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It's nice to see actual WTF-ery on 'The Daily Regex'.
The article reminded me of an issue I saw like that. A user was searching for something like "john_doe", and was confused that results like "johnmdoe" and "john4doe" were coming up.
I don't see how that's even remotely related. In your scenario, the address is verified as being real, just not by the original/correct user.
edit: double post, and the delete button doesn't work
If you look, you might see some DNS servers querying your DNS server with odd mixed case expressions such as wwW.exAMPlE.Com.
The basic idea is that the DNS server querying your DNS server will be better able to distinguish a spoofed response from a real response by seeing if the mixed case in the response matches the request.
Hint to users.
If it's broke and you are okay with that then shut up.
If it's broke and you want it fixed THEN report it.
If it isn't broke but you want it to work differently..well, shut up.
Is the user who "complained about having too much access" and a user for which the bug "was saving so much time" is the same user?
Yes. Which just shows that the user is the idiot and would be better off keeping their mouth shut.
I guess you're new here.
Elizabeth II's last name is not II.
Even when a person has a first name, middle name, and last name, and has reached the age of 30, the assumption that she knows what her name is is an invalid assumption. My wife even had a passport with what she thought her name was, before she learned that it wasn't her name. She had to get a court order to correct her name to what she'd been using all her life.
Oh wait, here's a worth WTF for this site. Last month she used her embassy's web site to submit an application to renew her passport. The embassy's web site even mojibake'd one of the characters in that country's own language.
If Antoine is on the phone with a user, that would mean Antoine is on the helpdesk, right?
So, Antoine, and others on the helpdesk going by the article ("In DroneDeliveries' giant cubicle farm, so many hands touch so many pieces of code that a warehouse of monkeys could make better code") are making (and committing) on the fly changes to production code. It's a Developestuction environment.
This, and none of the other commenters noticing it, are TRWTFs
Unrelated, but just saw the WTF in the ad banner: "Deploy from hudson with buildmaster", its called Jenkins now =)
Instead of relying on the assumption that this will not fail in another language why not shove that problem over to the folks at MS and have their implementation handle it.
String.Compare(emailOne, emailTwo, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase);
Remember that 伊昭傑@郵件.商務 is a valid email address.
伊昭傑@екзампл.ком is also a valid email address.
CAPTCHA: appellatio - This is either a typo, or when <censored> <censored> and you <censored>.
Unfortunately the standard syntax for email addresses cannot be parsed by a regular expression (although there's a pretty long one that gets close); you would actually need a context-free grammar parser.
Luckily, nobody* actually uses the ugly parts of the standard that make e-mail addresses a context-free language, so a regex can work in practice most of the time.
(*for values of "nobody" that will be acceptable to project management but not acceptable to Internet pedants)
Solution: don't marry a mail-order bride.
Validating against RFC822 and nothing is else is only acceptable if your mailserver also hasn't been updated since the early 1980s.
In a Japanese locale the lower case of THIS is this (those are wide characters, full width Romaji).
In a Turkish locale I wonder how to lowercase THIS (I don't think there exists a wide character, full width lower case undotted i)
In a German locale the upper case of ß is still lower case, but I read that Unicode is inventing an upper case for it.
Case insensitive is better.
This reminds me of an old riddle: "This thing belongs to you, yet other people use it more than you do. What is it?" The answer is "your name".
For the users, it's just a lot easier for everyone not to have to explain to their Aunt Marge that (1) e-mail addresses are case-sensitive and (2) which case their particular e-mail address is. Not to mention that (3) on the telephone, or face to face for that matter, capital letters sound the same as lowercase letters; (4) less room for clerical errors; and (5) do you really want someone else reading your e-mail because Aunt Marge / the pointy-haired boss / whoever forgot to press (or forgot not to press) the shift key?
Google is your friend: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.stringcomparison(v=vs.110).aspx
TRWTF is this reply to a comment which fails to get the joke, which also fails to get the no less than two explanations of the joke.
For some reason this font keeps looking to me like I'm seeing corn, not com... Maybe its this lousy 1280 x 800 monitor. Sorry, back to your regular dwtfery.
http colon slash slash www dot the-interweb dot com /serendipity/index.php?/archives/80-Converting-strings-to-upper-case-is-tricky.html says that Java correctly capitalizes straße to STRASSE.
Akismet can kiß my aß.
Fuck you Akismet. Let's advertise stolen credit cards, will you be happy now?
No? How about Viagara then, Akismet?
lk;jfsdgkjs;kljgdkjlfjgsLorem akismet ipsum akismet I don't know the rest of it.
Reminds me of the joke about the customer coming to a grocery store. He comes in day after day, asking if they sell "death caps" ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amanita_phalloides ).
When the shop owner is finally tired of the customer asking every single day and stocks them, the customer replies with "You'll have to dispose of them, they are very dangerous!".
"DroneDeliveries". I never would have expected for them to have a bug like that.