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Yes, we have someone that uses their Exchange "Deleted Items" folder as primary storage. Lots of subfolders, etc.
Makes you think a second time about instituting some auto-cleanup routines. (How badly do I want to stay late to recover those?)
Regarding testing:
We completed a project LAST JANUARY.
The client needed to do some basic user testing, report any feedback or bugs, so we could do final cutover of the data to the new system.
As of October, they hadn't done ANY testing on the system.
Finally, here in December, I'm facing going back in to fix bugs in a system that we haven't touched in almost 12 months. [:|]
I hope I documented my code [8-)]
They have "His Holiness." Isn't that the same as Pope?
(Disclaimer: I'm not Catholic, so somebody correct me if I'm wrong here.)
Can you put that on layaway? Or is it strictly a mail-order item?
That Target thing is a book I think. If you replace 'target.com' with 'amazon.com' it refers to a book. But maybe it is a goof, because I don't think the comments refer to a book...
It appears to be a book, but the shipping details are a head-scratcher....
<font style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #efefef">Ain't 'Redneck' an official title?
Poor Donald K. Burleson...
Yes. The item from target IS actually a book. See:
I would just love to register with "His Majesty" just to see if it can get me upgraded to 1st class :-)
<font style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #efefef">Indeed, the Pope is addressed as "Your Holiness" (or "His Holiness" in third person). My favorite honorific is "Your Grace" (for Dukes and Duchesses).</font>
I thought about grabbing a screen shot but I didn't think they would remove that item from the target site so quickly (and it's not that important to me).
Hmm, now to sign up on this message board. It's been a while since I've posted.
"His Excellence" (for cardinals) is also good, and is curiously missing from the list.
Rear Amiral? Now who would use that title? [8-)]
Until the first user called me wondering where her appraisals were, I always figured the recycle bin stories were an urban legend. Fortunately, exchange retention was on and it was quickly sorted out.
It's easy to force users not to do things like that: Let it do its thing automatically, with a backup, restore things into a sane location when someone calls in, and tell them that was their one free pass.
Who needs testing or testors anyway? If you're a good enough programmer, you'll just write bugfree code from the start. If you can't, maybe you should switch to a more suitable career, eh? Not to mention IDEs are a waste of time and money, I use notepad and command-line build tools and so should you.
Actually, that wasn't a book. There was another entry for a 'Blow Job'. They've changed their code so it doesn't work now, though.
Here's a message board post where people figured out almost all of the British Airways titles. Some of them are pretty obscure, but most are just local variants on Mr. and Mrs.
I think so.
More intersting, they have listed Father, Fr, Cardinal, but left off Bishop as well. Hmm.
But the real WTF is the fact that they have a title for almost everything. Why not let one enter their title by typing?
I'd choose Commodore [:D]
Wow. With all that worry about titles, I'm surprised they left out a field for "esquire".
Ow my brain! :)
I hope that winky face at the end means you were being sarcastic :)
I especially love "I use notepad and command-line build tools and so should you."
Rear Admiral is a naval rank.
Not one I'd admit though..
Ironically, not long after I go my mom using her computer and email and stuff I absent-mindedly emptied her trash in Thunderbird and she was really upset because it had a lot of stuff she didn't want deleted.. C'est la vie..
just waiting for somebody to include "You fool" "You moron" in the titles list and start a new trend....
Have a look at the "customers who shopped for this also looked at other items:" list...
Hmm, perhaps Rear Admirals like that book.
I have had to sign up so that I can say:
You are getting the person's title mixed up with the person's position.
A Bishop's title is "His Grace" (e.g. His Grace the Bishop of Bashing)
Also, the Dalai Lama is addressed as "His Holiness", as is the Pope.
You wouldn't write a letter to "Pope Robert" but to "His Holiness Pope Robert" (I couldn't think of a funny name for a pope except "Bob Pope" seems like a good pun...)
So that's what they would have on their plane ticket...
erm... if you follow that amazon link you will see that:
"<font color="#cc6600" size="3">Customers who shopped for this item also shopped for these items:</font><font color="#000000"> </font>
If you follow that link, you will be informed that:
"2 people recommended <font color="#0000ff">Fahrenheit 9/11</font> instead of Anal Massage"
It's a difficult choice but I know which one I'd pick...
There are some good reviews too...(if you like puerile bumhole humour, but who doesn't?)