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I don't know the language; does MessageBox have a built-in timeout or not? The text isn't clear:
"...and being that tbe program halts until either Yes or No is clicked, doLogoff() wouldn't execute until after the user indicated that he was not there or took too long to say that he was there."
So, does it block until it gets input, or will it return if the user takes too long? If the latter, this isn't a WTF. That's exactly the desired behavior.
Oh, I know, it's a meta-WTF! TRWTF is the assumption that the article is supposed to make sense! :-)
TRWTF is this quote.
It seems to me that a lot of people want this confusion to exist. This way they get to say anything bad about "VB" they want to, hoping that a reader will imply that both VB6 and VB.Net are crap. Then, when they are confronted with actual facts, they can backpedal and say "But I was talking about VB6, not VB.Net". It's like, in high school, picking on someone that has a common name, and weaseling out of detention by saying that you were talking about someone else.
I don't recall doing that in high school. But anyway, screw MS. They can want whatever they like, but the fact remains that VB6 != VB.Net - it's not even close. Sure, they tried to maintain continuity, but the training costs and plugin changes were enough that I'd dispute them being successful.
VB6 is an awful beast that should die.
VB.Net is a why bother - different enough from VB6 that retraining is required, but close enough to C# that you may as well learn that. The ugly syntax is excusable, but there's a better choice, so just go for that 'kay?
TRWTF is you wade in here without knowing what your commenting about and without bothering to read anybody else's comments first. Yes, MessageBox.Show blocks, otherwise this wouldn't be a WTF. You lacking the knowledge to get the joke does make it a non-WTF.
I love method declarations that look like this:
What's a bunch of unnecessary verbosity among friends anyway? I enjoy declaring methods as Subs or Functions instead of just specifying a bloody return type. Also, while the event-wiring syntax in C# isn't that great to look at, I still say it beats Handles blah blah blah.
I don't know about anyone else, but I get really excited about declaring locals via Dim [name] As [type]. Who wouldn't? Silly conventions like [type] [name] are just too confusing.
Why is it 30 seconds in the source, but two minutes in the dialog?
The official name of the current language, according to the specification, is "Visual Basic". "Visual Basic .NET" no longer exists.
Who cares what the official name is? the name VB.Net is clear and unambiguous, while the official name appears to be designed for maximum confusion.
So just for laughs, who besides a programmer would you have writing UI code?
Personally, I think the graphics guy should write the UI code. All he has to do is create a hierarchtical stack of objects and he's good to go.
The real WTF is that the code does not handle all cases: TRUE, FALSE and SChROEDINGERS_CAT.
Maybe they are intending to cause confusion as you say, or perhaps they are too lazy to be bothered to type "VB6" instead of "VB". Either way, you're losing sight of your argument by targeting their motives.
The Handles syntax you mention is produced by simply selecting the event from a dropdown in the IDE. It types the entire method declaration, along with the Handles clause with two clicks.
What is completely pointless about the dialog box? I am curious, how would you design this?
If I understand the requirements you need to know if there is a person sitting in front of the computer working. You don't know if the person is busy reading the screen, or if the person walked away. How do you figure it out without installing additional hardware.
Regardless, even if UI code is so easy that any idiot who thinks he knows how to write code could do it, I'd still much rather entrust such a task to someone who actually does know how to write code, which would be a programmer of some sort.
I'm pretty sure it defeats the timer...
I am confused why nobody has commented on this line: if (DateTime.Now > lastMouseActivity.AddMinutes(5))
Does lastMouseActivity do what the name says: Record time of last mouse activity only?
That would piss off some keyboard users. Including me. I hate when programmers think that nobody is going to use their software with a keyboard.
Hardly a WTF
C# is most definitely faster. VB.NET has this awesome annoying background compiler which fails on large projects where it feels the need to hang the IDE for hours on ends while it attempts to catch up with your typing.
Oh and it's amazing how often "Visual Basic Background Compiler has stopped working" message shows in VS.
When you type Dim [name] As [Type], 95% of the language is valid, because it's not until you get to = than you've narrowed the results down to the type you just specified.
So what if C# shows you everything, it selects the most relevant option for you anyway.
The only reason VB.NET is still around is because we have to keep 1000's of newbies happy. If we took it away they would cry and MS would drown in a sea of tears.
No? Okay, I'll just log you off and you can lose all your unsaved work.
[quote user="Tod"]Is TRWTF that the code for the popup text and the popup text don't match?[/quote]
[Quote=ARticle} ...produce a dialog box that looks something like this... [/quote]
'like' != 'Exact replica'
Your Dim comment doesn't even make sense. After "As", only data types are allowed. After "=", any valid expression is allowed (which include static properties and methods, so that means all types plus all methods in scope). The C# counter-comment of "it only shows you the relevant ones" is also true of VB. But, how could C# possibly know what is relevant at the beginning of a statement? You haven't typed anything yet, and your most recent modifications aren't even integrated into intellisense yet.
I write about 60% VB and 40% C#. I have no problem with C#, I'm simply more productive in VB. I've certainly never run into a circumstance where it would be significantly harder to write VB than C#.
He should have said that that particular post is just one other example of you being a complete dick because you were more concerned with appearing to be right and showing everyone how incredibly clever you are than with giving others the benefit of the doubt or adopting even an iota of humility when interacting with others.
In the linked post, your response to Tracer was unnecessarily vitriolic, even considering that his comment conflated Netware and Windows. The fact that you are unapologetic speaks to your meagre character. Your need to bring up the fact that you were a "Master Certified NetWare Engineer" and the fact that you cited a link that directly contradicted your own position because you were in such a rush to try and humiliate Tracer just shows how pathetic your life must truly be.
Perhaps a grade school in 1995 needs a Master Certified Netware Engineer? Just think how easy it would be to humiliate those little kids eh? What fun that would be, you sadistic pointless excuse for a human being.
Both my bank and my hosting provider logs me off after a period of inactivity. What's the issue? Surely this is a common requirement which any framework can handle
That's still here in the latest version of mathematica (version 7). Under the "Help" menu is the awfully-punctuated "Why the Beep?...". In the absence of a beep this will pop up a dialog saying "Mathematica hasn't beeped yet." (Note "YET"). If there was a beep you get something almost as useless "Mathematica beeped to let you know that a warning or error message was generated by the kernel. You can disable this beep by resetting MessageOptions in the Option Inspector."
^ Just found that too.
I'm currently working on an application thats 10 years old moving it to C# because there are so many issues with a large application written in VB. So I write about 60% VB / 40% C# at the moment also.
VB is by far the worst thing ever conceived.
It fails to implement interfaces correctly too.
Looks like it is common practice in IT industry. How very sad... Hello bugs! Welcome crappy software! Long live incompetence! Amen.
My favorite is the one that appears when windows boots after a bad shutdown and decides it need to check the hard disk.
It's something like: "Your disk will be scanned in 30 seconds time, press any key to not scan the disk..."
A key for "scan it now!"...? Nope. You have to sit and wait the full 30 seconds.
(And repeat for every drive in the machine!)
PS: Can one of those dialogs have only a single "Yes" button?
I thought the fact that they had to have two buttons was the reason so many of them don't make any sense.
Ah yes, I see now. I used some code a while to do that, and it made mention of MessageBoxEx() It's (the undocumented) MessageBoxTimeout() that you need to do it.
I stand corrected.
Then you are wrong either way aren't you? If you meant VB6, then you meant 'Variant' as 'var' does not exist in VB6, only in .NET.
If you meant 'var' and VB .NET then you are also wrong as pointed out by the original reply, they are both the same (strong typed at compile time) whether in VB .NET or C#.
Squabble over.
Regarding awfully punctuated, if you're referring to the ellipsis at the end (…), that's because it's a human interface guideline requirement (at least on MacOS) for a menu item that opens a dialog box, as opposed to just doing an action straight away.
For example, Save doesn't have one, but Save As… does.
That is also in the Microsoft guidelines for UI design, more or less.
http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa974176.aspx http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa511453.aspx#ellipsesAdmin
Actually C++0x is bringing this option in, except the keyword will be auto rather than var. That is primarily because auto is already a reserved word in the language so can't break anything, whereas existing code may have variables called var.
It says in the damn post that it's for time-sensitive data analysis work. I don't know exactly what that comprises - anything from rush job financial figures for a bank to a euphemism for watching cctv feeds - but evidently it's important to make sure that jobs aren't being allocated to someone who's not going to perform them immediately.
That about sums it up for almost every this-programming-language-is-better-than-that-programming-language debate ever.
"OK" is a synonym for "Yes", No?
The horrible online coursework application Desire2Learn does this same thing. It pops up a dialog box that says 'Click OK to remain logged in'. If you click the button after the time has run out, it returns you to the login page, making the button meaningless. High quality educational software at its finest.