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Self referencing example...I love it! For more examples, see this.
The last one could easily pass for a Viking.
"Aaaaaaag! I will CRUSH you!"
This is a superfluous comment that has no valuable information but requires the reader (you) to get all the way to the end in order to realize this post really said nothing.
{Gratz on spelling superfluous correctly }
There is no error message. You didn't see anything. Please step into that car.
(*In a TV studio, this is a person responsible for the "graphics" that display on the screen)
Must be a tortured NFC East fan:
TheDailyWTF forum readers won't see this message. No! they won't! I am quite sure of that.
The services notice is shown by windows if you manually start a service, to keep you from wondering why it is still marked as not running in the list. Only slightly curious if you don't know the context.
The developer of the first one must've really been on something. That isn't even helpful for internal people to troubleshoot. I add in advanced options (only accessible to internals) that cause my applications to spew out all sorts of data, but that's helpful. I don't see how a dialog with that message would be of any use to anyone.
Invisible forms with that message, however...
Flashback. That reminds me of what I used to do in VB3 on Windows 3.1.
I'm pretty sure the first one is more likely a variant of if(foo){ doStuff(); } else if(bar){ doBarStuff(); } else{ // should never get here }
While cerr << "!foo && !bar => OH NOES!"; would have bee preferred, I'll take DisplayMessageToUser() over the comments.
depends on the keyboard really
See, the football wtf would be perfect if the QB was getting sacked.
you don't see this comment, in case you do see this comment pretend that you don't or else your name will be changed to AAAAGGG :)
Man, I remember seeing that Cowgirls shot! ESPN had quite a few times this season where they threw odd strings. I never thought to rewind a take a picture, tho...
I think I saw the 'aaaaaaag' thing at least once in every Monday-night game this season. It was like an easter egg to look for each week. Perhaps that's the default placeholder string?
i can see how i could lean on the 'A' key, but then hit the 'G' key accidentally? this is obviously the work of a mastermind, someone who is hacking the media and fudging players' names in an attempt to create mass hysteria and panic...
That's the famous quarterback, Steve Aaaaaag.
My guess is that the code looked like:
if(guardCondition) ..throw new Exception("User won't see this message. Calling method will display a more appropraite message instead...");
And then the client just did:
At least for Romo it said "Aaaaaag" and not "Jessica Simpson's Lap Dog"
The first Error'd is missing one important button:
But he wouldn't write "Aaaaaaag", he'd just say it!
Do you suppose he was taking dictation?
Well, let's see... you've got your full-auto, semi-auto, tiptronic, shiftless (continuous drive)... [[insert future technology 1 here]], [[insert future technology 2 here]]. I think that about covers it.
Isn't there a Saint Aauuuves in Dallas Cowboys?
No, no, it's Ooooogg... OOOOOOGG, at the back of the throat...
"The user won't see this message."
Obviously, an apprentice Jedi coder.
"You don't need to see the GUID."
"These aren't the records you are querying for."
Exceptions are not the way of the Jedi coder. Do or do not. There is no Try.
get Message Error(Buyer)!!
I think the graphic sums up my feelings on the current season. Anyone know where I can get a <!-- user cannot see this football team --> button for my TV?
He wouldn't bother to type 'Aaaaaaaggggg!', he'd just say it.
Maybe the writer died as he was typing it. (Whoever hasn't seen Monty Python and the Holy Grail should walk away)
Perhaps the graphics guy was dying as he entered in the text.
I just said that -_-
"This is what happens when you accidentally type in DisplayMesageToUser()" instead of "//"."
It's a common mistake. I mean, the keys are like, right next to eachother.
I don't work on a TV studio, nor am a highly paid "graphics guy" at a network station; but I usually can get the same results simply with my cat.
So this really is a real error. :)
Essentially, the service is running in the wrong security context and doesn't have permissions to get the data it needs to run, so it has no work to do. Gotta love the error message, though...
The Message Error(Buyer)!! was gotten and then gotten again. Some Message Error(Buyer)!! is gotten automatically if they have nothing else to get, for example, the Message Error(Buyer)!!.
Do you think they meant Castle Aaargh? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monty_python_holy_grail
You're almost three hours too late on that one.
No one noticed that if you had typed "DisplayMesageToUser()" instead of "//", you'd get a compile error? There is no "DisplayMesageToUser()" ...
Malkovich(Malkovich)!! Malkovich(Malkovich)!! Malkovich(Malkovich)!! Malkovich(Malkovich)!! Malkovich(Malkovich)!! Malkovich(Malkovich)!!
Has anyone made a Holy Grail reference yet? </sarcasm>
The PL&A message is a little superfluous, but there's a reason it's there. Other services also start and then stop which gives the same error message except with that service's name replacing the first PL&A. Without it, people would either just keep clicking start ("It didn't do anything when I pushed the button! I must not have pushed it, I'll push it again.") or believe it's an error condition ("It started and then stopped? What's wrong? WHAT AREN'T YOU TELLING ME?"). That message lets them know that things may be okay and gives a representative example.
Captcha: "ideo" ... hmm, "idio" might be more appropriate...
Not to mention the various options for the placement of the selection controls... I can think of 3 without trying: Ordinary centre console placement (T-Bar) Steering column Buttons on the dash (seen this in a Ford Transit).