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It's 11:05 AM, do you know where your comments are?
Why won't my keyboard work?
If I were an administrator, I wouldn't want my archives filled with pics of goats- either.
Explaining technology to a University Dean is a futile effort at best. It's the combined effect of them being utterly clueless and too pig-headed to listen to a mere tech/student.
what was I just doing?
^---- markup fail ---^
I bet the JPEG was a renamed BMP...
TRWTF is the e-mail archive system that converts to PDF. Why not just store the actual MIME message?
Just think, tzveta's problem would never have arisen had he only had the foresight to go with a UNIX network in the first place.
TUWTF is that the above is an imperative statement but ends with a question mark.
"Oh wait," she said, "actually, I was using white on the previous page!"
Perhaps she was using white on a color background or over an image?
Or, what I've seen before, people thinking their desktop printer can print white onto colored stock.
This is why it's better to call users with root access, "super users".
"Do you have super powers? No? Then you're not super and cannot have root access on your computer, sorry.
When it comes to school administrators, you just have to be able to speak in terms they understand. Kindly point out to him that he inadvertently committed a fallacy of equivocation. Surely a school administrator would then be able to understand that term, and hence, the problem.
Or just call it "root" and they'll have not a clue what you mean and hopefully go away.
I told someone at work she committed a fallacy and I was reprimanded for sexual harassment.
Well, of course!! Mine has a cartridge of liquid paper in it!! Doesn't yours? O_o
Of course it won't - you need a black and white printer for that.
No, she had typed in a mistake on the previous page and had set her font color to white to overtype.
"If somebody asks if you have super powers you say YES!"
the point, it missed, you have.
My printer hasn't worked ever since I ran out of white ink. I'm pretty sure it's a conspiracy.
1: It sounds like the admin is just asking (not nicely) why he doesn't have proper privileges set up. It may just be the way the story is told, but it doesn't sound to me that he is clearly misunderstanding computer-based permission.
Someone had some goat porn, and then you deleted it. Ok, there's the aspect of it breaking the archiver, but that part of the story didn't really pan out.
Someone managed to call tech support before realizing they made a simple mistake and corrected it. Meh, it happens.
Unfortunately IRS does have OCR for this sort of thing
But I always root, root, root for the home team! I should get the proper privileges for that!
And make all the trees on campus a backdoor ... !
He was probably frustrated after telling off all those students storing game executables on the network.
Cool story, bro.
You mean REALLY broken?
Nope read the article. It seems pretty clear that the person doesn't understand the different between being a school administrator (read middle manager), and belonging to a computer security group/role having full rights to configure computers. In case you weren't aware these are 2 unrelated uses of the term administrator.
captcha: validus - Trust me we really are valid, just ignore the black hats.
i'd have just clarified with either "Network Administrator" or "Computer Administrator" or something similar, if they continue to insist that's them: ok, i'm off for lunch, let me know when you've fixed it
So did "We're All Administrators" really happen in a high school?
</joke> sorry it had to be done :P
It's a Heisenberg joke.
On white type...
User: I'm out of paper, what do I do? Admin: Do you have one last blank sheet? User: Sure do! Admin: Go to the copier and make 20 copies, that ought to get you through the job. User: Thanks, I'll do just that (walks over to copier...)
This would be even better if the copier was coin operated.
When troubleshooting computer issues, always suspect it is a hardware problem and check to see if is caused by the nut holding the mouse.
Can anybody read this? I don't think my keyboard is working!
Am i the only person who has a problem with an admin snooping around in user email? I work as an administrator myself and i would never do that both for legal reasons and out of professional integrity.
The admin saw that the archiving was stopping at a specific mail. He could just have moved that mail away without looking into it. Or he could talk to the user first to get permission.
Yes, i am aware that in many jurisdictions around the world it is perfectly ok for an admin to do that. I still despise it.
Where is the WTF in the Zoologically Educational story? For a researcher in caprine reproduction with no separate data storage, this is often the best option.
First: It's not a personal account, it's a COMPANY account. Second: In order to fix the problem, you have to understand the problem. In order to understand the problem, you have to examine the problem... see where that's leading?
Captcha: Insufficient Vespene gas.
Sounds like a reasonable expectation to me... it says "color printer" on the box, and white is a color, is it not?
I guess it's time for me to file a bug report at HP.com...
am I the only one who assumes the goat photo was maybe not sent by jane herself, but by a worm. maybe designed to crash/exploit the mailing service?