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So, to summarize:
Also, first.
A tale worthy of The Office. Imagining Ricky Gervais as Tim Brent.
What format do you want these comments in? I can do Excel, Word, Access or CSV.
Can you go back and put first all in uppercase? Also switch the r and the i. Then add your department and phone number. See you in a couple of hours.
Awesome. Summing up IN ADDITION TO a "first" post is way less likely to get deleted, and it's way easier than actually contribuing! Way to maximize synergies and utilize ideal cost-to-result ratios, guy.
To wit, the real WTF is that he didn't have Tim supply the data in an XML file. I thought they were an enterprise!
Most excellent.
Mike should move up to Spider. It's more challenging (ergo takes more time) than Freecell.
... of course, TRWTF here is that this insensitive clod Mike sent poor, hard-working Tim to do lots of things, just to erase them on his flight home... that bastard Mike. Am I right?
FRIST - ITC - +31 70 3123456
That's great. Can we get that in a monospace font?
No, No, No. The number should be 8675309
(Showing my age...)
hmm, it's nice that it supports thin client access and works over Terminal Services, but is there any way to make it work over a network so the user doesn't have to be physically in the office to use the software?
Great story. I'll have to remember this trick if I'm ever in the same situation.
Ah, that takes me back. I once had a project where I and a colleague went to the client site to do two days of prototype integration testing. After the first hour or two we worked out that the most efficient approach was for one of us to do all the work and the other to keep the customer representative at a safe distance. He was actually quite a nice chap, but definitely not the person to have around when you're doing something on a fixed price basis.
you must be mike's coworker
At the beginning of the story I was thinking, why is he "the Tim." As the story developed I knew why.
Let me tell you the best way to convert all of these comments to Spanish.
Just an ordinary day on IT... Sad but true!
I'll remember that when I face a guy like Tim again.
No, the REAL wtf is that it took Tim an hour to add the phone number and extension... Did he have to go around to each desk and look at it?
I've seen people like that. They either have self-esteem issues, or an inferiority complex, or both. They MUST be seen as helpful, and knowledgeable, and smarter than anyone else in the room. They'll make comments that have no purpose other than to tell everyone else in the room "Look at me! I know what I'm talking about! I'm so smart!"
To bring in someone else who actually DOES know something more than they do, is seen as a personal affront and a challenge.
Unfortunately, these people are everywhere. There are salesmen working in stores who cannot stand the possibility that the customer might know more about the product than they do. Conversely, there are customers who enter absolutely confident that they know more about the product than any salesmen or even the engineers or contractors responsible for creating or installing the product. Trades, renovations, contracting, software, sales, food service, you name it, "Tims" are everywhere.
Luckily there are various techniques to out-Tim the Tims.
How do I become an traveling consultant guy? You could even skip the highly paid part, I just want to travel at someone elses expense.
I call shenanigans
There is no ITC department in the Belgian embassy in The Hague, Netherlands. (where the phone number goes to, call it)
Captcha: luctus; It's kind of like a lucky cactus.
Way to miss a joke there.
That is the exact reason we send two techs to every customer when they pay for on site support. One to fend off nosy managers so that the one with his/her back free can get the job done. >.< We are also the most expensive in the business, but apparenty our customers really love our great work.. Ah well. :) Good pay at least.
My thoughts exactly. This plot only lacks a Freelove Freeway alternative to make for a genuine training day.
I would like mine in XHTML.
(I would have said XML, but someone took that answer)
How about DSMP? Doesn't Suck Much
Really? I find Freecell more challenging than even the advanced levels of spider.
Well, since it was a product of "Phil's Pretty Good Software" then I think it was a Pretty Good name. They also had a couple of Pretty Good games and a Pretty Good command-shell replacement, if I recall. And that's probably right, because I have a Pretty Good memory.
I bought my copy at Ralph's Pretty Good Grocery. "If we don't have it, you probably can get along without it."
And while you're at it, can you come up with a version that can be used in an embedded system environment? Don't forget that there might not be a file system present!
Well, Freecell games are (almost) all winnable, having streaks of a few dozen wins is not that hard for experienced players. Advanced Spider is much less 'winnable', so that could be defined as more challenging : )
If someone tells you he's beaten four-suit Spider Solitaire, he is lying.
Really?? Then I must be lying.
That's what the 'undo card' and 'continue game' features are for.
Four-suit Spider Solitaire is like the 'remove-tile' Majong games: if you don't get the first time, back up and try again, and again, and ...
To the frist poster:
Could I have a couple extra fields displayed within my thin clients interface to TDWTF and could I also have them sorted please? And if you could come in on Saturday that would be great mmmmk?
"Tim" is really Michael Scott, right?
If you can't beat the game, defeat the purpose. What's with this solitaire crap, anyway? Have you people never heard of rogue?
Okay, why are you living with Jenny?!?!
public class Tim : IFailure
Ha! It can be done... just takes a red-eyed trance state
I don't even want to know how many K-hours I've spent playing Rogue (DOS version)... and still never finished it without save-and-restore. Every two years or so, I spend a few manic weeks trying... It is my solemn goal to finish it (cleanly) before I die!!! (_)
So if he did it in an hour I think that's Pretty Good.
Close, Dwight Schrute