• CindyPsych (unregistered) in reply to steamer25

    What kind of idiot tries to take hostages at the gun club?

    The kind of idiot who plans to sue said gun club and gun club members when they inevitably shoot him.

  • wicke (unregistered)

    Why all SPAM servers can't be like that? :)

  • Spamminator (unregistered) in reply to wicke

    Hm... so it is US laws ...

    but I am *not* in the U.S. so screw those laws!!!

    >rm -rf *<

  • edward Ishaq (unregistered)

    good lesson for the spamers and in security ;)

  • hmmm (unregistered) in reply to noehch

    In the USA; yes, you do sue him. And you win. And you come out farther ahead than if you had successfully robbed the bank in the first place.

  • yarrido (unregistered)

    Cool revenge!

  • anon (unregistered) in reply to Nathan
    I once received a piece of spam with an actual unsubscribe link. This we less spam and more of a legitimate marketing strategy, I suppose. Though I have no idea how I got on their list. The unsubscribe link looked something like this: http://www.initech.com/mailing/unsubscribe.asp?id=2343.

    If I were a spammer, this would seem like a handy way to check which email addresses on my list were still alive...

  • paul (unregistered) in reply to FrostCat

    "He spent more time in jail than the thug"

    .. that would be the thug he shot and killed then? - I think the court took the view that banging a corpse up would not help rehabilitate him

    .. and also that lying in wait for someone with a shotgun and then shooting them in the back was not self defence

  • annoynimous (unregistered) in reply to sir_flexalot
    I have found massive spam email lists on google before, it is a scary thing to see a directory of tens of text files, each megs in size, that are just lists of email addresses in alphabetical order.

    That is not so scaring than hopefull. Why to send those [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] when they are easily compressed to smth like aaa+ [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

    Or even more - every password-picking program has their dictionaries compressed. And there even are ready libraries for most bone-headed spam-scripting kiddies.

    Yes, that gives a hope that spammers really are no-brainers!

  • annoynimous (unregistered) in reply to l1fel1ne
    Well here in Canuckland, section 342.1 might be worth a quick read:http://laws.justice.gc.ca/en/c-46/280843.html


    Guess, it was the DailyWTF-DDOS-team, that had slashdotted poor webpage :-)

  • lol (unregistered)

    hey i think that people most like me also dont like spam its just so iratating and than sometimes make you loose time. i us to have spam in my computer.

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