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My original point was blowing off the useless user. Doing to an animal would be wrong. (Also reading TDWTF for two days instead of helping some less useless user would be wrong.)
I do know right from wrong and frequently use that knowledge to help me make decisions. :-)
If city is supposed to be New York Display "New York" ...
Works as coded!
"That wus never part of the deal"?
No more bugs. On to the next problem.
I only used your original point to show a contrast between problem-solving in IT and animal science (of which my previous posts suggested a correlation).
So true. When I was a co-op student (paid intern?) I was creating a tool that had "Action Items". When someone created an Action Item it went into tblOpenActionItems. When someone closed the Action Item, it deleted from tblOpenActionItems and inserted into tblClosedActionItems.
Another favorite was Action Items had status updates. Initially you could have 4 status updates. Within a week someone had accumulated 5 status updates so I had to add a statusupdate5 column... and so on.
It took an amateur DBA 15 minutes to set me straight on both of these. For a beginner, they just don't approach things the right way and don't realize that this has been done a million times before and there is a better way.
You laugh now, but NOAA's Weather SOAP service is the only one I ever found to work. I could not access a vendor's SOAP service, and needed to prove the PERL or Python clients even worked.
I still remember the NOAA toll booth on the Atlantic in Maine. Some poor guy stays there taking ocean samples.
I hope he just left "Shicago" alone, since, ya know, close enough.
Nice Frankenstein code. I guess it was caused by a zero-index / one-index issue, which has been perpetuated by ugly languages (read: VB) which seem to have been made before the Mayans were discovered. ;)
This reminded me of that one time when I accidentally did a DEL . on the C:\COREL4 directory and then attempted to undelete the whole directory. Little did I know about the stupid DOS convention of file deletion ... the restored files were fine, but they all started with A. Nice version of ARELDRAW!!!
Until you get to a city with fewer than six letters, and then you get a string length error. Sorry, all you folks in OISE, ULSA, IAMI, ULSA and ENO!
I guess that depends on what exactly is in the variable "weather" when you get to that point, which could be something like "RN:RENO, NV
Those of us still working in the trenches of CF salute this WTF.
Since there's no data provided this is difficult to diagnose. However, that is the only spot I can't account for, and given the sporadic conditions of the output it fits. I'm guessing the '-4' in there is to cleave off something that occurs before the name of the city actually begins. The root problem is with the data, in that the crap in front of the city is either 3 or 4 characters, which I'm assuming because the author said it's not happening for every city.
It's impossible to be certain, but that's my best guess of what was going on. If it was only the first city each file, my guess would have been the 'mid(weatherFile,(firstPrePos+5),lastPrePosCnt)' from the beginning of the file was originally +6, but the corrected code had been sent in with the story.
This problem could be easily fixed with BobX.
This reminds me of an old "Crock" comic strip. Paraphrased (with apologies to the authors):
...i.e., it works (for English months, at least) but it sure seems irrelevant: and one must seriously wonder about the person who thought it was relevant.
At least the new intern recognized a bad approach and looked for a better one (rather than layering on yet more irrelevant code). The new intern is a keeper.
Good thing there was no weather report for Phitsville.
So if someone presents you with a fever your solution is to dunk them in ice water?
You'd be getting some interesting complaints from people living in White Plains, New York.
"Proh-gram?" What 'n hell's a "proh-gram"? Is that some European thing?
You want 'a see what the weather's like, I'll come by later and smash your window out! Throw yer out the damn window! ...mumble... Whipper... snappers!... ... <snore>
I wonder what would be the programming analogy for the 'traditional' medicine which fixes the root of the problem by driving away the evil spirits? Propably by burning a candle in the patients ear while dancing naked.
Yeah, pretty obvious that's what was going on there. But what's baffling about that is why the thought never even seemed to cross his mind to try to figure out what was causing the problem in the first place. I think after taking even one entry-level programming course most people would have enough experience to immediately think, "hmm, letters don't just disappear by themselves. Lets try to figure out what happened."
A guy who labels himself as a problem-solver yet is completely clueless about solving problems in general. Anyone with half a brain would those types of fixes as a last resort -- even an inexperienced intern (who presumably at least had some programming experience in college) should know that.
Hopefully this was an unpaid internship.
What would be the consequences for the pharmaceutical industry if they started to fix the real causes and if people became healthy as a result?
That's the problem of an industry whose only function is to fix a problem and which would be destroyed if the problem was fixed.
Jantsu is that you?
My feeling exactly. TRWTF is that Jim didn't say: "Sit down. Now, look at the source website. The cities already have the first letter, right? Do they? But after your code grabs them, the first letter is gone. You are a problem solver. Look at your code and find out why it removes the first letter. You have 10 minutes."
The doctor / SW troubleshooter can not be held responsible for the stupidity of the patient / user. If the patient dies / user's account becomes unusable, then good riddance to bad rubbish.
True, but that doesn't change the issue: you can fix the damage as much as you can, but you have to fix the cause no matter what.
In the example above, would you try restoring data from back up without fixing the bug that is destroying the data?
Medicine has the same problem: Take a fat man who does no exercise. You know there are cardiac & arterial problems, that the patient will be easily tired, that the liver is overworked, that the intestines are probably sluggish, and the patient probably suffers from a number of other related ailments... all of these are straight corollaries from a lack of exercise combined with a poor diet.
The patient comes in complaining about some intestinal pain, it's f* irresponsible to give him a painkiller and send him on his way. It is however more lucrative than really fixing the problem.
As long as the new guy didn't tell anyone he was replacing the code. Most places wouldn't allow that.
TRWTF is Cold Fusion
Right. I can see why he didn't want to be labeled as a programmer.
Admittedly this isn't too much unlike how I started out too. We all had to start somewhere, right? It's only unfortunate that he didn't want to listen to a more experienced programmer.
If the fever is dangerous enough then this may well be the only way to save the patient's life.
Once you've put the (metaphorical) fire out, then you can go and hunt for whatever started it (to mix in a completely different metaphor for S/W troubleshooting).
The warmth of the candle was sufficient for me to throw off the debilitating chill, and the sight of, of my goodness what do you look like, made me laugh so hard it got my circulation back up and running in no time. Hey, job done.
Dear TDWTF readers,
In case you can’t tell, I'm a total jerk. The fact that I insist on not posting an article on Tuesdays clearly shows that I am too drunk and too stupid to be posting to this website.
Why don't I go away and sober up?
Sincerely, Remy Martin
Shoudln't Sew York have been Sue York?
My kind of town, Shicago is my kind of town, Shicago is my kind of razzmatazz And it has all that jazz,
Dear Desperate in teh Interwebz,
Looks like you might have to do work today.
Sincerely, Baheena
From some of the comments here, it is clear that you have forgotten that Tuesday is TDWTF Sabbath. Despite the misleading name, there are no articles posted on Tuesdays, Saturdays, Sundays, and most holidays. There never have been, and there never will be.
For Americans out there, are there any two cities in the USA that have the same name other than the first letter?
I was wondering the same thing. Can't think of any, but I'm sure there must be somewhere.
STEFAAAN! We have users everywhere calling tech support because of your application. Those from Chicago say their city is being spelled Shicago, the ones from Miami say it is showing Siami, and the ones from Flagstaff are downright angry.
Kannapolis NC and Annapolis MD (kind of) Also, Bennsville MD and Pennsville NJ
Addendum (2010-10-05 13:08): One more:
Reston, VA Weston, FL
tefan sucks!