• Gary Williams (unregistered)

    "Full Control" - they were lucky some user didn't just delete it.... What is it with people and not understanding permissions?

  • EngleBart (unregistered) in reply to bob
    Oracle? Man!

    Just use MySQL like everyone else.

    And of course he shouldn't have owned up! Next time the problem occurs, he can say, "I've been doing some testing and...", and be the hero.

    And he will keep backups of the TNS file on 12 directories on his local computer and on a USB drive. The next time it happens, just copy it back.

  • (cs) in reply to Spivonious
    Ha! I had this happen to me too. The Oracle 9i client removes the tnsnames file that is configured in the registry, whether it's local or not. But we had a backup so it wasn't a huge deal.

    It's fixed in 10g and up.

    No, it sn't. Had the same thing happen to me with the 10g client.

  • hash check (unregistered) in reply to md5sum

    McDonald's won't hire the smelly, unwashed homeless. Crazy I know.

    He is standing next to a McD's because people feel guilty about having a full belly and seeing someone else starving. He does not have to go very far for the $1 burger he is going to buy and at days end the food waste is in the dumpster right behind the store.

  • Jay (unregistered) in reply to wcw
    In re: the job market, the government collects data on it. Viz http://www.bls.gov/news.release/jolts.htm "Over the 12 months ending in February, hires totaled 48.3 million and separations totaled 51.5 million, yielding a net employment loss of 3.2 million."

    Three million people have a dry market to show you.

    Oh, but I forget: you are commenting on an internet board about a subject far afield from your competence.

    By all means, carry on.

    The original poster says that people are just unemployed because they are unwilling to relocate or take otherwise less-desirable jobs.

    You reply that he is wrong, which I presume means that no jobs are available under any circumstances, and you can prove it because ... drum roll please ... the number of unemployed people increased last month.

    Umm, so what? What does that have to do with anything?

    He could be 100% correct about why people are unemployed and the number could still go up. Like, if more people are getting more picky about what jobs they will take. Or, the overall desirability of jobs is falling, i.e. more people would have to move or take lower-paying jobs or whatever to remain/become employed. Or, extended unemployment benefits laws make it easier for people to continue holding out for a better job. Etc.

  • Sarge2009 (unregistered) in reply to ObiWayneKenobi
    These stories need to be written better to not give it away. The moment I read that he uninstalled the program and a minute later got a call saying "The database is gone" then I knew exactly what had happened.

    It still amazes me how utterly clueless some companies are, and how they can actually stay in business if people that stupid are running/working for them. If idiots can start businesses and make millions of dollars... think of how much money intelligent people could make?

    If only you could find some intelligent people? It has been my experience that it is much easier to find an idiot. :(

  • David (unregistered) in reply to Bluesman

    Bingo. That's what I was thinking too. Why would anyone give a mission critical system to a support desk employee and not expect things to break?

  • (cs)

    Since I first read this my mind has been stuck on if only people used configuration management system, like cfengine/bcfg2, they might not have problems like this. A deleted file could be replaced during a frequently schedule cron.

  • (cs) in reply to David
    Bingo. That's what I was thinking too. Why would anyone give a mission critical system to a support desk employee and not expect things to break?
    If people would only read the thread, this has been addressed multiple times. The file was on a network share. IE not on the local system. Any user with appropriate permission to the file uninstalling the client would cause the same problem.
  • TheRealMe (unregistered)
    Wonder if *nix installs would have suffered from the same/a similar issue?

    Actually, in my experience, sort of. Where I work we use a very particular version of some Linux libraries to link against and if you didn't know this and accidentally recompiled a program without checking that your links were right, KABOOM - gcc would refuse to compile and throw a crapload of errors in your direction.

    It didn't help that you needed to set the proper environment variables for the makefile to work....

  • (cs) in reply to UnemployedDeveloper
    Lesson for all? I wish I had one for you. Don't be made redundant at 50 or you may be 53 and using your over 25 years experience to stock store shelves after your marriage ends, your house is lost, your credit is in the toilet and your Internet access is limited to leached WiFi... Now, will that be paper or plastic?
    All I can say is I'm sorry it happened to you. Best of luck getting back on your feet.
  • ass (unregistered)

    another jackass new grad comes in thinking he's too good for where he is, fucks everything up and then still thinks it's someone else's fault. the real world isn't about a bunch of fucking phd's musing about algorithms, it's about getting shit done to make $$$.

  • eric bloedow (unregistered)

    this make me think of a story: someone found out that employees had been playing a game, "command and conquer", when they should be working. so she tried to delete it...by deleting everything containing the word "command"...need i go on?

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