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Mod parent up!
Well ... Bye!
Put Paula in a Ninja-ette suit, on a wooden table. Put the ice cream on Paula ... Get digital camera. Hmm, we never found out if Paula was a hot as Bean-bag girl.
Never mind.
Paula Bean...where are you when we need you most?!?
In much the same way that there's a chance of it snowing in New York next weekend ...
I've more than once seen lengthy Usenet theads triggered by an empty post with a subject like 'test - please ignore'
I have no use for psychologists or their opinions. There are very few psychologists helping people that have serious issues.
Richard Nixon
Neither do I, but she babysits for free, and she cooks really well :)
BTW, she doesn't really discuss her practice, but over time, I've noticed that the folks she sees seem to want help, as opposed to some folks who actually need help, but won't admit it (I'll leave it to your imagination to come up with some [public] names)
Paula Bean. Bean Bag. Come on. Anybody can tell they're the same person.
I work in NY, and leave nearby. Every winter, I make about 2 dozen snowballs, and put them in the downstairs freezer. On what I perceive as the hottest summer day, I usually take them out and have a (short) snowball fight with the kids. Guess what I'm going to do tonight?
But the fooseball girl pushes the limits of work-safe with the cleavage shot.
We're no different than any other forum on the Internet, in that regard.
My opinion is that your sister is a really weird person to have read enough of this forum to make those observations, if she's not involved in the subject matter. (This is not a criticism! If she's a professional psychologist, I guess that explains it; I could not read more than a post or two from a professional psychology forum!)
The sad part is, it probably only took you 15 seconds to break in, but when you have a key it takes you 20 seconds to open the door.
Arguing with a programmer is like wrestling with a pig in the mud. After a few hours, you realize the pig likes it.
I like pie, by the way.
Meh, maybe I'm old fashioned, but I still prefer foosball girl. WTF is a "Top quality foam bead" anyway. There are levels of quality for foam beads?
1) Forums like TDWTF always strike me as more narcissistic, because of the lack of conversational threading. I often post something then wander off, without bothering to check to see if anyone ever replied to it. Regular reading of the comments suggests I am not alone.
2) Technical people are all about why it wouldn't work. Stupid posts are to be ignored.
3) This is standard messageboard meme propagation, and quite common on the internet. Check slashdot for "Soviet Russia", "Beowulf clusters" and other such staples.
The real WTF is you needed a psychologist to tell you this.
The last thing filler TDWTF entries need is all the sniggering that would induce...
You wouldn't get far with Beanbag girl anyway.
Sure, you might get to second base one night at a party, after she's drunk half a bottle of Vodka. You'd think you actually had a chance. Especially after you discover that she works for an Airline, and invites you to spend a week with her on tropical Langkawi, 'cause she can get real cheap tickets.
But then the deal will fall through because all the tickets are sold out, and you will end up travelling up the coast by train with kids running up and down the aisle all night and them vomiting all over everything. And when you get there you end up spending the week on the couch because it she will say that it was just the alcohol talking 'that night' and she only wants to be friends. breathing faster
So you will spend a couple of months as friends and discover that she answers her mobile phone in the middle of movies and that no amount of make-up can cover bad-breath. And 'friends' really shouldn't be that needy or get pissed off when you stop calling them. Or invite you up to their apartments late at night. And despite everything you will still feel as stupid as George from Seinfield did, when he turned down the 'coffee', when you tell her that you "really don't need to borrow an umbrella".
But you move on, you move upwards, and just when you think you've found something else - SHE will ask YOU out, and you'll say 'no', you will actually say no, and she will turn into a CRAZY psycho DEMON freak and plunge your already punctured confidence into a bottomless pit of black, tar-like despair. Your entire life will shatter, will pop like a bubble, and you'll wish you had never crawled away from the inky-green glow of that Wyse50 terminal you used to play Nethack on when you were 6 years old.
So yeah. The moral of the story is, don't kid yourself.
Let me guess, your girlfriend just broke up with you?
The advertisers must love the slow WTF days...
By probing a little, I think he meant in the back office ... how else would he know not to see if the columns were cut off by the window? That's like working for a help desk and not asking 'is the power cord plugged in?'
Cool. me too. What's your favorite flavor? I like Chocolate Fudge Brownie
Naaaaaah. That's an old story. I just mention it here as a cautionary tale for those of us eyeballing leggy blondes. And to keep in practice. Gotta keep up that self-pitying air of pathos, you know.
If everyone who made a dumb mistake got fired, no one would be working. Including you.
All appearances would indicate that a sub-culture has developed within this forum. References to topical legacies abound, probably none greater than the famous Paula Bean reference... or the all too common "classic WTF"... or the "Goggles". Or Brillant. OMG.
Not to mention that wonderfully crafted "Wooden Table" solution. I still laugh when I think that - as retarded as it sounds, it would actually work.
I can't help but think there are some fun metrics here just itching to be discovered. For instance - it seems inevitable that a thread will eventually run off-topic ( at least they all seem to at some point ). An interesting measurement would be at what point, or which 'nth' thread did that occur. Perhaps the measure of "A Classic" is the thread's ability to maintain focus.
Or the number of legacy references to past topics. Or the number of alternate solutions offered...Word count, Word popularity...
This post is itself and indication that WTF stew needs some stirring up with fresh ingredients. Heck, I'd accept a WTF that was a fabricated tale, as long as it involved a plausible solution that performed horribly. To me, the best posts are the ones that make me say "Wow - this actually works? Why would they do that?" Or the ones that are so convoluted that it takes some time to unravel the real purpose.
None the less - there's still a panoply of old posts to ponder.
Not a WTF either, but it's in the same spirit as today's.
My boss, angrily punching over and over again the keys of his calculator (the kind that sits flat with the big giant tilted number display) calls me over to show me that it was broken. I ask him what's wrong and he says "I'm trying to take ten percent of this number and nothing happens!"
I guess he hadn't noticed the little dot shifting over. I didn't see any point in asking why he needed a calculator for that.
This is not a WTF. It is just a pathetic excuse for the braggers to brah about how good they are and the others are not.
Bring the real thing, the real WTF, on real systems live out there. Expose the true nature of this IT world we work on. Some poor girl lack of computer awareness has got nothing to do with it.
oh its there
Aaargghh...( like a pirate ) Aaargghh...don't vend me this sissy scallie-wag swill. Feed me the the tough knuckle of the true enemy... the code so perverse that mere mortals pale at it's mention. The code so fowl that it's presence defies common sense. The code so vile that no man or beast could have conjured it and lived to claim it.
Find Paula Bean.
I wanna be her beanbag.
Not saying I have any resemblance...
WTF!?! The real WTF is that your sister thinks she understands anything about the posts on this site.
No, the really real WTF is that you even bothered to post what your sister thinks about the post on this site. In my extensive experience, people who post observations by other people about people posting comments on other peoples comments are WTFs in themselves. Enough said!
What's your sister's name anyway, Paula? I'm surprised you didn't put her comments on a wooden table, ta<FONT size=2>ke a phot</FONT><FONT size=1>ograph, .....</FONT>
<FONT size=1>Actually, I'm with goatcheez - I wanna see more observations.</FONT>
Theres a type of humor that work by a emulation layer. Theres good examples on slashdot, and here is a mirror. You can't check if this mirror is original or only a clone to mock of the slashdot humor. Maybe we have normal humor senses, and we only pretend to have the broken geek version.
Also the broken geek humor sense has some interesting features. Its for smartasses, is dark than darkness and is easy to generate, because is cliche based. You can generate normal humor trough absurd repetition of broken geek humor cliches. Check Andy Kauffman and other Absurd Masters.
IMHO the broken geek humor sense is not more than a thin "smiley" layer all over our comments. The friendly way to speak ones to another, even IF theres nothing to comment than "I am happy to be alive".
We, the geek, have profound non-trivial layers, and the visible absurdy lame surface. And your comments are "surface-related" comments, nothing to do with what is really beyond the surface. Thanks anyway for tryiing :D
I know we use VSS at my place as well, not my choice believe me (subversion all the way).
Maybe I ought to run about office (no cubes this time) screaming 'The sky is falling, we're using VSS, nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo'.
Good story, but more importantly..
I kind of like that beanbag sofa on the right side.. :)
I quite agree. Which is why I never read the comments or post a reply.
Surely the real WTF is that the company had a SourceSafe repo. that wasn't actually corrupted already.
I for one am getting sick and tired of the previous WTF references. As soon as i start reading about something wooden, I scroll down.
And I always read every single reply, even if they make no sense whatsoever (like this tei guy, who never seems to have constructed one coherent sentence).
Really? I prefer foosball girl, looks more natural.
Well hello there beanbag girl. How are you?
Are you gonna finish that placenta?
VSS IS evil. It barely does the versioning you need, and makes pretty much everything a pain. On top of that, it actually has the ability to destroy your files.
In fact, I think that anyone using SourceUnsafe should read two interresting articles called Visual SourceSafe Version Control: Unsafe at any Speed? and Visual SourceSafe: Microsoft's Source Destruction System, I found that they pretty much said what I had experienced with SS, and i learned many more reason to hate that thing.
So that's where Paula went! <g>
This isn't a dumb mistake in my book. This person had no desire to investigate the issue further on her own, and instantly sought out advice. Put it like this:
I pull down the latest version of a project from sourcesafe, and open the project up in visual studio.
I open a source file to start adding functions. I notice that the end of the function declaration has been truncated. I go to my boss. He comes over and looks at the window, and starts clicking the right arrow in the text editor. I go "Oh...".
If he DOESN'T fire me, I'd be really surprised, and would SEVERLY question the capability of everyone else that boss had hired. It goes far beyond stupidity and into the realm of total retardation.
Wow. And I thought I was bitter...
The most disturbing part of his tirade was this line:
Yeah, good point. There was this new guy a few weeks ago at my company who didn't know how to make coffee. He asked me how to do it. I kicked him in the face and said RTFM. I then sent him a link to google. He said it would probably just be faster if I told him how. Just then, our boss was walking by and saw the new guy's bloody lip. He asked what was going on and once he found out, he fired the new guy on the spot while high fiving me.
Just in case...that was a joke. Seriously, yes it was silly, but she wasted maybe 5 minutes of this guy's time tops? Oh no!!! That's like $3.50 down the tubes. How many wtf's have we seen here that have wasted much, much more time and money.
If you seriously think that's grounds for dismissal, I sure hope I never work for you. And you probably won't be in charge of people very long after you get sued.
This is not a WTF.
Hmmm, Paula + FoosBall Girl + Bean Bag Girl + wodden table + pictures,
I need a cold shower