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I've found that people who are in the habit of doing stupid things are difficult to shame.
More like this: You: Hey man, can you look after this $500 for me? Your bank: Sure. ... Later: You: Hey, can I have that $500 back? Your bank: Ooooh, I got robbed, so I don't have it. I guess you just lost the $500, right?
More like:
Later: You: Hey, can I have that $500 back? Your bank: Don't be silly - I just gave it you the other day! You: No you didn't, that must have been someone else. Your bank: No, it was definitely you, you presented all the appropriate credentials so it must have been you.
... which is a much more tricky scenario to ridicule.
Possibly - or (s)he wanted to know how far this could be taken and still go live.
Excellent choice, Krishkin. Wrong, but excellent!
Its no good asking Britons about England; not all of them live in it. Either way, its geographically part of Europe even if jingoistically it wishes it were still part of the 19th century.
Why is there a Captcha at login-time, while it could also be done when registering?
To prevent dictionary attacks? Shouldn't be the problem of the user.
Sure - just give me your account number and we'll work something out....
Quite a few of your troll-detectors seem to have been broken yesterday.
No matter...I'm feeling nice and plump this morning.
A conversation between a bank representative and one of the bank's customers, from a Mitchell & Webb sketch:
"It was actually your identity that was stolen, primarily. It's a massive pisser for you." "But, it's actually money that's been taken?" "Yes." "From you?" "Kind of." "I don't know what you want from me other than my commiserations." "You see, it was your identity. They said they were you!" "And you believed them?" "Yes, they stole your identity." "Well, I don't know. I seem to still have my identity, whereas you seem to have lost several thousands of pounds. In light of that, I'm not sure why you think it was my identity that was stolen instead of your money."
Someone further up was talking about British banks being much more secure. Well, I bank with Natwest and their online security system requires the following:
An important note about your password: No matter how long it is, they will only ask for three characters from it. This makes it more difficult for the average user to log in, as they have to work out what the first, fourth and seventh characters of their password are, while essentially reducing your password to three characters for anyone else trying to gain access.
Since your date of birth is known by hundreds of people besides you, and can probably be found online, it is practically public information. So the personal ID number is also effectively reduced to three digits.
The 4 digit PIN would therefore appear to be the strongest link. However I'm pretty sure the average user will simply reuse the PIN from their bank card, which is something they use in public regularly.
So that's ten characters, four of which are guaranteed to be numeric and are probably used publicly, and a date of birth.
Perhaps someone who knows something about security could set me straight, but wouldn't it be more secure to require a simple username/password combo and insist on a long password? "Correct horse battery staple" would be far better than counting out the ninth digit of x6p32ruiv509 on my fingers.
I spent a long time trying to find a way to determine whether someone was trolling or willfully ignorant. Then I realized that there wasn't any practical difference between the two.
The other security feature I hate about some sites is when they give you a password hint box. Why the hell would I want to give someone a hint to what my password is.
If I have truly forgotten my password there are other ways to regain my account.
Since when is the Crazy Horse memorial a national monument? It's private - not run by the US Govenment. (Sounds like they were making these things up over pitchers of margueritas!)
How many speeding tickets? Doesnt that ya know... change over time?
This is what happens when the people think they know more than they do, scary.
As luck would have it, I've run into a problem recently with one of these questions. I can't for the life of me remember what I put down many moons ago for "What is the name of your first employer?"
Did I give them the name of the hospital I candystriped at one summer for no pay, or did I not count that as a real "employer"? The work-study stint I did at college that was state-subsidized and therefore they took out no deductions (and did I use the name of the college or of the department)? The temp job I had sweeping floors at K-Mart for minimum wage (and did I spell "K-Mart" with or without the hyphen)?
And why do I suddenly feel the need to kill my dad?
Except usually that involves putting red stripes ON the cane, not getting them off! While it involves getting off as well... Whatever.
Because you're in eighth grade?
"Palestine"? Why not throw "Narnia" in as a favorite vacation spot as well?
These "preference"-based questions are getting to be pretty common. The reason is preferences don't take any effort to remember (do you remember who your "favorite uncle" is every time you go to recover your password? Do you even have a favorite uncle? Did you capitalize his name? Include his last name? Is it Mike or Michael?) and rarely change over time.
One of these schemes has been developed by the folks at "Blue Moon Authentication"--check it out.
So...Not really a WTF on the preference questions.
When a Zionist plot picks up speed ...
(For the pedantic, I believe in real life "jumentum" is Latin for "draft animal".)
(Which just got me think, the rhinosceros was probably God's draft animal. Then he came up with some that were suitable final versions.)
2 & 4. Umm, so what?
"Hey, Mr Prison Guard, you let the vicious serial killer escape!"
"(Shrug) It's not my fault. I was on lunch break when he climbed over the wall."
"Oh, well, I guess it's nothing to worry about then."
"We've installed anti-aircraft missiles all around the prison to shoot down any helicopters that may be attempting to come in and rescue prisoners."
"But you've put big holes in the prison walls to fire the missiles through. Won't prisoners be able to just walk through those holes and escape?"
"Well, maybe so, but we're now protected against prisoners attempting to escape by helicopter."
"Favorite TV program" may tell a business more about you than is any of their business. Like:
I wonder how long before somebody brings a law suit claiming someone used this as an underhanded way to learn their race, religion, politics, sexual orientation, etc, and then discriminated against them.
Suppose someone got his first job when he was 9 -- delivery newspapers.
His favorite national monument is the Statue of Liberty.
He has a doctoral degree from a university. Or he never attended school at all.
His favorite musical genre is Heavy Metal. Or Gospel.
His favorite subject in school was Creative Writing. Or Theater. Or Shop.
His first car was gray. (Okay, they do list "other".)
His favorite movie genre is Western.
His favorite vacation spot is Pigeon Forge. Or Alaska. Or the Amazon. Or hundreds of other places.
His favorite soft drink is Sprite.
Etc etc.
Oh no! Another speeding ticket? I'll have to change my security answer again! F**k that!
Henan Hongji Mining Machinery Co., Ltd. is a reputed manufacturer and joint-stock enterprise with import & export rights and mainly produces large and medium-sized mining machinery, metallurgy machinery and building material equipment,for example crusher, jaw crusher, impact crusher, hammer crusher, mobile crusher,sand making machine, rotary dryer , flotation machine, magnetic separator, ball mill,etc.
My dad does not have a middle name...
I don't know the answer to half those questions. My father didn't have a middle name. I never knew my grandparents.
I worked in a call centre where the end users were able to pick their own Security Question and Answer. The best one which had to be read out by a guy on the helpdesk was:
Question: How big is your penis?
Answer: very
God forbid you get another speeding ticket and you forget how many you had when you answered that question.