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Put Comment in Here
TODO: add comment to this story
Comment for article should be a relevant text for the article in question. E.G. First!!! etc.
Damn Your Name!! You beat me to the obvious joke.
TODO: insult Your Name
is the minimum height for someone in american rugby 6ft or somet
This just goes to show how often these kind of things actually go right, with such relatively rare sightings.
CAPTCHA: Appellatio. Don't know, sounds like something I want my wife to do to me...
Damn your name, and a pox on your house!
The weather girl's expression reminds me of Ellen Feiss.
Well, perhaps you have never heard of Location, USA, but Google has more than pi hundred million hits for it: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=location,+usa&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=43.123021,56.074219&ie=UTF8&filter=0&ll=37.926868,-95.712891&spn=41.072737,56.074219&z=4
This Just In: Local man adds comment, averts text here.
NAME LASTNAME? That's no WTF...he's the top pick in my fantasy football league!!!
Is that a wind sock icon on the last one? For a second I thought the weather forecast had something to do with people knocking over traffic cones.
Note to self: Simply do not display items which are still filled with filler text on actual broadcasts.
Does anyone else think the 'Comment goes here' type comments that copy the WTF in comment style are lame?
It's not funny if you do it in every story!
This is the main comment box where you can put up to 3 lines of witty remarks for your lower-third blue comments
How is Name Lastname doing anyways? My friend has that guy as part of his fantasy football league.
I love the fact you got the bad expression shot of the weather girl as well. Adds more humor
// TODO: Customer visible text here!!!
Helpdesk: How may I help you? Customer: I've found a repeatable error in the software. Helpdesk: What does the error message indicate? Customer: It indicates that you never finished writing it...
Amen to that... I mean, it's just SOOO obvious. I don't know if it's the same one or two people, or if every day someone else thinks they're going to be fresh and unique by replacing a few words of the story with "Comment" and posting.
Or maybe it's new-comers that mistakenly think it's like a right of passage...
But to answer your question, yes other people think it's lame and contrived.
edit: Haha! I saw the post right after Tim's....
I'm telling you -- it's getting out of hand. Another thought, because it's so contrived -- maybe everyone just has a WTF script to generate those comments?
The weather lady is cute
Nope Kiwi I think although I don't usually watch that channel.
You don't understand. See, as a daily WTF reader, it is your duty and obligation to do the obvious, article-related comment, if there are not comments yet!
I'd say it's a lot more amusing than the 'First!!!111'-type comments seen on many other message boards.
TRWTF is that the location is supposed to be in small print, and the temperature (or thing happening) in large print.
That weather girl looks like she's just put her bong down. Cute but wasted.
If you go to the location, USA link above, (or probably anywhere), and then zoom all the way out, the US is repeated twice and Asia three times. Kind of neat.
Oi! I'll have you know I devoted some minutes of thought to deciding phrasing that would make sense, be witty, and still match the image text without too much deviation ¬_¬
I even went to the effort of making the line proportions match the ones in the image.
Some people are never satisfied shake head
It's an intelligent version of the "First!" nonsense. See who can come up get in a good corruption first.
And as you say, at least those posts are not whiny :p
Now hopefully Alex or Jake will blue my witty remark so I can keep my wonderful ratio of blue comments up ^_^ Okie, fine, -that- was a bit lame :p
Heck yeah... I'd certainly check her humidity though :p
Yeah, sorry, that's the best I can come up with on short notice. I thought about making a crack about looking up her wind sock, but figured that could be taken the wrong way :/
What can I say, she's cute, hopefully got brains, and not obviously taken. I use the excuse of being dazzled by hawtness :p
Sorry, couldn't resist.
Okay, okay, I guess the comments could be worse.
I'll take the advise of the guy who said "You're supposed to choose one to laugh at". That was funny.
Todo: post a comment
Another Good one
Hmmm, who does Lorem Ipsum play for ?
Following on in this vein, Insert Name Here shows a remarkable concentration of hits. Only pi**9.6 hits.
Less than two (2) months of yank-bashing left! What are the rest of the world going to do until 2013 when Sarah Palin becomes president?
I suppose there is always the French. Not as much fun. But there are tough times, you have to do with what you got.
Then again, Obama could be the same old Yanqui a-hole that we always expect.
Which leaves me wondering what they meant to say. Did the headline writer really think the shuttle was travelling that fast? Was it simply some kind of brain freeze, like he meant to say "18 times the speed of sound" or some such?
News reports about subjects that I actually know something about are routinely amusing. Whether they're stories about computers, science, or events where I happen to have been present, they are often completely wrong on important facts. Sometimes it may be due to bias, but often there is no explanation other than clumsiness or laziness or incompetence. Which makes me wonder: Why do I consistently believe them when they talk about things where I have no personal knowledge? And how much of what I think I know about the world, based on newspapers and television, is, in fact, completely false?
This just shows that there are too many developers out there who think that putting "EDIT THIS TEXT" in a text box somehow makes for a fool-proof system.
Captcha: eros (NSFW!)
I see what you did there.
If we're quick we can catch it in 1972!
Presumably, they meant to say 18 times the speed of sound, as that is close to the Shuttle's typical orbital velocity. (Note: "speed of sound" is pretty meaningless at that altitude. In space, no one can hear your sonic boom! What is usually really meant is "18 times the speed that sound travels at sea level, or basically what you average laypeople will be sorta used to".) But as it turns out, that's actually not correct either, because Columbia had decelerated quite a bit before abruptly disintegrating. And since NASA TV had been calling out the velocity during the entire reentry, and replayed the reentry later in the day, and has huge amounts of Shuttle tidbits specifically written for use by the media that would've cleared things up, the news media really has no excuse.
Mind you, that did lead to a bit of a joke among space nerds. If it was doing 18C, then clearly it disintegrated because you should never engage your warp engines within a gravity well!
Universal harmony is restored.
What about FILE_NOT_FOUND?
So if the Columbia tragedy just happened now... ...it must have exploded in 2003 while traveling back in time! It's possible after all!
Let's go back in time and save them, hmmm?
CAPTCHA: captcha_word