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And someone criticizing him spelling a word wrong.
The real wtf is people writing websites in C++ or VB. Although these are general purpose languages, it's comparable to building a windows application in assembly. Sure you can do it, but why not use something that's a little more high level and more designed for the task.
I've built websites with Pro*C for a school project once, and that was no picnic. If you are going to build a website, use a language that was designed to build websites, such as ColdFusion or even PHP.
As he mentioned, there are legitimate uses for this. Hosting that doesn't support dynamic languages, etc. Caching would be a good use as well. For sites that rarely change but have a lot of traffic, it might make sense to auto generate the static pages from the dynamic backend whenever a change is made.
Also could've happened that someone bulid a dynamic site and then there were disagreements between the vendor and the client and the vendor would not allow the client to get the code. Someone probably went and used wget to grab all the pages on the site and make the site static.
...except doesn't it defeat the purpose to use .aspx pages to make a static snapshot? If they were .html they'd be static, but they're obviously not...
The convincing part should be relatively simple. Make a flowchart of the process you follow when something changes. All text in the flowchart should be set to 22pt. font, and printed out so that it is visible from 10 feet away. Then, make a flowchart of what you want to do, using the same criteria. I'm betting yours will fit on 8.5x11, the other one will fit on 85x110.
When in the meeting, ask him which one he would rather be beaten with, the convoluted flowchart or the beautiful design. Guess which one he goes with. If the process to make changes to a site is large enough to beat a man senseless, it's not the best process. And if he picks the huge process, he deserves to be beaten.
Besides, it's freelance anyway.
(actually I did something like that once, when I made the dynamic site static via wget, since the old web hoster wasn't going to let me take the source ;-)
Totally agree with you there Sticky. And if we had more developers that explained systems in this manner, we'd be a lot better off in the world. And for the record, you can still make the sight look "pretty" when you use PHP and MySQL as a backend. :)
That is just hilarious. Thank you, WTF, for wrapping a smile around my face every day.
Thank you, this was my point exactly.
Languages like Visual Basic make computer languages "less scary" to the average person.
I can't tell you how many times people tell me they can't figure out C# because it's too confusing "with all those symbols", and they prefer VB instead.
Look, Computer Programming is a mathematics and engineering field. If you're afraid of "all those symbols", you really have no business making software.
Software is used for important things. Your banks use it. Your cars use it. Your company uses it. Your airplanes use it. Your trains use it. Your hospital uses it. Your insurance company uses it.
Do you really want to trust these critical systems to people who are afraid of learning what a curly bracket does?
Hey now, I've written websites (CGI) in x86 Assembler before, simply because I had extra time. ... fastest cookie processing code you've ever seen. I've also used TCL, Perl, C, C++, Ruby, PHP, VBScript, JScript, Java, and Pascal. I'm probably forgetting some.
VBScript is really slumming it, but to a competent coder, it's no different than coding with a really bad standard library. Sure, the language is less expressive, but you simply revert to the way of doing things in the "old days." I definitely prefer it over ColdFusion's super specialized and super-proprietary "tag" coding, CFScript and CFC's.
VB is not always the wisest choice, but rarely is the decision up to the developers. Languages and tools are usually entrenched in corporate culture. It doesn't matter how good the tool is: If they're not using it, then neither can you. Developers rarely, if ever, can persuade the business. It would be nice to never work on a Microsoft platform project, but it's not always realistic in some regions of the country.
I still don't understand why people rag on Microsoft coding platforms. It's all about the quality of work the programmer puts out. I use .NET (C# and VB) daily for a high-profile site; the site is always up, the users are happy, the pages all validate (most of them to Strict) and we have increased our customers since migrating to strongly-coded .NET projects. It's also far easier to maintain than what previous programmers created.
I don't slam PHP or Java just because it's not my preference to use them. An idiot can produce garbage in any language, and Microsoft's Visual Studio suite has gotten to be quite effective and useful.
Speaking from experience, I doubt C++ would really be a barrier. If you diligently ignore all compiler warnings, use a debugger, and strictly fix or work around each bug as it is reported, just about anyone can get C++ code that runs for a given input data set. I've seen this more than once in a corporate setting.
Don't look at http://www.tntnet.org/ then. You can embed HTML in C++ or C++ in HTML, your choice. If you want to update a web page on your site, you literally recompile the web server (unless you made a dynamic web page which looks at the URL, reads the matching file from disk, and sends it out...).
It does a passable job of extending C++ to produce HTML. For example, it uses constructors and destructors to ensure XML tags balance:
{ Xmltag a("a", "href="http://worsethanfailure.com/""); cout << "WTF"; } // destructor emits ""
If you're looking for transparent encoding or escaping support, it's probably insufficient though.
Thats an idiotic argument. Programming is one thing, telling a machine what you want it to do. There are different levels of programming required for project complexities. Sally in accounting should be able to open up a VBA script in excel and write a script to make her job easier...and if she can't do it there should be a "programmer" on staff that can. That is the point of computers to MAKE OUR JOBS EASIER. Then there are professional grade applications that must be reliable, complete, and easy to use. For those application a "real" programming language should be used. But it's all programming. Get off your high and mighty horse... as a programmer your ONLY job is to make peoples lives easier any way you can, be it VBA,C#,JAVA,C++, COBOL or whatever other solution best fits the problem. I've found that good programmers can write good code regardless of the language and bad programmers will write bad code regardless of the language.
Of course not. They should be (and many probably are) in COBOL, MUMPS and RPG.
Or perhaps APL. After all if you want funny symbols in your programming language, you can't beat APL.
Can we argue EMACS v. vi next?
Stupidity is the Universal Meta-Language
Going two "directories" up means you go to the "internet directory" or something?! Pretty WTF...
ack... view source on this thing. I just noticed that there's no hidden viewstate field... this is just an html page that wants to be run on microsoft servers. In that way, its not so much of a wtf to open it up in dreamweaver - it's not really an asp.net app, after all.
There's also a big long chain of non-breaking spaces (for tabbing, obviously) and font abuse going on... Eeek.
"1"-s and "0"-s? Real programmers wire up the vacuum tubes by hand!
With all due respect, I could not disagree more. Software is most definitely used for important things. But, you know what? When I got out of college 10 years ago, I wrote an Access application for my parents to create invoices for their business. Mission-critical? Hardly. Useful, sure.
I would agree that I would not want someone poorly versed in VB writing the software that keeps our economic systems viable, but, as a CEO (which I'm not, thank God, but play along for argument's sake), I do not want to spend $300 an hour for an Anders protege to build some reports.
There is plenty of room for developers of all skill levels and expertise in our world. Some of us have moved beyond Access and VB to something bigger and better (and more complex), but that does not diminish either the value of people who still use those tools or the products they create. I am proud of the fact I invested a great amount of time and effort into learning to be a good developer and architect, but just because you can go out and buy a pneumatic nail gun, it doesn't make a hammer obsolete.
Besides, if we were all "brillant" developers, this would be a horribly boring site.
Well, that's not it, but that's not important.
I think English is your first language- your grammar is too much sloppy, and not enough wrong. It signals stupidity, not ignorance. But, since you use VB, we already got that message.
When I first got into web applications development, I was tasked with the maintenance of something exactly like this.
It was an online catalog of vet lab services my office offered for different animals, mainly blood work and the like.
Rather than create a conventional database, the "developer" (now senior project manager) opted to create ~1485 static html pages, with the relevant information on each one for the animal. When information needed to be changed for the services offered on that genus/species, the update was emailed to the developer, who updated the correct HTML file.
Each genus/species/subspecies/breed got its own HTML file. As you might imagine, in the veterinary world this is quite a collection!
Enters GGoon: After writing the mother of all extraction scripts, I loaded it into an oracle schema. I then created 10 JSP pages. Maintenance time went from ~3 months to update the entire catalog to about 5 business days.
Except that WorseThanFailure actually uses a URL rewriting scheme, not static pages.
P.S. Sucks to be outwitted by a foreigner in YOUR native language, huh? :))
First thought after reading the story (other than "wow, that's stupid) was I wondered how long it would be before some jackass blamed it on the fact it was VB.NET. Never mind this monstrosity could have been just as easily created in C#, Java, PHP, etc.
And, no, I use C#, so I'm not a VB homey defending it because I use it.
ED!!! ED is the STANDARD!!
I suppose the litany of HTTP* (i.e., HTTPResponse, HTTPRequest, HTTPCookie, etc.) objects in ASP.NET were never designed with the web in mind, were they?
Know a little something about what you're writing about before you type.
You're obviously a windows person. Only in windows does an extension very important. Either way, I can set up Apache on windows or linux and name my pages .wtf and still have them process using any language I like.
If all the aspx pages contain is static html and there is no aspx handler defined, then the pages are static.
I'd bet some nominal number of dollars that this site was once dynamic, but had to be "captured" due to some kind of falling out with a developer, ISP, hosting service, etc.
Whoa... CGIs in Pascal. Was there something driving that choice of language, or was it (like the x86 Assembler) just "because you could"?
rumpelstiltskin has been owned.
FWIW, a quick and dirty fingerprinting (i.e. reading the http headers of a get request) of the Equilib site suggests that it is running IIS6 with asp.Net (and therefore probably are parsed by the asp parser - of course, assuming it's lacking dynamic <% // asp code %> tags it might as well be static for the difference it makes)
(and yes, I know it could be apache faking the headers, but...do you really think so? really?)
My guess is the developers sold a static site, but used an in-house templating system to simplify the development. Sometimes TRWTF is us, presuming to second-guess without a knowledge of the architecture or circumstances.
Still, I'd love to know the real reason!
amen to that brother!
This is one of those WTF's that gives you a migraine, and makes you want to cry. No, really.
I hate idiotic web developers, because they get fired and I have to take over their messes.
I'd rather sell my fat ass for crack money than have to maintain some bonehead's half-broken web app.
No kidding. Only real programmers understand that using the most complicated tool for the job makes the most sense. That is why I use a Japaneese Keyboard and no mouse. </sarcasm>
While every programmer who gets a boner over managing his own memory is debugging an incorrectly cased variable reference or a missed semi-colon there is a VB programmer out there that understands that programming is about producing software. The irony is that this type of programmer will obsess over the 80th level of abstraction in his data models yet scorn the very concept of letting a FRAMEWORK do his garbage collection. Snort!
I wish people would stop making it easier for platform snobs like you to post.
I think this qualifies as the Burn of the day. OUCH!
captcha: burned - No freaking kidding. Even the dang blog software felt the heat offa that one.
I think we've found a programmer who doesn't grasp the concept of variables. The mind boggles.
That "pages" directory is in fact the cache.
You're obviously NOT a Windows person, purporting to know something that you don't actually understand. Extensions can be mapped to anything in Windows. And dreamweaver can be forced to open any file type, just like any other text editor out there.
Apache is not special in being able to handle whatever file extension you throw at it. On the contrary, I'd argue it's easier to configure IIS for that. It can be done either by directly editing the metabase and adding one line or via the simple GUI interface at the server or application level. Our servers treat files with the .ddt extension as asp.net files, for one of our internal sites. It took me all of 20 seconds to set that up in IIS 6 and then export the config to copy it to the other servers in the farm.
And guess what? Looking at the headers, you'd think the system was running Apache. You Apache people think IIS can't do everything your beloved Apache can... Think again...
That's what Actinic e-commerce does. The management software has an Access database with all the product details. When you upload, it constructs static pages for all the products based on template fragments and the contents of the database. Finally it throws a couple of Perl scripts into /cgi-bin/ to handle the shopping cart.
Makes sense in the context of old hosting that only gave you static HTML and a cgi-bin, really it does. These days, though...
Java (J#) is a CLR compatible laguage
A true WTF!
I'm curious. Why are so many people convinced this is VB? It's true that the chances are high, but I can't see anything that identifies the language one way or another.
Would you name your files with .vb at the end if they weren't VB?
Probably because it's running on a hosting provider who won't let them change IIS to map everything to aspnet_isapi.dll therefore need the .aspx so that it hits the URL rewriter in the first place.