comes from USA...

  • Bob (unregistered)

    Winamp can be made to play arbitrary binary files. System32.dll is a treat, as I recall.

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