• anonym (unregistered)

    error found: 0

  • (cs)

    Ok WTF was wrong with whoever wrote that?

  • (cs)

    That looks machine generated to me

  • Vincent Curry (unregistered)

    It looks stupidity generated to me

  • RBoy (unregistered)

    Well, at lest this comment doesn't say 'first'.

  • RBoy (unregistered) in reply to RBoy

    lest = least


    I feel like such an abbas now.

  • (cs)

    That's what heavy unit testing is for. Make a tiny change, make sure the old unit tests still all work, proceed to next tiny change. Certainly make sure they all run, and maybe even include some tests for the change you just made, before checking it into SCM. Uh, y'all ARE using some kind of SCM system, riiiiight? ;-)

  • (cs)

    But, but, none of the tv_nnn variables are ever read after assignment... assuming there's not something after what's shown that uses them, just no-op the whole thing!

  • Dennis (unregistered)

    That's the strangest use of the word "uplifting" I've ever seen.

  • (cs)

    It's definitely machine generated. Ladies and gentleman, we have a functioning example of artificial stupidity.

    Addendum (2009-04-15 09:31):


    And a functioning example of what a natural lack of sleep does to my ability to spell. Doh.

  • (cs) in reply to sammy baby
    sammy baby:
    It's definitely machine generated. Ladies and gentleman, we have a functioning example of artificial stupidity.

    Stupid in, stupid out.

  • dave (unregistered) in reply to sammy baby

    Looks like machine generated ascii art to me.

  • SR (unregistered) in reply to dave
    Looks like machine generated ascii art to me.

    A Jackson Pollock?

  • (cs)

    When I saw this I nearly had an @b_M.

  • bored (unregistered)


  • Zapp Brannigan (unregistered)

    I think I've deciphered it. These are screen coordinates and it plots a map of the location of the Ark.

  • CuriousityMan (unregistered)

    The "W" in "WTF" is "WHY, for the love of GOD, WHY!??!"

  • Tony (unregistered)

    There's too many constants... 1, 2, 4 etc. Those should probably be stored in a table somewhere and read in at the beginning of the proc.

    No, wait, I see it now. No comments! The whole thing should have started with "Do a bunch of math..." to explain the purpose of the module.

  • Yanman (unregistered)

    Can anyone even explain what it does?

  • Anonymous (unregistered)

    So, does this draw a Mandelbrot set or what??

  • MET (unregistered) in reply to Yanman
    Can anyone even explain what it does?
    What it does is hurt my eyes in a way not avoided by my goggles
  • Anonymous (unregistered) in reply to MET
    What it does is hurt my eyes in a way not avoided by my goggles
    I am truly amazed at how many software developers feel the need to wear goggles. Especially considering that from my understanding, they do nothing.
  • (cs)

    I am tempted to run this stored procedure just to see if it generates any kind of sensible output.

    Or are we looking at the SQL implementation of Rijndael?

  • Grammar Nazi (unregistered)

    I can't stand it anymore! whomever is responsible is as bad as between you and I.

    The rules are not that hard. For subjects, use "I" and "whoever". For objects, use "me" and "whomever". The key is to identify the clause of which the pronoun is the subject or object.

    The grenade bounced between her and me. She and I wondered which of us was meant to be the target. I wanted to throw it back at whoever tossed it. Whomever he was trying to hit would have been blown to bits had the grenade-tosser hit his mark.
    We now return you to the usual "Murst!eleventy1" and "The real WTF is" comments.

    (Hey, my captcha's in Latin!)

  • MisterCheese (unregistered) in reply to snoofle
    But, but, none of the tv_nnn variables are ever read after assignment... assuming there's not something after what's shown that uses them, just no-op the whole thing!

    "(of which this is only an exerpt)"

    I'm guessing that it's statistical, M=mean, sd=standard deviation, and tv... are all added up at the end to calculate the variance. But then I'm only guessing after looking at a wikipedia article on statistics for 10 seconds until my eyes glazed over.

  • Good Codeman (unregistered)

    This is actually good code. Did you want to be spoonfed with comments? What it does is obvious to anyone versed in the arts of stored procedures.

  • Nallam (unregistered)

    Don't you tell me that pink ABS statement doesn't look nice among all that numeric mess. That's what I call ascii-art

  • (cs) in reply to Beldar the Phantom Replier
    Beldar the Phantom Replier:
    I am tempted to run this stored procedure just to see if it generates any kind of sensible output.

    Or are we looking at the SQL implementation of Rijndael?

    I'm sure you could eventually get SOMETHING sensible out of it...I mean, if you just keep assigning incremental values to the variables, eventually this "algorithm" will spit out the entire works of William Shakespeare.

  • Andrew 'The Turk' Goode (unregistered) in reply to Beldar the Phantom Replier
    Beldar the Phantom Replier:
    I am tempted to run this stored procedure just to see if it generates any kind of sensible output.

    Or are we looking at the SQL implementation of Rijndael?

    Don't run this SQL, I saw something similar when I was a summer intern at Cyberdyne Systems Corporation.

  • C64 (unregistered) in reply to Grammar Nazi

    "The key is to identify the clause of which the pronoun is the subject or object."

    Thank you, fellow grammar nazi. I've studied English for years and years, but none of my teachers ever taught me that. I'll try to keep this lesson in mind.

    Finnish, Swedish, English, German, French, Spanish: jack of all trades, master of none, and all that...

  • Anonymous (unregistered)

    Grammars pointless

  • 50% Opacity (unregistered) in reply to Anonymous
    Grammars pointless

    Grammars pointless --what?!

    Just had to be done.

  • (cs) in reply to Anonymous
    Grammars pointless

    Your so dumb.

  • (cs)

    If I ever come close to anything like this, I'll become a gardener, a carpenter or whatever thing that allows me to carry a blade in case I find the MF who did this.

  • ImHere (unregistered)

    The real question will be: Once "TV" goes all digital does this need to be re-written??

  • RBoy (unregistered) in reply to Anonymous
    What it does is hurt my eyes in a way not avoided by my goggles
    I am truly amazed at how many software developers feel the need to wear goggles. Especially considering that from my understanding, they do nothing.

    Have you yourself tried the application of goggles? Although I cannot recall a situation where said goggles did something, past results are not an indication of future performance.

    Captcha: Odio o di odin day cutting out some coupons

  • ThatGuy (unregistered) in reply to SR
    Looks like machine generated ascii art to me.

    A Jackson Pollock?

    To be honest, I'd prefer a Paula Bean myself.

  • Pestulant (unregistered) in reply to sammy baby
    sammy baby:
    It's definitely machine generated. Ladies and gentleman, we have a functioning example of artificial stupidity.

    Addendum (2009-04-15 09:31):


    And a functioning example of what a natural lack of sleep does to my ability to spell. Doh.

    Shouldn't it be gentlemen?

  • (cs) in reply to Anonymous
    Grammars pointless
    sos punctuation
  • Pestulant (unregistered) in reply to Grammar Nazi
    Grammar Nazi:
    I can't stand it anymore! whomever is responsible is as bad as between you and I.

    The rules are not that hard. For subjects, use "I" and "whoever". For objects, use "me" and "whomever". The key is to identify the clause of which the pronoun is the subject or object.

    The grenade bounced between her and me. She and I wondered which of us was meant to be the target. I wanted to throw it back at whoever tossed it. Whomever he was trying to hit would have been blown to bits had the grenade-tosser hit his mark.
    We now return you to the usual "Murst!eleventy1" and "The real WTF is" comments.

    (Hey, my captcha's in Latin!)

    Put that grenade down - you don't know where it's been!
  • (cs) in reply to Pestulant
    sammy baby:
    It's definitely machine generated. Ladies and gentleman, we have a functioning example of artificial stupidity.

    Addendum (2009-04-15 09:31):


    And a functioning example of what a natural lack of sleep does to my ability to spell. Doh.

    Shouldn't it be gentlemen?

    No, he was speaking in Future Semi-conditionally Modified Subinverted Plagal Past Subjunctive Intentional tense. My God, you people don't know anything about grammar.

  • (cs)

    This really made me go..

  • (cs)

    It looks like a test procudure for someone learning how to write stored procedures (or particularly about parameters, math, and variable assignment within them)

    It probably doesn't do anything.

  • Lame (unregistered)

    Now THIS is a WTF. Please keep up the good work -- not that flowery creative writing crap from the previous post.

  • (cs)

    I stared at it until I saw three dead Somali pirates.

  • (cs) in reply to Andrew 'The Turk' Goode
    Andrew 'The Turk' Goode:
    Beldar the Phantom Replier:
    I am tempted to run this stored procedure just to see if it generates any kind of sensible output.

    Or are we looking at the SQL implementation of Rijndael?

    Don't run this SQL, I saw something similar when I was a summer intern at Cyberdyne Systems Corporation.
    Ummm: http://www.industrialcontroldesignline.com/blogs/216500498

  • Utunga (unregistered) in reply to ubersoldat
    If I ever come close to anything like this, I'll become a gardener, a carpenter or whatever thing that allows me to carry a blade in case I find the MF who did this.

    I'm responsible of writing a database view that takes about twenty pages to print out (if you leave out the comments) and whose sole purpose in life is to determine whether a user is allowed to access another user's data. This code is maintained by a group of programmers - in addition to myself - every time new business rules are introduced and even though it does look a lot like the one in the article, we've generally had no trouble with it. So far I've been quite happy with it, but none the less I'm still a bit worried that some day it might become self-aware.

  • (cs) in reply to Code Dependent
    Code Dependent:
    Grammars pointless
    sos punctuation


  • (cs) in reply to Utunga
    I'm responsible of writing a database view that takes about twenty pages to print out (if you leave out the comments) and whose sole purpose in life is to determine whether a user is allowed to access another user's data.
    My team uses Active Directory group membership for that.
  • (cs) in reply to dabit
    This really made me go..

    What? Really?

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