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Let me show you something evil about GPL.
For example, look at following strcpy code:
Congratulations! Your mind is poisoned with GPL now.
From this day, whenever you implement strcpy by yourself, it's GPL derived work.
You must open source of your company software from now.
Happy Nightmares.
P.S. Just realized, in some schools people learn linux. Poor kids, forbidden from writing legal commercial software, forever! Ha ha
Hell, you can't ever legally copy arrays after reading this! LOL
Only .Net has this kind of nonsense. While I do understand the usefulness of writing
as opposed to
Using == instead of .Equals is not good good OO practice... Especially if you already override the method. I tend to agree with The Architect about this one.
Instein himself said there is no limit to stupidty in known and also unknown univers.
And how often do you really find yourself checking for reference equality? The == operator should have always been an alias for Equals().
Java didn't get it right and neither did Microsoft when they were making Java 2.0 aka MSJava aka .Net
Real coders would use:
Where did I mention that he said "instead"? I did say "instead". The == operator is not the same as the .Equal method, and if it would be the same, how would we check reference equality? When do I find myself checking for that? Well, not often, but if it would not be possible, it would sure be a pain not be able to.
The == is supposed to check if both objects are the same, while "equals" should check whether they are equivalent. And this is consistent with the OO paradigm, where two objects are "equivalent" (equals) or the same (==). Both are different concept and cannot be aliases.
Unless there is a === operator... then I would agree with you; == should be an alias to equals and === would be a reference equality.
It is an issue, that was just one example, imagine that, open-source contains large subset of programming techniques.
Effectively reading open sources ban you from commercially programming.
Yes, but that was copy-past from some GPL source ^^
So, I'm in a new country and currently unemployed. I've been toying with the idea of adopting this architect's persona and trying to B.S. my way into a high level architect or manager type position.
Answer questions with vague, but really smart sounding stuff that means nothing. Like, 'Well, to be honest, I could sit here and tell you all about the difference between overrides and overloading; but that would be a waste of time. Instead, I'll tell you, in spite of what you might read in best-practices books, both are utter nonsense. I have extensive experience with both and I can assure you, there is no advantage to using them. I worked closely with a researcher who demonstrated, conclusively, they do nothing but introduce unneeded risk into the code base.
If you want someone who will continue to make the SAME mistakes and blindly follow best-practice guidelines, the same guidelines that have an industry wide failure rate of 80% (either late or over budget) I'm not the guy you want to hire. But if you want a visionary who deliver ahead of schedule, under budget, with fewer defects than conventionally thought possible....I'm the man to hire.'
I mean, sure, I might get laughed out of 9/10 interviews; but I only need to find one company who falls for my crap. Then I get a big fat salary and spend the first 6 months talking about how wrong everything is and how we need to change it. Then the next 6 months changing it in a meaningless way. Then, when we are behind schedule I explain that our hiring practices of the past are to blame and that our development staff is overpaid, under worked, and largely incompetent.
Then, I use that as my opportunity to lay-off any voices of reason who might speak out against me.
I mean, I could probably get paid, very well, for a year or two. After which, I'd have some great sounding experience and should have an even easier time doing it again in the future.
If what you said was true, writing proprietary software for one company would ban you from ever writing any software (proprietary or otherwise) for any other company (or even yourself) in the future.
Copyright doesn't work like this.
You can re-write copyrighted software that you've previously written for another copyright holder in the past. You just cannot use the previous work as a reference as you do it. (No written notes, no cut-and-paste, no looking at the old code.) You are entitled to your memories of what you did in the past. Both the old and new works can be covered under different copyrights or different licenses.
This also applies to code your coworkers wrote which you read in the past, or GPL'd code.
I realize some people find GPL scary, but really, it's just copyrighted code with a very permissive license. More permissive then proprietary, but less then Public Domain or a BSD-style license.
Wow. This preety solves most of "vendor lockin" problem.
GPL is like copyleft. BSD is like anarchy.
It's all fun and games until someone overloads the * operator on a vector.
Correct, you can't write software in same field for another company. You have to change from game development to banking, for example
No, you can't. Ask your lawyerAdmin
Bah, I get to work with experts who think they are too smart to be bothered by "industry standards" on a daily dase. Beat that, sucker!
This is wrong. Ask your lawyer ...
Copyright is way more complicated than that, and in fact there's no black and white on that subject.
There is no way anyone on earth can buy your ideas or your memories, the only things that can be copyrighted are things that can be copied, i.e. implementations or production methods - and those have to be detailed enough to be taken into account.
Currently, you can see Apple suing and being sued by more or less everyone in the mobile field, and many lawsuits give many different results even on the same topic.
Bottom line is there is no real way to prevent anyone from copying software for which you hold copyright, and there is no real way to prevent anyone from suing you if they feel like it, as long as they have the slightest - even if it's a nonsense - reason to.
I.E. any of your previous employers / clients can try and sue you if you do anything remotely related to what you did for them.
And most of the time those lawsuits should and will not succeed. They'll still cost you money and time though.
I rather think this is also dependent upon the country you live in.
freedom is anarchy
copyright != patents. These are two quite different sets of laws with different domains.
You cannot have a copyright on a production method. You have a copyright on the document describing the production method, if you wrote it, but not the method itself. If you want to protect your production method, you need to patent it. Copyright applies to a specific work, patents to a specific method of solving a problem.
Theoretically, you do not need "apply" for a copyright; all your work is copyrighted by default (though it might be hard to defend without special measures).
Copyright protects you from someone copying your work, or deriving a new work from it. It (again, theoretically) does not protect you from someone re-creating your exact same work, as long as she can prove she didn't derive her work from yours (whatever that means). In addition, there is the concept of "fair use" which is supposed to allow you to copy parts of a copyrighted work without permission, under certain conditions.
Patents are an entirely different beast. You pay $$BIG_BUCKS to get the patent, but the protection is much stronger. It's issued on the method, not the work (so it's much more generic), and contrary to copyrights, nobody is allowed to re-invent your patented method. Neither is there any "fair use" clause. Everybody else either gets your permission to use your patented method, or has to find a different solution to the same problem. You found the solution first (again theoretically...), so you decide who is allowed to use it.
Most of those big law suits are about patents, not copyrights; though I think Apple is also suing for plagiarizing their iPhone design (which might be copyright or trade mark law).
Apparently they actually use:-
It's also LGPL'd which doesn't have the onerous restriction you're referring to and so misunderstand.
Please note that if your patent is required for actual operation, such as Samsung's patents on 3G technology, you cannot refuse a competitor a license, and you have to offer it at reasonable terms.
As for the iPad's design, a Dutch court recently ruled that because it was so minimal and generic, that a competitor would have to artificially cripple his product in order not to copy the design, and that this was unreasonable. So Apple's "design genius" was used against itself.
On the name Tennyson, that was clearly just a setup for this:
Half a line, half a line, Half a line onward, All in the pile of dung Codes the six hundred. "Refuse the bug reports! Break the logic!" he said. All in the pile of dung Codes the six hundred.
That is mostest dumbest stetment I herd in hole of my life.
Copyright for software is like having copyright for schematic diagrams. It doesn't make much sense, really.
So, you're saying that if person wrote code for company A, then wrote similar code for company B, that's not copy? Even with similar lines of code, may be just swapped around or with variables renamed. Even more, executable binaries will partially match.
If you say that doesn't count, all we need is tool capable of shuffling and scrambling GPL sources to purify them!
On the other hand, I do not find that the new galaxy tab looks like iCrap, and clearly everyone by now must have realized how much this is a fight to slow Samsung's time to market more than anything - the "protecting intellectual property" part is total bullshit on this. Especially when they talk about touch gestures ... I'm pretty sure 99.99% of these can be found in sci-fi books or movies that largely predate Apple's "revolutionary ideas". Either way, death to Apple and glory to Samsung --
precisely . there is no way to copyright code properly . and most code can be refactored in a better version which could in no way breach copyright on the older version.
Any employer or client who asks otherwise is just being unreasonable ... you're the coder, you're entitled to full use of your own brain (even if you don't quite do that ;) ) and memories and experience - that is not something anyone can buy (I'd sell it for a f*ton though).
The only memories you aren't allowed to "publish" are those related to NDA's and that's all.
I.E. You can write a webmail client for company X for 200k, and then go write another webmail client for company Y for 200k and it will be perfectly legal even if there's a fair chance the second will almost be a clone of the first, except for a few upgrades and maybe look-and-feel.
besides .. if it worked then I could sue anyone writing an array-to-query function in any language ... and I would then be conter-sued by half the programmers in the world, etc.
Captcha : "esse" -> Write some essays (southpark)
Exactly. This is why companies put in non-competes and try to keep you from going to a competitor for a year, in hopes that you will have "forgotten" the structure and logic by the time you're eligible to work on a similar project
I used to work for a twit like this. He would propose some patently ridiculous mish-mash of ideas and then defend it on the grounds that all of the common and obvious reasons why anyone with any sense would object to it as blazingly idiotic belonged to the groupthink of religion-struck zealots and dull bureaucrats - none of which could possibly apply to a true creative innovator such as himself...
I do this with printers all the time although your version is a bit verbose. I just place my hand(s) on the afflicted machine, bow my head reverentially, and shout "HEAL!!!". Works wonders.
There is no unnecessary risk. Only unnecessary architects.
Wow! That's uglier than Lisp!
Um, yes?
Damn. Misread as Tribble Knowledge. Great Disappointment.
So why did you put him there?
This seems like a pretty minor WTF.
Maybe this is influenced by the fact that I've only programmed in Java, where "==" always compares references. I don't actually see much of a reason to stray from that. Rather than forcing people to check documentation, why not keep things simple? "==" always compares references, and equals() compares values (whenever sensible).
Truth be known - this was probably just a nice way of telling a stupid developer to stop touching stuff - because everything he touches he breaks! No one would tell a solid developer not to change something like this - NO ONE...
"According to Microsoft's own standards and practices..." That's reason enough NOT to override (FTFY) operator ==. Further, what developer would ever, ever expect == to compare value by default in a reference-based language? The article states that Money objects are 'effectively' value-based, but assuming this is managed-memory .NET cr@pware, Money objects' identifiers will have to be, in reality, references. Given that, operator == should absolutely return the reference address whereas .Equals() should be overridden to compare values. Overriding operator == to compare values for Money class reference identifiers is tantamount to redefining NULL or main
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