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I couldn't beleive this is true... but translating some keywords to the right language and feeding the right search engine with that surely brought up the right website. And the remote desktop connection still works (for the moment...)
Oh, the irony.
You are being a bad Nagesh. Other people being much mure experienced at it that you; leave it to them.
I'll never again curse a restaurant website that only works with Flash.
Well, at least not today.
"Local businesses" should all pick a good CMS or other prebuilt system and stick with it, for the exact same reason most programmers should not implement their own GUI system from scratch.
Jesus, it's 2012. If creating a fully functional restaurant website (with no programming knowledge) takes more than a couple of days, things are wrong (no I've never tried it).
I would have deleted or disabled the system, for their own safety (and left them a note).
I wonder how long was this abomination up and running. I can't imagine it would be kept alone by local naughty techies for more than a few days...
Actually, it looks like it was made in Frontpage. People who use a text editor to write HTML generally know what they're doing.
[actual url deleted]
I think it that's the log-in screen for the restaurant ordering app, not the log-in screen for Windows itself. Note the USER-ID and PW form.
For someone who calls himself PedanticCurmudgeon... :P
Nothing --- NOTHING --- on this earth would have prevented me from altering the menu so it offered selections from the Whizzo Quality Assortment.
("If we took the bones out, it wouldn't be crunchy, would it?")
That's two!
Who's the perky cross-eyed chick?
Many modern, dynamic functional web apps were written in text editors.
I love that there is also Web 0.1 going on there - that is obviously a print ad image, as the very top left "visit us at yayaspizza.com" makes no sense if you are actually visiting yayaspizza.com...
This site is better than many corporate sites. You can see what the site is about, the address and the phone at first glance, the different sections are on top and clearly visble, and you can find the full menu at a single click. Only real problems are background color and that the picture takes a while to load.
Sweet zombie Jeezus! Now that's a WTF for your ass!
I know, I maintain a website for the martial arts school I attend.
Unfortunately, the master of the school really doesn't have the concept of the proper use and purpose of capitalization and punctuation. It hurts me to read it, but I'm not free to change the text he gave me...
I wonder how they could afford to pay for all the TS CALs...
please leave a comment in the guestbook it you visit the server (you'll find it :)
I'd argue that's still an improvement, though.
Why bother showing us the contents of the .rdp file with the line
But then screenshot the login prompt with a mosaic over the username field...?Admin
Personally, I get the feeling that the designer/programmer (who I will call Over-His-Head Harry) was the owner's cousin.
Harry volunteered after hearing about his poor uncle's need for a order management system quickly pirated an outdated textbook which taught him how to use VB6. Harry felt confident he could get it done in a weekend.
A couple of months later, the first version of the program was ready. Customers could call in, place their order and the staff would just enter it into his 'BicroSoft Ordering System XP' (what a clever name, huh?).
"But..." asked Harry's uncle "how do customers log in?"
Panicking, the Over-His-Head Harry added user account functionality, bashing it into the already overcomplex system backend. Proudly, he showed 'BicroSoft Ordering System XP SP 1' to his uncle, this time having learned from his mistake- not spending enough time making the graphics flashy enough with stolen artwork.
"Very nice, very nice. Good work!" his uncle praised. It ran fine on his PC and he was glad to be done with the long overdue project. Soon the software was installed on an old Pentium 3 system Harry's uncle had kept in his garage and was ready for use.
Happily, Harry went back to playing Call of Duty "competitively", trying to enjoy the last of his summer break before having to go back to school and start his year 10 education. Boy was he in for a shock when he was called at 6AM early one morning...
"Hey, uh... how do the users log in?"
The rest, I believe you can work out.
www.hinserdata.com appear to be selling that crap since 15 years - somebody has to stop them!
Written in visual foxpro.
I like to believe that all the privilege escalation tools like Task Manager have been replaced with honeypot versions, which serve only to stall the would-be hacker with progressively more subtle delay tactics, allowing the authorities time to track them down and deploy the SWAT team.
Well at least they were smart enough to not give any real permissions to the user account you log in with. I wonder how long until someone figures out the Administrator password?
It looks like they've been running since 2006, and it's actually an Intel Celeron 2.66GHz. Only 1 GB of ram, so yeah maybe not much better than a P3 anyway.
However, even with the regular user account they conveniently provide you with access to their database administration tool (this GUI is a major WTF in itself) where you can access (and possibly change? Didn't dare to try) their data...
Ludovico, indeed...
They must be wondering what hit them now... sadly there is a sad error message now with what looks like a database error.
Yeah I can't believe some idiot broke it. Let this be a lesson to all you young whippersnappers, don't muck around with FoxPro (aka DBASE) files! And get off my lawn!
Hopefully they can fix their database without restoring the entire application.......I left a fun Easter Egg in the app. If they get it working again, let's see who spots it frist. :)
It probably survived because if you did try, you'd find out that you cannot log in as admin, you can run / modify anything that causes any actual harm, most of the customers use Windows and the thing is low-profile enough that the RDP vulnerabilities got patched before someone thought of exploiting them. Not saying this isn't a WTF though.
It's microsoft + anyone = disaster.
I have yet to meet someone who understands every quirk of windows, including 2008.
alright vb6 sucks badly, but when you see standard java code it makes me puke just as much.
Best. Wtf. Ever.
I tried to put the English instructions back into Google translate, then search for some of the Italian phrases, but alas, couldn't find the website. A Google image search for that beautiful picture also failed.
Anyone more luck?
You got me afraid of people actually making windows-based embedded devices. Never thought someone would do that ...
lol. the best websites are written in notepad++ or vi.
It all depends on what you want. If you want generic crap, all the fake devs out there can do it for you in a day with joomla or whatever.
If you want a robust long term solution with bleeding-edge tech and a real badass css, I don't think they can do it for you, even in a few months.
The thing is, if the end result is going to suck, start with a suck factory like joomla or drupal.
On the other hand if you have a real budget and very high goals, yes it will take more than a couple of days, and it will be infinitely better too, cuz joomla and other toys have been written by noobs, for noobs.
The Real WTF is you apparently not knowing the difference between Notepad and Notepad++.
Our MIS system works like this, I thought it was just me that thought it was a pile of shit.
CAPTCHA:odio. I don't odio you, but you should read the first page of comments before asking.
I never comment on the articles, but for this one I make an exception: wow, just wow. This is the most amazing TDWTF in years.
Captcha: Amet - Autoridad Metropolitana de Tranporte, the transport authority on the Domenican Republic (yes, i googled that)
It's on reddit right now, so they will have to put it down or it will be put down :(
I hope it doesn't result in a (captcha: causa).
The window title of the app says "Powered by HinserData W.t.f.".
At least they're aware of it.
Btw that doesn't necessarily mean they're aware of anything. They might not even notice the changed title, it used to have some other three-letter abbreviation there, I guess the Italian equivalent of "Inc" or "PLC".
I read the entire first page, then posted my question, then found out there was actually a second page of comments with people mentioning their break-ins ;-)