• (cs) in reply to Matt Westwood
    Matt Westwood:
    Hey, aren't the admins supposed to be anonymizing these posts? I really don't appreciate having my son's name, 3995599, posted on a public web site.

    Please attempt to show a little sensitivity. I had a son named 3995599 once, and let me assure you, it was no laughing matter.

    Please attempt to show a little laughing matter. I had a son who I referred to as "it" once, and let me assure you, he was no sensitivity.


  • Mathew (unregistered) in reply to Hmmmm
    Ben Jammin:
    Again, no. ...
    Again, yes. I assure you when people ask you your weight, they have no concern of barometric pressures, distance from the mass you're being pulled by, nor which planet you're on.
    How is this relevant? I don't recall making any comments concerning what people mean when they say weight. I was commenting on a straight statement of what weight is, which, and if you ask any physical scientist they will agree, was incorrect.
    How is this relevant? I don't recall making any comments concerning what scientists mean when they say weight.
  • Mathew (unregistered) in reply to Pedant
    Ben Jammin:
    Ben Jammin:
    Weight is actually the number on my bathroom scale.
    Again, no. ...
    Again, yes. I assure you when people ask you your weight, they have no concern of barometric pressures, distance from the mass you're being pulled by, nor which planet you're on. Also, when weight is measured, a significant portion of the time, it isn't measured within a vacuum. I'm also positive you're never been asked, "What is your apparent weight?" When someone want to know your weight, they want the number off the scale.
    For the same reason (or a very similar one), I'm always sure to ask people what the current measure of time is according to the Julian Scale given when adjusted for the Australian Eastern Daylight offset - I simply asked for the time once, and someone just gave me the number of microseconds from some arbitrary offset - the change must have been significant before I managed to work out what they meant in some meaningful representation....

    Given this site tries to attract IT people, I'll assume you're one as well - in which case you should know by now that what people ask is rarely what they actually want. Fortunately, most of us are smart enough to be able to interpret what they might want when they ask your weight (how rude). You're probably 100% correct that when people ask your weight they just want the number on the scale, however just because they ask the wrong thing doesn't make it weight....

    Given this site tries to attract IT people, I'll assume you're one as well - in which case you should know by now the concept of scope.

  • Hmmmm (unregistered) in reply to Mathew
    Ben Jammin:
    Again, no. ...
    Again, yes. I assure you when people ask you your weight, they have no concern of barometric pressures, distance from the mass you're being pulled by, nor which planet you're on.
    How is this relevant? I don't recall making any comments concerning what people mean when they say weight. I was commenting on a straight statement of what weight is, which, and if you ask any physical scientist they will agree, was incorrect.
    How is this relevant? I don't recall making any comments concerning what scientists mean when they say weight.
    1/10 Far too obvious a troll. I don't recall you making any comments at all and I don't recall making any comments about the cost of land in Paraguay but that isn't relevant either...
  • No Dad (unregistered) in reply to immibis
    Matt Westwood:
    Hey, aren't the admins supposed to be anonymizing these posts? I really don't appreciate having my son's name, 3995599, posted on a public web site.

    Please attempt to show a little sensitivity. I had a son named 3995599 once, and let me assure you, it was no laughing matter.

    Please attempt to show a little laughing matter. I had a son who I referred to as "it" once, and let me assure you, he was no sensitivity.


    Keep my son Noah - short form "no" - out of this!

  • Mathew (unregistered) in reply to Hmmmm
    Ben Jammin:
    Again, no. ...
    Again, yes. I assure you when people ask you your weight, they have no concern of barometric pressures, distance from the mass you're being pulled by, nor which planet you're on.
    How is this relevant? I don't recall making any comments concerning what people mean when they say weight. I was commenting on a straight statement of what weight is, which, and if you ask any physical scientist they will agree, was incorrect.
    How is this relevant? I don't recall making any comments concerning what scientists mean when they say weight.
    1/10 Far too obvious a troll. I don't recall you making any comments at all and I don't recall making any comments about the cost of land in Paraguay but that isn't relevant either...
    I owned you. Accept it or not, but don't make stupid comments.
  • Kevin Thorpe (unregistered)

    welcome back CompuServe !

  • Hmmmm (unregistered) in reply to Mathew
    How is this relevant? I don't recall making any comments concerning what scientists mean when they say weight.
    1/10 Far too obvious a troll. I don't recall you making any comments at all and I don't recall making any comments about the cost of land in Paraguay but that isn't relevant either...
    I owned you. Accept it or not, but don't make stupid comments.
    You didn't, I don't and I won't. That appears to be your purpose in life...
  • Mathew (unregistered) in reply to Hmmmm
    How is this relevant? I don't recall making any comments concerning what scientists mean when they say weight.
    1/10 Far too obvious a troll. I don't recall you making any comments at all and I don't recall making any comments about the cost of land in Paraguay but that isn't relevant either...
    I owned you. Accept it or not, but don't make stupid comments.
    You didn't, I don't and I won't. That appears to be your purpose in life...

    yeah. and what's your purpose in life? making smart comments on tdtwf. congrats!

  • (cs) in reply to Matt Westwood
    Matt Westwood:
    Zunesis: Nothing Less Than The Best:
    Forget using helium, use hydrogen instead. It's lighter!

    In fact, I think the trucking industry could save lots of money if they displaced all the air in trailers with hydrogen. Boom!

    Hydrogen is also more readily available and cheaper. What could go wrong with that plan?

    Oh, the ingenuity!

    You guys are brilliant!

    Methane is even more readily available and comes completely free, from all you fuckwits talking out of your arses.

    Methane comes from bovine flatulence, so unless you're full of bullshit...

  • Zunesize Me! (unregistered) in reply to Mathew
    How is this relevant? I don't recall making any comments concerning what scientists mean when they say weight.
    1/10 Far too obvious a troll. I don't recall you making any comments at all and I don't recall making any comments about the cost of land in Paraguay but that isn't relevant either...
    I owned you. Accept it or not, but don't make stupid comments.
    You didn't, I don't and I won't. That appears to be your purpose in life...

    yeah. and what's your purpose in life? making smart comments on tdtwf. congrats!

    Worst. Flamewar. Ever.

    PS - Your mom makes the sweetest whimper when I finger her asshole. Her eyes roll into the back of her head and see calls out your name for some reason. Why is that, you think?

    Anyway, your dad's response when I do the same thing simply can't be described in words, you'd have to see it to believe it, although I'm sure you have already...

  • Emil Vikström (unregistered)

    The real wtf is "do not reply" sender addresses. That's really terrible service. What's wrong with having the IT department as the sender? That way people know exactly how to reply if they have any questions.

    It's even more terrible when newsletters use this scheme. The people answering to those mails are of two kinds:

    1. People wanting to unsibscribe from the list. This should take only a couple of seconds (and may even be possible to filter automatically).

    2. People wanting to buy something from you! Why do companies put lots of money into newsletter campaigns and then don't want to communicate with customers?

  • Mathew (unregistered) in reply to Zunesize Me!
    Zunesize Me!:
    How is this relevant? I don't recall making any comments concerning what scientists mean when they say weight.
    1/10 Far too obvious a troll. I don't recall you making any comments at all and I don't recall making any comments about the cost of land in Paraguay but that isn't relevant either...
    I owned you. Accept it or not, but don't make stupid comments.
    You didn't, I don't and I won't. That appears to be your purpose in life...

    yeah. and what's your purpose in life? making smart comments on tdtwf. congrats!

    Worst. Flamewar. Ever.

    PS - Your mom makes the sweetest whimper when I finger her asshole. Her eyes roll into the back of her head and see calls out your name for some reason. Why is that, you think?

    Anyway, your dad's response when I do the same thing simply can't be described in words, you'd have to see it to believe it, although I'm sure you have already...

    You know, when you insult my family, Jim, you don't hurt me.

  • Jay (unregistered) in reply to f=ma
    Captain Obvious:
    Bzzzt! Wrong! Weight is a measure of the force that gravity exerts on an object. What you are describing is "apparent weight", the net, downward force exerted on an object.

    I weep for the future of humanity if this is the kind of thought process that is now being taught about science.

    That definition of weight is downright useless, as it would force you to weigh everything in a vaccume. Not to mention gravity is accelleration, not a force, and even if it was, weight isn't measured in gram-meters per squared second.

    Nope, it isn't. It's measured in kilogram meters per squared second... you were close though, I grant. :)

    (1 Newton = 1 kg * m * s^-2 )

    Umm, saying that a quantity is measured in gram - meters per second squared is synonymous with saying it is measured in kilogram - meters per second squared. You can readily convert by multiplying or dividing by 1000 (depending on which direction you're going in). Or, for that matter, in pound-feet per hour squared or shekel-cubits per Mayan-cycle squared.

  • YodaMyNameIs (unregistered) in reply to PiisAWheeL
    Parliamentary Train:
    Weight =! Mass
    What language uses =! for not = to (As apposed to != like all the languages I've ever used).

    Used the droid programming language of Yoda, you have not! Try not -- equals, or equals not! There is no try.

  • ctempleton3 (unregistered) in reply to Reelix

    I am a Mfg Engineer. While I use these abbreviation regularly I would have never guessed what they were in that context.

  • (cs)

    I looked at that last screenshot and thought "...doesn't every shout have only three words?..."

  • Yoda I Am. See you will. (unregistered) in reply to PiisAWheeL

    That's Yoda programming language.

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