• gerg (unregistered) in reply to SeventySevens

    They had to write that rule... what does that tell you?

  • Munky (unregistered) in reply to SeventySevens
    Sorry to deuce on your parade, but this is straight from the eBay rules and policies:

    "Used underwear including, but not limited to, boxer shorts, panties, briefs, athletic supporters and cloth diapers (including diaper covers) are not permitted."

    yeah, anymore, but that they had to add that rule, means it got out of hand

  • sakasune (unregistered) in reply to JonC
    Okay I want THAT on my tombstone!

    Mod parent up! Oh wait, this isn't slashdot...

  • Chris (unregistered) in reply to sakasune
    Okay I want THAT on my tombstone!

    Mod parent up! Oh wait, this isn't slashdot...

    I'm thinking <life name="Chris" start="0x7C0" end="0x80C" captcha="paratus"/>

  • (cs) in reply to Anon
    Sorry to deuce on your parade, but this is straight from the eBay rules and policies:

    "Used underwear including, but not limited to, boxer shorts, panties, briefs, athletic supporters and cloth diapers (including diaper covers) are not permitted."

    Didn't check eBay Japan I bet?

    There is no eBay Japan - it was discontinued because Yahoo managed to dominate the market with their auction platform.

    Maybe we've discovered the reason why...

  • Digitarius (unregistered)

    I wonder if TOMBSTONE is an homage to the protagonist's server from Cryptonomicon?

  • (cs) in reply to Guest
    You have no sales. No what do you do?

    Give it away for free?

  • will (unregistered) in reply to SeventySevens

    You don't sell your used underwear you donate them to charity for $2 off your taxes http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9C01E5DE1631F935A25757C0A962958260&sec=&spon=&partner=permalink&exprod=permalink

  • Other Guest (unregistered) in reply to WhiskeyJack
    You have no sales. No what do you do?

    Give it away for free?

    No one will take it from you for free. Now what do you do?

  • (cs) in reply to lolwtf
    Phew, when I saw the headline, I was expecting some sort of error message carved into a tombstone.
    I saw one of those in the Colma cemetery once:

    "Here lies Wyatt Earp."

    Turned out he did; it was actually Tina Turner's dog, wrapped in a fur coat.

    Why do they hurt us with these lies? And why is Wyatt Earp buried in a Jewish cemetery in a seedy bit of San Mateo ("We love BART, but sure as hell we ain't gonna pay for it") County?

    Actually, I know the answer to that one.

  • der Kugelmeister (unregistered) in reply to Schnapple
    Jake Vinson:
    Sorry to deuce on your parade, but this is straight from the eBay rules and policies:

    "Used underwear including, but not limited to, boxer shorts, panties, briefs, athletic supporters and cloth diapers (including diaper covers) are not permitted."

    Jesus, how many times must this have come up for ebay to come up with an official policy for it?
    Especially the part about diapers.
    You've heard of Brazilian Fart Porn?

    Welcome to the world of German Diaper Porn.

  • seventy.times.seven (unregistered) in reply to SeventySevens

    That made it into the rules and policies for a reason.

  • O_o (unregistered) in reply to Other Guest
    Other Guest:
    You have no sales. No what do you do?
    Give it away for free?
    No one will take it from you for free. Now what do you do?
  • ben (unregistered) in reply to real_aardvark
    And why is Wyatt Earp buried in a Jewish cemetery in a seedy bit of San Mateo County

    Why a Jewish cemetery? Because his wife was Jewish and he's buried with her. Why Colma? You can't bury people in San Francisco, so Colma is the burial capital of the Bay Area. Everyone from Joe DiMaggio to Ishi is buried there.

  • (cs) in reply to O_o
    Other Guest:
    You have no sales. No what do you do?
    Give it away for free?
    No one will take it from you for free. Now what do you do?

    The government confiscates the money because they think it's going to terrorists. Now what do you do?

  • Dracolith (unregistered) in reply to SeventySevens

    It's true that there is eBay policy against sale of used underwear, but that doesn't really mean that people don't sell dirty underwear on eBay (used or not).

    And eBay may never know.

    Don't forget invited-bidder-only auctions, and mystery boxes.

    And bidders may be directed to auctions from outside of eBay, where they received more detailed information than the listing contained.

  • (cs)

    "Being sold on eBay" = Success?

    A secondary market in your product (which you don't control) is never good. Someone's going to pay money for your product...and it's not going into your pocket!

    These folks didn't know their technology and marketing history. An early example would be the Singer Sewing Machine Company. Over one hundred years ago, they bought second-hand sewing machines and destroyed them. They made sure that if someone wanted a sewing machine, then he/she would have to buy a new one from them.

  • (cs) in reply to Flash
    Over one hundred years ago, they bought second-hand sewing machines and destroyed them.

    Mr. Singer didn't have a daughter named Briar Rose, perchance?

  • You didn't ignore it did you? (unregistered) in reply to Liquid Egg Product

    Lobby the government to repeal terrorism laws

  • (cs) in reply to cconroy
    Phew, when I saw the headline, I was expecting some sort of error message carved into a tombstone.

    "Tombstone Message Goes Here..."

    or "Column not found: tblTombstone.fldEpitath"

    What???? When did Bobby Tables pass on?? His mother must be a mess...

  • N Morrison (unregistered) in reply to SeventySevens
    Sorry to deuce on your parade, but this is straight from the eBay rules and policies:

    "Used underwear including, but not limited to ... panties ... are not permitted."

    IIRC, in the UK (and Japan?) you can sell used girls' panties!
  • The Fake WTF (unregistered) in reply to SeventySevens
    Sorry to deuce on your parade, but this is straight from the eBay rules and policies:

    "Used underwear including, but not limited to, boxer shorts, panties, briefs, athletic supporters and cloth diapers (including diaper covers) are not permitted."

    You have to wonder who got stuck writing THAT policy...

  • (cs) in reply to Other Guest
    Other Guest:
    You have no sales. No what do you do?

    Give it away for free?

    No one will take it from you for free. Now what do you do?

    Slap a sign that says $50 on it and leave it unattended by the road.

  • (cs)

    I always sucked at math, but assuming that the serial number for their products was 9 characters long and that there could be digits in it and that all the letters were capitals, and assuming that I didn't screw up my calculations, the chance of having TOMBSTONE as your serial number is 1 to 254186856.

    These people should be playing Lotto.

  • Brunkeberg (unregistered) in reply to JonC

    I always smiled when I saw the tombstone of some dead woman called Elin at the cemetary (where I used to work). Might not make a whole lot of sense unless you know that "elin" in Finnish means "I lived" (or "organ" [not the instrument] but that's beside the point), so her tombstone basically said "Surname / I lived / 18xx - 19xx".

    In hindsight, I guess it doesn't take much to amuse someone who works at the cemetary.

    I just get my coat...

  • (cs) in reply to ThatGuy
    "Used underwear including, but not limited to, boxer shorts, panties, briefs, athletic supporters and cloth diapers (including diaper covers) are not permitted."

    Betcha that they included the part about diapers after some sickos tried to sell used (dirty) disposable ones in the past. Ewwwww!

    I also guess the folks on eBay Australia trying to sell thongs (called flip-flops in the US) are just SOL. :(

  • (cs) in reply to KenW

    Don't worry, you'll get to be first some time later.

  • (cs) in reply to RandomDreamer
    TRWTF is "TOMBSTONE" as the serial number. Someone must've seen in the future & predicted the outcome of this product...

    Or may be they have read the Cryptonomicon where tombstone is one of the servers used in the story.

  • SellNoSoup (unregistered) in reply to lolwtf
    Phew, when I saw the headline, I was expecting some sort of error message carved into a tombstone.

    They call it the blue-screen-of-death

  • tinele (unregistered) in reply to TakeASeatOverThere
    I always sucked at math, but assuming that the serial number for their products was 9 characters long and that there could be digits in it and that all the letters were capitals, and assuming that I didn't screw up my calculations, the chance of having TOMBSTONE as your serial number is 1 to 254186856.

    These people should be playing Lotto.

    No, they manually set that serial number. That's why everyone shut up when hearing it, and why they didn't need to look up.

  • Martin Hills (unregistered) in reply to Schnapple
    Danny V:
    Since when is having your stuff sold on Ebay a sign of success? When people are hawking your stuff on Ebay, it usually is some sign of failure right?

    That was the first WTF in the story - that no one other than the person writing the story quite understood that the item being sold on eBay was not really a sign of anything. People sell $100K cars on eBay, they also sell their dirty underwear.

    Wow! Some people really need to read what they type into their browser...this site is THE DAILY WTF!!!! Perhaps he was looking for TheRegister or something??? Nice one Schnapple

  • (cs) in reply to SeventySevens
    Sorry to deuce on your parade, but this is straight from the eBay rules and policies:

    "Used underwear including, but not limited to, boxer shorts, panties, briefs, athletic supporters and cloth diapers (including diaper covers) are not permitted."

    So if I have some celebrity like.. angelina jolie thongs in my possession I can't sell them on ebay? talkin' bout WTF :)

  • (cs) in reply to jaykay
    man, someone got out of the wrong side of bed this morning. wassa matter, someone outbid you on ebay?

    Shhh... Grownups are talking here. You and Danny V. go back over to /. and play with the other script kiddies.

  • RF (unregistered)

    Does anyone remember Tombstone pizza?

  • Randy Waterhouse (unregistered) in reply to RandomDreamer

    it's a reference to Cryptonomicon.

    catpcha: ARETHUSA

  • (cs)
    In an effort to gain marketshare, Initrode quietly built a new product — a network management appliance that out-featured and out-performed the competition's nearest equivalents. The R&D, testing, production, infrastructure, trade shows, demos, trials, last-minute feature additions, sales, and late nights had taken their toll on Chris W. and his colleagues, but they had built something they were genuinely proud of in the end.

    The launch went smoothly from a technical perspective

    Wait... WTF???
  • Worf (unregistered) in reply to TakeASeatOverThere
    I always sucked at math, but assuming that the serial number for their products was 9 characters long and that there could be digits in it and that all the letters were capitals, and assuming that I didn't screw up my calculations, the chance of having TOMBSTONE as your serial number is 1 to 254186856.

    These people should be playing Lotto.

    Except that some serial numbers are probably reserved - most serial number schemes aren't serially incrementing - part of the number is based on a date, others during a production run, etc., so not every serial number is equally probable. Also, it's possible during initial prototypes, marketing demos, customer test, and others, that they be given special serial numbers to indicate their status.

    This one, for example, is likely an internal engineering unit and thus was marked accordingly in the database. The unit was then sent out as a demonstrator or loaner unit.

    Also these special build units may not follow standard serial number conventions purely because they're special.

  • (cs) in reply to Schnapple
    Danny V:
    Since when is having your stuff sold on Ebay a sign of success? When people are hawking your stuff on Ebay, it usually is some sign of failure right?

    That was the first WTF in the story - that no one other than the person writing the story quite understood that the item being sold on eBay was not really a sign of anything. People sell $100K cars on eBay, they also sell their dirty underwear.

    Sometimes sales on eBay are a good sign, but only when there's a lot of them, and they're selling for a lot (preferably more than the actual list price of the item). The current generation of gaming consoles, for example.

  • (cs)

    ALL the "dirty gay guys" want to do that? Some gay guys think that is disgusting.

  • (cs) in reply to N Morrison
    N Morrison:
    Sorry to deuce on your parade, but this is straight from the eBay rules and policies:

    "Used underwear including, but not limited to ... panties ... are not permitted."

    IIRC, in the UK (and Japan?) you can sell used girls' panties!

    The panties from "used girls"? How well are the girls used? Oh, nevermind...

  • csm (unregistered) in reply to DWalker59
    ALL the "dirty gay guys" want to do that? Some gay guys think that is disgusting.

    Yes, it's only the "dirty" ones that want to do that. That's what makes them "dirty" in this context.

  • (cs)

    To every little good thing in life?


  • frustrati (unregistered) in reply to Chris
    Okay I want THAT on my tombstone!

    Mod parent up! Oh wait, this isn't slashdot...

    I'm thinking <life name="Chris" start="0x7C0" end="0x80C" captcha="paratus"/>
    It took a few days, but I finally found it. I knew I had seen it before... </life>

  • Helix (unregistered) in reply to curtmack
    Danny V:
    Since when is having your stuff sold on Ebay a sign of success? When people are hawking your stuff on Ebay, it usually is some sign of failure right?

    That was the first WTF in the story - that no one other than the person writing the story quite understood that the item being sold on eBay was not really a sign of anything. People sell $100K cars on eBay, they also sell their dirty underwear.

    Sometimes sales on eBay are a good sign, but only when there's a lot of them, and they're selling for a lot (preferably more than the actual list price of the item). The current generation of gaming consoles, for example.


  • cc (unregistered) in reply to SeventySevens

    It also isn't permitted for me to drink at work, but I don't see anyone stopping me!

  • rainer (unregistered) in reply to Chris
    People don't buy used boxer short, panties, etc., to wear.

    That's why ebay doesn't allow them to be sold. Don't they have a blanket ban on everything of a sexual nature?

    Since they're a US company, probably yes. There's a rumor here in Europe which says that in the US, reproduction does not happen naturally, but rather in some clean, sterile, high-tech-sci-fi way in a secret underground facility located in the desert and run by the CIA.

  • Lordy (unregistered)

    Similar thing happened when I was working at an ISP a few years back.

    We found a Cisco Router on eBay which had our logo on it and as we only lend and not sell these things we knew soemthing was wrong.

    Fortunately there was a Customer ID on the back which was readable on the pictures. Our database said that we had disconnected that customer a few weeks ago due to non-payment...

  • Xoebe (unregistered) in reply to SeventySevens

    Doesn't speak well of their sales force.

  • the real wtf (unregistered) in reply to SeventySevens
    Sorry to deuce on your parade, but this is straight from the eBay rules and policies:

    "Used underwear including, but not limited to, boxer shorts, panties, briefs, athletic supporters and cloth diapers (including diaper covers) are not permitted."

    Just out of curiosity, when you were researching this, were you selling or buying?

  • (cs) in reply to Steve
    Speaking of that, another thing I don't get is why anyone would name a frozen pizza company "Tombstone". I mean, in the original context it makes some vague amount of sense but as a national brand, that's a serious "WTF?" in and of itself.

    I'm not sure what you think the "original context" was; since it isn't mentioned in the article you linked. Perhaps you thought it was named for the ad campaign? That's not generally how these things work.

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