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and frist.
Addendum (2012-05-08 10:48): It's just too far-fetched not to be real.
Almost made it. Should have been logged in!
For security purposes, they didn't want to open the website to the public internet. That opens them to security risks like worms & buffer overflow attacks. This way only trusted client machines can open browsers to their site.
The first true WTF in a long, long time.
Who on earth, with the capability to use RDP in the first place, thought this was a good idea??
This is usable system providing not conected to restrant mane network. I would be using Linux, however to alow multipal user logon simultaneously.
I'd like to install a proxy.
Hrm... There might be enou...
Google: filetype:rdp password "full address"
Lots of not too bright people out there.
Seven years ago I worked for a fairly huge place that had an entrenched beaurocracy which could not and would not change. I needed to run a queue to another place, so get a T1 line, add a router at each end in the DMZ, do some configuring and voila! The SA's had never run an external router before and refused to do it. They insisted we had the other place install (and maintain) a router in our DMZ.
Maybe those same folks now work for this restaurant: we don't want to support this complicated world wide web thingy; instead, since we already let ourselves log into our internal computer systems, let's let the external users just log onto our computers and have internal access instead. What could be simpler?
Oh I'm sure the user Ludovico logged in with isn't an admin, therefore he couldn't do much other than run that app. It's an extremely secure setup.
It's a great idea to rely on Windows's built-in security.
It has been a while since we have had a good WTF, this one is a nice gem (or piece of ****).
Top hit for me is a Connaught School - which just happens to be in my home town of Aldershot. Very, very tempted to login.
I think Ludovico just won TDWTF. This site's work here is done.
Some kind of VB6 Windows jockey?
Anyone stupid enough to think this was a good idea is certainly stupid enough to make the public, password-less (I didn’t think Windows would even let you do that) user an Administrator.
So THAT'S what happened to Pippy Longstocking. She's become a model!
I had a similar experience when my brother asked me to do some IT maintenance at a new company he had just started working at.
I noticed that there was an RDP rule on the router that went straight to their Domain Controller. When I entered the websites domain name into the RDP tool from the Internet it went straight onto the DC. Ok, you did need a login to actually gain access to anything, but still not a very good idea!
Reminds me of this fine local website. Pizza isn't half bad, but the website makes me want to vomit. It looks like it used to have some Front Page extensions at one point, but I like that the even the page titles are wrong.
Your site needs more articals so I can log teh FRIST POST on them. I don't reed them. I just try to post teh FRIST POST.
I am speechless. I have no speech.
This whole ordering system is built in to the LOG-IN SCREEN.
I'm pretty sure I would have pummelled that company's website into compliance with modern day web security standards.
That cross-eyed cartoon on the registration form...
I think we've found what happened to Paula Bean.
I remember working on something similar. It wasn't public but it was a Java application running on a server to which VNC was used to connect from the different terminals... at least testing was easy.
BTW, why did the poster hide the "Powered By " part? I want to know! The truth is out there!
Ooooh! Nice one!
Off line, I am sure the cash register is turned straight towards the customer so they can bill themselves.
I'm blown away! Blown!
Typo, or did somepony leave ponify on?
And you didn't pick up the other spelling and grammatical errors because....
I'm sure this is a simple VB6 app which generates an HTTP Post request to an internal-only website, which then scrapes the resulting response and populates another HTTP Post with your data, which is saved to an MS-Access "Database". Then some customer service drone prints the MS-Access driven web-page with your information, takes a picture of the printout and faxes the picture to the restaurant.
Nice and simple...
Assuming you don't care about people sniffing account information. And assuming you can't pay online.
Because... I wanted it to be ponies...
Why is the username obscured in the screenshot of the login window when it's perfectly legible in the text of the .rdp file?
Found it, wasn't too hard, just google the items in the menu. It really is as orange and awful as the submitter says....
Captcha: Saluto
TRWTF is people responding to Nagesh
I don't think this a WTF. This is standard practice on an embedded system, since you can't install IIS to host the website.
My eyes!!! I'll be seeing in bright green for a week I think. That is a comically bad site.
Hey, you're not crossing state lines, so at least the FBI won't get involved. It'll just be the local sheriff and some deputies busting down your door looking for the dangerous hacker their kids' principal told them about.
Me, I'm much more afraid of my local sheriff and the little shooting rampage his officers have been on than the FBI, whose agents have to file a whole bunch of paperwork every time they draw their guns.
Hey, that place is in my neighborhood. Not far from Trax Farm. I'll have to stop in and give them a hard time. Small mom and pop shops usually have minimalistic websites. I'll take that over a remote desktop ordering system any day! I'm still amazed at that RDP solution. Might as well give me root access to a bunch of Linux boxes too... I wouldn't mess with those either. I promise.
And the winner for the worst restaurant web page of all time goes to a little pizza place in pittsburgh. Good pizza if I remember correctly(I moved a while ago).
whenever I look at this site I always hear the sound track from Monty Python and the Holy Grail opening credits after the llamas take over.
This might not count though since they have recently replaced this site with something far less ghastly at http://www.frankspizzaandchicken.com/
What is it with these Southwestern PA terrible restaurant websites?
Frank's old site looks like it was written in Notepad (or vi for those Linux users) back in 1992... Love the animated gifs everywhere (not!).
No, the real problem is the lack of XML.
I'd like to order some tortellini a la buffer rape
If they let anonymous users login through Remote Desktop, I don't think you've gotta be afraid of their haxx0r-trackin' skills to begin with.
This thing is so ugly it would make a blind man cringe. What the the hell are those random gifs doing everywhere?
Wow. It's like pizza AND epic aliens/2012/doomsday/hell all rolled into one!