• Design Pattern (unregistered) in reply to Anonymous
    I liked this WTF. I pretty much figured out what happened from the main text - intrusion detection starts throwing warnings about a given user "attacking" the system because he tried logging in too many times with an invalid password (since the account had not been set up yet and the password did not exist). The HTML comments verified this completely but it wasn't really necessary and kind of gave away the joke. Not sure why so many people thought this was unlikely or untrue, but then I've never really got my hands dirty with a VAX mainframe so maybe you guys are better placed to decide than I am.

    Translation: Remy Porter logged in as Anonymous to applaud his terrible editing of a story that was unbelievable from the very beginning.

    HINT: Who repeatedly logs in with the wrong password without ever having received any password?

  • Ron (unregistered) in reply to whiskeyjack

    No where near as interesting as our intrepit work weary hero, having to battle clueless bosses and even more clueless vendors - all he wanted to do was go home!

  • minim (unregistered) in reply to ideo
    TRWTF is VB.
    Hey Larry, what took you so long? *hugs*
    This article is so bad that it gave me AIDS.
    This story was dumb.
    So your plan was to one-up it with your lame ass-comment?
    BTW the orig. story is complete junk.
    Coming from the resident expert on all things.... wait, that one's already been done...
    Bullshit. The story is completely impossible.
    Joo keep juicing dat werd...
    4chan down?
  • My Name here (unregistered) in reply to Migala

    My Comment here

    that and that it is called helldesk instead of helpdesk

  • Anonymous (unregistered) in reply to Design Pattern
    Design Pattern:
    I liked this WTF. I pretty much figured out what happened from the main text - intrusion detection starts throwing warnings about a given user "attacking" the system because he tried logging in too many times with an invalid password (since the account had not been set up yet and the password did not exist). The HTML comments verified this completely but it wasn't really necessary and kind of gave away the joke. Not sure why so many people thought this was unlikely or untrue, but then I've never really got my hands dirty with a VAX mainframe so maybe you guys are better placed to decide than I am.

    Translation: Remy Porter logged in as Anonymous to applaud his terrible editing of a story that was unbelievable from the very beginning.

    HINT: Who repeatedly logs in with the wrong password without ever having received any password?

    Matt Westwood (unregistered):
    Design Pattern (unregistered):
    frits (unregistered):
    boog (unregistered):
    wtf (unregistered):

    I don't know who you are but your constant Remy-bashing via every sock-puppet name you can skim from the comments is really starting to get boring. Anyone who spends this much time obsessing over a dude is clearly deep in the midst of a massive man-crush. I know it's scary to admit your true sexuality but it's better you just come out the closet than stalk Remy with this pathetic school-yard behaviour. Every frigging time you come out with another I HATE YOU please notice me Remy, please type comment. Get over yourself already. And get over Remy, for fuck's sake, he's way out of your league.

  • (cs) in reply to Andrew
    I'm lost. The system prints out a "Username attacking system" message to all admins every time someone tries to log in? Or it freaks out at that particular username?

    It was probably freaking out because Virrus tried logging in over and over and over while he didn't yet have access.

    Another WTF aspect of that message is that if someone is actually attacking the system, that means it's not the guy with that username.

  • Gilmore (unregistered)

    The best thing about this post is that I learned what Uggs are.

  • Confused (unregistered) in reply to Andy P

    OK so not much on the code parts but at least my math works out 78+12=90

  • The helpdesk (unregistered) in reply to Migala
    TheRealWTF is that a helpdesk operator helped to solve a problem.

    Hey! I put a lot of effort into making sure everybody walks away from my helpdesk with more problems than they started with! This guy does not represent the majority!

  • Nicola (unregistered) in reply to Migala

    Without the helpdesk operator the problem would never have been solved! And it would cost a lot of bling bling!

  • Reow (unregistered)

    This all could have been resolved painlessly if only Americans could spell.

  • eric bloedow (unregistered)

    reminds me of a "kevin and kell" comic: "i live in Nigeria, at Printer Ink Drive in the town of Viagra. why are my e-mails being blocked?"

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