• (cs) in reply to ClaudeSuck.de
    it's wear-z like in software

    it's wear-z like in Zen

    What is the sound of OneWare?
  • notme (unregistered) in reply to Zemm
    I don't get this! Isn't the localhost??

    Well, tell everyone your server's IP address, and we'll security test it for free.

    Ok, it's

    You should have given them an FBI address instead...

  • (cs) in reply to ClaudeSuck.de

    Let the Schwartz be with you.

    Reminds me of Kevin Schwantz. Wouldn't want to have "Cock" as a family name.

    Even worse yet: ever heard of Cock Robin?

  • Bob (unregistered)

    If they used another reserved IP address, people would say "THATS NOT A REAL ADDRESS" - keep it as localhost, anyone with sense doesn't care.

  • (cs) in reply to KenW
    I don't get this! Isn't the localhost??

    I don't get it! Why those movie phone numbers have 555 exchanges? They never work!

    Hey, idiot. "" isn't some made-up anonymous IP address. It has a specific, defined meaning. If you want a fake address, do something obviously fake like "666.1.2.3" or "foo.bar.baz.ook".

    Hey dumbass! Everyone else here seems to understand the use of in this post except you. Does that tell you something?

    And yes, "dumbass" also has a specific, defined meaning. In this case, it means "posters making idiotic posts to TDWTF using the pseudonym 'Zylon'".

    Thanks for playing.

    Actually, other people had issues understanding it. He even "quoted" someone who had issues with it. Looks like your reading comprehension's pretty poor.

    Just because a lot of us understood what was meant, didn't mean many of us didn't think, "WTF - OH! Oh, my... SatanicPuppy is quite silly."

    Using would, as prior posters have indicated, be preferred. Failing that, something in,,, or would probably work fairly well - since they're not Internet-routable, the impact of people trying them would be mitigated and diffused. would probably work well, except that it would inspire a number of people to indicate that SatanicPuppy's real WTF was a network admin who was unable to set up DHCP servers and thus went with allowing hosts to randomly pick their own IPs.

    That having been said, I've seen a lot of example IPs in the range, because a lot of people know that one is relatively safe.

    Finally, it's my impression that your final sentence would indicate to the majority of posters the real 'dumbass' in this thread... and that's not Zylon.

  • Maarten (unregistered) in reply to ClaudeSuck.de
    Let the Schwartz be with you. Reminds me of Kevin Schwantz. Wouldn't want to have "Cock" as a family name.

    It is "Schwanz" without a t and also means tail (just like cock has an innocent meaning too).

  • (cs) in reply to ryad

    It's click fraud and I'm told that porn ads pay very nicely and the nastier the site the less likely they are to care where the clicks come from.

  • Benj Arriola (unregistered)

    Ok so what is the real IP of the proxy? LOL I'm not going to do anything anyway, I want wanted to visit some beastiality. LOL

  • Benj Arriola (unregistered) in reply to Benj Arriola

    And I meant Old-School Mortal Combat Beastiality. :)

  • Ozzie (unregistered) in reply to Satanicpuppy, is default address for local host. the adress would be ... the machine itself...

  • Axel (unregistered) in reply to ThingGuy McGuyThing

    Plz emial me teh codez 2 get teh warez.

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