• anonymouse (unregistered)

    Am I the only person who thinks that HTML can be a program, and while on the surface non-sensical, it could be insightful?  And that therefore, while funny WRT common sense, it actually isn't a WTF?

    HTML programs are written in a format humans can understand.

    HTML programs uses various syntax elements (the programming language) to create a desired output.

    The HTML programs are interpreted by applications called browsers.

    Sure, there's no flow control but that doesn't make something not a programming language.  While the majority is just used for outputting documents, PostScript is a programming language as well, and you can call your .ps files PostScript programs and nobody should argue.  I don't see the difference in calling an HTML file a program and calling a perl "file" that outputs text a program.

  • Floor (unregistered)

    I feel sorry for most people teaching a programming course. My experience is that the students are more likely to be stupid than the teacher. I just completed the course "Numeriek natuurkunde" (Numerical physics), a second year course. The cource was basicly about solving differential equations using different algorithms in C. No programming experience was assumed and almost none was present. The course was well organized and well taught,b ut the teacher still had a hard time.

    There was a student who refused to use indentation in his code just becouse he did not see why it was usefull. Most of his code was copied from other students. And still he wanted help from the teacher and other students to figure out why his code was not working. At the start of an assignment I got the question "what variables do I need to use?" several times from different people and with different assignments.

    At the end of the course I had probably spent about half of my time helping others. You will be amazed what kind of stupid questions you get when teaching a programming course.

    Of course I had my share of stupid teacher too but I wanted to share the other side. 

  • (cs) in reply to WeatherGod

    Not that hard to believe...

    My college Calculus professor couldn't do calculus.  All her examples were copied from a notebook unto the board.  If there was a mistake she said he would correct it that night and show us in the morning.  She could not answer any questions. Her son graded the papers.  I knew him in high school.

    After I finished Cal 1 & 2 she was moved out of the department and became dean.

  • HTML is not your friend (unregistered) in reply to Web Developer

    Clearly the professor isn't the only one .

  • Dazed (unregistered) in reply to anonymouse

    Am I the only person who thinks that HTML can be a program...

    No, you're certainly not the only one. But you're just as wrong as all the others. HTML is a markup language, by definition and by usage.

  • Floor (unregistered) in reply to anonymouse

    Actually, Postscript has flow control.

    And if you call a HTML file an program, why is an bitmap file not a program?
    It too is a series of instruction a computer can interpret to generate a picture.

  • (cs) in reply to Web Developer

    This is NOT a WTF. The <html> element is implied in a html document. IE is correct in rendering pages with no html element as if they had one, Firefox does the same. It may not be the best form, but its 100% valid.

    The same is true of the <head> element, the <body> element is even implied in certain situations.

    Valid HTML Document: 

    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd">

    Seems the professor isn't the only one who doesn't understand HTML... 

    Actually, it is a WTF.  You are exactly the kind of person who is responsible for bad software and bad web pages in all fields.  You shoot for "close enough" instead of "correct and reliable."

    I don't know what you intended when you used the phrase "Valid HTML Document," but I read it as meaning "validating HTML document."  The HTML you've provided certainly will not validate.

    If you are using the "strict.dtd" URI in that DOCTYPE declaration, then omission of <html> or <head> is not just lazy;  it is a syntax error.  The spec says that user agents are permitted to work around it, but that doesn't make it correct.

    It's forgivable of someone who's just putting up a web page of some vacation photos or pictures of his cat.  However, I can't forgive a college teaching half-assed practices as "correct and proper."  Telling students they needn't bother with <html> is like telling chemistry or physics students they needn't calibrate their instruments before an experiment.

  • Freaky (unregistered) in reply to Brandon
    nice, reminds me of early this semester when they spent a whole lab hour explaining to people how to use notepad in a 200 level programming course for Com Sci Majors.

    I remember being scolded for using vim instead of NEdit on a C programming course, 8 months into a CS degree.  Never mind that I was finished the task, or that I seemed to actually know what I was doing, I was using the wrong text editor!!111!

    On this same course I was also marked down for using dynamic allocation and pointers.  Sure, that's the way to encourage kids to learn; you punish them for demonstrating where they've read ahead or have prior experience, and you drive your own teaching so slowly it takes a year for you to get past basic control structures.  I knew I should have gone for BSc Binge Drinking.

    At this same uni, the resident web expert's website was made using Dreamweaver + extra dodgy handmade hacking, with a look and feel roughly along the lines of your average MySpace page.  Truely ahead of his time.
  • SeeJay (unregistered) in reply to anonymouse

    Am I the only person who thinks that HTML can be a program, and while on the surface non-sensical, it could be insightful?  And that therefore, while funny WRT common sense, it actually isn't a WTF?

    I'll make sure I refer to my next Word or WordPerfect document as a program instead of a document... hey, it doesn't have flow control, but it has all those neat markup codes in it (if you know what features to turn on) that are pretty much exactly the same as HTML markup.

     If you start implementing Javascript, VB, ASP, SQL or what have you into your HTML, then you might have a leg to stand on.

  • Steve (unregistered) in reply to Freaky

    is this like how i once got an F for using a for loop before it was taught?

  • (cs) in reply to leeg

     I've seen my share of dumb profs who said stupid things or couldn't teach worth beans.  My favourite was the network prof who gave us an example with the IP address 333.333.333.333. 

    Makes sense, they probably get worried about some random server getting crack attempts from inside the Uni, because they accidentally gave out a valid IP address which happened to be a real interface in area51a.mil. 

    This is what TEST-NET ( is for - see RFC 3330
    (OOI, there's also example.com and a few other DNS names reserved for example and testing purposes - see RFC 2606)


  • anotherView (unregistered)

    >>"Honestly, this sounds about par for the course for a Community College / Junior College instructor.  I had a couple of real boneheads in  the comp sci department -- and this was at a silicon valley JC -- supposedly one of the best in the country, at that.

    You'd think they'd be able to find someone technically competent to teach at a school literally 8 minutes down the road from Apple HQ."


    But they had some good ones too.  I've had good experiences with JC programming teachers both in Hawaii and in California -- but there's a trick.  I was taking night classes, not day classes.  The night classes were frequently taught by industry professionals, and that worked pretty well.  After taking those classes I was seriously disappointed with some classes at a university I took later. 

  • (cs) in reply to Satanicpuppy

    People wondered why I changed my major from Computer Science to Fine Art... after this, I'm sure it's perfectly clear to everyone.  I had "teachers" about like that.  I could put up with it for about 5 seconds.

    I got out of CS the first time because of a teaching language called "Scheme" which was the default language for the first 6 or so required classes. I transferred to a different school later, but never went back to CS, until years later.

    In those later years, I had a 400 level class called "Principles of Programming Languages" which was 8 programming assignments in 8 different programming languages, with two midterms and a final. I struggled with the rest (mostly because I had 2 other 400 level programming courses at the same time) except for assignment #6, which was all Scheme, all the time, which I crushed...People said I was crazy for hoarding old text books, but WHO HAD THE LAST LAUGH?!?

    How horrible that you went to a school that uses the same language that MIT uses to teach their computer science students!  Those MIT freaks must be so out of touch. 

  • Nathan (unregistered)

    This kind of reminds me of a computer class I took in junior high. The math teacher was tasked with teaching us about computers, and she was probably at most one chapter ahead of us in the book at all times.

    I actually didn't do well in that class, because grading was based on this ridiculous book instead of actual computer knowledge. I distinctly remember a question where they said "What is the short term memory inside the computer called?". I answered RAM, but actually it turns out that I was wrong. "Main memory" was the answer they were looking for.

    I still have yet to hear anyone going out to buy more "main memory" for their computer, or having "main memory" problems, or needing a "main memory" upgrade.

    Remember kids, in school what matters is parroting back what the teacher tells you, not silly things like independently verifiable facts or critical thinking. 

  • CD (unregistered) in reply to Satanicpuppy

    Playschool U, for sure...  At my school, which was by now means Ivy League, a course we were taking (Operating Systems) required us to create a group web-page on post stuff on the page.  One student replied with "But, we haven't had a web development class... Nobody said we would have to develop web pages!"  To this the teacher replied, "Are you serious?  It's easy, open a web-page from a site and figure it out.  If that doesn't work out, here <hands student something>".  The teacher handed the student a drop slip for the class and proceeded to tell us if we wanted to learn how to write web pages, we were in the wrong major (computer science) and that web pages were just another tool, like Word or an editor. 

  • (cs) in reply to SeeJay

    Sometimes I can believe that people are *that* dumb, but this one is really making me reach for that believability-o-meter.  Unless Gabrielle was high on crack or took a really good bonk on the noggin, there's no way someone *that* inept would be teaching a class.  No bloody way.

    I believe it.  The professor who stood at the front of my Computer Game Programming class was almost that bad.  The only difference was that he knew he was out of his league, so the lectures were straight out of the textbook (with the occasional sidesplitter when he tried to lecture off-the-cuff), and the assignments were stolen from other university websites.
  • Anon (unregistered) in reply to VGR

    This is NOT a WTF. The <html> element is implied in a html document. IE is correct in rendering pages with no html element as if they had one, Firefox does the same. It may not be the best form, but its 100% valid.

    The same is true of the <head> element, the <body> element is even implied in certain situations.

    Valid HTML Document: 

    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd">

    Seems the professor isn't the only one who doesn't understand HTML... 

    ...I don't know what you intended when you used the phrase "Valid HTML Document," but I read it as meaning "validating HTML document."  The HTML you've provided certainly will not validate. ...


    I didn't believe it either, but I went to http://validator.w3.org , pasted it into the box, and whaddaya know, it does.

  • Anonymoo (unregistered)

    I took a second year course at my university on file structures.  We did a few labs and found that any advice we got from the TA's seemed to always turn out wrong, when asked for clarification on subjects we would be told things that were just down right incorrect and subsequently alot of use did poorly on said labs due to incorrect information given by TA's (We were not asking for answers but for clarification on what certain things were actually doing). When we brought this up to the Prof, she loudly and angrily announced to the class she was tired of hearing complaints about this, that it was our fault for getting the ansers wrong and we should not blame the TA's as none of them had taken the course before.  I always thought that TA's were supposed to have a first hand knowledge of the material in order to assist teachers in helping the students. I guess I was incorrect on that, from that day on I basically gave up on asking any TA for assistance and figured it out for myself.

  • Mr. R. (unregistered) in reply to SeeJay

    Gabrielle was not a student in the Web Development course. She taught it.

    Ok, you had me until that line.  While I never went to uni with students *this* dumb, I saw my share of those who got into Comp Sci because it was good because it was "in demand".  Those that made it past first year never made it past second year.

     I've seen my share of dumb profs who said stupid things or couldn't teach worth beans.  My favourite was the network prof who gave us an example with the IP address 333.333.333.333. 

    But in a university, a prof teaches courses in their degree at least.  A comp sci course is taught by comp sci profs, even if it's a course that they're not an expert in.

     How did a second year comp sci course get someone who couldn't turn on a *computer*?  Or understand the basic concepts of HTML???

    Sometimes I can believe that people are *that* dumb, but this one is really making me reach for that believability-o-meter.  Unless Gabrielle was high on crack or took a really good bonk on the noggin, there's no way someone *that* inept would be teaching a class.  No bloody way.


    You should of met my  HTML professor...  she thought that the only way to animate an image was flash or javascript, and that flash was smaller say...  gif.

  • Ornedan (unregistered) in reply to anonymouse

    Am I the only person who thinks that HTML can be a program, and while on the surface non-sensical, it could be insightful?  And that therefore, while funny WRT common sense, it actually isn't a WTF?

    HTML programs are written in a format humans can understand.

    HTML programs uses various syntax elements (the programming language) to create a desired output.

    The HTML programs are interpreted by applications called browsers.

    Sure, there's no flow control but that doesn't make something not a programming language.  While the majority is just used for outputting documents, PostScript is a programming language as well, and you can call your .ps files PostScript programs and nobody should argue.  I don't see the difference in calling an HTML file a program and calling a perl "file" that outputs text a program.

    I'd say a fair criterion that a language needs to fill before it can be called a programming language would be being Turing-complete. HTML isn't.
  • Tanta (unregistered) in reply to Nathan

    This kind of reminds me of a computer class I took in junior high. The math teacher was tasked with teaching us about computers, and she was probably at most one chapter ahead of us in the book at all times.

    I actually didn't do well in that class, because grading was based on this ridiculous book instead of actual computer knowledge. I distinctly remember a question where they said "What is the short term memory inside the computer called?". I answered RAM, but actually it turns out that I was wrong. "Main memory" was the answer they were looking for.

    I still have yet to hear anyone going out to buy more "main memory" for their computer, or having "main memory" problems, or needing a "main memory" upgrade.

    Remember kids, in school what matters is parroting back what the teacher tells you, not silly things like independently verifiable facts or critical thinking. 


    Not to criticize,  but RAM is called Main Memory. Read an OS book and that is how it is referenced. When you have multiple answers that are both correct for the same problem, use the one the teacher wants. It is far easier on both of you.



  • (cs)

    It's Devry, isn't it?  Just admit it.  Come clean man.  Gotta be Devry.

  • ACS (unregistered) in reply to Satanicpuppy

    People wondered why I changed my major from Computer Science to Fine Art... after this, I'm sure it's perfectly clear to everyone.  I had "teachers" about like that.  I could put up with it for about 5 seconds.

    I got out of CS the first time because of a teaching language called "Scheme" which was the default language for the first 6 or so required classes. I transferred to a different school later, but never went back to CS, until years later.

    In those later years, I had a 400 level class called "Principles of Programming Languages" which was 8 programming assignments in 8 different programming languages, with two midterms and a final. I struggled with the rest (mostly because I had 2 other 400 level programming courses at the same time) except for assignment #6, which was all Scheme, all the time, which I crushed...People said I was crazy for hoarding old text books, but WHO HAD THE LAST LAUGH?!?

    "Scheme" belongs to the functional paradigm (based on lambda calculus) which is, although a must for every computer scientist, a paradigm not very useful in enterprise applications. The object oriented paradigm fits very well in most situations so it's the predominant one. I have heard that some universities have tried using the functional paradigm in entry-level courses because its recursive nature seems more natural for humans.

    Personally, I think it should be saved for a higher-level course where the student may actually understand why it's different from other paradigms like OO or the logical paradigm.

  • Shadowman (unregistered) in reply to anonymouse

    Am I the only person who thinks that HTML can be a program, and while on the surface non-sensical, it could be insightful?  And that therefore, while funny WRT common sense, it actually isn't a WTF?

    HTML programs are written in a format humans can understand.

    HTML programs uses various syntax elements (the programming language) to create a desired output.

    The HTML programs are interpreted by applications called browsers.

    Sure, there's no flow control but that doesn't make something not a programming language.  While the majority is just used for outputting documents, PostScript is a programming language as well, and you can call your .ps files PostScript programs and nobody should argue.  I don't see the difference in calling an HTML file a program and calling a perl "file" that outputs text a program.

    Yeah...I'm not buying it either.  HTML is a markup language. It's more like a datafile supplied to a program -- the browser in this case -- much the same way you would use a flat textfile of numbers in a statistics program.

    It certainly isn't Turing-complete, doesn't have any means for implementing algorithms. 

  • he sed awk (unregistered) in reply to JamesKilton

    Yeh could be... had one teacher for Assembly Language .. read from the text the entire course and barely knew assembly - if at all.  An overhead example was suppose to show how to include assembly code in a C program.  It took him a couple of minutes to figure out that it was upside down and backwards.

     Did not surpize me though - since the electrical engineer that I worked with at the time (Ph.D. that could not soldier two wires together) asked me about assembly once - seem that he was asked to teach it at the local community college.  My reply of "uhhh you know next to nothing about assembly language" was met with "that is OK ... I have a book"
    Then there was the 400 level CS students that could not create a make file, use command line FTP or any command line build tools in the Systems class that I had ...

  • Martin (unregistered)

    I am just not gullible enough to believe this.  The integrity of this site has just taken a hit.  I've been visiting for months now, but I am questioning if I will remove this bookmark.  I feel insulted.

  • (cs) in reply to VGR

    Valid HTML Document: 

    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd">

    Seems the professor isn't the only one who doesn't understand HTML... 

    Actually, it is a WTF.  You are exactly the kind of person who is responsible for bad software and bad web pages in all fields.  You shoot for "close enough" instead of "correct and reliable."

    I don't know what you intended when you used the phrase "Valid HTML Document," but I read it as meaning "validating HTML document."  The HTML you've provided certainly will not validate.

    If you are using the "strict.dtd" URI in that DOCTYPE declaration, then omission of <html> or <head> is not just lazy;  it is a syntax error.  The spec says that user agents are permitted to work around it, but that doesn't make it correct.

    It's forgivable of someone who's just putting up a web page of some vacation photos or pictures of his cat.  However, I can't forgive a college teaching half-assed practices as "correct and proper."  Telling students they needn't bother with <html> is like telling chemistry or physics students they needn't calibrate their instruments before an experiment.

    Wrong. The document vaidates; try cutting-and-pasting it into the validator at http://validator.w3.org/fragment-upload.html and see.

    You might also want to do a Google search for "Cargo Cult programming".

  • Franz Kafka (unregistered) in reply to Sean

    nice, reminds me of early this semester when they spent a whole lab hour explaining to people how to use notepad in a 200 level programming course for Com Sci Majors.


    The really sad part is people actually, honestly, complain if we go "get vim, run vimtutor, use vim" in cs201 anymore.  Apparently hand holding is required.


    Hah. Let them burn - this is college, you are expected to be able to wipe your ass. 

  • newby (unregistered)

    This kind of thing occurs all the time.  I don't kno whow many times I saw this in college.  I once had a C++ teacher that had a PhD in Genetic Engineering.  Her exact words were, "I decided to leave genetics and go into programming because I wanted to do something more challenging."  She took one (1)... yes, 1, intro to C++ course and then was allowed to teach (in actuality, she was the only  one teaching) the upper level C++ courses (including Advanced Data Structures in C++) because she had a PhD.

    Needless to say, the quality of her instruction was lacking.  She was a very, very intelligent woman, but she didn't know anything about programming.

  • (cs) in reply to Ghost Ware Wizard

    Ghost Ware Wizard:
    how painful! you can always tell when a professor type is unexperienced in the day to day world of programming.  too bad they don't require professional experience before a teacher/professor is hired for say 10+ years?

    My AP Computer Science teacher in high school was like this.  Easily the best teacher/professor I have had, regardless of teaching subject.

    My first programming course at college (technically second, since I tested out of "Programming for Engineers"), "Programming for CS/CE majors" had a professor who was the complete opposite.  She would write stuff like on the board during lecture...

    int power(int base, unsigned int power)
        int result = 0;

         for (int i = 0; i < power; i++)
             number *= base;
         return answer;

    Then as us what was wrong with the code (the intended answer in this case would be that result starts at 0 rather than 1).  Someone, of course, would point out that she used three different variable names for the result.  She would then turn around, and proceed to stare at her code for about a minute or two before changing it to...

    int power(int base, unsigned int power)
        int result = 0;
        int answer = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < power; i++)
            number *= base;
        return answer;

    She even makes references to teaching in the mid-90s, so she isn't even new at this!
  • Dazed (unregistered) in reply to VGR
    You are exactly the kind of person who is responsible for bad software and bad web pages in all fields.  You shoot for "close enough" instead of "correct and reliable."

    I don't know what you intended when you used the phrase "Valid HTML Document," but I read it as meaning "validating HTML document." The HTML you've provided certainly will not validate.

    If you are using the "strict.dtd" URI in that DOCTYPE declaration, then omission of <html> or <head> is not just lazy;  it is a syntax error.  The spec says that user agents are permitted to work around it, but that doesn't make it correct.

    And once again we get some free entertainment from someone who hasn't checked his (or her) facts, but feels free to lay down the law anyway.

    As already stated, it is good practice to specify the HTML, HEAD and BODY elements explicitly, but it is not syntactically required. Try it.

  • Web Developer (unregistered) in reply to VGR

    This is NOT a WTF. The <html> element is implied in a html document. IE is correct in rendering pages with no html element as if they had one, Firefox does the same. It may not be the best form, but its 100% valid.

    The same is true of the <head> element, the <body> element is even implied in certain situations.

    Valid HTML Document: 

    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd">

    Seems the professor isn't the only one who doesn't understand HTML... 

    Actually, it is a WTF.  You are exactly the kind of person who is responsible for bad software and bad web pages in all fields.  You shoot for "close enough" instead of "correct and reliable."

    I don't know what you intended when you used the phrase "Valid HTML Document," but I read it as meaning "validating HTML document."  The HTML you've provided certainly will not validate.

    If you are using the "strict.dtd" URI in that DOCTYPE declaration, then omission of <html> or <head> is not just lazy;  it is a syntax error.  The spec says that user agents are permitted to work around it, but that doesn't make it correct.

    It's forgivable of someone who's just putting up a web page of some vacation photos or pictures of his cat.  However, I can't forgive a college teaching half-assed practices as "correct and proper."  Telling students they needn't bother with <html> is like telling chemistry or physics students they needn't calibrate their instruments before an experiment.

    Wrong. It is both Valid and Validating. Copy and paste my HTML snippet into the validator and see for yourself. Also see the spec http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/struct/global.html#h-7.3 which quite clearly states:

    7.3 The <samp class="edef">HTML</samp> element


    Start tag: optional, End tag: optional

    It may be lazy, but its certainly not a syntax error and it is 100% valid as per the validator.

    You should really read the spec before you start throwing insults around...

  • Franz Kafka (unregistered) in reply to theory

    Ghost Ware Wizard:
    how painful! you can always tell when a professor type is unexperienced in the day to day world of programming.  too bad they don't require professional experience before a teacher/professor is hired for say 10+ years?

    I know we are all used to working/programming professionally and lament the lack of programming experience in college, but if you really believe that then I don't think you understand the science part of Computer Science.  Yeah most people who major in CS go on to become software engineers but the course work itself is highly theoretical.

    What you're suggesting is that quantum physicist should work for 10+ years as accountants...it's just absurd.  I've had several professors in college who were pretty bad programmers, but they understood and taught the theory very well.  When your in a class that involves very little programming in the first place (say, theory of computation), does the professor need to be an ubercoder?

    No, CS profs should have some idea about how their stuff is used. Quantum physics is a pure research field for the most part, but CS is applied every day. The idea is to produce profs that can at least operate a PC and have some sort of clue. 

  • Mogri (unregistered) in reply to Satanicpuppy

    People wondered why I changed my major from Computer Science to Fine Art... after this, I'm sure it's perfectly clear to everyone.  I had "teachers" about like that.  I could put up with it for about 5 seconds.

    I got out of CS the first time because of a teaching language called "Scheme" which was the default language for the first 6 or so required classes. I transferred to a different school later, but never went back to CS, until years later.

    In those later years, I had a 400 level class called "Principles of Programming Languages" which was 8 programming assignments in 8 different programming languages, with two midterms and a final. I struggled with the rest (mostly because I had 2 other 400 level programming courses at the same time) except for assignment #6, which was all Scheme, all the time, which I crushed...People said I was crazy for hoarding old text books, but WHO HAD THE LAST LAUGH?!?


    Oh c'mon. Scheme is just glorified Lisp. 

  • newby (unregistered) in reply to Steve

    I was professionally tutoring students in C++, and one of my charges failed a class, and I got threatened with expulsion (from college).  At 14wks into the 16wk semester, she had a program that required her to read in some string data.  She was clueless and didn't understand how to do it.  I thought she was joking, but she wasn't.  I showed her how to create an array and read it in, and also how to use the STL string class.  I told her I didn't know which way her prof. would want her doing it, so she should ask.  Well, she didn't.  She turned in the program with both methods in it.  The teacher failed her because they hadn't been taught arrays yet, and they don't even teach the STL in that class.  14/16 weeks in a C++ programming class, and they hadn't even been taught arrays!  WTF.  The prof was expecting them to read it in one character at a time and do a char by char comparison.

  • Calli Arcale (unregistered) in reply to Anonymous

    According to the W3C spec, a page MUST have an HTML, HEAD, and BODY element. See: http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/struct/global.html

    Actually, according to your own link, the start and end tags of HTML, HEAD, and BODY are all optional.  I also see nowhere on that page where it says that a page must have anything at all.

    That said, if I were teaching a class in web design (HTML is not web programming, IMHO, which should be the first tip-off that this course curriculum is badly designed, especially for a 200-level course), I would encourage students to use HTML, HEAD, and BODY.  It's good practise, and it would be a good way of teaching them the proper use of those tags.  It's much worse to use them wrong than it is to omit them, especially since they can and do influence user agent behavior.

  • aberant (unregistered)

    redminds me of my networking class where the professor stated that client machines ALWAYS use ports > 1024 and servers ALWAYS use ports < 1024.  When i talk to him about how i've setup web servers to run on ports > 1024, he said, "well i wasn't talking about proprietary stuff!"


  • alan (unregistered)

    To be fair, I don't mind that she called them HTML programs and that she was running them in IE.  It's not standard lingo of course but it's a fair representation of what's happening.  IE acting as the virtual machine. 

     Of course, this forgiving view doesn't extend to people who are supposedly teaching the damn subject!

  • (cs) in reply to anonymouse

    HTML programs are written in a format humans can understand.

    HTML programs uses various syntax elements (the programming language) to create a desired output.

    The HTML programs are interpreted by applications called browsers.

    Did you also call the cartridges that we used to put into Atari 2600s "tapes" ?

  • Jon (unregistered) in reply to anonymouse

    If you're being serious... i'm sorry.  There are no variables in HTML no concept of memory... no concept of loops, data structures,state , algorithms, scope ...


     HTML does not control the behavior of a machine. 

     As far as your .ps example... Post script actually has the concept of a variable; the concept of a function.  Graphics can be "Calculated" in PS rathern than stored in a format like JPEG  It even looks like it has the concept of scope and id bet even loops too.  HTML has absolutely NONE of these qualities therefore is NOT a programming language.  If someone can program in post script they could probably pick up basic Basic without having to learn any new concepts.  Where an HTML writer would not have any of the concepts I mentioned. 


  • 1337 (unregistered) in reply to Dazed

    I wouldn't necessarily be too hard on someone who has trouble switching a computer on, either. Several designers of computer cabinets seem to have studied at WTFU. I remember one with a large round silver switch that wouldn't do anything. After getting down on my knees I found that the "silver switch" was a decorative logo (which was a bit loose and did actually move when I pressed it) while the power switch was much smaller, the same dark colour as the cabinet, and near enough invisible. Idiotic design.

    dude, you got a dell! I did the same thing with the dell PC they gave me at work... had a big silver logo button that moves but does nothing.. i was like "man thats one quite pc.. oh wait its not on. duh!"


    captcha: paste.. humm tastes great

  • Web Developer (unregistered) in reply to Ornedan


    I'd say a fair criterion that a language needs to fill before it can be called a programming language would be being Turing-complete. HTML isn't.

    While that claim is convenient its not really correct, for instance ANSI/SQL is not turing complete, and its still considered a programming langage. There's also Charity :)

  • Franz Kafka (unregistered) in reply to Anonymous

    This is NOT a WTF. The <html> element is implied in a html document. IE is correct in rendering pages with no html element as if they had one, Firefox does the same. It may not be the best form, but its 100% valid.

    The same is true of the <head> element, the <body> element is even implied in certain situations.

    Valid HTML Document: 

    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd">

    Seems the professor isn't the only one who doesn't understand HTML... 

    Captcha: error


    Nope. According to the W3C spec, a page MUST have an HTML, HEAD, and BODY element. See: http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/struct/global.html


    And the start tag and end tag for those are optional. The only requirement is for a title to be present. 

  • Steamer2k (unregistered) in reply to SeeJay

    It probably depends on the school. Unfortunately, I think this story is entirely too believable. You must not have believed the recent fresh-out-of-school new hire stories either.

    Academia is still a human institution and humans are capable of remarkable brillance.

  • Chris (unregistered) in reply to Web Developer
    Alex Papadimoulis:

    She started ever[y] page with a <BODY> tag instead of the proper <HTML> tag, and insisted that it made more sense that way because HTML was "the language" and not a part of "the code."
    Her "proof" of this was that, thanks to Internet Explorer's forgiving nature, the pages rendered just fine.

    This is NOT a WTF. The <html> element is implied in a html document. IE is correct in rendering pages with no html element as if they had one, Firefox does the same. It may not be the best form, but its 100% valid.

    The same is true of the <head> element, the <body> element is even implied in certain situations.

    Valid HTML Document: 

    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd">

    Seems the professor isn't the only one who doesn't understand HTML... 

    Captcha: error

     Yep, you don't either.  IE and Firefox will render it because they have a duty to at least attempt rendering whatever godawful crap gets thrown at them.  This doesn't mean you don't write proper HTML.  An HTML document must start with the <html> tag and end with the </html> tag.  That is part of the standard.  If you don't do that, you are not compliant with the HTML standard.  Period.


    Chris Mattern

  • orca (unregistered) in reply to Colin

    I recently spoke with a local university about doing some continuing education teaching.  I learned why the educational institutions are so far behind - if there is no text book they won't teach it making it hard to adopt new technology, and they are essentially controlled by the union.  The unions controlled when jobs were posted and essentially who gets them (based on a seniority system).  Those of us who want to throw our hat into the ring and share our experiences are essentially given a huge hurdle to jump over.  If you're working a full time gig and have some spare time to teach occasionally you're pretty much deterred from it.  It's such a shame, because class room teaching gives you an opportunity to connect with people in a way that virtual classrooms, blog posts, and web casts cannot.

    Don't forget the administration. They have no time nor will to review curriculum, attend a class or confirm competence. It's all about bums in seats and to hell with "real" education. I've also taught part-time and have seen program coordinators write course descriptions like "learn how to build Apache web pages using C+ and CSS"... sure... I can teach a course like that.... and please fill up the class with 55+ seniors who have never used a computer... 

    Captch: tps

  • Web Developer (unregistered) in reply to Chris
    Alex Papadimoulis:

    She started ever[y] page with a <BODY> tag instead of the proper <HTML> tag, and insisted that it made more sense that way because HTML was "the language" and not a part of "the code."
    Her "proof" of this was that, thanks to Internet Explorer's forgiving nature, the pages rendered just fine.

    This is NOT a WTF. The <html> element is implied in a html document. IE is correct in rendering pages with no html element as if they had one, Firefox does the same. It may not be the best form, but its 100% valid.

    The same is true of the <head> element, the <body> element is even implied in certain situations.

    Valid HTML Document: 

    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd">

    Seems the professor isn't the only one who doesn't understand HTML... 

    Captcha: error

    Yep, you don't either.  IE and Firefox will render it because they have a duty to at least attempt rendering whatever godawful crap gets thrown at them.  This doesn't mean you don't write proper HTML.  An HTML document must start with the <html> tag and end with the </html> tag.  That is part of the standard.  If you don't do that, you are not compliant with the HTML standard.  Period.

    Chris Mattern


    Again with the insults.You are, however, wrong and should really read the spec before you start typing. 

    It is valid as per the spec. Copy and paste my HTML snippet into the validator and see for yourself. Also see the spec <font color="#02469b">http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/struct/global.html#h-7.3</font> which quite clearly states:


    7.3 The HTML element


    Start tag: optional, End tag: optional



    Ommiting the html tag is 100% valid.

    You would have realized this already if you read the rest of the comments in this thread too, I'm not the only one to point this out. :)

  • Steamer2k (unregistered) in reply to Shadowman

    HTML is more aptly described as a markup language than a programming language and is therefore so named. HTML does not describe a set of instructions to be carried out sequentially (a "program") but instead describes how elements should be displayed or marked up.

    You could say that HTML is a declarative programming language (one that tells the machine what should be done, not how to do it) but to do so routinely would make you look pretty self-important--especially if you didn't actually have any actual 1337 pr0gramming skillz.

  • theory (unregistered) in reply to Franz Kafka


    No, CS profs should have some idea about how their stuff is used. Quantum physics is a pure research field for the most part, but CS is applied every day. The idea is to produce profs that can at least operate a PC and have some sort of clue. 


    I agree they should have a clue, but I'm sick of people saying that CS professors should have industry experience, etc.  They seem to forget that CS is NOT software engineering.  When I took CS in college I took a total of 4 "programming"/software engineering classes.  Most of the rest involved programming but that wasn't the focus.  If I'm taking a class on computational geometry, am I going to want a professor who has researched computational geometry for the last 20 years, or some guy who spent the last 20 years writing business apps?

    I'm not trying to justify today's WTF or any of the other horror stories, only pointing out the WTF of the proposed solution. 

  • Franz Kafka (unregistered) in reply to Chris

     Yep, you don't either.  IE and Firefox will render it because they have a duty to at least attempt rendering whatever godawful crap gets thrown at them.  This doesn't mean you don't write proper HTML.  An HTML document must start with the <html> tag and end with the </html> tag.  That is part of the standard.  If you don't do that, you are not compliant with the HTML standard.  Period.


    Chris Mattern

    And if you tell IE strict, it will take you at your word and be strict. It assumes that if you have the sense to add a DOCTYPE, you know better than to write tag soup. 

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