• Nick (unregistered)

    This code makes me sad as a software engineer. Hard to believe that people out there are writing shit like this.

  • Cynthia (unregistered) in reply to ounos

    Because everything is bigger in Texas!

  • Ouch! (unregistered) in reply to Cynthia
    Because everything is bigger in Texas!
    Especially the love of repetition, it seems.
  • JohnB (unregistered) in reply to Buzzard
    "It was an easy fix... but it certainly didn't solve the bigger problem."
    The problem is America has too many states. Australia is easier to maintain.

    New Zealand, moreso....

    Yup: North Island (NI), South Island (SI), West Island (WI) [Kiwis will understand]

  • ClaudeSuck.de (unregistered) in reply to eViLegion
    I particularly like the maintainability of this example.

    It's look and feel

  • (cs) in reply to Federico

    for char in W T F '!'; do if "$char" == 'W'; then echo 'W' elif "$char" == 'T'; then echo 'T' elif "$char" == 'F'; then echo 'F' elif "$char" == '!'; then echo '!' fi done

    CAPTCHA: pecus: pecus bill?

    Hey! that is my script! Where did you get it?

  • Andrew (unregistered)
    <select name="usr_province">
      <option petal:repeat="state states"
        petal:attributes="value state/abbreviation;
          selected decode: selected_state state/abbreviation
          'selected' undef" 
  • Nomen Nescio (unregistered) in reply to ounos
    <option>TN - Tennessee</option> <option >TX - Texas</option> <option>VI - U.S. Virgin Islands</option> <option>UT - Utah</option>
    That's the RTWTF. Texas' option got an extra space. WHY?

    Just be glad it doesn't have a dollar sign.

  • oheso (unregistered)

    Could we please have more comments that "Everything is bigger in Texas"? (I think we're pretty much agreed that neither short-term memory nor IQ are included in "everything" for the sake of this discussion.)

  • Soft Drink Empire (unregistered) in reply to Steve Syfuhs
    Steve Syfuhs:
    Same in Canada. Code looks similar to another app I've seen... Except we spell our variables with an 'ou' than 'o'.
    <optioun> ?
  • (cs) in reply to n00b
    I once wrote a php code that generated a long html form (13k lines). Basically it looked something like this:

    for (~150x) print name for (~75x) if x=y print option selected else print option

    You had a single page form, with ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY DROP-DOWN BOXES, each containing 75 options? OUCH! I'd be bored and wander away long before reaching the bottom of the form...

    What kinds of situation would require such a monstrosity?

  • Anthony Gatlin (unregistered) in reply to @Deprecated

    It is obvious the coder just copied a snippet, didn't understand how it worked, and then just fiddled with it until it kind of did what was expected. This was most likely a government employee.

  • D (unregistered) in reply to Ville

    Why would you spoil code as funny as that.

  • gOMERpYLE (unregistered) in reply to pjt33


  • Neil (unregistered) in reply to Bri

    just because pay is based on LOC wouldnt mean you have to hand type it.

    If I WAS paid by LOC, I might do something like the above, but I would definely cut/paste or even script the writting of the whole thing

  • Chris (unregistered) in reply to dtobias

    With less repetition (in PHP):

    $states = array("AL" => "Alabama", "AK" => "Alaska"); // etc. echo "<select name='usr_state'>\n"; foreach ($states as $abbrev => $full) { echo "<option value='$abbrev'" . ($abbrev === $state ? " selected" : "") . ">$abbrev - $full</option>\n"; } echo "</select>\n";

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